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Students Handouts

MODULE: Fundamentals of Plant Protection

UNIT: Entomology

Year 1 Semester

Compiled by: Karma Penjore & Dr. Jamba Gyeltshen

August 2009

Introduction to entomology............................................... 3
Why are insects so successful? .............................................................................. 3
Economic importance - how do insects affect us? .................................................. 3
Features of Arthropods .......................................................................................... 4
Classification of Insects .................................................... 6
The different orders of insects ............................................................................... 6
Insect orders of agricultural importance ................................................................. 8
Insect morphology............................................................10
Head.................................................................................................................... 10
Antennae ............................................................................................................. 10
Eyes .................................................................................................................... 12
Mouth parts ......................................................................................................... 13
The insect thorax ................................................................................................. 14
Legs .................................................................................................................... 15
Wings.................................................................................................................. 15
Abdomen and external genitalia........................................................................... 16
Reproduction in insects ....................................................17
How do insects find their mates? ......................................................................... 17
Types opf reproduction in insects ........................................................................ 17
Male reproductive system .................................................................................... 17
The female reproductive system .......................................................................... 18
Insect growth and development .......................................19
Insect life cycle ................................................................................................... 19
Metamorphosis .................................................................................................... 20
Insect seasonal cycles .......................................................................................... 22
Larval forms........................................................................................................ 23
Pupal forms ......................................................................................................... 23
Insect collection................................................................25
Insect collection equipments................................................................................ 26
Preserving insects.............................................................29
Hard-Bodied Insects ............................................................................................ 29
Soft-Bodied Insects ............................................................................................. 30
Pinning, mounting and displaying insects .......................31
Equipments required............................................................................................ 31
Pinning Insects .................................................................................................... 31
Labeling Insects................................................................................................... 33
Reference: ........................................................................................................... 34

Introduction to entomology
Entomology is the branch of zoology which deals with the study of insects, the most
abundant form of animal life on earth and found anywhere and on everything. The
word entomology has two parts viz., Entomon = Insects and logos = study.
Agriculture Entomology deals with the study of insects in relation to agriculture.
Insects are the dominant animal species on the earth and one million different species
are known which make up more than 80% of all described animal species. Given that
there are so many species of insect, it follows that insects are a major component of
the earth's biodiversity. Insects have important roles as plant consumers and
herbivores, a food source for other organisms, scavengers and detritivores, predators
and parasites. Insects also directly affect human welfare by competing with us for
food and transmitting diseases. However, not all insects are detrimental to human
welfare. For example, bees are used to produce honey, silkworms to produce silk and
similarly numerous predatory species are used to control pests in our crops.

Why are insects so successful?

There are many attributes of insects that have allowed for their success and

 Small size -there are many more niches for small organisms than for large
organisms. For instance, one insect could live solely on and in the seeds of a
specific plant.
 Short life cycle - this allows many generations within a given time for
selection and evolution to take place.
 Large reproductive ability - large numbers of offspring support a large
variation for selection and evolution to act upon. A honey bee queen lays as
many as 4,000 eggs a day, and an African termite queen can lay as many as
43,000 eggs a day.
 Variation in the life style of different stages in an insect's life (e.g. caterpillar
versus butterfly) reduces competition for resources within the species.
 Wings-the ability to fly are relatively rare outside insects and have allowed
them to colonize freely.
 Sensory sophistication - the sensory capabilities of insects surpasses most
other organisms.
 Adaptation of appendages - mouthparts, wings and legs have often become
highly specialized.

Economic importance - how do insects affect us?

Insects impact the welfare of mankind in different ways. Some are beneficial while
some damage our crop and affect other activities. The beneficial and detrimental
effects of insects are given below.

Beneficial effects

1. Plant pollination- Insects such as bees, beetles and wasps aid in pollinating our
crops and fruit trees. Crops in Rosaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Leguminosae are
exclusively pollinated by bee. It is estimated that 80% of the commercial food crops
are pollinated by honey bees.

2: Bio-control agents. Some parasitic and predatory insects are excellent bio-control
agents for controlling other injurious insects. Example Encarsia formosa is an
excellent bio-control agent for white flies on tomatoes and potatoes.

3. Production of products - Honey, bees wax and royal jelly, silk ( from Bombyx mori)
shellac ( from Laccifer lacca) and cochineal (red dye widely used in
cosmetics,medicinals and food products dereived from Dactylopius coccus, a scale

4. Nutrient recycling - Insects feed on dead and decaying plants, animals and animal
excreta and helps in recycling the nutrients. Some insects borrow into soils and
improve the soil structure and texture. Examples are dung feeders and termites.

5. Insects are important human food sources - over 500 species of insects are used as
food by humans -usually crickets, grasshoppers, beetle, wasp, butterfly larvae, bugs

6. Miscellaneous – Some insects are used for medicinal purpose, decoration, hobby,
and pets.

Detrimental effects

 Destruction or spoilage of food (both fresh and stored) and crops (including
 Damage to goods - leather, paper, textiles, (by beetles, cockroaches, silverfish
or moths), timber (by termites and different sorts of borers)
 Transmit disease in plants and animals.
 Venoms and allergies
 Some insects are a nuisance to our well being -house flies, ants
 Phobias - such as arachnophobia
 Require use of pesticides and other poisons, which often harm other animals

Features of Arthropods
Arthropoda is the largest phylum of the animal kingdom. Arthropods are segmented
animals which have of jointed appendages. (Arthros - Jointed, Podos - foot). All
arthropods have

(a) Segmented bodies that allow movement.

(b) They have an exoskeleton or external skeleton, a hard protective covering
around the outside of the body (divided by sutures into plates called sclerites)
(c) Jointed appendages
(d) Bilateral symmetry.

(e) Ventral nerve chord - as opposed to a vertebrate nerve chord which is dorsal
(f) Dorsal blood vessel
The Phylum Arthropoda includes the class Insecta and other classes like the
Arachnida, the Chilopoda, the Diplopoda and the Crustacea. It is with these groups
that the insects, especially the wingless ones, are most likely to be confused and the
main characters that are used to differentiate these classes are:

Arachnida: (Spiders, Mites, Scorpions, Ticks)

i) Two body regions
ii) Four pairs of segmented legs attached to the cephalothorax
iii) No antennae

Chilopoda: (Centipedes)
i) Head with eyes and one pair of antennae
ii) The rest of the body is flattened and segmented, each segment bearing a pair
of legs.
iii) Quick moving predators with poison glands.

Diplopoda: (Millipedes)
i) Head and many segmented trunk, each segment bearing two pairs of
segmented legs.
ii) Slow moving vegetarians.

Crustacea: (Shrimps, Crabs and Lobsters)

i) Two body regions - Cephalothorax and abdomen
ii) Two pairs of antennae
iii) Usually five pair of legs

Insecta: (Grasshoppers, Bugs, Lice, Beetles, Flies, Butterflies, Moths, Bees, Wasps,
Ants, etc.)
i) Three body regions - head, thorax and abdomen
ii) Three pairs of legs attached to the thorax
iii) One pair of segmented antennae
iv) Most flying insects possess two pairs of wings

Classification of Insects
All living organisms are placed into certain groups or categories for classification and
identification. The seven most commonly used categories are:

Kingdom- Animal
Phylum - Arthropoda
Class – Hexapoda (Insects)
Order – Lepidoptera (Butterflies and moths)
Family - Noctuidae
Genus -Helicoverpa
Species – Helicoverpa armigera

The species is the basic taxonomic category and may be defined as groups of actually
interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such
groups. Closely related species are grouped together in the next higher category - the
genus. Related genera make up a family and related families are grouped into orders.
The scientific name of an organism consists of two words - the generic name and the
specific name. This system of naming insects is called the binomial system of

The different orders of insects

Insects are among the most abundant and successful of terrestrial animals. They
include about three-fourths of all described species of animals and have become
adapted to a wide range of environments. No other group of living creatures has such
variety of form, colour, function and habitat. The classification of insects into various
orders is based on the presence or absence of wings, wing venation, the type of
metamorphosis, the type of mouth parts, the characters of antennae, tarsi, etc. Thus
we have:
Class Insecta


(Wingless) (Winged)

There are four orders in Apterygota, viz:

1. Collembola (Springtails)
2. Diplura
3. Protura
4. *Thysanura (Silverfish)

Here, none of them are of economic importance, except silverfish, which occasionally
damage book-bindings.
The subclass PTERYGOTA is further divided into two groups as:


exo=external endo=internal A TA

In Exopterygota, the wings develop externally and the young ones are called Nymphs
and Metamorphosis is in-complete (Hemimetabolous). The following orders are
included in this division:

5. Ephemeroptera (Mayflies)
6. Odonata (Dragonflies)
7. Blattodea (Cockroaches)
8. Isoptera (Termites)
9. Mantodea (Mantids)
10. Zoraptera
11. Gryllablattodea
12. Dermaptera (Earwigs)
13. Plecoptera (Stoneflies)
14* Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, Crickets etc.)
15. Phasmatodea (Stick insects)
16. Embioptera (Web-spinners)
17. Psocoptera (Psocids, Book lice)
18. Anoplura (Sucking lice)
19. Mallophaga (Biting lice)
20* Hemiptera (Bugs)
21* Thysanoptera (Thrips)

In Endopterygota, the development of wings occurs internally and transformation

from larva to adult form occurs during a quiescent pupal stage. They undergo
complete metamorphosis (Holometabolous). The following orders are included in
this division:

22. Megaloptera (Alder flies)

23. Neuroptera (Lace wings, Antlions)
24* Coleoptera (Beetles)
25. Strepsiptera (Stylops)
26. Mecoptera (Scorpion-flies)

27. Siphonaptera (Fleas)
28* Diptera (Flies, Mosquitos)
29. Trichoptera (Caddisflies)
30* Lepidoptera (Moths, Butterflies)
31* Hymenoptera (Wasps, Bees, Ants)

Insect orders of agricultural importance

ORTHOPTERA: Includes grasshoppers, crickets, etc. Orthopterans have chewing

mouth types in both adult and immature stage. Most orthopterans have two pairs of
wings, the forewings being thickened and of leathery texture are called tegmina. The
hind wings are large and fanlike and are folded beneath the tegmina when not in use.
They have thread-like, filiform antennae. The hind legs are usually enlarged for

THYSANOPTERA: (Thrips) - Thrips are small or minute insects, and have a rasping
- sucking mouth type. Many species are wingless but when wings are present, they
are long, narrow and fringed with hairs. Many species of thrips are phytophagous,
causing damage to a variety of plants.

HEMIPTERA: Hemipterans have piercing and sucking mouth type. The fore-wings
are called hemelytra and are normally held flat over the abdomen when at rest. The
basal portions of these wings are hardened in texture, while the apical portions are
membranous. The hind wings are membranous and folded beneath the hemelytra.
They have a segmented beak which arises ventrally from the front or anterior region
of the head.

HOMOPTERA: They have piercing and sucking mouth parts. The fore- wings are
uniformly membranous or slightly thickened and the wings are held roof-like or tent-
like over their bodies when at rest. This order also includes wingless and short wing
insects. Their segmented beak arises ventrally from the posterior portion of the head.
The order includes aphids, hoppers, mealy bugs and scale insects.

COLEOPTERA: These are the beetles characterized by having fore-wings which are
thickened and hardened into elytra, which meet along the mid-lines of the dorsal
surface and which are used to protect the delicate, folded hind wings. Beetles have
chewing mouth types in both the immature and adult stages. This is the largest order
in the animal kingdom and the group exhibits great diversity of forms and habits.
Included in this order are a variety of harmful as well as beneficial insects.

LEPIDOPTERA: These are the moths and butterflies. Lepidopteran larvae have
chewing mouth types, while some adults have vestigial or non-functioning mouth
types and do not feed. Most adults, however, have a long coiled proboscis which is
used for siphoning plant nectar. They have two pairs of membranous wings and the
body and appendages are clothed in broad scales. The immature stages of
Lepidoptera, called caterpillars, can cause considerable damage by their feeding.

DIPTERA: These are the true flies, with a single pair of membranous wings, the hind-
wings being modified into club-shaped halteres. There is a variety of feeding habits
and mouth types associated with members of this order. Adult Diptera may have
sponging, lapping or piercing-sucking mouth types. Dipteran larvae are legless and
have a chewing mouth type.

HYMENOPTERA: This order includes sawflies, wasps, bees and ants. Larval
hymenoptera generally have a chewing mouth type. Adults have chewing mouth
parts but this may again be modified for specific functions. Only a few species from
this order are considered to be of economic importance but the majority of them are
beneficial insects

Insect morphology
The head of an insect is composed of a
series of segments, which are
specialized for food gathering and
manipulation, sensory perception, and
neural integration. The head bears the
eyes (compound eyes and ocelli),
antennae, and mouthparts. The
anterior part of the head is the frons.
The anterior area below the dorsum of
the head, between and behind the eyes
is the vertex. The area below the
compound eye, on the side of the head,
is the gena. The liplike sclerite is the
clypeus. The principle structures of an
insect head are given in figure 1.

Fig: 1 Principle parts of in insect head.


The antennae are the sensory organ of smell touch and hearing (auditory) in insects. It
is with the help of antenna that insects are able to locate food, find their mates, detect
danger, feel and find their way. The specialisation of the antenna for different
functions may vary from one type of insect to the other. For e.g. antenna of houseflies
have a strong sense of smell and that is why they can appear from anywhere if there is
a rotten smell of meat. The shape, size and length of antenna vary so much.
Cockroaches have very long antenna whereas the antenna of houseflies no matter how
big in size can hardly be seen. Depending upon the shape, antenna can be filiform
(threadlike), clavate (clubshaped), pectinate (comb like), bipectinate (double comb
like), plumose (feather like), serrated (saw tooth like), lamellate (plate like),
monoliform (bead like), aristate, etc.

Antennal segments

The paired antennae are made up of a number of individual joints. The first antennal
segment (closest to the head) is called the scape. The second antennal segment is
called the pedicel and the remainder of the antenna is collectively called the

The basic form of antenna is filiform. In this type there are many segments that are
more or less equal in size. Filiform antennae are seen in a wide variety of groups, such
as Dragonflies, Grasshoppers and Crickets, Book Lice, Biting Lice, Scorpion Flies
and Beetles. The length and number of joints varies much between them.

Filiform antennae
This is the most basic form of insect antennae as shown in fig.2.

Fig. 2 Illustration of filiform antennae.

This basic structure is modified in a wide variety of ways and a number of different
types may be recognised. The main ones are as follows:-

Setaceous - There are many joints. The antenna tapers gradually from the base to the
tip e.g. Bristletails, Cockroaches, Mayflies, Stoneflies and Caddisflies.

Fig.3 IIlustration of setaceous antenna

Moniliform - The round segments make the antenna look like a string of beads e.g.

Fig.4 IIlistration of monilform antenna

Serrate - the segments are angled on one side giving the appearance of a saw edge
e.g. Beetles.

Fig. 5 Illustration of serate type antenna

Pectinate - The segments are longer on one side. This gives the appearance of a comb
e.g. Sawflies (related to wasps) and Beetles.

Fig. 6 Illustration of pectinate type antenna

Clavate - the segments become wider towards the tip of the antenna. This may be
gradual along its length, or a sudden increase and therefore mainly affecting the last
few joints and giving the appearance of a club e.g. Butterflies & Moths and Beetles.

Fig. 7 Illustration of clavate type antenna

Lamellate - the segments towards the end are flattened and plate-like. This gives the
appearance of a fan e.g. Beetles

Fig. 8 Illustration of lamellate type antenna

Geniculate - there is an abrupt bend or elbow part of the way along the antenna e.g.
Ants and Beetles.

Fig. 9 Illustration of geniculate type antenna

Plumose - the segments each have a number of fine thread-like branches. This gives
the appearance of a feather e.g. Flies.

Fig. 10 Illustration of plumose type antenna

Insects have usually 2 types of eyes. The pair of big eyes that are prominently seen in
most insects are known as the compound eyes. It is so named because of the fact that
the eyes are made of many units of photo receptors that are each individually
functioning like our human eye. These visual units that make up the compound eyes
are known as ommatidia (ommatidium sing.). There may be up to 30,000 ommatidia

in a compound eye. The number of ommatidium however varies from insect to insect
depending upon their habit. The predatory insects have very powerful eyes which
mean the number of ommatidia is very high. Insects like worker ants have very few
ommatidia. This type of eye gives less resolution than the vertebrate eye, but it gives
acute perception of movement which is important in flight.

Besides the compound eyes, insects do have simple eyes called ocelli, on their
forehead. They are less apparent and are seen only as dark shining patches (usually 3)
of epidermal cells. Higher insects have both types of eyes where as lower insects and
larvae have simple eyes only. They are not as sensitive as the compound eyes but can
detect the changes in the illumination or intensity of light. For example it can alert the
insect if a shadow of a predator falls on it. Cut worms which are nocturnal in habit
probably depend on these simple eyes.

Mouth parts
The most important way in which insects inflict losses and injury upon man and his
possessions is by eating or feeding. Since insects fed in various ways, it is evident that
knowledge of insect mouth parts is of prime importance in the study of entomology.
The mouth part of an insect can be classified in accordance with their function.
According to this scheme there are
1) Those are those intended for biting and chewing (Mandibulate) like in
Grasshoppers, crickets, cockroaches, lacewings and beetles;
2) Those modified for sucking like in butterflies (siphoning type) and house
flies (sponging type), rasping type (thrips); chewing and lapping type (Honey
bees) and
3) Those adapted for piercing and sucking type (are also known as a proboscis,
stylets or rostrum) like in bugs and mosquitoes. Basically other types of
mouthparts are modification of the simple biting and chewing type.

The main parts of this type are the

(1) Labrum - an unpaired, flap-like structure hinges to its upper margin to the lower
edge of the clypeus. It is located in front of (or above, depending on the direction the
head points) the oral cavity and serve as an upper "lip" and moves longitudinally.

(2) Mandibles (upper jaws) – is a pair of highly sclerotised, horny, usually large non-
segmented structures found immediately behind (or below) the labrum. They
articulate on the distal margins of the genae. The mandibles move at right angles to
the body. They are used for biting, chewing and severing food.

(3) Maxillae - (lower jaw) is a pair of segmented structures situated immediately

behind or below the mandible. The maxillae moves at right angles to the body and
possess segmented palps.

(4) Labium – (the lower lip) is an unpaired structure serving as a lower lip and
closing the oral cavity from below or behind; it moves longitudinally and possesses a
pair of segmented palps.

(5) Hypopharynx - this is an unpaired structure, otherwise known as the tongue,
which occupies a portion of the oral cavity; it is located more or less in the center of
this space and near the base of the labium.

Fig. 11 Different parts of a mandubulate type mouth.

The insect thorax

The insect thorax is box-like with dorsal, ventral and lateral sclerites. The dorsal
sclerites are collectively called the notum or tergum. The ventral sclerites are called
the sternum and the lateral sclerites are called the pleuron. The thorax is divided into
three parts and from front to back; these segments are named as follows:

(1) Prothorax - the first of the three (hence Pro-) and bearing the first pair of true
legs; wings are never present on this portion of the thorax. The top plate of the
segment, the Pronotum, is in most winged insects are rather highly specialized and is
usually enlarged to some extent.

(2) Mesothorax - (meso= middle) this is the middle of the three thoracic ring-
segments; it bears the second pair of true legs and the first pair of wings when two
pairs are present. If only one pair of wings is present, as is the case with the flies, then
that single pair is located on this segment of the thorax. In other species (i.e., scale
insects, the males have one pair of wings on the metathorax!). One pair of spiracles is
often found on this segment. In most insects, usually no spiracles are found on the 1st
or third thoracic segments.

(3) Metathorax - (Meta-last) this is the third and last of the thoracic segments; it
bears the third pair of true legs and the second pair of wings, when they are present. A
pair of thin knobbed projections (halters) takes the place of this second pair of wings
in the Diptera.

The legs, named from the anterior, are the fore, mid and hind legs. Each leg consists
of four main parts - the coxa, the femur, the tibia and the tarsus (plural: tarsi) - with
a small, often inconspicuous segment between the coxa and femur, called the
trochanter. The tarsus is collectively composed of 2 to 5 smaller tarsomeres. The last
tarsomere usually has a pair of claws and often 2 or 3 tarsal pads- the arolium.

Figure: 12 parts of insect legs


Insect legs have been variously adapted for running, jumping, grasping, swimming or
digging. An examination of insect legs can often tell much about the habits of the
insect. Some of the insect leg modifications are

 Unmodified legs are used for walking and are called ambulatory
 Legs modified for running are called cursorial.
 Digging legs are called fossorial
 Swimming legs are called natatorial.
 Jumping legs are called saltorial.
 Grasping legs are called raptorial.

Insect wings are unique among all animals. They are outgrowths of the body wall
rather than modified appendages. Winged insects typically have two pairs borne on
the meso- and metathorax, but some forms have only one pair borne on the
mesothorax; the second pair may be present in a greatly modified form such as a club-
or hair-like process called a haltere on flies. In others the wings may be absent or
rudimentary (non-functional); such insects are termed apterous (a = Greek, without;
pterous = wings).

Basically, insect wings are very simple flap-like extensions of the body wall, with an
upper and lower membrane between which run hollow tubes known as the veins
which give rigidity and support. Air, nerves and blood also pass through the wing

The venation (arrangement of veins) varies from very simple to extremely complex
and is an important character in identification of many orders, families and genera.
Wings become functional only in the adult stage.

Insect wings have been modified in many ways; for example:

 The wings of a moth are covered with minute scales which are often brightly
 The fore wings of a beetle are hardened and form a protection (the elytra) for
the membranous hind wings.
 Cockroaches and grasshoppers have leathery fore wings (Tegmina).
 Some bugs have half-leathery, half-membranous fore wings (hemielytra).
 In flies, (Diptera), the hind wings have become modified to form small
balance organs, called halteres.

Abdomen and external genitalia

The abdomen is the third and posterior region of the insect body. The abdomen of
adult insects contains no legs or wings and usually consists of 10 or 11 segments.
However, in many orders, reduction has occurred or the segments are concealed or
modified. Each segment of the abdomen consists of a dorsal sclerite, the tergum, and
a ventral sclerite, the sternum, joined to one another laterally by a pleural
membrane. In many adult insects, there is a spiracle (opening to the respiratory
system) near the pleural membrane on each side of the first eight abdominal
segments. Terminally the abdomen bears the external genitalia. In some female
insects there is a very obvious ovipositor for depositing eggs. A pair of cerci is also
present at the end of the abdomen. These have a sensory function.

Reproduction in insects
How do insects find their mates?
Insects use different ways in order to attract their mating partners. Insects use sound
(Example crickets, grasshoppers and cicadas), smell (Moths), colour (Moths and
butterflies) and pheromones (Moths). Pheromone is a chemical which is produced by
living organisms that transmits message to other members of the same species.

Types opf reproduction in insects

Reproduction in insects can take a wide variety of forms, often very complex. Some
can switch their type of reproduction during their life cycle based on environmental
triggers. Others reproduce the same way throughout their life history. The basic theme
and some of the variations are described below.

Sexual reproduction: The standard model for reproduction is where males and
females occur throughout the life cycle, and each produces a germ cell (egg and
sperm, respectively). The male inseminates the female during mating. The female
often stores sperm in special pouches in her abdomen called spermathecae (singular,
spermatheca). The eggs are fertilized within the female's body, producing an embryo.
Eggs are deposited on a host. They hatch and develop into either male or female

Parthenogenesis: This is asexual reproduction, where eggs grow and develop without
fertilization. There are several variations of parthenogenesis. Arrhenotokous
parthenogenesis is where unfertilized eggs produce only males. In deuterotokous
parthenogenesis, both males and females are produced from unfertilized eggs. In
thelyotokous reproduction, unfertilized eggs produce only females.

Viviparity: Most insects deposit eggs that hatch into nymphs or larvae, a process
called oviparity, but some insects bear living young. A common example is aphids,
which are viviparous during part of their life cycle. A variation is ovoviviparity,
where eggs are held within the female's body, where they hatch, and the young are
born live.

Polyembryony: This is where two or more embryos develop from a single egg, as in
the parasitic Hymenoptera, such as braconid, encyrtid, and dryinid wasps.

Male reproductive system

The male's reproductive system consists of
1. A pair of testes usually located near the back of the abdomen. Each testis is
subdivided into functional units (called follicles) where sperm are actually
produced. A typical testis may contain hundreds of follicles, generally
aligned parallel to one another.

2. Mature sperm pass out of the testes through short ducts (Vasa efferntia) and
collect in storage chambers (seminal vesicles) that are usually little more than

enlarged sections of the vasa. Similar ducts (vasa deferentia) lead away
from the seminal vesicles, join one another near the midline of the body, and
form a single ejuaculatory duct that leads out of the body through the male's
copulatory organ (called an aedeagus).

3. One or more pairs of accessory glands are usually associated with the male's
reproductive system. These are secretory organs that connect to the
reproductive system by means of short ducts. The glands have two major
A: Manufacture of seminal fluid, a liquid medium that sustains and
nourishes mature sperm while they are in the male's genital system.

B: Production of spermatophores, pouch-like structures (mostly protein)

that encase the sperm and protect them as they are delivered to the female's
body during copulation.

The female reproductive system

The female's reproductive system contains

1. A pair of ovaries. Each ovary is subdivided into functional units (called

ovarioles) where the eggs are actually produced. A typical ovary may contain
dozens of ovarioles, generally aligned parallel to one another.
2. Mature eggs leave the ovaries through short lateral oviduct. Near the midline
of the body, these lateral oviducts join to form a common oviduct which opens
into a genital chamber called the bursa copulatrix.
3. Female accessory glands (one or more pairs) supply lubricants for the
reproductive system and secrete a protein-rich egg shell (chorion) that
surrounds the entire egg.
4. During copulation, the male deposits his spermatophore in the bursa
copulatrix. Peristaltic contractions force the spermatophore into the female's
spermatheca, a pouch-like chamber reserved for storage of sperm. Sperm
may live in the spermatheca for weeks, months, or even years!
5. During ovulation, each egg passes across the opening to the spermatheca and
stimulates release of a few sperm onto the egg's surface. These sperm swim
through the micropyle (a special opening in the egg shell) and get inside the
egg. Fertilization occurs as soon as one sperm's nucleus fuses with the egg
cell's nucleus.
6. Oviposition (egg lying) usually follows closely after fertilization. Once these
processes are complete, the egg is ready to begin embryonic development.

Insect growth and development
Insect life cycle
Life cycle is the chain of biological events that occurs during the lifetime of an
individual insect. The cycle usually begins with deposition of egg and ends with egg
lying by the adult.

Egg: Eggs come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. They might be deposited on or in
the ground, the roots, the stems, the leaves, or the flowers. When the eggs hatch the
new insect is called a larva. The plural of larva is larvae.

Larva: The larva seldom looks like the adult it will become. Some common larval
forms are the maggot, grub worm, nymph and caterpillar. As the larva grows it must
shed its old skin from time to time. This is called molting or ecdysis. From hatching
to the first molt the larva is said to be in its 1st instar stage. After molting the first
time the larva enters its second instar stage, and so on (fig. 13). Different insects have
different numbers of instars, but eventually the larva is fully grown and ready to

Fig.13 Stages in development of an insect to adult insect

Pupa: The pupa is the life stage between larva and adult. In this stage the insect does
not feed, and is in a quiescent state. Most pupae are found hidden and protected
habitats. Some usually construct some kind of shelter (cocoon) to pupate in. This
"cocoon" might be made from soil particles, silk, chewed seeds, chewed plant
material, ground litter, or combinations. After pupation the adult emerges to mate and
to lay eggs. The figure below illustrates the life cycle of a fly.

Figure: 14. An example of insect life cycle showing complete metamorphosis (Source: )

The majority of insects start life in the form of a fertilized egg laid by a female on
plants or in the ground. After hatching of the egg the developing young one undergoes
a series of changes in size and structure before becoming adult. Each time an insect
makes a change into the next growth stage, it has to molt (shed) its skin. After each
molt, the insect becomes a little larger and somewhat different in form until it reaches
the adult stage. After it reaches the adult stage, it does not molt or grow any more. To
the series of changes which takes place in the life history of an insect the term
metamorphosis has been applied. There are four kinds of metamorphosis, complete
(butterflies), gradual (grasshoppers), incomplete (dragonflies) and no
metamorphosis (Silverfish). The exact style of metamorphosis is not the same for
all insects, but insects in the same order have the same style of metamorphosis.

Ametabolous development: Some orders of insects are said to have no

metamorphosis (Ametabolous development) because there is little or no difference
in appearance between the young stages and the adult except for size (Fig.14). The
no-metamorphosis model is found in primitively wingless insects (Subclass
Apterygota). Suitable examples are primitive insects such as silverfish (Thysanura).

Fig. 15 typical development of an aterygote insect with no metamorphosis

Gradual metamorphosis (Paurometabolous development): The life cycle of

insects with gradual metamorphosis have three life stages (Fig. 16): egg, nymph and
adult. Nymphs resemble the adult except that their body parts are out of proportion
with each other, and they do not have fully developed wings and external genetalia.
With each molt, the nymphs gradually develop wings and take on the body
proportions of an adult. Nymphs have the same type of mouthparts as the adult, and
they both feed on the same kind of food.

Fig.16 The life cycle of a plant bug.


Incomplete metamorphosis (Hemimetabolous development) is somewhat like

gradual metamorphosis and also has three life stages: egg, naiads and adult.
However, the adult insect with incomplete metamorphosis lays its eggs in or near
water and the naiads develop in water. The adults are flying insects that live out of
water. Naiads and adults therefore do not eat the same kind of food. Naiads have
chewing mouthparts, but the adults have differently shaped chewing mouthparts or no

functional mouthparts. The naiad and the adult usually differ a lot in appearance
although the naiads gradually develop wings.

Complete metamorphosis (Holometabolous development): It has four distinct

form stages: egg, larvae, pupa and adult (Fig.17). The larval stages do not look like
the adult at all, and they are often worm-like. Larvae often have different mouthparts
and food habits than the adult, and they often live in places different from the adult.
Larvae molt several times and get a little larger with each molt, but there is no gradual
development of wings or other adult characteristics. When a fully grown larva molts,
it changes into a pupa. The pupa usually does not eat or move around much, but a lot
of internal changes take place. When the pupa has made all its internal changes, its
skin splits and the fully formed adult emerges. Most insects with complete
metamorphosis are winged in the adult stage. The adults do not molt or grow any
more. Little flies or beetles, for instance, do not grow to become larger. Flies
(Diptera), beetles (Coleoptera), wasps (Hymenoptera) and butterflies (Lepidoptera),
have holometabolic life cycles.

Fig. 17 Complete metamorphosis


Insect seasonal cycles

The progression of one or more life cycles occurring during a 1-year period is termed
as the insect seasonal cycles. Seasonal cycles are very important to the survival of the
insects because most environments of which insects are part of undergo annual colds.
Therefore, to achieve success, insects have evolved ways to time their activities to
take advantage on environmental resources and avoid unfavorable extremes.
Knowledge of patterns in seasonal cycles and the timing of important biological
events relative to environmental cycles are crucial when attempting to reduce pest

Seasonal cycle can be grouped according to the number of generations that occur in a
year; this number is referred to as a population’s voltinity. Voltinity types are
univoltine, multivoltine, and delayed voltine.

Larval forms
The larval form is highly variable in insects, but there are similarities in the general
structure to permit a classification of type that is useful in describing their appearance.

(1) Campodeiform larvae have a flattened body with long legs, usually with
filaments on the end of the abdomen. Larvae of diving beetles in the family
Dytiscidae and many other beetles, Neuroptera, and Trichoptera are typical examples.

(2) Carabiform larvae are similar to the campodeiform type, but the legs are shorter
and filaments are lacking on the end of the body. They receive their name from the
larvae of carabid beetles. Chrysomelid beetle larvae are of the same type.

(3) Eruciform larvae (Polypod larvae) are cylindrical; they have a well-formed head,
3 pair of sclerotised and jointed thoracic legs, and fleshy abdominal prolegs.
However, several species representing the various orders of insects do not have such
distinguishing features. Larvae of Lepidoptera and sawflies are typical

(4) Scarabaeiform larvae (Oligopod larvae) are C-shaped, have a well developed
head, and usually possess thoracic legs but lack prolegs. The type is named after
larvae of scarabaeid beetles (dung beetles, May beetles) and is also represented by the
larvae of weevils and furniture beetles.

(5) Elateriform larvae are cylindrical, smooth, and relatively tough-skinned larvae
with short legs. They are named after larvae of elaterid or click beetles (wireworms).
Larvae in the beetle family Tenebrionidae also have this appearance.

(6) Platyform larvae are broad and flat with legs short or absent. This type is not
common, but examples are found among larvae of some syrphid flies, certain
caterpillars, and blister beetles.

(7) Vermiform or wormlike larvae (Apod larvae) are cylindrical and elongate,
without appendages of locomotion. This form is represented by the larvae of higher
Diptera (maggots), some woodboring beetles, fleas, and higher Hymenoptera,
including the honey bee.

Pupal forms
Pupal forms may be classified by means of the appearance of developing appendages.

(1) In obtect pupae the appendages are close to the body, held there by a tight-fitting
outer envelope. They appear almost to be glued to the body proper. Pupae of this type
are found in Lepidoptera and many Coleoptera, as well as the less advanced Diptera.
The obtect pupa of butterflies is a common example.

(2) Exarate pupae refer to those species that undergoes complete metamorphosis
where their appendages (antennae, legs, and wings) appear to be free from the body
proper. The bees and wasps of the Hymenoptera are common examples.

(3) Co-arctate pupae are represented by those that use the exuviae (cast exoskeketon)
of the last larval instar as the container or place for pupal development. In this
instance, neither the outline nor the actual structures are visible. The flies are
examples of this type of pupation.

Purpose of collecting and preserving insects
There must be a purpose for collecting insects. Some of the reasons for collecting and
preserving insects are:

1. For studying the insect biology, lifecycle and biodiversity

Because of the damage inflicted by pest species, increased knowledge of these
organisms has the potential to save lives and money. Insects are collected for
studying the details and gaining a better understanding of their biology and life
cycles. Insects are sometimes collected for recording the biodiversity.

Extension agents will come across several species of pests in their geogs. For
better understanding of the pest biology and lifecycle, they must make an effort to
identify the pest. As the first step towards identification, proper collection, setting
and preservation of the pest species is a must.

2. For identification( species determination)

a) Newly detected insects
Correct identification (knowing the scientific name) of a newly detected pest or
disease vector is the key to all known information about the morphology,
behaviour and life history, and the potential threat to human welfare. Insects are
collected for species determination so that it is convenient for finding out more
b) Small insects that are difficult to identify
The behaviour of insects can be observed most easily in their natural
environments. However, many species, especially the smaller ones, must be
collected and properly preserved before they can be identified. Because correct
identification seldom is easy, it is important that specimens be preserved in the
best condition possible. Therefore preservation is highly important.
c) Pest outbreak reports
During pest outbreaks in the geogs, extension agents need to report to their
superiors on the type of pest that is responsible for the outbreak. It is very useful
to collect the pest and submit to the concerned authorities for identification. Such
collections submitted for identification need to be well set and preserved.
Therefore extension agents need to have the required skills of setting and
preserving pest specimens.

3. Insect collection for future reference

In a geog extension centre, insect pests must be collected, identified and preserved
for the purpose of educating farmers (farmer trainings) on crop pest identification.
A good reference collection is a valuable resource for the extension agent. It
makes future identification efforts less cumbersome. In a geog extension centre, it
is of utmost importance to maintain a reference collection of pest species for all
the crops grown in the locality.

4. Insect collection as a hobby.

There are people who love to collect insects and preserve them just for the love of
it. Moths and butterflies are collected for their beautiful colour and wing patterns.
Some larva are collected for their giant size and weird body ornamentations. Some
giant beetles are collected and sold as pets.

Why insects have to be adequately set, preserved and correctly labelled?

The identification of a particular insect usually requires examination of minute details
of its anatomy with the aid of a hand lens or microscope. Some specimens may
require dissection or even study with the electron microscope. If these details on a
specimen are concealed, missing, or destroyed because of improper handling or
preservation, identification is made difficult or impossible, and information about the
species to which it belongs cannot be made available. Therefore, adequate
preservation and proper labelling of specimens are essential to their identification.

What is the relevance of the knowledge and skill of insect collection and
preservation in the field of agriculture extension?
For diagnostic purpose: Correct identification or species determination is the key to
all known knowledge and information about the pest in question. To 1be able to
correctly identify insect pests, the morphological features of the collected specimens
should neither be concealed, nor destroyed. If extension agents need to send the
specimens for identification by the entomologists, they need to send a specimen that is
well set, preserved and packaged. Such skills can be learnt through practice.
Building a reference collection for the geog extension centre: If there is a reference
collection at the geog extension centre, it is not just helpful to you for using as
farmers training aid but more importantly, the person who is going to relieve you
upon your transfer will have great benefits. Learning the skills of collecting and
preserving insects would help you to build your own reference collection at the geog
extension centre.

Insect collection equipment and materials

The basic equipment necessary for field collecting is an insect net, one or more
storage boxes, pins, pinning blocks, spreading boards, light and pitfall traps, killing
jars, killing and preserving chemicals, several vials of assorted sizes, plastic bags and
assorted containers.

1. Killing jars: Insects must be killed before pinning and mounting. Killing jars are
used as a sort of “small scale fumigation” to kill collected insects as rapidly as
possible, using a liquid fumigant or killing agent (ethyl acetate) that produces a toxic
atmosphere that the insect cannot breathe.

David L. Keith and Tiffany Heng-Moss. Collecting insects. Retrieved Aug 18, 2009, from

When placed in the killing jar, insects often close their spiracles, but eventually they
must open them. The process may take several minutes for smaller insects or up to a
half hour or more for larger specimens. Because large, hard-bodied insects such as
beetles die slowly and may damage other insects placed in the same killing jar, you
will need more than one jar.

It is possible to make suitable killing jars with nearly any glass jar used for jam or
jelly and baby food jars are especially handy. In the bottom of each jar, place about 1
to 1 1/2 inches of absorbent material, such as cotton, shredded newspaper, Plaster of
Paris or sawdust. If Plaster of Paris is used, pour it about 1 inch deep and allow it to
dry for at least 48 hours before use. With paper-or fiber-filled jars, cut a cardboard
circle just slightly larger than the inside diameter of the jar and push it into the
opening against the plaster in the bottom. Attach a label that says POISON to each jar
and store the jars out of reach of children (or irresponsible adults) until you are ready
to go collecting.

If a killing jar is not available, freezing is another way to kill insects. Simply place
your specimens in a plastic bag or small jar and put them in the freezer for an hour or
two. Do not handle them again until they are thawed or legs and antennae may break.
Insects, like food, left too long in the freezer for several days or weeks will desiccate
and remain dry and stiff, even when thawed. If pinned when dry, these insects will
break during handling and wings, especially of Lepidoptera, will be impossible to

Pinching the thorax of large butterflies or moths before placing them in the killing jar
will prevent them from flopping around and damaging the wings. Squeeze them for
20-30 seconds between thumb and index finger and put them in the killing jar. This
procedure stuns the insects so they do not flutter once inside the jar. Remove
butterflies and moths from the killing jar fairly soon so their wings do not become
soaked with killing agent.

2. Relaxing jars: We recognize that while insects should be pinned on the same day
they were collected, this is not always possible. So before pinning these specimens
left in the killing jar or freezer too long, to restore their flexibility, it is necessary to
“relax” them. By placing them in a relaxing jar at high humidity for a few days we
can restore their flexibility enough to allow pinning without damage to the specimens.

A relaxing jar can be made by placing some absorbent material such as newspaper,
sand or cotton in the bottom of a glass jar and cut a blotting paper disk to fit tightly
inside. Moisten the material with water and add a drop or two of ethyl acetate, phenol
or laundry beach to prevent mold. Place insects on the paper, close the jar tightly and
let it sit for about 2-3 days. Check the jar. If the insects are flexible, mount them
immediately. If the specimens are still too stiff, keep them in the relaxer for a few
more days, but watch them carefully. Insects will mold and decompose if held in the
relaxer too long.

3. Collecting Net (Aerial nets and sweep nets): Basically, a collecting net is
composed of some sort of net bag made of cloth or fine mesh that is attached to a wire
hoop, which is affixed to a wooden or metal pole. Aerial nets typically have net bags
that are composed entirely of some type of meshed material and often have a
lightweight handle. Aerial net bags are usually white in color, but black net bags are
also available. They are most useful for catching select insects that may be flying
through the air or perched on something (such as dragonflies, butterflies, bees, or
wasps). Aerial nets with larger hoops are better for collecting large and fast moving
insects such as dragonflies and butterflies, while those with small hoops are better for
bees, flies, wasps, and other smaller insects.

Sweep nets are usually made of a heavy material (such as canvas) that can be dragged
through dense vegetation without being damaged. They usually have heavier handles
than those on sweep nets as well. Sweep nets are used to sweep through vegetation to
collect random insects not easily seen. These nets are sometimes referred to as
“beating” nets

4. Aspirator: The aspirator is a suction device for collecting small insects which are
difficult (or hazardous) to capture with the fingers or with an insect net. Basically, it
consists of a large glass or plastic vial, a length of flexible rubber tubing, some rigid
plastic or metal tubing and a rubber stopper with 2 holes cut in it to receiving the
tubing. A small piece of cheesecloth or fine metal screen serves to seal the suction
tube on the inside so that insects are not sucked into the mouth. To collect small
insect the long tube is placed beside the insect and sucked sharply by mouth from the
shorter rubber tube.

5. Light traps: Many types of insects are attracted to light and can be captured there
by hand. A light trap offers the advantage that it will continue to trap specimens
without being constantly watched by the collector. Insects are quite sensitive to
different types of light; therefore, more of certain types can be captured with “black”
(or ultraviolet) light as opposed to the regular “white” light given off by most standard
light bulbs. The difference in attractiveness of the two types of light is due to the
wave lengths produced by the two kinds of bulbs. Black light consists mainly of the
shorter wave lengths which are more attractive to night-flying moths, flies and
beetles. White light bulbs (producing mostly longer wave lengths) attract some moths
and other insects, but not as many as a black light.

6. Pitfall traps: A pitfall trap will catch many ground beetles and other insects that
live on or in the soil. It consists of a trap can that is buried in the soil, level with the
rim so that insects attracted to it will fall in. Once inside, it is difficult for them to get
out. Attractive bait in the bottom will increase the drawing power of the trap. Use
pieces of spoiled fruit, vegetables, excrement or meat. Cover the trap with a board
placed on small stones so insects can crawl under it and into the can. This
arrangement will protect the trap from wind and rain, but allow access to the insects
you want to catch. It will also help to hold insects inside the trap once they are caught.

Preserving insects

Hard-Bodied Insects
Since insects have a hard shell or exoskeleton and all of the soft parts are on the
inside, they tend to keep rather well after drying, even for long periods of time. Only a
small amount of maintenance is necessary to keep them in good condition.

Soft-Bodied Insects
Many types of insects, including aphids, springtails, thrips, mayflies or silverfish, are
soft-bodied and cannot be pinned successfully. The same is true of many immature
insects such as caterpillars, beetle and wasp larvae and others. If placed on pins, most
soft-bodied insects will shrivel or decompose. Such insects must be preserved in
liquids in rubber-stoppered glass vials. However, prior to preserving soft-bodied
specimens for the long term, their color must be “fixed” or they may fade in some
cases or blacken in others. The “fixing” process prevents, reduces or delays color

For the long term, insects are preserved in ethyl alcohol, usually of about 70 percent
concentration (70% alcohol, 30% water). However, it must be remembered that
alcohol is a dehydrator and removes water from the specimens preserved in it. These
problems can be largely prevented in either of two ways. The best way is to “fix” the
insect tissues and color by killing the specimens in boiling water. For smaller
specimens, simply dip them in boiling water for about 30 seconds and then transfer
them to 70 percent alcohol. Use more extended periods for large-bodied insects.

Specially designed and constructed container “Schmidt Boxes”, are required for long
term insect storage. Such boxes have tightly fittng lids which help prevent entry of
scavenger insects which feed on dead insect specimens. Wooden boxes can be used
for temporary storage of pinned insect specimens. The bottom of wooden boxes can
be lined with styrofoam material or cardboard to receive and hold the insect pins.
While wooden boxes are fine for temporary storage, they are poor over long periods
of time. For extended storage and for display, tighter containers are essential. Add
naphthalene crystals, placing them into a small container in one corner of each display
box to prevent damage to your specimens.

Pinning, mounting and displaying insects2

Equipment required

Insect Pins. Special pins are needed to pin insects. They come in several sizes from
00 through 7, the size of the pin increasing with each number. Number 3 insect pins
are the best for most purposes.

Fig. 1. Insect pins Fig. 2. Pinning block Fig. 3 Pinning block(cross-section)

Pinning Block: Larger insects should be mounted using a wooden pinning block (Fig
b & C), a simple piece of equipment. A very small hole is bored almost through the
bottom in the middle of each step. A simpler pinning block can be made by drilling
three holes—1, 3/4, and 1/2 inch deep—into a small wooden block. Proper use of a
pinning block will result in an attractive collection with the insect, collection and
identification labels in uniform position. Note the dimensions of a pinning block in
the drawing below.

Spreading Board: Mounting butterflies and moths is a special technique that

requires a spreading board to do an attractive job. The spreading board is usually
made of soft pine with a piece of cork underneath the center groove to receive insect

Fig. Spreading board

Pinning Insects

The preferred way to display and study adult insects is to pin them into display boxes
using special insect pins. The pins are pushed through the thorax of the insects while
they are still fresh and the legs and antennae are placed in a natural position. This

David L. Keith and Tiffany Heng-Moss. Collecting insects. Retrieved Aug 18, 2009, from

allows the specimens to be handled and studied without damaging them. In pinning
insects always use special insect mounting pins that are specially treated to resist
rusting. Insect pins vary in size from 000 to number 8. The latter is the largest in
diameter. Numbers 2 and 3 usually work the best for the amateur collector. A good
rule is to pin the insect slightly to the right side of the middle and down through the
area where the middle pair of legs is attached. Styrofoam is an excellent base for
positioning the legs so they will dry in the correct position. There is a slight variation
in the pinning of the different kinds of insects. The proper way to pin an insect
depends on the type of insect that you have collected. The following diagram (Fig.18)
illustrates the proper way to pin various orders of insects.

Note that the pin is usually just slightly to the right of the midline of the insect.
Specimens should also be level and squarely mounted on the pin as shown.

All insects must be pinned so that

they are straight on the pins. Do not tilt the specimens on the pin. The height of the
specimen on the pin will depend somewhat on the size of the insect; however, always
keep the distances from the top of the insect’s body to the head of the pin the same.
Usually 1/3 of the pin should be above the upper
surface of the insect; this will allow enough room to permit handling specimens
without actually touching them. Specimens should be handled carefully to keep all
legs and antennae. A small amount of time spent positioning the legs and antennae
will dress up the collection.

Very small insects (less than 3/16 inch) should either be pinned with micro-pin or
glued on their right sides to tiny paper triangles. The latter procedure is called
pointing. When pointing, first push a regular insect pin (No. 2 or 3) through the butt
end of the triangle. Bend the tip of the paper triangle slightly downward with a
forceps and touch it to a tiny drop of glue or clear fingernail polish. Pick up the small
insect carefully with forceps and mount it by touching it on its thorax (right side) to
the drop of glue. Adjust the insect so that it remains squarely in position, and then
allow the glue to dry.

Pinning and Spreading Butterflies and Moths
When pinning and spreading a butterfly or moth, before you begin to work, cut
several thin strips of paper about 1/4" wide and 8"-10" long. Once these are ready,
pick up the insect by the thorax and carefully push a pin through the middle of the
thorax. Adjust the position of the butterfly on the pin and make sure that it is level,
both on the sides and in both front and back. Adjust the width of the groove in the
spreading board to be just slightly wider than the body of the butterfly. Push the pin
into the slot of your spreading board until the bases of the wings are just level with the
top of the two side pieces.

Slip a paper strip between the wings (if they are upright) and use it to force the
wings on one side down into position. Pin the ends of the paper down to hold the
wings loosely in place. Do the same with the wings on the other side, also pinning the
ends of the paper down.

Now take another insect pin or needle and slip the point through the leading
edge of the right forewing (there is a strong vein just at the front edge of each wing)
near its attachment to the thorax. Be careful not to tear the wing. Loosen the forward
end of the paper strip and gradually bring the forewing up into final position. Pin the
wing down with a paper strip. Repeat this procedure with the forewing on the other
side. Using the same technique, bring both hindwings into proper position and fasten
all four wings firmly with the paper strips.

Note carefully that the rear edge of the two forewings should make a perfectly
straight line across the back. The hindwings should be pinned so that the rear edge is
held just slightly away from the abdomen. Position antennae with pins and if the
abdomen has drooped, prop it up with pins so that it dries in a natural position. Allow
specimens to dry for several days before you remove the pins.

Labeling Insects

A collection has little value unless each insect is properly and accurately
labeled. Labeling must be done as soon as possible after collecting, pinning and
mounting or vital information may be lost. Their precise collection locations,

habitats, and data on plants on which they were found are important documentation.
The top label should have the place from where the insect was collected, the
collection date and the name of the collector (Fig. 19). The lower label should show
the Order name of the insect. Many entomologists place another label beneath the
collection label which gives the host plant, habitat or other pertinent information.

Fig. 19 Essential information on an insect label

1: Pedigo, Larry. P. (2002). Entomology and pest management. (4th ed.). Printice Hall
of India. New-Delhi.

2: Robinson, D.H. (2001). Entomology principles and practices. Agrobios (India).


3: University of Sydney. (2004). Importance of entomology. Retrieved July 21, 2008,


4. Keith, David L. and Heng-Moss, Tiffany. (n.d.). Collecting insects. Retrieved July
17, 2008, from

5. Insect external morphology. (n.d.). Retrieved June 11, 2008, from


7. K-State Research and Extension, 4-H Entomology , Electronic Document



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