Letter of Enquiry

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Letter of enquiry

Your boss asked you to find a conference room in the Alps where he wants to organize an
international meeting with foreign business partners. You see the following advertisement in a
local newspaper and decide to write a letter of enquiry to get more detailed information.

Your letter should include at least three of the following points or at least two of the following
points and one other aspect related to the topic.

 ask for more details about the facilities and attractions,

 explain what your company expects from the venue,
 ask about costs and discounts,
 ask for accommodation
Before starting the letter, decide on the order in which you think the points should be included as
well as an appropriate introduction and close. Include your address and the address of the
recipient, also the reference line, date, salutation and closing formula. Please write at least 150


 I am writing on behalf of – piszę w imieniu
 I am writing to enquire about – zwracam się z pytaniem o
 I am writing with regard to – piszę w związku z
 I am looking for a place to organize – szukam miejsca, w którym mogę zorganizować
 Your product was recommended to me by – Państwa produkt został mi polecony przez
 I have some doubts concerning – mam kilka wątpliwości odnośnie
 I require additional information on – potrzebuję dodatkowych informacji na temat
 I would like to know more details about – chciałabym znać więcej szczegółów
 I would be grateful if you could provide me with the answers for my above-
mentioned queries – byłabym wdzięczna, mogąc otrzymać odpowiedzi na powyższe
 Thank you for your assistace in this matter – dziękuję za pomoc w tej sprawie
 Thank you in advance for considering my request – dziękuję z góry za uwzględnienie
mojej prośby.
 I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible – oczekuję odpowiedzi tak
szybko jak to możliwe
 Yours faithfully – z poważaniem (bez wymieniania nazwiska konkretnej osoby)
 Yours sincerely – z poważaniem (jeżeli list kierujemy do konkretnej osoby)


Joanna Mach
Warsaw, Sun Street 16
tel. 123 456 789

Eva Braun
PO Box 374, Aschau
MA 014463, Germany

Dear Mrs Braun,

I am writing with reference to your advertisement in a local newspaper. I would like to ask a
couple of questions concerning your conference rooms. I must admit that your venue appears to
be compelling, but I have some doubts in terms of your offer.

First of all, my company would like to organize a two-day meeting for thirty people and we need
to make sure that the hotel can provide high-quality service. We require a modern and well-
equipped conference room with catering for our participants. Could you please let me know if we
are allowed to select our own menu?

It would be useful for us to know what kind of attractions and facilities are available in your hotel.
Not only do we want our guests to take part in meetings, but also relax afterwards. It is not clear
to me if the price includes the costs of accommodation. Furthermore, I would appreciate it if you
could send me an estimate with discounts you offer.

I would be grateful to receive more details as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in
this matter.

Yours sincerely,
Joanna Mach

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