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April Journal -------Aims G2 Jade Chen,Sqii 202100152 (2)

2nd April
The campus seemed unusually quiet today, the second year
classrooms were empty as the school had decided to put all of second
year on holiday due to many of the students being sick. The corridors,
which are usually bustling with activity, are now echoed only by the
sound of sporadic footsteps. Without the laughter of the second
graders, the campus seemed much less alive. Nonetheless, I hope they
can rest well, recover their health as soon as possible, and return to
us soon. Every student is a special being to me, and their smiling
faces and lively figures are the motivation for my daily work.

4th April
Today was our first attempt at an online class. When I turned on the
computer in the morning, many familiar faces immediately popped up
on the screen. The children were sitting in front of the webcam,
wearing headphones and looking at me with sparkling eyes. I could
still feel their enthusiasm and curiosity despite the screen. The online
class was a new experience for all of them.
I tried my best to attract their attention with vivid language and rich
pictures. The children listened attentively, raised their hands to ask
questions from time to time, and some of them were even eager to
show what they had learnt. The interaction and enthusiasm between
teachers and students has not diminished even though they are
separated from the screen, which makes me feel very gratified.

5th April
The school organised a huge Splash Day celebration today. In the
morning, the campus became colourful as students dressed up in
traditional Thai costumes and floral shirts. We gathered in the
playground to listen to the teachers talk about the origins of the Water
Festival, and the children listened with fascination and exclaimed
from time to time.
In the afternoon, students returned to school excitedly with water
guns and the whole campus turned into a sea of joy. Both senior and
junior students were having a great time, and the sound of laughter
was loud and clear. Looking at their happy faces, I couldn't help but
join the water splashing team and enjoy this rare happy time with
them. Even though we were all soaked to the skin, everyone had a
happy smile on their faces.
April Journal -------Aims G2 Jade Chen,Sqii 202100152 (2)

6th April to 16th April.

To celebrate the Water Festival, the school had a long holiday. The
campus was much quieter during this time, but I know the children
must have been enjoying the festival to the fullest at home as well. I
used this time to organise my teaching materials and prepare for the
upcoming lessons.
Every day, I think about how I can bring more surprises and
knowledge to the children in the new term. Although there was no
more noise from the students, this time gave me more energy to
improve my teaching and plan future classroom activities.

17th April
The holidays are over and the campus is once again filled with the
laughter of children. Students were excited to return to the classroom
and couldn't wait to share interesting stories about their holidays with
their classmates.
Some recounted their fun stories from the Water Festival, some
shared their experiences from the family trip, and some showed off the
handicrafts they had completed during the holiday. Seeing the smiles
on their faces gave me immense satisfaction. Today's lesson went well
and the children have clearly recovered from their holiday and are re-
engaged in their learning, and I am delighted with their enthusiasm
and energy.

18th April
Teachers and students in all grades have been busy decorating their
classrooms for the upcoming science fair. The theme for our class is
the environment, so the students and I worked together to cover the
walls with earth-coloured paper and made models of mountains and
forests. The children were excited to grab their brushes and scissors
and let their creativity run wild. The classroom was filled with
laughter and everyone was busy.
Although the process of setting up the classroom was hard work, it
was worth it when I saw the children's seriousness and dedication.
After a whole day's hard work, our classroom had a new look and was
full of nature.

22nd April
April Journal -------Aims G2 Jade Chen,Sqii 202100152 (2)

Today was the day of the science fair. We visited the senior classrooms
first. Each classroom had a different theme: some decorated the whole
wall as a stone cave, some set up a vast starry sky, and some
designed various interesting science experiments. The senior students
explained the principles of each experiment in detail and led the
junior students to participate in them.
It was very gratifying to see the children's curiosity and enthusiasm
for science experiments. The senior students also prepared a lot of
small gifts, and every child was happy to hold the gifts with happy
smiles on their faces.

23rd April
Today it was the turn of the senior pupils to visit our lower class. Not
to be outdone, our pupils showed off a variety of models they had
made themselves and gave fantastic presentations. Although they
were young, they did a great job.
Each child prepared with care and attention, and their presentations
were lively and interesting, and their models were well crafted and
detailed. The senior pupils were also very complimentary of our class
presentation, which made the children feel very proud. Through this
activity, the children not only showcased their learning but also
increased their self-confidence.

26th April
Today was a special day when the Upper and Lower classes visited the
Nursery together. The Kindergarten teachers and children prepared a
variety of themed scenes: a volcanic eruption, a mysterious jungle
adventure, an underwater world and the vastness of space. Each
scene was so vivid that the children could not forget to linger in these
beautiful landscapes.
Seeing their excitement, I felt immensely gratified. Through such
activities, the children not only broadened their horizons, but also
learnt a lot of knowledge and enhanced their friendship with each
other. Although I am very tired today, my heart is full of a sense of
achievement. These colourful activities not only let the students learn,
but also let them experience the fun of learning. Behind every activity
is the hard work of the teachers, but seeing the children grow and
improve makes all the hard work worthwhile.

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