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National Service Training Program 1 (CWTS)



COURSE TITLE National Service Training Program 1
UNITS 3 Units


This 3-unit course the civil welfare training service is one of the components under National
Service Training Program (NSTP) Republic Act 9163 which refers to the training of tertiary student in
activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life especially those devoted to
improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation, moral and social
welfare services. This program prepares the students for a responsible leadership, contributors in
community development and partners in nation building. The students will undergo different activities
and practical exercises during training sessions.



1. Critically evaluate the causes underlying the problems that confront our present
society today
2. Analyze how CWTS can be an effective solution contributors to the problems
3. Value their role as change agent in community developments
4. Sustain involvement in public and civic affairs
5. Propose workable solutions to the present problems of the selected local

Module 3

 identify the 7 principles of
 analyze the adverse effect of
the10 biggest environmental
challenge if not given the concern
 understand the importance and
value of Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is a practice
of protecting the environment, on individual,
organizational or governmental level, for
the benefit of the natural environment and
(or) humans. Due to the pressures of population
and our technology the biophysical environment
is being degraded, sometimes permanently.
This has been recognized and governments began
placing restraints on activities that caused
environmental degradation. Since the 1960s activism
by the environmental movement has created
awareness of the various environmental issues.
There is not a full agreement on the extent of the
environmental impact of human activity and protection measures are usually criticized.

Lesson 1: Principles of Environment

The 7 Environmental Principles

This section highlights the basic environmental principles. We need to learn

about our ecosystem because this is the only way we can protect and take care of our
planet and take action to our environmental problems.

1.) Nature knows best.

This is the most basic principle of all the principles

featured in this blog. We humans have to understand
nature and follow its rules, because if we want
to ensure a continuous and steady supply of
resources, one must not go against natural
processes. If we, humans, caused any disruption
in the cycle of nature, this can bring imbalance
to our ecosystem.

2.) All forms of life are important

Each organism plays a fundamental role in nature.

It is easy to appreciate the beautiful organisms like
butterflies, especially if one knows their important role
in pollination. The giant ones like elephants, the whales,
the alligators – are the ones we respect mixed with fear
or wonder and the products they produce. But when it
comes to unlovely, squirmy, and troublesome creatures,
this principle is unusually overlooked.

3.) Everything is connected to everything else

In an ecosystem, all biotic and abiotic

components interact with each other
to ensure that the system is
sustained. Any intrusion from outside
may cause an imbalance and
collapsing of the system.

4.) Everything changes

The environment is constantly changing.

Organisms also develop through time. However,
with our current technology, we have affected
these natural changes that these changes now causes
problematic events to us. Humans should rethink their
relationship with the environment. Because what we
believe that is beneficial to the environment often turn
out to be catastrophic.

5.) Everything must go somewhere

Everything ends up elsewhere. It doesn’t just disappear.
For example, if you throw a piece of candy wrapper
away, it disappears from sight but does not cease
to exist. It ends up elsewhere. Gases released in the
atmosphere may spread but it will end up a component of
the atmosphere and can be brought down by rains. Any
particular type of waste should always be a concern
to us. It may be a pollutant or a resource depending
on certain factors. Be a responsible person
and throw your trash in a proper place.

6.) Ours is a finite earth

Earth’s resources can be classified as either

renewable or non-renewable. Renewable resources
are those that can be easily replenished by natural
cycles (e.g. water, air, plants, animals) while
non-renewable resources are those that cannot be
replenished through natural cycles. Although
renewable resources can be replenished, it is
important to understand that these are renewable
only if they are not overused and not destroyed
from factors such as pollution.

7.) Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation!

Among all creatures, humans are the only ones made
in God’s image and have been given the right to
have dominion over all His creations. Being the
most intelligent and gifted with reason, humans
are capable of manipulating creation to their own
advantage. Yet, creation exists not to be ravaged
or abused but to be taken care of. Humans cannot
exist without nature. They are co-natural with
the environment they live in. If the environment
they live in is destroyed, with it will go Homo Sapiens.

The top Ten Environmental Issues !!!!!

Environmental issues are issues related to human impact on the living

environment, habitats, land use and natural resources. The following alphabetical list
shows some of the main known environmental issues by major topic title.

The top ten environmental issues are these:

1. Climate Change: The effects of climate change span the physical environment,
ecosystems and human societies. It also includes the economic and social changes
which stem from living in a warmer world. Human-caused climate change is one of the
threats to sustainability.

2. Energy:

All energy sources have some impact

on our environment. Fossil fuels—coal, oil, and
natural gas—do substantially more harm than
renewable energy sources by most measures,
including air and water pollution, damage to public
health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land
use, and global warming emissions.
However, renewable sources such as wind,
solar, geothermal, biomass, and hydropower
also have environmental impacts, some of
which are significant. The exact type and
intensity of environmental impacts varies
depending on the specific technology used,
the geographic location, and a number of
other factors. By understanding the current and potential environmental issues
associated with each renewable energy source, we can takes steps to effectively avoid
or minimize these impacts as they become a larger portion of our electric supply.

3. Water: Unfortunately, as time goes on, we’re

seeing more and more environmental concerns

cropping up. With that comes more causes to identify

and more potential solutions. In this post, the second

part of our 6-part series, we’re going to be taking a

look at water pollution, and the drastic impact it

is having on our environment.

Water pollution is an increasingly dangerous problem, affecting people across the

world. Some people believe that water pollution is an unavoidable result of human
activity. That, if we want to have cars, ships, factories and oil, we must predict and
accept pollution to some extent.

4. Biodiversity and Land Use:
Biodiversity is the variability among living
organisms from all sources, including terrestrial,
marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the
ecological complexes of which they are part; this
includes diversity within species, between species,
and of ecosystems”. Biodiversity forms the foundation
of the vast array of ecosystem services that critically
contribute to human well-being. Biodiversity is
important in human-managed as well as natural
ecosystems. Decisions humans make that influence
biodiversity affect the well-being of themselves and others.

5. Chemicals, Toxics and Heavy Metals

Water pollution by heavy metals has many human

origins, such as the burning of fossil fuels, exhaust
gases of vehicles, mining, agriculture, and incineration
of solid and liquid wastes. Heavy metals also occur
naturally, due to volcanoes, thermal springs activity
, erosion, infiltration, etc. This water contamination
is a threat for living beings because most heavy
metals are toxic to humans and to aquatic life. Hence, it
is important to find effective techniques for removing
these contaminants in order to reduce the level
of pollution of the natural waters.
6. Air Pollution

Air Pollution is one of the biggest threats

for the environment and affects everyone:
humans, animals, crops, cities, forests,
aquatic ecosystems... Air pollution can be
defined as an alteration of air quality that can
be characterized by measurements of
chemical, biological or physical pollutants
in the air. Therefore, air pollution means the
undesirable presence of impurities or the
abnormal rise in the proportion of some
constituents of the atmosphere. It can be
classified in 2 sections: visible and invisible air pollution.

7. Waste Management.

Waste management (or waste disposal) includes

the activities and actions required to manage
waste from its inception to its final disposal.
This includes the collection, transport, treatment
and disposal of waste, together with monitoring
and regulation of the waste management process.
Waste can be solid, liquid, or gas and each type
has different methods of disposal and management.
Waste management deals with all types of waste,
including industrial, biological and household.
In some cases, waste can pose a threat to human
health. Waste is produced by human activity,
for example, the extraction and processing of raw materials.
Waste management is intended to reduce adverse effects of waste on human health,
the environment or aesthetics.

8. Ozone Layer Depletion

Gradual thinning of Earth’s ozone layer in the upper

atmosphere caused by the release of chemical
compounds containing gaseous chlorine or bromine
from industry and other human activities. The thinning
is most pronounced in the polar regions, especially
over Antarctica. Ozone depletion is a major
environmental problem because it increases the
amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation that reaches
Earth’s surface, which increases the rate of skin
cancer, eye cataracts, and genetic and immune system damage.

9. Oceans and Fisheries

In addition to removing an increasingly large

number of fish from the ocean, many industrial

fishing practices also destroy aquatic habitat.

Dredging is a practice commonly used to harvest

clams and employs a large metal scoop that drags

along the seafloor to pick them up.

Overfishing has also been widely reported due to

increases in the volume of fishing hauls to feed
a quickly growing number of consumers. This has
led to the breakdown of some sea ecosystems and
several fishing industries whose catch has been
greatly diminished.

10. Deforestation

Deforestation, clearance, clear cutting or clearing is the

removal of a forest or stand of trees from land

which is then converted to a non-forest use.

Deforestation can involve conversion of forest

land to farms, ranches, or urban use. The most

concentrated deforestation occurs in tropical rainforests.

Deforestation is the permanent removal of

trees to make room for something besides

forest. This can include clearing the land for

agriculture or grazing, or using the timber for

fuel, construction or manufacturing.

“Be a part of this Solution, NOT part of the Pollution.”

Lesson 1: Role of the youth in the environmental Protection and Management

As we saw in the past, there are many more rules, laws,
conventions are made for protecting the environment but there is
no effective implementation . For this implementation youth play a
vital role.

Young people constitute a large part of the world’s population

and young people will have to live longer with the consequences of
current environmental decisions than will their elders. Future
generations will also be affected by these decisions and the extent
to which they have addressed concerns such as the depletion of
resources, biodiversity loss, and long-lived radioactive wastes.

Young people can play an active role in protecting and

improving the environment.

They can change their lifestyle and how it affects the

environment. They can make their homes, schools and youth
organizations more environmentally friendly by adopting
environmentally friendly practices, recycling of different materials
as well as preserving resources such as water and electricity.
Engaging youth in environmental protection not only creates direct
impact on changing youth behaviors and attitudes, but possibly
influence their parents, relatives and families.

Youth are back bone of the nation. They can change the future of
the society with their well being and courageous behavior.
Unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more
interested in other places which are not useful to them as well as
nationally. They choose to spend their days doing drugs and playing
video games. They spend their nights partying and living it up, so to

speak. More and more young men of this age group are sitting at
home in front of their televisions playing games all day instead of
bettering themselves or going to work. They have no vision and if
they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make any
attempt at achieving them.

The environment is simply defined as our surrounding, including

both living and non-living things and youth are the young people.
Environmental protection is a broad subject Environmental
problems are rising day by day and everyone is concerned about
global warming and climate change as globally but local and
national environmental problems are less concerned. Protecting the
environment starts with pollution control therefore, youth can help
reduce waste by paying attention to minor details in their daily lives,
for example, not to take extra plastic bags when we go shopping.
Actually there are many other tips for greener environment.

By applying the greening knowledge at home and schools, we can

help to market city, a greener city. Discarding computers, electrical
appliances and rechargeable batteries can seriously harm the
environment. Youth role is to implement recycling programs for
used computers and electrical appliances. You can arrange for
collection services with them. There are also many collection points
for recycling of rechargeable batteries, so do not simply throw them
away. Youth have a role to play in environmental and conservation
efforts that will improve livelihoods.

Task 1.1

Name : Scheduled Time:
Department/Year level: Practice sheet #:
Instructor : Score:

Answer the following questions.

1. Who do you think is more responsible for pollution, individual people or the
government? Explain.

2. What is the most important issue facing the environment today? Explain.



Prepared by: Verified and validated by: Approved by:

Mariz Gurondiano Mr.Ramel B. Pepito, RC,CST,MSCJ Virgil Leo E. Gumanoy, PHD

Instructor NSTP Coordinator Vice President for Academic Services


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