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Contains about…
- 1 shadow chest.
- Between 7-13 chests.
- Possibility of ships.
- Full mats.
- Fishing Holes.
- Fast early Game and possibility of winning every game offspawn.
- Possibility to go EdgeZone every game.
- For finals, we will have a great position to take tags.
- With an early rotation (edge zone + dead zone), we can hold people that come
before us.
- Not so much loot.
- Natural lowground and really open Spot.
- If there are no ships, probably not enough loot for a midgame or LateGame without
- If we waste a lot of time in our early, we will probably be holded by other people.
While landing we should scout the zone and get enough info for our EarlyGame.

Our landing Spot.
Zones that are not 100% contested, then the info that if its contested or not, would be
important for our rotations.
Zones that are 100% contested, we will try to avoid these totates.
Chests or Ships that we should know if are spawning or not for our rotatings.
How to land and loot.
( Landing )
( Other )
What we depend of:
- Time for looting.
- Direction of the bus (If the bus it's closer of his spot, we will land before)
- Chests in our loot path (it will give us more/less time and loot. )
- If there are 1 or 2 guys contesting it.
To fight Lake:
We will take the first chest, then get the river down, take the other chest and finally go
How can we lose less time? Scouting both chest while landing and if one of them are not
spawning, just don't go to take it.

This rotation should take between 65/70 seconds. At this time he will be near the blue
Once we reach the Red zone, it will be our time for Surprise Factor and get more than 3 Win
If the ships are spawning:
Our loot will be enough to decide if we fight or not, but it will depend if we are in the zone or
Taking advantage of the river, we will try to rotate fast and it will break his rotation.

(Not Fighting)
Those are some examples of the rotations that the Lake Guy can make.

Thinks we should know about the spot:

- Edge zone will always be our point. It will make us get tags and hold people who
rotate after us.
- We will only have mobility from boats and items we get.
- We will only get shields by items as well, so fishing holes and refills will be so
- Harpoon will be good to take, It will make our refills easier.
- Same with CrashPads or ShockWaves, making our Fights faster.
- We have no Upgrade Machines, noms or rifts nearby.
Where we can get fighted / tagged.

- Red: By Lazy, Dirty and Lake guys. (Maybe by the new POI)
- Orange: By Retail, Catty or Lazy.
- Pink: By the new POI, Dirty and maybe Steamy.
- Blue: By Dirty, Lake, Lazy or Retail.

Where we can get tags:

That will depend on the zone and the rotations you take or if you fight early as well.

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