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The morality

of family
By: Ma Lourdes Abella
What is family planning?
It refers to a program that enables
couples and individuals to decide
freely and responsibly the number
and spacing of their children

also refers to the will and ability

of a parent to respond to the needs
of the family .
Right to responsible
Moral and inviolable power is put into
the hands of Filipino couples,
particularly mothers

As persons do, hold, or demand

something as their own, under the
mandate of R.A. No. 10354.
right to self-

Every Filipino couple has the moral right to

determiningwhat is good for themselves and
for their family.

e.g., the burden of women in pregnancy and

Right to
informed choice
Filipino couples may demand the necessary
information they should know about their
reproductive health problems so that a moral
choice can be made.

i.e., other forms or methods of family planning

Right to reproductive
health care
Couples should have access to the full
range of methods and supplies that
contribute to reproductive health

Also includes sexual health, which is

the enhancement of life and personal
right to determine
one’s own ideal
State shall equip parent with the necessary
information regarding all aspects of family life.

Parents should bring forth to the world only

those children whom they can raise in a truly
humane way.
right to choose
family planning
Under their religious convictions and cultural
beliefs, taking into consideration the State’s
obligation under various human rights and
right to ethical reproductive
health services
Parents may avail themselves of
ethical and medically safe, legal,
accessible, affordable, non-
abortifacient, effective, and quality
promotion of people’s right to health.
Family planning
Natural Methods
e.i., rhythm or calendar method, ovulation
method, withdrawal, and abstinence.

Artificial Methods
e.i., condoms, vaginal foam, contraceptive
justifications 1. A woman should be healthy before
attempting to get pregnant

for and 2.
Adequate food, clothing, and shelter can
be provided for each child and maximum

benefits of chances for a university education cen be


family 3. Having well-secured and organized family

planning 4.
A well-planned family and a happy home
will last for a lifetime
Parents should be accountable for the
1. upbringing, nurturing, training, discipline,
and education of their children.

Parental 2.
Parental failure is a sin of omission and
commission against God and humanity.

Responsibility 3.
family planning must have been a
purposive part of the grand design of
human creation.
Humans are naturally inclined to preserve
1. lives

Application of 2.
It is the bounden duty of mothers to take

ethical good care of their reproductive health.

Treating oneself only as a means is to
3. leave one’s health condition to the blind
forces of nature

A mother of 5 children came from the clinic and

then asked for contraceptives.

- For morality of family planning I'll help her to

cope with her problem, I'll explain to her the
different types of contraceptives and how to
apply them and lastly, I'll help her to choose
which contraceptives will she be going to apply
to. for example: Implanon.
Thank you!

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