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Department of Civil Engineering

5th Semester

Soil Mechanics Presented by

Er. Ravi Ghimire
Chapter: 3

Soil Identification
and Classification
Arrangement of different soil with similar properties and
Soil Classification behavior into groups and subgroups.

 To provide systematic method for categorizing soil according to their engineering
To estimate the properties of soil based on the soils of same groups whose properties
are known.
To provide general idea about the behavior of soil.

More convenient to study the behavior of groups than that of individual soils.

To develop idea on how to proceed with detailed site investigation and laboratory
Simple Indices i.e. Grain
size distribution, LL, PL

Classification System

Estimate Engineering

Achieve Engineering
Purpose 4
Basic Requirements of Soil Classification

Based on relevant
Limited Simple and
number of Easy to
groups understand


Field Identification of Soil

Identification of soil is the first and most important step in soil investigation.

It is the determination of soil-type through which crucial information about the soil
properties can be obtained.

Coarse Grained Identification Fine Grained

Soaking Test Sedimentation/
Dispersion Test

of soil Toughness
Wet Test Test

Shaking/ Dry Strength/

Dilatancy Test Breaking Test
(A) Visual Examination (Texture)

Coarse grained soils are those soils whose individual particles are visible by the naked
eye. Sandy soil and gravelly soil fall in this group.

Fine grained soils are those soils whose individual particles are not visible by the
naked eye. Silty soil and clayey soil fall in this group.

Take a representative sample of soil and spread it on a flat surface or palm of the

Remove all particles whose sizes are larger than 75 mm.

If the soil contains more than 50% of visible particles then the soil is said to be a
coarse grained soil.

If the soil contains less than 50% of visible particles then the soil is said to be a fine
grained soil. 8
(B) Sedimentation/Dispersion Test

Test is done by shaking a portion of the sample into a glass container of water and
allowing the material to settle.

Gravel and coarse sand will settle almost immediately.

Fine sand will take 30 sec to less than 5 minutes.

Silt may require as much as about an hour.

Clay will remain in suspension for several hours.

The material will settle in layers.

The percentage of each component is estimated by comparing the relative thickness

of each of the layers in the bottom of the jar. 9
(C) Toughness (Plasticity) Test

In this test, a thread of moist soil about 3 mm

diameter is prepared by rolling into hands or on a flat
smooth surface.

If soil can be rolled into a thread of 3 mm diameter

with no cracks in the sample, then it is clayey soil.

If soil can be rolled into a thread of 3 mm diameter

but cracks develop on the surface of the sample then it
is silt or silt with clay.

If soil can not be rolled into thread of 3 mm diameter

then it is non-plastic or sandy soil.
(D) Dry Strength/ Breaking Test

The dry strength test is normally made on a pat of soil.

Pat of soil is completely dried by air drying, sun drying or oven drying.

Dry strength is determined by breaking the dry pat and crumbling it between fingers.

If it doesn't break it is very high plastic clay.

If it breaks with great effort it is plastic clay.

If it can be broken and powered with ease , then it is silt or silt with clay.

If crumbling or powdering will occur while being picked up by hands then it is silty
(E) Shaking/Dilatancy Test

Small pat of moist soil is prepared.

Water is added is to make the soil soft but not sticky.

Pat is placed in one hand and shake gently.

If the surface of the pat becomes glossy by rising of moisture to surface and on
squeezing between fingers gloss disappears quickly then it is silt.

If the process of appearance and disappearance of moisture is slow then it is silty clay.

When the reaction doesn't occurs then the soil is clayey.

(F) Wet Test

•Place a pint of soil on a palm, add a little water and rub between thumb and finger.

•If soil gives soapy touch and sticks to finger, it is clay.

•If it doesn’t gives a soapy touch and doesn’t stick to finger and dries quickly it is silt.

• If it gives rough feeling and no sign of wetting appears, then it is sand.

•Thus, this test helps to identify whether the soil is clayey, sandy or silty.

(G) Soaking Test

Put a small lump of soil in glass container containing pure water.

Observe lump disintegration in water.

If the soaking and disintegration takes place quickly, it is silt or clay of low plasticity.

If the soaking and disintegration takes place very slowly, it is clay of high plasticity.

Soil Classification System

Massachusetts Institute of Technology System (MIT)

Textural Classification of Soils

Indian Soil Classification System (ISCS)

Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

AASHTO Soil Classification System

Massachusetts Institute of Technology System (MIT)

Classification is based on particle size. (> 2mm)
Soil is divided into four major groups.

Clay Particle
(0.06 to 2.0
(< 0.002 mm) Size mm)

(0.002 to 0.06
Textural Classification of Soils

Triangular classification system suggested by U.S Bureau of soils.

Twelve major soil texture classifications are defined.

Contains different percentage of sand, silt and clay sized particles.

Soil sample is sieved in order to determine the percentage of sand, silt and clay
size particles in it.

With the known relative percentage of sand, silt and clay, a point will then be
located on the triangular chart.

The area in which the point fall will then indicate the soil type. 17
A soil containing 30% of
sand, 20% of silt and 50% of
clay will represent a clay soil.

Indian Soil Classification System (ISCS)

This classification system is adopted by Bureau of Indian Standards.

Similar to that of Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

Fine grained soil in this system is sub-divided into three categories. i.e. Low, Medium
and High Plasticity.

Classifies the soil into 18 groups under three broad division.

8 groups of coarse grained, 9 groups of fine grained and one of peat.

Coarse Grained Soil:

•When 50% or more soil is retained on 75μ Sieve is known as coarse grained soil.
•It is divided into sand and gravel.

Fine Grained Soil:

•When more than 50% of soil passes through 75μ Sieve is known as fine grained soil.

•It is further divided into three groups based on value of liquid limit.

The 'A' line in this
chart is expressed as IP
= 0.73 (WL - 20)

M = Silt
C = Clay
O = Organic
L = Low Plasticity
I = Medium Plasticity
H = High Plasticity

• These soils have a liquid limit less
Silt and Clay of Low than 35%

Silt and Clay of • These soils have a liquid limit

Medium greater than 35% but less than
Compressibility 50%.

• The liquid limit of these soil is

Silt and Clay of High greater than 50%.
In Summary

Classification of fine-grained soil: (a) Silt or Organic matter (b) Clay (as per ISCS).

Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

Most popular and universally accepted for classification of soil.

Describe the texture and grain size of a soil.

Soils are classified into three categories.

i) Coarse grained soil

ii) Fine grained soil

iii) Organic soil

Coarse Grained Soil:

•When 50% or more soil is retained on 75μ Sieve is known as coarse grained soil.

•It is divided into sand and gravel.

•If more than 50% of the coarse particles are retained on 4.75 mm sieve, then soil
is gravel otherwise it is sand.

Fine Grained Soil:

•When more than 50% of soil passes through 75μ Sieve is known as fine grained soil.

•It is further divided into two groups based on value of liquid limit.
i) Low Plastic
ii) High plastic 25
The 'A' line in this
chart is expressed as IP
= 0.73 (WL - 20)

M = Silt
C = Clay
O = Organic
L = Low Plasticity
H = High Plasticity

If liquid limit of soil is less than 50%, then the soil is classified as low plastic soil.

If liquid limit of soil is greater than 50%, then the soil is classified as high plastic soil.26
AASHTO Soil Classification System

Stands for American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

Useful for classification of soils for highway.

System is based on three soil properties.

i) Particle size distribution

ii) Liquid Limit

iii) Plasticity Index

Soil is divided into 7 groups from A-1 to A-7.

A soil is a granular material if less than 35% of the soil by weight passes the No.
200 sieve (#200). Note: #200 = (75μ Sieve)

Granular materials are classified into groups A-1 through A-3.

Soils having more than 35% passing the No. 200 sieve are silt-clay and fall in
groups A-4 through A-7

Soils classified as A-1 are typically well-graded mixtures of gravel, coarse sand,
and fine sand.

Soils in subgroup A-1-a contain more gravel whereas those in A-1-b contain
more sand.
Soils in group A-3 are typically fine sands that may contain small amounts of non-
plastic silt.

Group A-2 contains a wide variety of “borderline” granular materials that do not
meet the criteria for groups A-1 or A-3.

Soils in group A-4 are silty soils, whereas those in group A-5 are high-plasticity
elastic silt.

Soils in group A-6 are typically lean clays, and those in group A-7 are typically
highly plastic clays.

Group Index
Evaluates the quality of soil.

Means of rating value of a soil as a sub grade material.

Higher the value of GI the weaker will be the soil and vice versa.

Thus, quality of performance of a soil as a subgrade material is inversely proportional

to GI.

A soil having GI zero is considered as the best.

If the equation gives negative value for GI, considered it as a zero.

Always round off the GI to the nearest whole number.

In AASHTO Soil Classification System It may be noted that: • The higher the value of GI the weaker
will be the soil and vice versa. Thus, quality of performance of a soil as a subgrade material is
inversely proportional to GI. • A soil having GI of zero is considered as the best. • If the equation
gives negative value for GI, consider it zero. • Always round off the GI to nearest whole number. • GI
= 0 for soils of groups A-1-a, A-1-b, A-2-4, A-2-5, and A-3. • For groups A-2-6 and A-2-7 use partial GI
for PI only:
Comparison: AASHTO vs. USCS Soil Classification System

S.N. AASHTO Soil Classification USCS Soil Classification

1 This system is used for finding out This system is used for finding out the
the suitability of soils as sub suitability of soil for general use.
grades for highway.
2 In this system soil is termed as fine In this system soil is termed as fine
grained if more than 35% passes grained if more than 50% passes through
through 0.075 mm sieve. 0.075 mm sieve.

3 In this system No. 10 (2 mm) sieve In this system No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve is
is used to divide soil into gravel used to divide soil into gravel and sand.
and sand.
4 In AASHTO system gravelly and In USCS, gravelly and sandy soils are
sandy soils are not clearly clearly separated.
separated. 34
5 Symbols are not descriptive and Symbols used in USCS are more
are difficult to remember. descriptive and easy to remember.
6 There is only one group of organic Organic soil are classified as OL, OH, Peat
soil in this system. and other highly organic soil in USCS

# Problem: 1

The Sieve analysis of a given sample of soil gave information that 57% of the
particles pass through 75μ. The liquid and plastic limits of soil were 62% and 28%
respectively. Classify the soil as per the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

# Solution:

The percentage passing through 75μ sieve is greater

than 50%. So, the soil is classified as fine grained soil.
Liquid Limit (LL) = 62%
Plastic Limit (PL) = 28%
Therefore, Plasticity Index (IP) = LL – PL = (62 – 28)% = 34%
The equation of A line is given by (IP) = 0.73 (LL – 20) = 0.73 (62 – 20)% = 30.66%

This 30.66% value is plasticity index on A- line.

Since the plasticity index of soil is 34% and liquid limit is 62% (greater than 50%)
the soil is clay of high plasticity (CH)
# Problem: 2
The following data has been obtained from liquid and plastic limit tests on a soil samples.

Details Liquid Limit Test Data Plastic Limit

Mass of container with wet soil, (gm) 43.39 47.62 45.24 45.58 43.62 40.38
Mass of container with dry soil, (gm) 40.18 43.61 41.87 41.5 41.94 38.85
Mass of container, (gm) 29.86 31.5 32.01 30.51 33.1 30.9
Number of blows (N) 34 27 23 17

i) Liquid limit, Plastic limit.
ii) Classify the soil as per the USCS.
iii) Liquidity index if natural water content of the soil is 28.9%. 37
# Solution:
Liquid Limit Determination

S.N Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Water Number

Container Container Container Water Solid Content of Blows
(gm) with Wet with Dry Soil Mw particles (w) % (N)
Soil (gm) (gm) (gm) Ms (gm)

1 29.86 43.39 40.18 34

2 31.5 47.62 43.61 27
3 32.01 45.24 41.87 23
4 30.51 45.58 41.5 17
S.N Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Water Number
Container Container Container Water Solid Content of Blows
(gm) with Wet with Dry Soil Mw particles (w) % (N)
Soil (gm) (gm) (gm) Ms (gm)

1 29.86 43.39 40.18 3.21 34

2 31.5 47.62 43.61 4.01 27
3 32.01 45.24 41.87 3.37 23
4 30.51 45.58 41.5 4.08 17

S.N Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Water Number
Container Container Container Water Solid Content of Blows
(gm) with Wet with Dry Soil Mw particles (w) % (N)
Soil (gm) (gm) (gm) Ms (gm)

1 29.86 43.39 40.18 3.21 10.32 34

2 31.5 47.62 43.61 4.01 12.11 27
3 32.01 45.24 41.87 3.37 9.86 23
4 30.51 45.58 41.5 4.08 10.99 17

S.N Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Water Number
Container Container Container Water Solid Content of Blows
(gm) with Wet with Dry Soil Mw particles (w) % (N)
Soil (gm) (gm) (gm) Ms (gm)

1 29.86 43.39 40.18 3.21 10.32 31.1 34

2 31.5 47.62 43.61 4.01 12.11 33.11 27

3 32.01 45.24 41.87 3.37 9.86 34.18 23

4 30.51 45.58 41.5 4.08 10.99 37.12 17

From the graph, Liquid Limit (LL) = 33.8 % Generally, LL is expressed in whole number. So LL = 34 %42
From the graph, LL = 34 %

Plastic Limit Determination

S.N Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Mass of Water

Container Container Container with Water Solid Content
(gm) with Wet Soil Dry Soil Mw (gm) particles (w) %
(gm) (gm) Ms (gm)

1 33.1 43.62 41.94 1.68 8.84 19

2 30.9 40.38 38.85 1.53 7.95 19.25

Therefore, PL = (19+19.25)/2 = 19.13%

Liquidity Index (IL) =

= (0.289 – 0.191)/0.148 = 0.662 = 66.2%

Liquid Limit (LL) = 34%

Plastic Limit (PL) = 19.13%
Therefore, Plasticity Index (IP) = LL – PL = (34 – 19.13)% = 14.87%
The equation of A line is given by (IP) = 0.73 (LL – 20) = 0.73 (34 – 20)% = 10.22%

This 10.22% value is plasticity index on A- line.

Since the plasticity index of soil is 14.87% and liquid limit is 34% (less than 50%)
the soil is classified as clay of low plasticity (CL) according to USCS classification.
# Problem: 3

# Problem: 4

# Problem: 5

# Problem: 6 2015 Fall

In a test to determine the liquid limit of silty clay the following results were recorded.

Mass of container with wet soil, (gm) 19.62 21.26 19.5 21.28
Mass of container with dry soil, (gm) 16.74 18.39 17.24 19.08
Mass of container, (gm) 10.46 11.21 10.87 11.62
Number of blows (N) 12 19 28 41

Plot the result in graph paper and determine the liquid limit for the soil. If the
plastic limit for soil was 22% and natural water content 35%, find the Plasticity
index, liquidity index and consistency index.

# Problem: 7 2015 Spring
Two soils were tested for their consistency in the lab. The following data were obtained.

Soil A Soil B
No of blows (N) Water content (%) No of blows (N) Water content (%)
8 43 5 65
20 39 15 61
30 37 30 59
45 25 40 58
Water content at Water content at
which soil crumbled 25% which soil crumbled 30%
at 3 mm diameter at 3 mm diameter
Natural Water 40% Natural Water 50%
Content Content
Determine: Plasticity is the ability of a material to
undergo permanent deformation under
i) Which soil has greater plasticity ? stress without cracking.
The plasticity index (PI) is a measure of
ii) Which soil is more compressible in nature ? the plasticity of a soil.

iii) Classify the both soils as per IS classification system ? Compressibility is directly
proportional to liquid limit.

M = Silt
C = Clay
O = Organic
L = Low Plasticity
I = Medium Plasticity
H = High Plasticity
# Problem: 8 2014 Fall

Classify the soils A and B, with the properties as shown below, according to USC system

Soil LL (%) IP (%)

A 45 29
B 55 15

# Problem: 9 From a sieve analysis the following grain size 2017 Spring
distribution has been obtained.

Sieve Size % Finer

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
4.75 mm 100 100 100
2 mm 100 99.25 100
1 mm 99.8 98.75 99.9
450 micron 99.65 98 99.7
i) Draw grain size distribution
212 micron 98.95 54.15 90
150 micron 97.55 7.6 81.5 curve.
75 micron 96.85 6 63 ii) Classify the soil as per
Liquid Limit 23 - -
unified soil classification
Plastic Limit 16.77 - -
Plasticity Index 6.23 Non Plastic Non Plastic system. 57
# Problem: 10

# Problem: 11 2020 Fall

For a test result recorded in a laboratory, following observations were recorded.

Clarify the soil using the AASHTO system and compare the result.

Percentage Passing on Sieve

Soil WL WP 2 mm 0.425 mm 0.075 mm
A 35 21 91.5 80 60
B 42 26 90 60 30

Plasticity Index (IP)= LL – PL = (WL – WP)

Percentage Passing on Sieve
Soil WL WP 2 mm 0.425 mm 0.075 mm
A 35 21 91.5 80 60
B 42 26 90 60 30

# Problem: 12 2020 Spring
Samples from three different sites were collected. The results of particle size analyses and,
where appropriate, limit tests on samples of three soils were done and particle size
distribution curve was plotted in figure 2.1. Classify the soils (A, B, C) as per USCS and
compare the results. For soil C :- Liquid limit = 30, Plastic limit = 22.


If Cu >4 well graded gravel
If Cu >6 well graded sand
When Cu is less than 4, it is classified as poorly graded or uniformly graded soil.
If Cu value is between 1 - 2 it is uniformly graded soil
If Cu values is between 2 - 3 it is poorly graded soil 64
End of Chapter 3....


Soil Mechanics

Chapter- 3
Soil Identification and Classification
Soil Classification
Soil classification is the separation of soil into classes or groups each having similar
characteristics and potentially similar behavior. A classification for engineering purposes should
be based mainly on mechanical properties, e.g. permeability, stiffness, strength.

 To provides systematic method for categorizing soil according to their engineering


 To estimate the properties of soil based on the soils of same groups whose properties are

 To provide general idea about the behavior of soil.

 More convenient to study the behavior of groups than that of individual soils.

 To develop idea on how to proceed with detailed site investigation and laboratory testing.

Basic Requirements of Soil Classification

 It should have minimum number of groups.

 It should be based on engineering properties which are more relevant for the purpose for
which the classification has been made.

Prepared By: Er. Ravi Ghimire, Oxford College of Engineering and Management Page 1
Soil Mechanics

 It should be simple and should use the terms which are easily understood.

Field Identification of Soil

Identification of soil is the first and most important step in soil investigation for engineering
works. It is the determination of soil-type through which crucial information about the soil
properties can be obtained. Approximate field procedure is a technique by which the type of soil
can be determined rapidly in the field. As soon as the soil types are identified, crucial soil
properties that control its behavior would be known.

Soaking Examination
(Texture) Sedimentation/
Dispersion Test

Wet Test Toughness
of soil

Shaking/ Dry Strength/

Dilatancy Test Breaking Test

A. Visual Examination (Texture)

 Coarse grained soils are those soils whose individual particles are visible by the naked
eye. Sandy soil and gravelly soil fall in this group.
 Fine grained soils are those soils whose individual particles are not visible by the naked
eye. Silty soil and clayey soil fall in this group.
 Take a representative sample of soil and spread it on a flat surface or palm of the hand.
 Remove all particles whose sizes are larger than 75 mm.
 If the soil contains more than 50% of visible particles then the soil is said to be a coarse
grained soil.

Prepared By: Er. Ravi Ghimire, Oxford College of Engineering and Management Page 2
Soil Mechanics

 If the soil contains less than 50% of visible particles then the soil is said to be a fine
grained soil.

B. Sedimentation or Dispersion Test

 Test is done by shaking a portion of the sample into a glass container of water and
allowing the material to settle.
 Gravel and coarse sand will settle almost immediately.
 Fine sand will take 30 sec to less than 5 minutes.
 Silt may require as much as about an hour.
 Clay will remain in suspension for several hours.
 The material will settle in layers.
 The percentage of each component is estimated by comparing the relative thickness of
each of the layers in the bottom of the jar.

C. Toughness or Plasticity Test

 In this test, a thread of moist soil about 3 mm diameter is prepared by rolling into hands
or on a flat smooth surface.
 If soil can be rolled into a thread of 3 mm diameter with no cracks in the sample, then it
is clayey soil.
 If soil can be rolled into a thread of 3 mm diameter but cracks develop on the surface of
the sample then it is silt or silt with clay.
 If soil cannot be rolled into thread of 3 mm diameter then it is non-plastic or sandy soil.

Prepared By: Er. Ravi Ghimire, Oxford College of Engineering and Management Page 3
Soil Mechanics

D. Dry Strength or Breaking Test

 The dry strength test is normally made on a pat of soil.

 Pat of soil is completely dried by air drying, sun drying or oven drying.
 Dry strength is determined by breaking the dry pat and crumbling it between fingers.
 If it doesn't break it is very high plastic clay.
 If it breaks with great effort it is plastic clay.
 If it can be broken and powered with ease, then it is silt or silt with clay.
 If crumbling or powdering will occur while being picked up by hands then it is silty sand.

E. Shaking or Dilatancy Test

 Small pat of moist soil is prepared.

 Water is added is to make the soil soft but not sticky.

 Pat is placed in one hand and shake gently.

 If the surface of the pat becomes glossy by rising of

moisture to surface and on squeezing between fingers
gloss disappears quickly then it is silt.
 If the process of appearance and disappearance of moisture is slow then it is silty clay.

 When the reaction doesn't occur then the soil is clayey.

F. Wet Test
• Place a pint of soil on a palm, add a little water and rub between thumb and finger.
• If soil gives soapy touch and sticks to finger, it is clay.
• If it doesn’t give a soapy touch and doesn’t stick to finger and dries quickly it is silt.
• If it gives rough feeling and no sign of wetting appears, then it is sand.

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Soil Mechanics

• Thus, this test helps to identify whether the soil is clayey, sandy or silty.

G. Soaking Test
 Put a small lump of soil in glass container containing pure water.
 Observe lump disintegration in water.
 If the soaking and disintegration takes place quickly, it is silt or clay of low plasticity.
 If the soaking and disintegration takes place very slowly, it is clay of high plasticity.

Soil Classification System

Soil classification deals with the systematic categorization of soils based on distinguishing
characteristics as well as criteria that dictate choices in use. The major soil classification systems
are given below:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology System (MIT)

Textural Classification of Soils

Indian Soil Classification System (ISCS)

Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

AASHTO Soil Classification System

A. Massachusetts Institute of Technology System (MIT)

Many engineering properties of soils are related with the particle size characteristics. The
size of particles varies from more than 30 cm to less than 0.001 mm. On the basis of their
particle size soils may be classified as gravel, sand, silt or clay. A simple classification based
on particle size has been proposed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In this
system, the soil is divided into four groups.

Prepared By: Er. Ravi Ghimire, Oxford College of Engineering and Management Page 5
Soil Mechanics

B. Textural Classification of Soils

The triangular classification as suggested by US Bureau of Public Roads is commonly known
as textural classification system. The term texture is used to express the percentage of the
three constituents of soils, namely sand, silt and clay.

To use this classification system, first of all, the given soil sample is sieved in order to determine
the percentage of sand, silt and clay size particles in it. With the known relative percentage of
sand, silt and clay a point will then be located on the triangular chart. The area in which the point
falls will then indicate the soil type. This type of classification system is more suitable for
describing coarse grained soil.

C. Indian Soil Classification System (ISCS)

 ISCS classification system is adopted by Bureau of Indian Standards.

 Similar to that of Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

 Fine grained soil in this system is sub-divided into three categories. I.e. Low, Medium
and High Plasticity.

 Classifies the soil into 18 groups under three broad divisions.

Prepared By: Er. Ravi Ghimire, Oxford College of Engineering and Management Page 6
Soil Mechanics

 8 groups of coarse grained, 9 groups of fine grained and one of peat.

Coarse Grained Soil

• When 50% or more soil is retained on 75μ Sieve is known as coarse grained soil.

• It is divided into sand and gravel.

Fine Grained Soil

• When more than 50% of soil passes through 75μ Sieve is known as fine grained soil.

• It is further divided into three groups based on value of liquid limit.

Silt and Clay of Low • These soils have a liquid limit less than
Compressibility 35%

Silt and Clay of Medium • These soils have a liquid limit greater
Compressibility than 35% but less than 50%.

Silt and Clay of High • The liquid limit of these soil is greater
Compressibility than 50%.

Prepared By: Er. Ravi Ghimire, Oxford College of Engineering and Management Page 7
Soil Mechanics

In Summary,

Classification of fine-grained soil: (a) Silt or Organic matter (b) Clay (as per ISCS).

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Soil Mechanics

D. Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

 Most popular and universally accepted for classification of soil.

 Describe the texture and grain size of a soil.

 Soils are classified into three categories.

i) Coarse grained soil

ii) Fine grained soil

iii) Organic soil

Coarse Grained Soil

• When 50% or more soil is retained on 75μ Sieve is known as coarse grained soil.
• It is divided into sand and gravel.
• If more than 50% of the coarse particles are retained on 4.75 mm sieve, then soil is gravel
otherwise it is sand.

Fine Grained Soil

• When more than 50% of soil passes through 75μ Sieve is known as fine grained soil.

• It is further divided into two groups based on value of liquid limit.

i) Low Plastic
ii) High plastic

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Soil Mechanics

 If liquid limit of soil is less than 50%, then the soil is classified as low plastic soil.
 If liquid limit of soil is greater than 50%, then the soil is classified as high plastic soil.
Organic Soil
• These soils contain large percentage of fibrous organic matter, such as peat, and the
particles of decomposed vegetation.
• In addition, certain soils containing shells, cinders and other non-soil materials in
sufficient quantities are also grouped in this division.

E. AASTHO Soil Classification System

 Stands for American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.
 Useful for classification of soils for highway.
 System is based on three soil properties.
i) Particle size distribution
ii) Liquid Limit
iii) Plasticity Index
Soil is divided into 7 groups from A-1 to A-7.

 A soil is a granular material if less than 35% of the soil by weight passes the No. 200
sieve (#200). Note: #200 = (75μ Sieve)

 Granular materials are classified into groups A-1 through A-3.

 Soils having more than 35% passing the No. 200 sieve are silt-clay and fall in groups A-4
through A-7.

 Soils classified as A-1 are typically well-graded mixtures of gravel, coarse sand, and fine

 Soils in subgroup A-1-a contain more gravel whereas those in A-1-b contain more sand.

 Soils in group A-3 are typically fine sands that may contain small amounts of non-plastic

 Group A-2 contains a wide variety of “borderline” granular materials that do not meet the
criteria for groups A-1 or A-3.

 Soils in group A-4 are silty soils, whereas those in group A-5 are high-plasticity elastic

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Soil Mechanics

 Soils in group A-6 are typically lean clays, and those in group A-7 are typically highly
plastic clays.

AASTHO Classification System

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Soil Mechanics

Comparison: AASHTO Vs. USCS Soil Classification System

S.N. AASHTO Soil Classification USCS Soil Classification

1 This system is used for finding out the This system is used for finding out the
suitability of soils as sub grades for suitability of soil for general use.

2 In this system soil is termed as fine In this system soil is termed as fine grained if
grained if more than 35% passes through more than 50% passes through 0.075 mm sieve.
0.075 mm sieve.

3 In this system No. 10 (2 mm) sieve is In this system No. 4 (4.75 mm) sieve is used to
used to divide soil into gravel and sand. divide soil into gravel and sand.

4 In AASHTO system gravelly and sandy In USCS, gravelly and sandy soils are clearly
soils are not clearly separated. separated.

5 Symbols are not descriptive and are Symbols used in USCS are more descriptive and
difficult to remember. easy to remember.

6 There is only one group of organic soil in Organic soils are classified as OL, OH, Peat and
this system. other highly organic soil in USCS system.

Group Index
 Evaluates the quality of soil.

 Means of rating value of a soil as a sub grade material.

 Higher the value of GI the weaker will be the soil and vice versa.

 Thus, quality of performance of a soil as a sub grade material is inversely proportional to


 A soil having GI zero is considered as the best.

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Soil Mechanics

 If the equation gives negative value for GI, considered it as a zero.

 Always round off the GI to the nearest whole number.

For example
The group which is A-7- 5 and A-7-6 indicates the clay sub-grades and A-8 is the peat sub-grade
in the group. If you are indicating a particular group classification with higher GI value that is
group index value that indicates poorer is the quality of the sub-grade.
Useful hints for using the AASHTO classification to classify the soil: always begin on the
left hand side with A-1- a group and check each of the criteria.

Limitation of Soil Classification System

 Different soil classification system uses different gain size to determine the soil type. The
behavior of soil largely depends upon the mineral rather than grain size.

 The distinguishing boundaries between various soil types are different according to
various classification systems. Naturally, same soil may be classified differently by
different classification system.

 Soil classification can help only in a qualitative evaluation of the general behavior of soil.

 Property or parameters based on which the classification is based may change rapidly and

 It cannot be used to obtain the parameter required for detail design but it can only used
for preliminary design and plan for the detailed investigation.

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Soil Mechanics

Numerical Problems
# Problem: 1
The Sieve analysis of a given sample of soil gave information that 57% of the particles pass
through 75μ. The liquid and plastic limits of soil were 62% and 28% respectively. Classify the
soil as per the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).
The percentage passing through 75μ sieve is greater than 50%. So, the soil is classified as fine
grained soil.
Liquid Limit (LL) = 62%
Plastic Limit (PL) = 28%
Therefore, Plasticity Index (IP) = LL – PL = (62 – 28) % = 34%
The equation of A line is given by (IP) = 0.73 (LL – 20) = 0.73 (62 – 20) % = 30.66%
This 30.66% value is plasticity index on A- line.
Since the plasticity index of soil is 34% and liquid limit is 62% (greater than 50%) the soil is
clay of high plasticity (CH)

# Problem: 2
The following data has been obtained from liquid and plastic limit tests on a soil samples.

Details Liquid Limit Test Data Plastic Limit

Mass of container with wet soil, (gm) 43.39 47.62 45.24 45.58 43.62 40.38

Mass of container with dry soil, (gm) 40.18 43.61 41.87 41.5 41.94 38.85

Mass of container, (gm) 29.86 31.5 32.01 30.51 33.1 30.9

Number of blows (N) 34 27 23 17

i) Liquid limit, Plastic limit.
ii) Classify the soil as per the USCS.
iii) Liquidity index if natural water content of the soil is 28.9%.

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Soil Mechanics

Liquid Limit Determination:
The calculations carried out are shown in the table below:

A graph is plotted considering Water Content (%) in Y-axis and No. of Blows (N) in X-axis.

From the graph, water content = 34 % for 25 number of blows (N).

Therefore, Liquid Limit (LL) = 34%

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Soil Mechanics

Plastic Limit Determination:

The calculations carried out are shown in the table below:

Liquid Limit (LL) = 34%

Plastic Limit (PL) = 19.13%
Therefore, Plasticity Index (IP) = LL – PL
= (34 – 19.13) %
= 14.87%
Equation of A line is given by (IP) = 0.73 (LL – 20)
= 0.73 (34 – 20) %
= 10.22 %
This 10.22% value is plasticity index on A- line.
Since the plasticity index of soil is 14.87% and liquid limit is 34% (less than 50%) the soil is
classified as clay of low plasticity (CL) according to USCS classification.
Liquidity Index (IL) =
= (0.289 – 0.191) / 0.148

= 0.662

= 66.2 %

Therefore, Liquidity Index (IL) = 66.2 %

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Soil Mechanics

# Problem: 3
In a test to determine the liquid limit of silty clay the following results were recorded.

Mass of container with wet soil, (gm) 19.62 21.26 19.5 21.28

Mass of container with dry soil, (gm) 16.74 18.39 17.24 19.08

Mass of container, (gm) 10.46 11.21 10.87 11.62

Number of blows (N) 12 19 28 41

Plot the result in graph paper and determine the liquid limit for the soil. If the plastic limit for
soil was 22% and natural water content 35%, find the Plasticity index, liquidity index and
consistency index.

# Problem: 4
Two soils were tested for their consistency in the lab. The following data were obtained.

Soil A Soil B
No of blows (N) Water content (%) No of blows (N) Water content (%)

8 43 5 65

20 39 15 61

30 37 30 59

45 25 40 58

Water content at which Water content at which

soil crumbled at 3 mm soil crumbled at 3 mm
diameter 25% diameter 30%

Natural Water Content 40% Natural Water Content 50%


i) Which soil has greater plasticity?

ii) Which soil is more compressible in nature? (Compressibility is directly proportional to

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Soil Mechanics

iii) Classify the both soils as per IS classification system?

# Problem: 5
Classify the soils A and B, with the properties as shown below, according to USC system.

Soil LL (%) IP (%)

A 45 29

B 55 15

# Problem: 6
From a sieve analysis the following grain size distribution has been obtained.
% Finer
Sieve Size
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3

4.75 mm 100 100 100

2 mm 100 99.25 100
1 mm 99.8 98.75 99.9
450 micron 99.65 98 99.7
212 micron 98.95 54.15 90
150 micron 97.55 7.6 81.5
75 micron 96.85 6 63
Liquid Limit 23 - -
Plastic Limit 16.77 - -
Plasticity Index 6.23 Non Plastic Non Plastic

i) Draw grain size distribution curve.

ii) Classify the soil as per unified soil classification system.

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Soil Mechanics

Comparison: Coarse-grained Soil Vs. Fine-grained Soil

S.N Coarse-grained Soil Fine-grained Soil

1 Coarse-grained soil is frequently It is identified on the basis of its plasticity.
identified based on the particle size or
grain size.
2 Individual particles are visible by naked Individual particles are not visible by the
eye. naked eye.
3 It is divided into two classes sand and It is divided into silt and clay.

4 Shape of grains varies from rounded to Silt tend to have spherical shape and clay
angular. particles are flaky.
5 Particles with a diameter larger than 4.75 Fine-grained soil particles diameter that fallen
mm are termed gravel and particles with between 75 micron to 2 micron are known as
diameter range between 4.75 mm to 75 silt and particles having a diameter smaller
micron are known as sand. than 2 micron is called clay.
6 Coarse-grained soils have 50% or less Fine-grained soils have 50% or more material
material passing the No. 200 sieve. passing the No. 200 sieve.
7 Engineering properties such as strength Engineering properties of fine grained soil are
and compressibility of coarse-grained soil controlled by mineralogical factors and
are governed by the grain-size of the moisture content.
particles and their structural arrangement.
8 There is no crucial change in strength Strength changes with a change in moisture
with the change in moisture condition. condition.
9 Coarse-grained soil is described on the Fine-grained soil is described depend on its
basis of its gradation (well or poor), dry strength, dilatancy, dispersion and
particle shape (angular, sub-angular, plasticity.
rounded or sub-rounded) and
mineralogical components.
10 It has good load-bearing qualities. It has good-load bearing qualities when dry;
however, it possesses little or no load-bearing
strength if it is wet. This characteristic is
especially true with clay.
11 Coarse-grained soil drains freely. Fine-grained soil is impermeable due to its
small particles size.
12 Moisture condition variation does not Volume change occurs as moisture content
affect its volume; however, vibration varies.
accentuates volume change in loose state.

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