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English Simple Past Worksheet: The Adventures of the Forest Animals

Story: The Great Forest Adventure

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Read the story and fill in the blanks with the correct past tense form of the
verbs in parentheses.

Once upon a time, in the heart of a lush green forest, there (live) a group of
animals. They (be) friends who (love) to embark on exciting adventures
together. One sunny day, they (decide) to explore the mysterious part of the
forest that they never (visit) before.
As they (walk) through the dense woods, they (see) colorful butterflies and
(hear) the chirping of birds. Suddenly, a wise old owl (appear) and (offer) to
guide them through the unexplored territory.
Excitedly, the animals (follow) the wise old owl as it (lead) them deeper into
the forest. Along the way, they (encounter) a mischievous squirrel who (hide)
nuts in the tree hollows. The squirrel (show) them its secret stash, and the
animals (laugh) together.
Eventually, they (reach) a magical clearing where a majestic waterfall (flow).
The animals (play) in the sparkling water and (enjoy) the beauty of nature.
As the sun (set), the tired but happy animals (return) to their homes, grateful
for the wonderful adventure they (have).

Exercise 2: True or False

Read the statements below and decide if they are
true or false based on the story.
The animals lived in a barren desert.
The animals decided to explore a familiar part of
the forest.
The wise old owl guided the animals through the
unexplored territory.
The squirrel shared its nuts hidden in the ground.
The animals reached a bustling city at the end of
their adventure.
The animals returned to their homes tired and

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