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Republic of the Philippines


Social Sciences Department
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Group No. : 14
Raiza A. Daroy
Angela De Guzman
Stephany S. Orallo
Course and Section: BSE-Social Studies III-1

Instructional Materials: Its Roles, Basic Principles, and Benefits.


As classroom teachers, we must get familiar with the various types of instructional
materials that can be used in a variety of teaching and learning contexts. These are thought to
be important not just for enriching teaching-learning processes, but also for ensuring that
educational institutions run smoothly. Students also put them into practice to help them learn
and understand more.

Every subject in the school curriculum requires the use of instructional resources.
They allow students to interact with words, symbols, and ideas in ways that improve their
reading, listening, problem-solving, viewing, thinking, speaking, and writing skills, as well as
their ability to use media and technology.

The main knowledge that students will experience, acquire, and apply during a course
is provided via instructional materials. They have the ability to motivate or demotivate
students. Therefore, instructional materials must be properly designed, selected, structured,
improved, and used in a course. In order to maximize student learning, instructional materials
should be planned and selected with both scope and depth of knowledge in hand.


Instructional Materials refers to the human and non-human materials and facilities that can
be used to ease, encourage, improved and promote teaching and learning activities.
Instructional materials are those materials used by a teacher to simplify their teaching.
Instructional Materials defined as resources that organize and support instruction, such as
textbooks, tasks, and supplementary resources (adapted from Remillard & Heck, 2014)


Common Types of Instructional Materials
 Traditional Resources- Traditional instructional materials are the materials
traditionally used by the teachers to their students in teaching their lessons. It
includes the use of textbook, chalk, board, marker, charts and flash cards. These
are the common materials that help the teachers to explain the lesson clearly.
 Graphic Organizers-A second type of instructional material is the graphic
organizer, which is any type of visual representation of information. Diagrams,
charts, tables, flow charts, and graphs are all examples of graphic organizers. For
instance, in a math classroom, it is essential to use graphs on a coordinate plane
when learning about the equation of a line so that students can actually see how a
line is graphed
 Teacher-Made Resources- A last type of instructional material comprises any
teacher-made resources. These include anything the teacher creates, like handouts,
worksheets, tests, quizzes, and projects. Many of these are used for assessment in
the classroom, which is determining the level of learning on any given topic. For
instance, different handouts or worksheets can be used throughout a unit to see
which students are getting it and which students are struggling
Form of Teaching Materials
 Printed Materials
 Audio Materials
 Visual Materials
 Audiovisual Materials
 Electronic Materials

Role of Instructional Materials (Cunningsworth, 1995)

 A resource for presentation materials

 A resource of activities for learner practice and communicative interaction
 A reference source for learners on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and so on
 A source of stimulation and ideas for classroom activities
 A syllabus
 A support for less experienced teachers

Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998, 170-171)

 As a source of language
 As a learning support
 For motivation and stimulation
 For reference


1. Principle of Appropriateness
 IM must promote the general and specific goals of the class
 IM must be appropriate to the intended level
 IM must be either basic or supplementary to the curriculum
2. Principle of Authenticity
 IM must present accurate, up-to-date and dependable information
3. Principle of Cost
 Substitute must be considered first.
4. Principle of Interest
 IM must catch the interest of the learners
 Must stimulate curiosity or satisfy the learner’s need to know.
 Must have the power to encourage creativity, and imaginative response among
5. Principle of Organization and balance
 IM must be well organized and well balanced in content
 Purpose of the material must be clearly stated or perceived


A. Benefits of Instructional Materials for Educators and Students
For Educators
1. Generates awareness in term of advantages of various teaching-learning
2. Facilitates making investments in good teaching.
3. Promotes differentiation of instruction.
4. Build effective learning communication.
For Students

1. Leads to increase in motivation levels of the students.

2. Students are getting the opportunity to learn independently.
3. Promote faster and pleasurable learning in Students.
4. Supports the Learning of Students.
B. Benefits of Instructional Materials for Teaching and Learning
1. Enhance the learning ability of the students.
2. Acquire meaningful experiences and ideas.
3. The lesson/topic can give clearer understanding.
4. The lessons become more interesting.
5. Can improve the quality of learning and teaching.
6. Helps determine the weaknesses and strengths of the learner.
7. Good learning outcomes.
8. Teachers can incorporate various learning experiences through creating a
structure of a lesson.
C. Advantages of Instructional Materials
 Relevance – Materials can be produced that are directly relevant to students’
and institutional needs and that reflect local content, issues, and concerns.
 Reputation – Institutionally prepared materials may enhance the reputation of
the institution by demonstrating its commitment to providing materials
specifically for its students.
 Flexibility – Materials produced within the institution can be revised or
adapted as needed, giving them greater flexibility than a commercial course
D. Disadvantages of Instructional Materials
 Cost – Quality materials take time to produce and adequate staff time as well
as resources need to be allocated.
 Quality – Teacher-made materials will not normally have the same standard
of design and production as commercial materials and hence may not present
the same image as commercial materials.
 Training – To prepare teachers for materials writing projects, adequate
training is necessary. Materials writing is a specialized skill and not all
teachers’ area capable of writing good materials.

Learning becomes more fascinating, practical, realistic, and appealing when

instructional materials are used. Instructional materials also make it possible for both
educators and students to participate actively and successfully in class. It allows growth of
self-confidence and self-actualization as well as the acquisition of skills and information.
Instructional materials are indeed essential and significant tools needed for teaching and
learning in order to promote teacher’s efficiency and improve students’ performance Finally,
it can be stated, possessing of adequate information in terms of teaching-learning materials
will render an important contribution in the tasks of promoting student learning, achieving
academic goals and in leading to up-gradation of the overall system of education.


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