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Name: ___________________________ Grade: VI Div: A/B Date: ____________

Subject: SST Topic: Revision Worksheet

Q1. Fill in the blanks

1. A person who studies and records the events of the past is called a .....................
2. Bronze was discovered when man mixed copper with ..............
3. Rigveda is a collection of ......................
4. Knowledge passed on orally is known as .................
5. The Mauryan capital was situated at .......................

Q2. State whether the following are true or false

• Fire was discovered in the stone age – ____________
• The Aryans in the early Vedic period used iron ploughs – ___________
• In Jainism and Buddhism all castes could attain moksha – ___________
• Buddhism became a major religion in countries like Germany - ___________
• There were frequent wars among the mahajanapadas – ___________
• Bindusara was Ashoka’s successor – ___________
• Wind farm is a conventional source of generating energy – ___________
• History is based on the evidence called source material. - ___________

Q3. Choose the correct option

1) During the stone age
1) Man designed various tool
2) Designed airplanes
3) Made handicrafts

2) All written records of the past are

1) Literary source material
2) Clay tablets
3) Manuscripts

3) The Buddha delivered his first sermon at

1) Vaishali
2) Sarnath
3) Bodh Gaya

4) Magadha was a monarchy, while Vajji was a

1) Shreni
2) gana-sangh
3) republic

5) Hydel-power stations are not located at

1) Rajasthan

Q4. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences

1. How did domestication of animals benefit early man ?
2. What is the origin and meaning of the word ‘ Veda’

3. Name three regions in India where Jainism became popular


4. Name any five Mahajanapadas

5. Name some of the alternative sources of energy

Q5. Answer in Brief

1. Write briefly about Lion capital and its significance.

2. Why did the rulers of the mahajanapadas maintain standing army and fortify their capitals?

3. Explain why agriculture flourished in in Mahajanapadas


4. What are some of the ways that Energy can be saved?



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