51 Principles and Practice of Auditing Repeater 2014 15onwards

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5r sM - 507
Vl Semester B.Com. Examination, May/June 2019
(Repeaters) (2014-1S and Onwards)
Paper - 6.2 : Principles and practice of Auditing
Time :3 Hours Max. Marks: 100

lnstructions : Answers should be written comptetety either in

Kannada or in English.


1. Answer any 10 sub-questions. Each sub-question carries 2 marks. (10x2=20)

oln{cnddro t 0 *d-dd$eri e,!EoA. go wd ddf 2 eeodd$b.
a) Give the meaning of internal check.
erodod gieuofrd ert'rdd1eerc.
b) What is meant by error of principle ?
ddo iouodd d{aodde& ?

c) What do you mean by professional ethics ?

{g oee aodded: ?
d) State any two advantages of audit programme.
eid* dodoedoa aoo$rgab coeegdo$ ohdlooddo add: gioloeedrlddloe,rr.
e) What do you mean by preliminary expenses ?
agdopd d{,i$ aodde$ ?

What is an auditor's civil liability ?

eJd* dodoeddd oadod dodrooddq;b aodde$ ?

s) What do you mean by unclaimed dividends ?

dd.>*:oqia$d enqrood aoddeab ?

sM - 507 -2- llillillllllllilillllillllillil
h) What is audit report ?
c3{ dodoeddo$ dda aodde& ?

i) State the classifications of liabilities of a company auditor.

d odo oC eJd* dodo dddd do dna
e od dd d n r edd ea rlddl oe,l.
j) Distinguish between vouching and voucher.
{ddaioad aado d;oad md.grlsJ dd.rd droard Eexr.

k) State any four methods of depreciation.

dddq drla1>d oSndcnddo anu:* aqndrtddleqtu.

l) How is the first auditor of a company appointed ?

dradr uodaad iodo$ dode; eJ{ dodoedddddlderi deardorrrEd ?


Answer any four of the following. Each question carries 8 marks. (4x8=32)
dr ddnd dndoadd,a 4 ddfpri enodoxr. de ddf 8 erodddc.
2. State the contents of audit note book
eJd* dodoeddo$ r"3{cd dddd erodrlddleexr.
3. Write a note on vouching of cash received from debtors.
ebcdrleod dddr
ledodddr d,@edam daipadoc arrl uocb u3{d srdor:0.
4. How is secret reserve created ?

dd{ aredq: ded {.ryde,r"d:$d ?

5. Briefly explain the detection and prevention of frauds.

d o r3d o$ d1 dE d?$Jd d: ob* d d rl o^u;dl dd1 d o *$ aa R Dd o&.

6. Explain briefly the duties of company auditor.

dodoo$ eld* dodoeddd ddrdriiddldo$EmR &do&.
llilllllllllllillllllilllllilllill .s- sM - 507


Answer any 3 of the following. Each question carries 16 marks. (3x16=48)

€l ddnd c>doadd,o 3 d#eri w$0r,. 9s dd/ 16 erodrl$b.

7. Explain the audit procedure of educational institutions.

ad;o n o{rid dd* d o do e dd o$ O_ ud>doisJ ero d ! d: rlddl ado,tr.

8. What are the steps to be followed by an auditor before the commencement of

a new audit.
doio'afl eJd* dodoeddotQ rydopiod dndw eid* dodoedd$ qedrdoisieod
gabd$ orndrd; f

9. Briefly explain the various methods of depreciation and bring out the duties of
an auditor in this connection.
iddq drid)d acndrldQ.ado& dl* dr douot'dO_eJd* dodoefrdd ddrdrrlddladox,.
10. Give an explanatory note on the appointment, remuneration and tenure of
company auditor.
dodp eJd* dodoefrdd deubrae, doqndd oarle erdeo$ u{oddma{d r^3*do$d1oea.

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