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Question 1. Jake is trying to code words. If CAN is coded as 3 1 14 , how does he code SURE

A. 20 22 19 6 B. 19 21 18 5 C.21 23 19 6 D.19 22 18 5

Question 2. What is the mean of 3, 5, 6, 8 , 8

A. 3 B.6 C.5 D.7

Question 3. Including 1, how many factor a prime number can have?

A.2 B. 3 C.1 D.None of these

Question 4. Liz is an archer. She shot 3 arrows and scored 8 9 5 respectively. If she wants to
get an average score of 8 then she must get what score with her fourth arrow?

A. 7 B.8 C.9 D.10

Question 5. Chelsea is attending her first international conference. In her class, 30% people
from Asia, 60% Europe . The rest 10 people is from Australia and America. How many people
are there in the conference?

A.100 B.60 C.30 D.90

Question 6. Lori plans to buy a laptop for $500 and another $300 for clothes. If they represent
40% of her savings, how much she has in her savings account at the beginning?

A. $2400 B.$1250 C.$2000 D.$2250

Question 7. Rose has $55. If she spends $1 in day 1, $2 in day 2, $3 the next day then for how
long can the money last?

A.11 days B. 10 days C. 12 days D. 9 days

Question 8. Andy is a soccer team manager and is buying clothes for his team. Shoes cost
$120/pair, socks $10/1 pair, shirts $30 each. If there are 10 player and a 10% discount is
offered, how much Andy has to pay?

A.$1440 B.$1600 C.160 D.1200

Question 9.What number comes next? 0 2 8 26 ?

A. 60 B.46 C.40 D.80

Question 10. Solve for x if x-3 = 2*15+1

A.37 B.28 C.34 D.31

Question 11. 2 tubes of toothpaste and 3 tooth brushes cost $20, 2 tubes of toothpaste and 5
brushes cost $26. What is the price of 1 tooth brush?

A. $3 B.$3.5 C.$5 D.$2.5

Question 12. Triangle to 180 is just as pentagon to what ?

A. 360 B.540 C.480 D.720

Question 13. In a bus, the ratio of male and female passengers is 3:2. If there are 60
passengers, how many of them are female?

A. 24 B.30 C.36 D.28

Question 14. How many coins, at least, are needed to make $21.85

A. 18 B.14 C.16 D.15

Question 15. Find the 8th term of this sequence 50 46 42 38

A. 30 B.18 C.22 D.26

Question 16. Janet is traveling at 40km/h. Jennifer is driving 1.5 times faster. Jennifer car’s
tank can hold up to 60l of petrol and the car burns 1 Littre for every 10km. For how long can
Jennifer drive before she runs out of gasoline?

A.10h B. 15h C.12.5h D.None of


Question 17. Stella gets paid $20/h. How many hours must she work a day, if she wants to
earn $1,200 in a month and only works on Monday, Tuesday and Friday?

A. 4 B.5 C.6 D.None of these

Question 18. At 11 am, the two hands of a clock form an angle of?

A. 30 B.330 C.120 D.A and B

Question 19. Find x if 3x – 5 = 13

A. 8 B.7 C.6 D.5

Question 20. What number comes next 1 2 3 6 12 ?

A. 18 B.21 C.23 D.24

Question 21. A container of paint can cover 30𝑚 " and sells at $20. With $120, Kevin can paint
an area of ?

A. $40𝑚 " B.180𝑚 " C.$150𝑚 " D.$300𝑚 "

Question 22. Amy and Sam are driving at 60km/h and 50km/h respectively. Amy keeps on
increasing her speed by 5 km every hour while Sam maintains his speed. After 4 hours, how far
are they apart?

A.40km B.65km C.70km

Question 23. If x/5 = 3, what is 2x/3

A.10 B. 5 C.15 D.20

Question 24. What number comes next? 2 4 12 48 ?

A. 96 B.192 C.72 D.240

Question 25. The product of ⌂ and ] is 80, their sum of ⌂ and ] is 24. Find their difference

A. 16 B.15 C.14 D.17

Question 26. What is the chance of obtaining a number greater than 3 by throwing a dice one

A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C.1/3 D.5/6

Question 27. After two consecutive 10% discount, shirts are now selling at $16.2. What is the
original price?

A. $18 B.20 C.20.25 D.None of


Question 28. Find the lowest common multiple of 6, 12 and 18

A. 18 B.54 C.72 D.36

Question 29. What is the largest number 5!, 81/2, 42 , 51

A. 5! B. 81/2 C. 42 D.51

Question 30. Find the dimensions of a square if its area is equal to its perimeter (ignore the
difference in unit of measurement) ?

A. 3x3 B. 4 x 4 C.5x5 D. 6x6

Question 31. Find x if 𝑥 " = 𝑥 $

A. 3 B.2 C.1 D.10

Question 32. How many sides does an octagon have?

A. 6 B.7 C.8 D.9

Question 33. Scarlet is running a farm with chickens and cows. She counts 40 heads and 126
legs. How many chickens are there in the farm?

A. 17 B.15 C.20 D.25

Question 34. From 7 am to 7.05am, by how many degree does the hour hand move?

A. 50 B.30 C.20 D.2.50

Question 35. Alisa gives ½ of her marbles to James and 1/3 to Peter. James now has 10
marbles more than Peter. How many marbles Alisa has at the beginning?

A. 70 B.45 C.60 D.65

Question 36. Ray is the manager of a factory producing light bulbs. For each light bulb,
production cost is $2. If he can sell 1000 light bulbs and want to make a profit of $2,500, what
should be the selling price?

A. $2.5 B.$4.5 C.$2,500 D.$4,500

Question 37. What is the volume of a box measuring 4cm x 10cm x 20 cm?

A. 800𝑐𝑚 $ B.24 𝑐𝑚 $ C.48𝑐𝑚 $ D.72𝑐𝑚 $

Question 38.Last year, only 40 people join the excursion. This year, the number is 60, which
represents an increase of?
A.20% B.25% C.50% D.33%

Question 39. Nick is driving 3 times faster than Alice. If Alice increases her speed by 20km,
Nick is still 2 times faster. What is Nick’s speed?

A.60km/h B. 120km/h C.90km/h D.None of these

Question 40. Jessica receives 20 coins from her dad and 10 from her uncle. Now her collection
has gone up by 40%. How many coins are there in the original collection?

A. 75 B.50 C.70 D.80

Question 41. I am a whole number. Triple me and then take away 10 from the result you will
have the smallest prime number with 2 digits. What number am I?

A. 10 B.7 C.13 D.15

Question 42. A tap can fill half of the tank in 6 hours. In 5 hours, what proportion of the tank can
be filled?

A. 5/12 B.1/6 C. 5/6 D.2/3

Question 43.If 13 can be illustrated as &+⃝ , and 42 as ⃝*& . What is the meaning of &-⃝

A. 7 B.6 C.1 D.10

Question 44. In how many ways can you put books: Maths, History, Science, English and one
dictionary on a shelf, provided that the dictionary is place in the middle?

A. 24 B.6 C.16 D.120

Question 45. The number of car is 3 times that of bikes. If Eugene counts 40 vehicles, how
many cars are there?

A. 10 B.30 C.20 D.25

Question 46. What number comes next? 2 5 10 50 500 ?

A. 5000 B.50,000 C.25,000 D.None of


Question 47. Fill in the blank

21 1 ?
7 11 9 1 9 5

A. 8 B.6 C.11 D.7

Question 48. Between 13 and 1401, how many numbers are divisible by 7?

A.199 B.198 C.200 D.201

Question 49. Paul and Phil love to compete. Paul can earn $4,000 a month. If Phil can earn
$20/h, how many hours he need to work in a week to match the income of Paul?

A. 35 B.45 C.50 D.60

Question 50. Theresa wants to make sure that 10 years from now, there will be $14,500 in her
account. If right now she has $10,000, what should be the simple interest rate?

A. 4.5% B. 9% C.45% D.None of



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