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G8 Regular English

Term 3 – Paper 1 Finals (Non-Fiction)

Use this worksheet to increase your vocabulary as you prepare for your finals. These words
are important to learn in preparation for the Paper 1 Examination.
Word Definition Example
Abandoned ________________________________
Having been deserted or left.
A person or animal that lives in ________________________________
Dweller (noun)
or at a specified place.
Commuter A person who travels distance to ________________________________
(noun) work on a regular basis.
To be/remain hidden so as to ________________________________
Lurking (verb) wait in ambush.
Deteriorating ________________________________
Becoming progressively worse.
Nevertheless ________________________________
In spite of that; all the same.
Ornate Elaboratively or highly ________________________________
(adjective) decorated.
Eerie ________________________________
Strange and frightening
Characteristic of one person or ________________________________
thing, and so serving to
(adjective) distinguish it from others.
Exhibition A public display of works of art ________________________________
(noun) or items of interest.
Neglected ________________________________
Suffering a lack of proper care.
Periodic Appearing or occurring at ________________________________
(adjective) intervals.
Overemphasise ________________________________
To place excessive emphasis on.
All aboard A call to passengers to get on a ________________________________
(phrase) ship/train/bus about to depart.
(n) A risky or daring journey; ________________________________
(v) to undertake a risky or
(noun/verb) daring journey.

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