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Welcome to Kooth’s March newsletter for education professionals.

We hope you’re
keeping well!

Kooth offers 24/7 instant access to anonymous and personalised mental health support to
young people across the UK. We’re available outside of school hours and during school
holidays, complimenting the support that you already provide through your safeguarding,
MHST and Pastoral teams.

Take a look at our promotion hub for education professionals for our full range of resources
that are there for you to share with students, including our support guides on anxiety, self-
injury and suicidal thoughts.

If you’d like a free, in-person visit to your school or college, we can deliver a
bespoke mental wellness assembly or staff training for you. Please contact Chloe at

KoothTalks training webinars for staff

This month we’re offering free KoothTalks training webinars on the topic
of “Overcoming mental health stigma in Muslim communities”.

Click here to book your place

Don’t worry if you can’t make these times - just fill in the short form and we’ll send
you the recording to watch in your own time).

With Ramadan beginning on the 11th March with a month of fasting during daylight
hours, an email from a Headteacher in Hackney underlines the need to provide
education and guidance on navigating mental health challenges within religious
"As Ramadan approaches, it's crucial to recognise and address the unique mental
health challenges that young Muslims may encounter during this sacred time.

The statistics you shared are alarming and underscore the urgency of providing
resources and spaces for young Muslims to address their mental health needs. It's
heartening to see organisations like Kooth stepping up to offer a safe environment
for individuals to seek assistance without fear of stigma.

It’s important that other education professionals recognise the impact and
importance of addressing mental health for young Muslims, especially during such
significant times as Ramadan.”

Your future training needs

We’re keen to provide training throughout 2024 that is designed around your
needs. Click here to let us know what mental health topics would be of most interest
to you.

Mental health support direct to classrooms

For your class, we offer 30 minute broadcast live-streamed sessions to coach

students through a range of mental health topics relevant to their age group.

We will be tackling exam stress for secondary and college students in April and
coping with anxiety during SATs for year 6 primary students in May.

In May we are also offering live streamed sessions for all year groups about staying
safe online.

Book our April exam stress webinar

Book our May online safety webinar

Book our May Year 6 SATs webinar

If you’d like to let parents know a bit more about Kooth, we’ve drafted a letter
template for you to send here.

Support for parents and carers

In April we’re also running webinars specifically to help parents and carers support
children sitting exams. Please let parents know about this free session, especially
if they are worried about their child’s anxiety:

Link to share with parents in school emails or on parent portals:

Mon 22 Apr. 1-2pm

Thu 25 Apr. 6-7pm

Children's Mental Health Week

Over CMHW, we spoke to nearly 70,000 young people across the UK, letting them
know that their voice matters! Our Engagement Leads were extremely busy
delivering school assemblies, workshops and virtual sessions, encouraging young
people to use their voice and break mental health stigmas.

We want to say a massive thank you to all the teachers and staff that made it

Find out what the theme ‘Your Voice Matters’ meant to the incredible students at
Handsworth School in Birmingham. Watch this short video of them getting stuck into
their Kooth workshop.

Qwell Update

Qwell will be closing registrations for any new users in this region on March
31st. Any existing users will be gently transitioned out of the service by May and
Kooth will be working with the local community services to provide a smooth
transition to ensure that users are appropriately referred to other services in the area.

We are the largest provider to the NHS for digital mental health services and the
largest contributor to the MHSDS. Our youth and adolescent service is available to
over 62% of all children and young people in the UK. Our adult service is available in
over 20 regions across the UK. Alongside this, we deliver pioneering research and
work to establish the evidence base for Kooth to contribute to best practice in digital
mental health innovation - which is really important to us. As a BACP-accredited
service, we have developed bespoke, clinically validated measures around peer-to-
peer interaction and a single-session therapeutic model.

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