Practice 4 Transcript

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Hello, I'm Andrew Hales, I'm here with Robert Rob. Rob?


You're a lawyer?

That's right, yeah.

How long have you been a lawyer?

This is my 7th year of practice.

What's your specialty?

I guess so, I'm a civil litigator and I focus on advertising claims and specifically cases involving false
And within that there are sort of two industries that I focus on.

One of them is nutritional supplements. So claims about labeling on a supplement you might buy,

for example, if you buy a pre workout supplement and it says it will give you a result that it can't give you
because there's no science or it says there's an ingredient in it that actually is not in there.

Or maybe there's an ingredient that is in there that's not disclosed anything like that.

There are laws that protect somebody who buys something with a misleading labeling claim.

So that's one sort of niche area that I work in,

and the other area is social media marketing and influencer marketing.

And it's sort of a new area. Influencer marketing has only really been around for like the last five years or
But the FTC regulates how the advertising around social media ads work

and there's a whole series of disclosures that they require if you're using influencers to market a product

and it's changing all the time. The FTC comes out with new rules all the time.

So it's important for people in that space to make sure they're complying or else they're setting
themselves up for potential problems.
You've done it on contingency, what's it usually like 15% commission?

It varies. It really does depend on what kind of case it is, but I don't. think

what's the biggest case you've done or lawsuit that you've won? I guess.

For the first six years of my practice, I was at a large law firm

and big firms that do civil litigation pretty much always do defense side

because their clients are either high net worth individuals or big companies that can afford big firm rates.

So they'll still do some of the suing, but most of it's defending.

And the cases I worked on, I'm not sure what the biggest one is, but tens of millions of dollars were at


That's pretty normal for firms of over 1000 people.

Where did you go to law school?

UC Davis.

Okay. How many years is it?

It's three years.

And that's after your bachelor's. Is that hard?

Yeah, law school is well, I guess.

Like Reese Witherspoon can do it.

Yeah, exactly. That was my inspiration. So law school, I really enjoyed it and I'm not bullshitting.


I think that people make it harder on themselves than it needs to be.

There's sort of a system you can figure out of how to not burn yourself out and manage your time.

I think the biggest skill you learn in law school is time management and being able to discipline yourself

so that on those weeks where the work really needs to be done. You can sit down and get through it,

but not overwhelm yourself with going over and over every single thing that's assigned to you.

That's how people stress themselves out and how people say that law school is so awful,

but if you manage your time well I had more free time in law school over the course of the year than I did
in college.

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