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5.1 Functional Specifications of Model 902 ISE . ............................................. 5-1

5.2 Outline of ISE Unit...................................................................................... 5-2

5.3 Configuration of ISE Hardware................................................................... 5-5

5.4 ISE Measurement Sequence ..................................................................... 5-6

5.5 ISE A/D Conversion ................................................................................... 5-8

5.6 Flow Path Diagram................................................................................. See section 3.

5.7 Time Chart ................................................................................................. 5-9

5.8 Cross Wiring Reference ............................................................................. See section 11.

5.9 Circuit Diagrams........................................................................................ See section 12.

5. ISE

5.1 Functional Specifications of Model 902 ISE

Item Specification
Measurable samples Serum, urine, blood
Measuring temperature 35 ± 2°C
Throughput Continuous measurement 100 samples/hr max.
Measurement system Dilution to 1/50 Sample volume: 10 µL
Dilution volume: 490 µL
Data accuracy Data reproducibility Simultaneous reproducibility:
Serum CV ≤ 1%
(N = 30) Urine CV ≤ 2%
Data accuracy Normal standard serum:
Na, Cl ±1.5 mmol/L
K ±0.1 mmol/L
Measuring concentration Serum Na : 80 to 180 mmol/L
range K : 1.5 to 10 mmol/L
Cl : 60 to 120 mmol/L
Urine Na, Cl : 10 to 250 mmol/L
K : 1 to 100 mmol/L
Maintenance Rinsing operation Kind : Daily
Method : Automatic, pipetting from sample
Reagent priming Internal standard, reference electrode
Potential measurement Measurement of electromotive force of
Na/K/Cl in stand-by status
Sampling Upon simultaneous Priority given to ISE for calibrator, routine
request for photometry sample and control sample
and ISE
Printout Upon independent request Data printed out immediately after
for ISE calculation

5.2 Outline of ISE Unit

Sample disk

Sample/rinse solution

Reaction disk SIP nozzle

Sample diluent

Internal Diluent

Reagent disk
Sipper syringe

Reference electrode solution Drain

Fig. 5-1 ISE Principle

(1) Movement of Reaction Disk (Model 902)

Cell rinse

Reaction disk Diluent/internal standard

Sample/rinse solution

ISE aspiration nozzle Reagent nozzle path

The reaction sequence consists of processes carried out while the reaction disk provided
with 48 cells turns one revolution on 48 cycles.

The processes are classified into operation process and measurement process.
Process Work Photometry ISE Cell Position
Operation Sample pipetting • • 1
Reagent pipetting/stirring • • 18
(R1, R2, R3)
Electrode aspiration • 7
Cell rinse • • 38 to 47
Measurement Cell blank measurement • 26
Reaction monitor photometry • 26

For ISE analysis, two cells are required for each sample (one cell for sample and the
other for internal standard solution).

No. Operation Sequence Photometry Internal
1 S pipetting into cell 1 and R3 pipetting into cell • •
2 Stirring of cell 18 at same position •
3 12-step feed and R2 pipetting into cell 6 •
4 Stirring of cell 6 at same position •
5 5-step feed and R1 pipetting into cell 1 • • •
6 Stirring of cell 1 at same position • •
7 Measurement at cell position 26 which passes •
optical axis at intervals of 18 sec and data
8 Aspiration of solution at cell position 7 into • •
electrode after 6-cycle turning
9 Rinsing of cell after lapse of 10-minute reaction • • •
time at cell position 38 to 47
10 Feed of cell 48 to S pipetting position • • •
11 Repetition of no. 1 to 10 on 18-second cycle •

(2) Mechanical Operation when Sample is Short

Condition of Sample Sipper Internal

Alarm ISE Diluent Data Output Standard
Aspiration Aspiration
Occurrence Solution
(A) × × × × ×
(B) O O × × O

For details of (A) and (B), refer to the specifications of the sample probe.
(Sample probe alarm occurrence conditions and mechanical operation)

(3) Error Handling

Upon occurrence of error in ISE hardware, WARNING or STOP alarm is issued.

For the sample already pipetted into the cell, data is not output if an error occurs before
sipper aspiration (because data is not verified).

(4) Mechanical Operation when Reagent is Short

ISE Diluent Internal Standard

Reagent Short Aspiration Solution Aspiration Sipper Aspiration Data Output
ISE diluent ×* O × ×
Internal standard  ×* × ×

* Aspiration/discharge is conducted if a liquid level sensor is provided.

5.3 Configuration of ISE Hardware

ISE Hardware Configuration

(G = 1) (G = 20) ADC control Software
Na electrode (Vn) MPX (G = 1) (G = 1)
K electrode (Vk) Vout ADC DPRAM Driver Application
Cl electrode (Vc)
Ref electrode (Vr)
Reference voltage (V2)
Reference voltage (V8)
Reference voltage (V0) ADC controller

(1) The ADC controller converts the analog values of the ISE electrodes and reference
voltages (V2/V8/V0) to digital ones upon receiving an instruction from the application via
the driver and stores the digital values into the DPRAM (dual port RAM). The values are
taken into the application via the driver.

(2) The application accesses the driver, but does not control the ADC directly.

(3) ADC input value Vout is as follows.

(a) When MPX selects Na electrode Vout = -20 × (Vn - Vr) + Vos [mV]

(b) When MPX selects K electrode Vout = -20 × (Vk - Vr) + Vos [mV]

(c) When MPX selects Cl electrode Vout = 20 × (Vcl - Vr) + Vos [mV]

(d) When MPX selects Ref electrode Vout = -Vr + Vos [mV]

(e) When MPX selects reference voltage (V2) Vout = 2,000 ± 5 [mV]

(f) When MPX selects reference voltage (V8) Vout = 8,000 ± 5 [mV]

(g) When MPX selects reference voltage (V0) Vout =Vos [mV]

NOTES: 1. The unit is mV.

2. Each AMP offset voltage is included in Vos.
3. With the 902, Vos is 110 mV.

5.4 ISE Measurement Sequence

For the dilution bath in ISE measurement, be sure to use two connected reaction cuvettes.

(1) Sample Pipetting

S. probe

Sample pipetting volume: Fixed at 10 µL
Cuvette no. n+2 n+1 n
Cycle no. 11 12 13
Stop no. 1 1 1

(2) Diluent Pipetting + Water + Stirring

S. probe

SMP. Diluent pipetting volume : Fixed at 308 µL
Water : Fixed at 182 µL
Cuvette no. n+2 n+1 n Total 490 µL
Cycle no. 11 12 13
Stop no. 3 3 3

(3) Internal Standard Solution Pipetting + Water + Stirring

S. probe

IS SMP. Internal standard
solution pipetting volum : Fixed at 318 µL
Cuvette no. n+2 n+1 n Water : Fixed at 182 µL
Cycle no. 12 13 14 Total 500 µL
Stop no. 3 3 3

(4) Sample Aspiration

ISE sipper

DIL Sample measurement


Cuvette no. n+2 n+1 n

Cycle no. 17 18 19
Stop no. 1 1 1

(5) Internal Standard Solution Aspiration
ISE sipper

SMP. Internal standard solution measurement

Cuvette no. n + 2 n+1 n

Cycle no. 18 19 20
Stop no. 1 1 1

∗ Electrode conditioning is carried out when 2 hours or 24 hours have elapsed after ISE
measurement. Two cells are used for the conditioning and internal standard solution is

5.5 ISE A/D Conversion

(1) ISE A/D Conversion Timing

10 msec

Na K Cl REF Na K ................................ REF Na K Cl REF

1 2 5

(a) As shown in the above figure, measure the electromotive force 5 times each for Na,
K and Cl in this order.

(b) The A/D conversion interval time for each is 10 msec.

(c) ADC alarm is issued if the ADC count, even once, is 0.

(2) ADC Setting Parameters

• Number of integrations : 8
• Software trigger interval : 10 msec

(3) ISE ADC Calibration Timing

10 msec


(a) As shown in the above figure, measure the reference voltages

(2 V, 8 V and offset voltage).

(b) The A/D conversion interval time for each is 10 msec.

(c) At the time of initialization and T/M resetting, the RESET command is issued for the
ADC controller.

(d) Number of integrations (1 time) = 8

5 - 10
5 - 11
5 - 12
5 - 13
5 - 14
5 - 15
5 - 16
5 - 17
5 - 18
5 - 19
5 - 20
5 - 21
5 - 22
5 - 23

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