Ch36.6 & 41.2D CW Ans

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Book 6 Applied Ecology Chapter 36.

6 (A) Global warming

Level 1 Practice
1. List all the key words related to global warming in the table below. The first one is done as an example.
Keyword Definition
greenhouse effect a process to keep the Earth’s surface warm, so that living organisms can survive
greenhouse gases - Examples: carbon dioxide, methane, CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons)
- Traps the heat radiation reflected from the Earth’s surface, resulting in
greenhouse effect
- The increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere causes
more heat radiation is trapped in the Earth (enhanced greenhouse effect) 
rising global temperature (global warming)
combustion - burning fossil fuels to release a lot of carbon dioxide to atmosphere

deforestation - cutting down a lot of trees in the forest

- reducing the ability of removing carbon dioxide due to photosynthesis
- CO2 production > CO2 removal  increasing CO2 concentration

Add the missing points in the summary table (P.43)

1. examples of greenhouse gases?
2. Any relationship between greenhouse gases and enhanced greenhouse effect?
3. Any relationship between greenhouse effect and global warming?

Level 2 Practice
1. Past Paper Q14
Book 8 Biotechnology Chapter 41.2D (GM plants and animals)

Level 1 Practice
1. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of the method in transferring gene of interest into the
host plant cells:
Methods Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s)
 Higher cost because DNA fragments with
the gene of interest are coated on gold
 No host limitation, so gene of
 It may cause physical damage to the plant
Gene gun interest can be incorporated into the
cells if the pressure for injecting the
DNA of all plant species
nanoparticles is too high
 Lower efficiency in incorporating the gene
of interest into plant’s genome

 High efficiency in infecting plant  Agrobacterium can only infect

cells dicotyledonous plant cells, so as to
Infecting the plant incorporate the gene of interest into their
 Virus has an ability to insert the
cells with genome
gene of interest into plant’s DNA
Agrobacterium  The gene of interest may be inserted into a
➜ higher efficiency to incorporate the
gene, so the altered gene can no longer
gene of interest into plant’s genome express to produce essential proteins

2. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of each of the method in transferring gene of interest into the
host animal cells:
Methods Advantage(s) Disadvantage(s)
 Time consuming, the gene of interest is
injected into cells one by one
 High efficiency to introduce the  It involves a skillful procedure on the cells
gene of interest into the treated cells  May cause mechanical damage when the
fine needle passes through the cell

Infecting animal  Virus may regain the ability to cause

 Higher efficiency to infect the cells
cells using virus diseases
and incorporate the gene of interest
which carries  Virus may insert the gene of interest at a
into the host cells
gene of interest wrong position, causing gene mutation

Using liposomes
 Low efficiency in incorporating the
as a vector to  Liposomes are non-pathogenic, so they are
gene of interest into the genome of
transfer gene of safer
animal cells

Level 2 Practice
Past Paper Questions: Q17, 18, 20

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