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Hiddeπ Amur∆Ka: Thr ce (G)REatEST ॐ


25 Tweets • 2023-11-21 •  See on 

Jahbulon: Secret Masonic G-d?

The Name of the G-d of Israel is pivotal to

understanding Masonic Symbolism. The Sacred
Name, known as the Tetragrammaton or Hashem, is a
It was believed the Name was too holy and powerful to
be spoken outloud, therefore, the Name was
OCCULTED and substituted with other names like
Yahweh, Jehovah, Adonai or Elohim.

In Freemasonry, Jahbulon is Another "Name" or

WORD that has caused many to wonder the truly

Jahbulon is a word which is ALLEGEDLY used in

some rituals of Royal Arch Masonry & Craft
Freemasonry. Some claim it is a mispronunciation of
the name Jehovah. Although, the word "Jabhulon"
does not appear in ANY ritual approved by the
Supreme Grand Chapter.
In Duncan's Masonic Ritual & Monitor, Malcolm
Duncan uses the word as a recognition password in
his rendition of the Royal Arch degree, and in a
footnote states that the word is a combination of
sacred names, Jah+BAAL+ON but another Name for
"1. JAH: This name of G-d is found in the 68th Psalm
2. BAAL: This word signifies a lord, master, or
possessor & hence it was applied by many of the
nations of the East to denote the Lord of all things
3. ON: This was the name by which JEHOVAH was
worshipped among the Egyptians."
Duncan claims it is used in Ritual, "They balance 3x3,
bringing the right hand with some violence down upon
the left. The right hands are then raised above their
heads, & the words Jah-Buh-Lun, G-o-d, are given at
low breath, each companion pronouncing the syllables
Stephen Knight claims, "Each syllable of the 'Ineffable
Name' represents one person of this trinity:
JAH = Jahweh, the God of the Hebrews
BUL = Baal, the Canaanite god associated with
'licentious rites of imitative magic'
ON = Osiris, the Egyptian god of the underworld."
But this can NOT be correct as Ba’al, written with the
letter Ain is a Hebrew word, which means husband or
Lord. All the gods of the Cannanites were called
Ba’als or Ba’alim and their worship was denounced by
the prophets of Israel.
Ba’al can have nothing to do with BUL, which is
written with the Hebrew consonant Aleph.

Most are Familiar with the Canaanite Deity Ba'al. Baal

was a Title. This Title was passed down from Deity to
Deity. Notably from Baal Hammon to Baal Zephon to
Bael, sometimes spelled Baal, is a well-known demon
described in The Lesser Key of Solomon and the
Pseudomonarchia Daemonum where he is the first
spirit mentioned. Bael is described as a hoarsely-
voiced king with the power to make men invisible &
rules over 66 legions of demons.
Jacques Collin de Plancy wonders if Bael is the same
as the Canaanite deity Baal which seems like a
reasonable conclusion. Bael is picture below:

But the Hebrew Word BAAL for Husband or Lord

differs from the Demon BAEL.
"He served and worshiped Baal and provoked the
Lord, the God of Israel, to anger, just as his father had
done." - 1 Kings 22:53

The term "Jah" appears throughout the Psalms,

notably Psalms 68:4 in the King James Version. 'Jah'
is the Rastafarian Name for G-d.
The irreconcilable strife between YHWH or JAH,
Jahweh or Jehovah and Baal or Bel may best be
illustrated by the contest on Mt. Carmel between
ELiJAH and the priests of Baal (I Kings 18), and by the
denunciations of the Book of Hosea.
According to The Rev. Canon Richard Tydeman, in an
address to the Supreme Grand Chapter of England on
November 13, 1985, the word is a compound of three
Hebrew terms:

YAH ('I Am') = External Existence

B'EL = Owner, Lord or Husband
ON = Strength
These three Hebrew terms (Yah, B'el, On) pronounced
three aspects of Deity: External Existence, Ownership,
Omnipotence and the Reverend equated this to, "The
Eternal G-d - Master - Almighty".
According to Arturo de Hoyos, Jahbulon was first used
in the 18th century in early French versions of the
Royal Arch degree. It relates a Masonic allegory in
which Jabulon was the name of an explorer living
during the time of Solomon who discovered the ruins
of an ancient temple.
It should be noted that Royal Arch Masonry is an
appendant body to Masonry. In some areas it forms
part of the York Rite, and in others it is an independent
body. To be eligible to join one must first be a Master
The administration of the Royal Arch is entirely
separate from the administration of Craft
Freemasonry. Every Masonic organization is
sovereign only in its own jurisdiction, and has no
authority in any other jurisdiction.
This means that there is no standardization
whatsoever with regards to words, signs, grips, or any
other Masonic "secrets". The York Rite is separate
from the Scottish Rite.

Walton Hannah stated that the interpretation that

Jahbulon was a name for God disturbed Albert Pike.
Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish
Rite, called Jahbulon a "mongrel word" partly
composed of an "appellation of the Devil". Hannah
claimed that Jahbulon was the Name of Three Ancient
gods worshipped in the Middle East.
Pike contended that, "No man or body of men can
make me accept as a sacred word, in part composed
of the name of an accursed and beastly heathen god,
whose name has been for more than two thousand
years an appellation of the Devil."
The Church of England echoed others contentions
with the headline, "Aspects of Masonic ritual
condemned as blasphemous". The working group
appointed to study Freemasonry concluded, "that
JAHBULON, the name or description of God which
appears in all the rituals is blasphemous."
In Francis X. King's The Secret Rituals of the O.T.O.,
he claims the word is used in two rituals of the Ordo
Templi Orientis.

Others Claim that Jahbulon is Another Name for

Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge or the Great Architect of the
'Great Architect of the Universe' is not strictly a
Masonic Term as John Calvin often refers to the
Christian G-d as the Great Architect of the Universe.

If you break JAHBULON down in Hebrew it consists of

seven letters which some claim represents: "YHWH
Elehenu YHWH".
Is JAHBULON the true name of Deity revealed to
Masons in the Royal Arch Degree?

Or a Composite Deity made up of Jah+Baal+ANU?

Is Jahbulon the Gnostic Demiurgos?

Is it simply a Masonic Password or Token used in

ceremonies and rites?



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