DOuple Voltage

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College of Arts and Sciences

Physics and Material Sciences Department

Physics Program
Fundamentals of Electronics
PHYS 223
Session: L51 - CRN 24756
Semester: Spring 2024

Douple Voltage
Student’s Name: Sohaila Student’s ID: 201902015

Partner’s Name: Partner’s ID:

Partner’s Name: Partner’s ID: -

Lab Instructor: Mohammad Fareed Rasheed Gharaibeh

Lab TA: -

Date Performed: 28th January 2024

Total Grade

1) Objectives:
- To analyze the relationship between the input and output voltages in a voltage doubler
- To understand the functioning of diodes and capacitors in voltage doubling.

2) Introduction and Theory:

The voltage doubler circuit is designed to convert an AC input voltage into a DC output
voltage approximately twice the peak value of the input voltage. The circuit consists of two
diodes, two capacitors, and an AC voltage source. When the AC input is applied, the
capacitors charge and discharge alternately through the diodes, resulting in an output voltage
that is approximately double the peak value of the input voltage. However, due to the turn-on
voltage of the diodes, the output voltage is slightly less than double the input voltage.

3) Equipment and Components:

 2 diodes
 AC voltage supplier
 Breadboard
 2(100μF) capacitors
 Multimeter for voltage measurements
 Oscilloscope
 Connecting wires

4) Procedure :

1. Set up the circuit as shown in Figure (1) using the

breadboard and connecting wires.
2. Connect the AC voltage supplier to the input of the
3. Measure and record the peak-to-peak voltage of the
AC input using the oscilloscope.
4. Apply an 11-volt sinusoidal input to the circuit.
5. Measure and record the DC output voltage across the capacitors using the multimeter.
6. Additionally, observe and record the output waveform on the oscilloscope.
7. Repeat the measurements for consistency.

5) Results (3 Points):
Part I:
- voltage of AC input: [2] volts
- DC output voltage: [3.1] volts
- Turn-on voltage of diode (observed reduction): 0.9 volts
Part II:
- voltage of AC input: [3] volts
- DC output voltage: [6.1] volts
- Turn-on voltage of diode (observed reduction): 0.9 volts

6) Analysis:
The voltage of the AC input was measured to be 2 volts. After passing through the voltage
doubler circuit, the DC output voltage was measured to be 3.1 volts. The difference between the
input and output voltages is attributed to the turn-on voltage of the diodes, which is
approximately 0.9 volts.

7) Conclusions:
The voltage doubler circuit successfully doubled the input voltage, resulting in a DC output
voltage of approximately twice the peak value of the input voltage. However, due to the turn-on
voltage of the diodes, the output voltage is slightly less than double the input voltage. This
experiment demonstrates the principle of voltage doubling using diodes and capacitors.

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