Validation Rule - Test

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Validation Rule:

Validation Rules are used to enforce the users to enter the correct information before
inserting / updating the records inside the object.

Note-: Use Standard Objects (Account, Contact, Lead, Opportunities etc. ) as per case
requirement to solve all the use cases.

Use Case 1:
Create a Validation Rule to make the Phone Field as required upon creating an account
record inside the object.

Use Case 2:
Create a Validation Rule to make the Account Record Annual Revenue is Mandatory.

Use case 3:
Create a validation rule, to make the "AnnualRevenue" field as mandatory upon creating the
lead record in lead object.

Rule Name: Annual Revenue Is Field Required

Error Message: Please enter Annual Revenue value.
Description: The rule is used to make the Annual Revenue Field as Required

Use Case 4:
Create a Validation Rule, to make the "Industry Field" Required upon Creating / updating the
Account Record.

Use Case 5:
Create a validation rule to make ownership as mandatory, upon rating has been selected.

Use Case 6:
Create a Validation Rule on the Contact object, to make sure the "Phone Field Should be
Required", if the Email has been entered.
Use Case 7:
Create a Validation Rule, to prevent Changing the Position Name.

Use Case 8:
Create a Validation Rule on the Lead object, to make sure either "Phone / Email"should be
required for "New Lead Records".

Use case 9:
Create a Validation Rule, to make sure the Rating should be "Hot" for BankingIndustry
Customers for account object

Use case 10:

Create a Validation Rule, to make sure the Active Status should be "Yes" for NewAccount

Use Case 11:

Create a validation rule on Account object, where can not change the rating value from Cold
to Hot directly.

Use Case 12:

Create a Validation Rule, to Validate the Mobile number should be in 10 DigitNumeric Only.

Use Case 13:

Scenario: Preventing Duplicate Contacts
Description: Ensure that duplicate contacts with the same email address are not created.
Validation Rule Name: Contact_Duplication_ValidationValidation
Rule Description: Prevent the creation of duplicate contacts based on the email address.

Use Case 14:

Limiting the Discount Percentage on Opportunities

Explanation: In this scenario, we want to enforce a validation rule that restricts the discount
percentage on opportunities. The rule applies when the opportunity reaches the "Closed
Won" stage and the discount percentage is modified. The formula checks if the
Discount_Percentage__c field is greater than 0.2 (or 20%).If the condition evaluates to true,
the validation rule triggers an error, preventing the opportunity from being saved. This helps
maintain pricing integrity and prevents excessive discounting.

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