Demand Notice Irumba Edited

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Our Ref: ML/GEN 090/2023.

DATE: 10th July, 2023

Your Ref: ………………………….
City Town Clerk
Fort Portal Tourism City
P.O. Box 29 Fort Portal



We act for and on behalf of Mr. Akugizibwe Julius, Bob Rich, Mwecumi
Muhereza, Allen Mwecumi, Kahunde Irene and Murungi Kenneth Ruhamire
hereinafter referred to as our clients on whose instructions we address you as

1. Our clients are beneficiaries and administrators of the estate of the late
Tegurasi Irumba who owned land at Bwera “B” Bukwali, Central Division,
Fort Portal Tourism City. (A copy of the grants of letters of administration
is attached for ease of reference)
2. THAT on the 17th day of June 2023 through the officials from your office
unlawfully entered into our clients’ land and stopped their workers from
developing the said land and even arrested them.
3. That through your officials, you recently planted a sign post of a proposed
taxi park in our clients’ land yet you have no right and claim over this land
which belongs to the late Tegurasi Irumba and thus you cannot unilaterally
stop or halt any development on this land nor can you commence any
development thereon.
TAKE NOTICE that your actions are illegal, unfounded and baseless in law.

FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that unless cease your actions of inter-meddling

with the late Tegurasi Irumba’s land and also unlawfully interfering with the
developments of the said land, we shall institute legal actions against you to your
peril and colossal costs.

You are also duly notified that your required to pay Ugshs.50,000,000/=(fifty
million shillings only) being general damages for inconveniences occasioned to
our clients and their workers and also Ugshs.10,000,000/= (ten million shillings
only) for being our legal fees for issuance and service of this notice.

The aforementioned amounts are desired to be cleared within seven (7) days of
receipt of this notice.

Stand duly warned !

Yours faithfully.


C.C. His worship the Mayor, Fort Portal Tourism City.

C.C. The Resident City Commissioner, Fort Portal.
C.C. Client.
C.C. File.

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