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1Radio check

Case 1- how to give radio check

Delhi Tower VT- ABC On 121.9 HOW DO YOU READ

Case2- When readability scale is 1 or Atc didn’t Responded

Delhi Tower, VT- ABC Read you 1

Changi over to next ATC

Delhi Control VT-ABC Neg CTC With Delhi Twr How do you Read

Del Twr VT-ABC Req ATC Clr

3 Time Check
Case-1 One A/c calls you
VT-AI123 Go Ahead

Case-2 One A/C Req you for time Check

IFLY 666 VT-ABC Time is on hour

4 Pushback Clearance
Delhi Ground VT-ABC
Stnd 5 SCC POB

Priority Dep
Delhi Twr VT-ABC Stnd 5 SCC Pob Req priority S/U Due human organ on board
Info D
5 TAXI Clearance
Delhi Ground VT- ABC STND 5 Req Taxi Info D

6 Line up
Delhi Twr AI 123 HS Rwy 90 Req Line Up

7 Departure Clr
DEL Twr AI 123 Lined up rwy 90 Reday for dep
AI 123 Clr for T/O Rwy 90

Case2 If you said Clr for Dep instead of saying Ready for Dep ATC will say CNFM Ready For
T/O then you are going to say A rm

8 Position Repot
Delhi Acc AI 123
Psn Ikaba 1030 A474 FL320 Est Gudum 1040 nxt est Idola 1050

1-adding Ats route is not mandatory in case if you are passing two est

When to give position report

1- whenever Atc ask you
2- At any designated Point
3- Whenever we Change to next Atc will give position report

Note for ETA

if IFr use Nav AID of that AD
If Vfr Use name of that Aerodome
9- Non Compliance of RNAV
Mumbai Twr VT-MLP at waypoint 1 Passing Fl50 Unable RNAV
Due Gps failed
Req Amended clr

10- WX Deviation
Case -1 Rerouting


Psn Pra 1030 A474 Fl320
Will alter crs fm psn due wx ahead
Will reroute via w75 Fl 310 IID W10S Fl320 to SG will
RNN thereafter Revised ETA BBB 1120 Total EET 0300
END 0430 Req Clr

Case -2 Deviating BAD WX

Chennai Acc VT-ABC psn Idaso 1010 P761 F350

Wx dev req deviating 35nm S/R of P761 will y o set
20Min then Will Rejoin at Basop Est Basop 1050 Revised Eta
PPB 1100
Total EET 0300 End 0400 Req Clr
Note- Pan pan pan if ATC is busy

Case - 3 weather Contigency Procedure- When No ATC is in

CTC and Some other Problem
All station All station in vicinity of IDASO
VT-ABC on 121.5Mhz Psn Idaso P761 Fl350 deviating 25Nm R/S
of P761 Due wx will mntn Fl350 till 10Nm them will Rejoin at
Basop at Fl350 All external light and TCAS on Keep a look out

Note- Will Give All station call

Apply Sand Rule

South- Ascend
North- Descent

Flying Easterly Rigt. +300ft

Flying Easterly Left. -300ft
Flying westerly Right. -300ft
Flying Easterly Left. +300ft

Points to remember:-
1-Amount of deviation 15 Nm + height of CB
2-Side of deviation will be opp of movement of CB
3-Bing on route corridor We y same assigned ight level
3-after coming out of route corridor Will y according to SAND Rule
4-Then will y o set then will re join our Ats route
5- without ATC permission we cannot change the level and ATS route thus will deviate

Case -4 Airspace Closed

Delhi Acc jet airways 169
Psn gudum 1310 A474 Fl320
Will alter cra fm present psn due AAE Airspace closed will
Rerouvia DCt to IBANI On trk 120 Fl310 w20s to BPL them DCt
to Troni on Trk 190 Fl320 G450 to BBB Est BPL 1310 Est Troni
1320 Revised ETA 1400 Total EET 0300 END 0430

Points to remember
1-Best way to avoid by rerouting/ deviating
2-In case of CB height is given avoid CB by climbing
3-Always Reroute/deviate of opp side of the movement of CB
4-upto next two designated points if there is any route xing
then route xing est is also yo be added along with two
designated point in sequence
4- Xing est is not to be given in normal psn reports calls
5- If any Airspace has been closed that closed Airspace should
be treated like CB only
6- if in the area of closed Airspace verticle sep is applicable
then avoid closer by changing the levels nd if applicable will

Semicircular Rule

Vfr ight till Fl-150 above only ifr can y

Westerly Tfc - Even FL levels

Easterly Tfc - Odd FL Levels

1- Always makes changes minimum possible changes

2- Semicircular Rule is only Applicable while Cruising/ St level

3- In case of clim/ descent we do level change

When there is any problem given Apply PPP formula.

Position yourself + understand your Problem them Plan

Rule for ETA
1- Whenever Eta change by +/- 3mins will report it as Revised ETA
Total EET total elapsed time
2-Endurance keep higher than Total EET

3- Total EET and End we provide when igt time increases


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