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The Importance of Storytelling Method for Grade Five Myanmar

In this introductory, statement of the problem, purposes of the study, research
hypothesis, definition of the key terms and significance of the study are described.
Statement of the Problem
Nowadays, more and more modern teachers use a wide variety of teaching methods
to achieve their instructional objectives. Among then, one of the teaching methods that was
used and has still been used is storytelling method. The society we live in today would not
exist without thew influence of past generations. Human beings, as creatures of habits and
traditions, hand down knowledge and wisdom from one generation to the next. Our
tradition of storytelling facilitates this transfer of knowledge. Therefore, the purpose of this
research is to help students how to achieve their goals in teaching Myanmar Language, in
order to improve their reading skills, listening skills and their ability to recite.
Purposes of the Study
The purposes of the study are
(1) To know the impact of Grade Five Myanmar Language by using storytelling
(2) To suggest for the improvement in teaching Grade Five Myanmar.
Research Hypothesis
There is a significant difference between students who receive storytelling method
and those who do not receive it.
Definition of the Key Terms
Method is an overall plan for orderly presentation of the subject matter, no part of
which contradicts, and all which is based upon, the selected approach (Department of
Methodology, 2018).
Storytelling is an art, which aims at presenting to the pupils through the medium of
story clear, vivid, interesting and ordered sequence of events (Singh, 2009).
Storytelling Method
Storytelling is a kind of teaching method which can help the young learners to
knowledge, literacy, imagination, creation and critical thinking. Storytelling is one of the
most useful techniques to attract young learners in learning process effectively (Isbell,
Significance of the Study
Education in Myanmar has been changing gradually in recent years. The
contribution of this study will help to improve students’ listening skills. In addition, this
study will provide teachers with learning materials to improve their students’ listening
skills and motivates students to read. Ur (1996) stated that there are three very important
sources of interest for children in the classroom; they are pictures, stories and games. The
author reports that storytelling is considered an effective strategy for developing listening
skills and keeping students engaged (Isbell, 2002). For learners, the storytelling method
would be a better way to improve positive attitude toward the mother-tongue and language
learning. Therefore, this study would be a contribution to both language teachers and
learners as it would provide the necessary information about the way to develop students’
listening skills and motivates students to read.
Review of Related Literature
Nature of Storytelling Method
Storytelling is one of the most important methods of teaching Myanmar Readers as
well as social studies. Storytelling activities can promote interest in any area of the
curriculum. Students, teachers and guests tell the group about an event, fact or fiction as
opposed to reading it aloud to students. Because of the informal nature of storytelling, the
storyteller is able to ad lib and adapt someone story to the audience as someone sees fit.
Storytelling develops an appreciation for and enjoyment of literature, provides with
enrichment of language, vicarious experiences, develops students’ listening skills and
motivates students to read. There are some recommended storytelling techniques (Dhand,
1. Students should know the parts of a story. Most students will know this when
they start school but they may not know the terminology. It is up to the
individual teacher whether or not the terminology is to be learned.
2. The origin of storytelling is an interesting introduction to storytelling activities.
3. Regardless of who the storyteller is, a comfortable atmosphere is essential. If
possible, clear an area so students can sit on the floor in a circle with the
4. If the teacher is the storyteller, student must consider the following:
(a) Make sure that the storyteller is easily heard by all students.
(b) Ensure that all students can see the storyteller- especially the face and hands

(Facial expressions and body language often contribute to the story’s meaning).
(c) Speak loudly and clearly with expression in the voice.
(d) If the storyteller does not wish to be interrupted, warn students to save their
questions/comments until the story is completed.
(e) Make sure the storyteller has the undivided attention of every student before
5. If a guest is coming to be the storyteller, all of the above points should be
considered plus the following:
(a) The teacher must confirm the exact date and time of the visit.
(b) The teacher must introduce the guest to students.
(c) The teacher must review rules of common courtesy prior to the visit.
6. If students are going to be given the opportunity to fill the storyteller’s role, they
(a) Be given information on the parts and sequence of a story.
(b) Given a chance to share short stories/amusing anecdotes in an informal
setting as a precursor to a more comprehensive storytelling experience.
7. Once in a while student should be invited to assist tell the story through
chanting, or foretelling the next event.
Important Considerations of Storytelling Method
The important considerations of storytelling method are as followed;
1. The teacher should consider using props such as the flannel board or puppets to
enrich the storytelling experience.
2. Students should be given the opportunity to write their own stories and share
them with the class.
3. It is suggested that the teacher should read this story read this story many times
to someone before telling it but the story should not be memorized.
4. The storyteller, for attaining better listening, should keep eye contact with the
audience and speak directly to the listeners.
5. Enthusiasm is contagious. The storyteller should convey enthusiasm for and
enjoyment of literature.
6. The storyteller should attempt to introduce and end stories in creative, unique,
and sometimes unpredictable ways.
7. Select stories which you as a teacher enjoy as you can tell those stories more
interestingly and enthusiastically.
8. For the younger listeners, the story teller should gather the audience around.
That way someone can tell the story directly.
9. The storyteller should keep in mind that body language, gestures, facial
expressions, story pace, delivery and atmosphere are significant factors on
which the success of storytelling is dependent.
Advantages of Storytelling Method
The most important advantages of storytelling may be summarized as follow;
1. Stories are motivating and fun and can help develop positive attitude towards
the mother-tongue and language learning. They can create a desire to continue
2. Stories exercise the imagination. Children can become personally involved in a
story as they identify with the characters and try to interpret the narrative and
illustrations. This imaginative experience helps develop their own creative
3. Listening to stories in class is a shared social experience. Reading and writing
are often individual activities; storytelling provokes share response of laughter,
sadness, excitement and anticipation which is not only enjoyable but can help
built up child’s confidence and encourage social and emotional development.
Limitations of Storytelling Method
Although storytelling is a very useful and helpful method of teaching, there are
some restrictions in using this method.
1. Stories require a lot of time to be shaped and shared;
2. If the storyteller does not have the required skills, storytelling has also negative
impacts as it can disadvantages learners;
3. Poor method of active participation by learners as it lessens the opportunity for
them to learn by doing.
The General Objectives of Teaching Myanmar Language at the Primary Level
ပညာရ ေးဝန်က ေးဌာန (၂၀၁၈) အ ၊ In the process of teaching and learning, teachers

should use appropriate media and techniques based on the students’ ability. Teacher must
have an adequate knowledge of the subject matter to be taught and they also need to be in
mind objectives of teaching the subject to become teaching-learning process effective. The
new primary curriculum for Myanmar Language is composed of four basic elements;
listening, speaking, reading and writing. To learn a language in order to use it as a means

of communication, the students need to deal with four language skills and the language
system. The new curriculum emphasizes to nurture the cognitive development rather than
to each only. The objectives of teaching Myanmar Language at the primary level by
Myanmar Ministry of Education and Japan International Cooperation Agency_ JICA are as
1. To understand the basic concepts and principles of Myanmar Language
2. To acquire the basic proficiency dealing with four language skills: listening,
speaking, reading and writing;
3. To be able to obtain the mastery of Myanmar Language which include
representing the contents and facts systematically, critical thinking and creating;
4. To admire and maintain the essence of Myanmar Language;
5. To be able to speak and act politely through good basic habits of cultural and
moral spirits.
Participants in this study were Grade Five students from the selected schools.
Participants are selected by using simple random method sampling.
The instrument used for this study was a posttest (Achievement test). The posttest
was constructed in line with the Bloom’s levels of cognitive domain. This study used
students’ knowledge, comprehension and application questions (lower order thinking
The research design for the study was experimental design and the post-test only
control group.
According to the previous test scores, the students were randomly divided into two
groups: experimental group and control group. In each school, the experimental group was
treated with storytelling method and the control group was treated with formal teaching.
The treated period lasts about four weeks. Finally, all the selected students had to sit for
the posttest in both schools.
Storytelling is the most important and useful method for teaching language and
social studies as many events and stories were included in them. Storytelling cab be very
effective teaching too as long as it is adapted to the pupils’ proficiency level, interests, age
and needs. Teachers must have both an adequate knowledge of the subject matter to be
taught and teaching method for every subject. Therefore, this paper will be useful for
teachers to use storytelling method in their effective teaching and can be a reference for the
teachers to a certain extent.

ပညာရ ေးဝန်က ေးဌာန (၂၀၁၈)၊ မြန်ြာစာသင်မပနည်ေး၊ ပထြနှစ်သင်တန်ေး၊ ပညာရ ေးရ ာလိပ၊်

ပညာရ ေးစြံ ိန်ေးနှင် ရလ ျင်ရ ေးဦေးစေးဌာန။

Department of Methodology. (2018). Teaching of Myanmar: B.Ed. Correspondence

Course, First Year. Yangon: University of Education.
Dhand, H. (2010). Techniques of teaching. New Delhi: A P H Publishing Corporation.
Isbell, R. (2002). Telling and retelling stories: Learning language and literacy. Retrieved
July 9, 2022 from
Singh, Y. K. (2009). Teaching of social studies. New Delhi: A P H Publishing Corporation.
Ur, P. (1996). A course in language teaching: practice and theory. Cambridge University


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