Module 6 - Future Focus and Trends

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Module 6 – Future

Focus and Trends

Alternative energy production
∗ Nuclear
∗ Wind
∗ Bio-fuel
∗ Bio-ethanol
∗ Bio-diesel
∗ Biomass

∗ BIO-FUEL has enormous potential

∗ Not just economically, but environmentally
∗ Bio-diesel
∗ utilises natural oils
∗ can be reprocessed from cooking oils
∗ quite common today
∗ Bio-ethanol
∗ petrol substitute or additive
∗ refined from biomass using crops such as sugar cane, coconut
husks, rapeseed oil, corn, wheat, orange peel; in fact any
cellulose based material
∗ less common than Bio-diesel
∗ ethanol consumes as much carbon dioxide during the
photosynthesis process as it releases during combustion
Case Study - Brazil
∗ Brazil has been running engines on blends of petrol and ethanol
since 1975
∗ From 1975 to2004 the ethanol program in Brazil has displaced 230
billion litres of petrol
∗ Brazil will announce energy independence in 2006-07
∗ Refineries can switch from predominantly sugar production to
predominantly ethanol production depending on market price
∗ Some refineries are purely ethanol producing
∗ Brazil is the success story

∗ Why have they been such a success as compared

to the US
∗ Smaller population
∗ Smaller economy
∗ No Hummers or other big 4wds, no gas guzzlers
∗ Sugar cane harvesting is far less mechanised
∗ Yields far more with ethanol
∗ Climate is perfect for growing sugar cane, plemty
of rainfall.
Ethanol Potential
Blend rate % of ethanol Litres per year

95% 5% 68 million

85% (rate at which cars do

not need any 15% 204 million

45% (most common blend

55% 612 million
in Brazil)

85% (it is possible to run

cars on this blend, and
15% 1,156 million
they are currently being
manufactured in US)
Ethanol Potential (cont)
∗ Opposition to ethanol as a bio-fuel is mainly focused on the cost to
∗ Full life-cycle is considered
∗ From growing the crop to distillation
∗ It is said that it is not economical enough to replace gasoline
∗ Production will not be able to keep up with demand, particularly in
the US
∗ New economy for developing countries.
Ethanol Potential (cont)
∗ At present the first full scale treatment for Ethanol waste is being
built in Indiana, US.
∗ Waste stillage from the ethanol process is being treated with a two
stage process – aerobic and anaerobic – with air and without air.
∗ By-products from this system – Methane, water and sludge.

∗ ALL can be used – the system becomes a closed loop.

Ethanol Potential (cont)
∗ Water can be further treated to a drinkable quality.
∗ The sludge has the same nutrient content as high grade fertilisers –
so it is being dried and sold as an organic fertiliser – no chemicals –
better for the environment.
∗ The methane is to be burnt , the heat is used back in the ethanol
distilling process – all of the energy needs are self sourced.
∗ Excess energy can be sold back to the grid.

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