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Vakhtang Giorgadze, Validity Requirements of Arbitration Agreement under Case Law of
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Giorgadze, Vakhtang. (2017). Validity Requirements of Arbitration Agreement under
Case Law of Supreme Court of Georgia. Law and World, 8, 36-46.

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Supreme Court of Georgia' (2017) 8 Law and World 36

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Giorgadze, Vakhtang. "Validity Requirements of Arbitration Agreement under Case Law
of Supreme Court of Georgia." Law and World, 8, 2017, pp. 36-46. HeinOnline.

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36 samarTali da msoflio #8, დეკემბერი, 2017


Vakhtang Giorgadze
Legal Adviser of EU Law Department at Ministry
of JusƟce of Georgia
LL.M. MIDS – Master in InternaƟonal Dispute SeƩlement
University of Geneva/Graduate InsƟtute of InternaƟonal
and Development Studies

KEY WORDS: Agreement, Validity, Convention

The Supreme Court is in charge of recognition and enforcement of
the foreign arbitral awards.1 Although Georgia is the arbitration friendly
forum as it is the UNCITRAL Model Law country on International Com-
mercial Arbitration (the Model Law) and it is the contracting state to the
New York Convention, the interpretations made by the Supreme Court
is not fully consistent with the Model Law and the New York Conven-
tion.2 One of the frequently citied grounds for refusal to recognition and
enforcement of the foreign arbitral award is the invalidity of the arbitra-
tion agreement under Article V.1.a of the New York Convention. Recent
judgment dated on August 26, 2016 once again affirmed the Supreme
Court’s controversial reasoning on the issue.3 The Supreme Court’s ap-
proach on the interpretation of validity of the arbitration agreement may
jeopardize the enforcement of the foreign arbitral awards as well as call
into question the smooth operation of the domestic arbitration cases.
Even though Georgia is a civil-law country and the doctrine of stare
1 The Law of Georgia on Arbitra on, Ar cle 44. Available at: h ps://matsne.gov.ge/
2 Georgia ra fied the New York Conven on on June 2, 1994. Available at: h p://www.new-
yorkconven on.org/
3 The Judgment of the Supreme Court of Georgia, dated on August 26, 2016
(#ა-887-შ-21-2016). Available at: h p://www.supremecourt.ge/

#8, December, 2017 LAW AND THE WORLD 37

decisis is not applicable, its interpretations have 1. Factual Background

a huge impact on the legal stability and predict- The Supreme Court in the judgment, dated
ability and the lower courts usually follow the in- on August 26, 2016, refused to recognize and
terpretations established by the Supreme Court. enforce the ad hoc tribunal’ award rendered in
Furthermore, the Supreme Court’s approach on London, UK.4 In this case, the parties concluded
the validity of the arbitration agreement may dis- the sales agreement, according to which a sell-
courage the international arbitration in Georgia. er had to provide certain amount of sugar and
The article intends to identify the problems a buyer had to pay an agreed price.5 Article 5.2
in the Supreme Court’s interpretations of valid- of the agreement stated that in case of the dis-
ity of the arbitration agreement and provides the agreement, the dispute should be resolved in
right way to the issue in question. The article is accordance with the English legislation, place
divided into two parts. In the first part, it provides of jurisdiction – London. The title of the provi-
the facts of recent case and the analysis on the sion referred to “Arbitration.”6 In addition, there
validity of the arbitration agreement; the second was a difference between the Russian and the
part of the article sets forth two problems, which Georgian version of the provision. The Georgian
can be seen in the judgment: firstly, the Supreme version was referring that all matters relating to
Court’s failure to identify the applicable law to the the performance of the agreement were subject
arbitration agreement, which should have been to Article 5.2 whereas 2the Russian version was
paramount importance for the validity of the arbi- referring to the interpretation and clarifications of
tration agreement and the Supreme Court’s legal the agreement.7 Both versions were authentic.8
reasoning should have been started from that After the dispute arose on the non-performance
point; secondly, whether the substantive validity of the agreement, the arbitrator was appointed
of the arbitration agreement depends on the spe- and he rendered the award in favor of a seller.9
cific reference to the arbitration institution, what After the seller tried to enforce the award in Geor-
are the criteria prescribed in the Law and wheth- gia, the buyer opposed it and based its position
er the Supreme Court relied on any legal ground on several grounds under the New York Conven-
in its judgment. The article is finished with the tion including invalidity of arbitration agreement
concluding remarks and the suggested solution under Article V.1.a, the party was not given a
to the problem. proper notice for arbitration under Article V.1.b,
arbitration procedure was not in accordance with
the agreement under Article V.1.d and public
PART I. policy exception under Articles V.2.b. Since the
Interpretation by the Supreme Supreme Court found that the arbitration agree-
Court ment was not valid, it did not make any finding on
The article does not assert incorrectness of other grounds under the New York Convention.
the final decision. However, the interpretation,
which leads to the judgment of the Supreme
Court, is not adequate and does not consistent 2. Legal Reasoning
with the Law as well as the international practice, The Supreme Court did not allow the en-
the New York Convention and the Model Law. In forcement of the award and made the following
fact the Supreme Court’s reasoning in this judg- reasoning: firstly, the Supreme Court stated that
ment is the continuation of the wrong practice, broad interpretation of the grounds for refusal
which is already established in the Georgian ju-
4 Ibid.
risprudence. 5 Ibid. paragraph 4.1.
6 Ibid. paragraph 9.2.1.
7 Ibid. paragraph 13.1.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid. paragraph 1-2.

38 samarTali da msoflio #8, დეკემბერი, 2017

under the New York Convention is restricted;10 PART II

secondly, the Supreme Court stated that the ar- Problems in Interpretations
bitration agreement should precisely identify the General trend, which can be seen in the
arbitration institution, which administers the dis- Supreme Court’s approach on the validity of
pute or they shall explicitly specify that it is ad the arbitration agreement, is that the arbitration
hoc arbitration; the arbitration clause should not clause or the agreement should explicitly iden-
be drafted in a way, which makes it impossible to tify the competent institution, which administers
determine the competent institution;11 in addition, the dispute or it shall specifically mention word
the Supreme Court stated that one arbitration ‘ad hoc’, which might qualify as valid arbitration
clause cannot grant jurisdiction to two institutions clause. Moreover, the Supreme Court’s the 2011
or the institution and a national court. According Judgment revealed difficulty to enforce ad hoc
to the Supreme Court, such clause will be inval- arbitration agreements when it was stated that
id.12 Based on that reasoning, the Supreme Court the agreement should specifically identify the ar-
stated that the arbitration clause was invalid bitration institution and thus it impliedly excluded
since it failed to expressly identify the institution ad hoc arbitration clauses from the scope of the
or ad hoc tribunal that would have the compe- Law. The approach deserves criticism since no
tence. Even if the arbitrator was competent, one such requirements can be found anywhere in the
of the versions was referring to the interpretation legislation or in the Model Law. Most importantly,
of the agreement and the dispute was about the the Supreme Court somehow avoided the ques-
secondary obligations such as granting the dam- tion what was the applicable law to the arbitration
ages. Thus, the tribunal would not still enjoy the agreement even though the respondent was re-
jurisdiction.13 The Supreme Court deemed the ferring to the English law as the proper law to de-
arbitration clause was invalid and did not allow termine whether the arbitration clause was valid
the enforcement. It did not make the reasoning or not. Proper way to deal with this issue would
neither on the applicable law to the arbitration be if the Supreme Court identified the applicable
agreement nor the validity requirements under law to the arbitration agreement according to
the Law. Similar approach on the validity of arbi- the New York Convention and then determined
tration agreement can be found in case dated on whether the arbitration agreement was valid or
June 15, 2011.14 In that case, the Supreme Court not under the applicable law.
deemed invalid the arbitration clause, which stat-
ed that any disputes between the parties arising
out of the agreement should be resolved by the 1. Applicable Law to Arbitration
private arbitration consisting of one arbitrator. Agreement
The Supreme Court stated that this clause gave One of the cornerstone principles of the com-
the jurisdiction to more than one arbitration in- mercial arbitration is the recognition of the ar-
stitutions and it failed to identify the competent bitration agreement as separate from the main
one.15Other judgments of the Supreme Court contract.17This implies that invalidity of the main
share same reasoning on the validity of arbitra- contract does not necessarily cause invalidity of
tion agreement and similarly lack a reference to the arbitration agreement.18This principle has an-
any concrete provisions in the Law.16
the following cases: The Judgment of the Supreme Court of
10 Ibid. paragraph 18. Georgia, dated on June 27, 2011 (ას-804-858-2011) and the
11 Ibid. paragraph 21. Judgment of the Supreme Court of Georgia, dated on June
12 Ibid. 28, 2010 (#ას-416-389-2010). Available at: h p://www.su-
13 Ibid. paragraph 25. premecourt.ge/
14 The Judgment of the Supreme Court of Georgia, dated on 17 Born G. B., 2001. Interna onal Commercial Arbitra on:
July 15, 2011 (# ას-809-862-2011). Available at: h p://www. Commentary and Materials. Transna onal Publishers & Klu-
supremecourt.ge/ wer Law Interna onal, The Hague p. 56.
15 Ibid. 18 Born G. B., 2010. Interna onal Arbitra on and Forum Se-
16 Validity of the arbitra on agreement was a subject ma er of lec on Agreements: Dra ing and Enforcing. Wolters Kluwer,

#8, December, 2017 LAW AND THE WORLD 39

other consequence. As much as arbitration and in writing and in case of seizing the court with
main agreements are separate, applicable law a matter that is subject to arbitration, the court
to the arbitration agreement is not necessarily should refer parties to the arbitration, unless the
the applicable law to the main contract.19 Prin- arbitration agreement is null and void, inopera-
ciple of autonomy gives parties the freedom to tive or incapable to be performed.23 It is argued
specify whether they wish to subject the arbitra- that although this Article does not mention the
tion agreement to specific law. It is not infrequent choice of law rule, it sets the validity principles
when the parties choose different law to the ar- of the arbitration agreement, which implies the
bitration agreement since they want the predict- substantive different legal regime to the inter-
ability, especially in the enforcement of awards national arbitration agreements.24Choice of law
in different jurisdictions. Therefore, determining and a way to determine the substantive validity
the validity of the arbitration agreement without of the arbitration agreement is mentioned in Ar-
first assessing what is the applicable law is not ticle V.1.a on grounds for refusal of recognition
logical. The New York Convention, on which the and enforcement of the awards.25 Article V.1.a
Supreme Court was relying, envisages and di- provides that recognition and enforcement of the
rects the enforcing court to determine the validity award may be refused if the arbitration agree-
of the arbitration agreement by the law, which is ment is not valid under the law to which the par-
chosen by the parties in a first place.20 The article ties have subjected it or failing any indication
provides the New York Convention’s position on thereon, under the law of the country where the
the applicable law to the arbitration agreement, award was made. So, the New York Convention
reviews the international approach how to identi- The priority to the parties’ choice of the ap-
fy the applicable law and finally explains why the plicable law to the arbitration agreement and
Supreme Court failed to determine the applica- after that, if the parties failed to identify the ap-
ble law to the arbitration agreement, which might plicable law – the law of the place where the arbi-
have had a significant effect on the enforcement tral award is rendered.26 While there is a debate
of the foreign award. whether the national court is still authorized to
apply its domestic law to the substantive valid-
a) The New York Convention and Model Law ity of the arbitration agreement, this article sup-
on applicable law to arbitration agreement ports the position that when the recognition and
The New York Convention and the Model enforcement is sought the national court should
Law both rest on the principle of separability of apply the choice of law rule mentioned in Article
the arbitration agreement and thus recognize the V.1.a for the substantive validity of the arbitration
possibility of different applicable law to it.21 Article agreement– either law that is chosen by the par-
II of the Convention sets the formal validity of the ties or in case of absence, the law of the place
arbitration agreement.22 It obliges the contract- where the award is rendered. As for the formal
ing states to recognize the arbitration agreement validity of the arbitration agreement, case law
the Netherlands p. 128. proved that Article II of the New York Conven-
19 Ibid. tion still plays a role in the enforcement stage.27
20 Bermann G. A., 2017. Recogni on and Enforcement of For-
eign Arbitral Awards: The Interpreta on and Applica on of 23 The New York Conven on, Ar cle II, subparagraph 3.
the New York Conven on by Na onal Courts, in: Bermann 24 Born G. B., 2014. p. 819.
G.A., (ed). Recogni on and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral 25 Kaufmann-Kohler G., Rigozzi A., 2015. paragraph 8.258.
Awards: The Interpreta on and Applica on of the New York 26 Berg A. J. V. B., 1981. The New York Arbitra on Conven on
Conven on by Na onal Courts. Springer Interna onal Pub- of 1958. Kluwer Law and Taxa on Publishers, The Hague p.
lishing, New York p. 25. 282.
21 Born G. B., 2014. The Law Governing Interna onal Arbitra- 27 There is a debate if the na onal courts are authorized to
on Agreements: An Interna onal Perspec ve. Singapore apply Ar cle II with Ar cle V.1.a of the New York Conven-
Academy of Law Journal, 26, p. 819. on, which set the formal requirement for validity of the
22 Kaufmann-Kohler G., Rigozzi A., 2015. Interna onal Arbi- arbitra on agreement. There is a case from the Italian ju-
tra on: Law and Prac ce in Switzerland. Oxford University risprudence, which stated that Ar cle II is applicable only
Press, Oxford paragraph 8.254-8.255. when a na onal court needs to recognize the valid arbitra-

40 samarTali da msoflio #8, დეკემბერი, 2017

This approach is justified since it gives the pri- the closest and most real connection test.31The
ority to the parties’ choice and establishes pro- court stated that if the parties choose the govern-
enforcement approach. If the arbitration agree- ing law to the substantive contract, this would be
ment is valid under the law, which is chosen by strong indication that it is implied applicable law
the parties, there is no real value not to recog- to the arbitration agreement since the parties as
nize such awards in other jurisdictions under the reasonable prudent persons want to subject
the New York Convention, which itself gives a both agreements to same system of laws.32So,
priority to the parties and establishes autonomy the court made the assumption that both main
of the arbitration agreement. Similarly, Article 8 and the arbitration agreement will be subject
and Article 36.1(a)(i) of the Model Law is reflec- to same substantive law unless parties choose
tion of Article II and Article V.1.a of the New York specific governing law to the arbitration agree-
Convention respectively. Thus, when the sub- ment. Applying this test, the court found that the
stantive validity of the arbitration agreement is law of the seat of arbitration was governing law
in question, the Supreme Court first needs to to the arbitration agreement.33This test was ac-
determine the applicable law to the arbitration cepted some of the subsequent cases as well.34
agreement and then assess whether the agree- Different line of reasoning on implied choice
ment is valid or not. of law to the arbitration agreement was devel-
oped by the Singapore High Court.35The court
b) The ways to determine the applicable law did not agree on the argument that reasonable
to arbitration agreement prudent persons would subject main and arbi-
The New York Convention and the Model law tration agreement to same system of laws.36It
refer that the arbitration agreement can be sub- was stated that when commercial relationships
ject to the different legal regime; however it does break down and parties descent into the realm
not say how to determine it. There are number of of dispute resolution, the parties’ desire for neu-
ways to determine the applicable law to arbitra- trality comes to a fore.37 Substantive governing
tion agreement developed by the scholars and law will be superseded by the neutral law, which
the case law.28 Most notable ones relate to the will be the law of the seat of the arbitration.38
governing law to the main agreement as appli- Then, the court emphasized the importance of
cable to arbitration agreement and the law of the the seat, which is the legal connection to the ar-
seat as applicable to arbitration agreement.29 bitration rather than mere physical location of the
Talking about the applicable law to the arbi- proceedings.39Thus, the Singapore High Court
tration agreement is impossible without Sulamer- deemed law of the seat as the implied choice
ica case.30 In that case the judge employed
31 Drlickova K., 2013. The Law Applicable to Arbitration
three-step enquiry to determine the applicable Agreements – “Lex Arbitri” or “Lex Causae” of the Princi-
law: (i) if the parties expressly specified it in the ple Contract?, in: Belohlavek A. J., Cerny F., Rozehnalova
agreement; (ii) in case of absence of the express N., (eds). Czech & Central European Yearbook of Arbitra-
tion. Juris Publishing, Huntington p. 75.
choice of law, the parties still impliedly agreed on 32 Ibid. p. 76.
applicable law and (iii) if there is neither express 33 Ormsby H., 2014. Governing Law of the Arbitra on Agree-
ment: Importance of Sulamerica Case Reaffirmed where
nor implied choice of law, a court should employ Choice of Seat was agreed without Actual Authority. Kluwer
Arbitra on Blog. Accessed 15 October 2017.
on agreement. But, when the court is asked to enforce 34 The same test can be found in Asranovia Ltd & Ors v. Cruz
the foreign arbitral award, they shall only take into account City 1 Mauri us Holdings [2012] EWHC 3702 and Habas Si-
Ar cle V.1.a of the New York Conven on, which set forth nai Ve Tibbi Gazlar Is hsal Endustrisi AS v. VSC Steel Com-
choice of law rule and the ground for refusal to recogni- pany Ltd [2013] EWHC 4071.
on and enforcement of arbitral award. See Berg A. J. V. B., 35 FirstLink Investments Corp Ltd v GT Payment Pte Ltd and
1981. p. 286. others [2014] SGHCR 12.
28 Born G., 2014. p. 826. 36 Ibid. paragraph 13.
29 Ibid. 37 Ibid.
30 Sulamerica CIA Nacional de Seguros SA and others v. Enesa 38 Ibid. paragraph 14.
Engenharia SA and others [2012] EWCA Civ 638. 39 Ibid.

#8, December, 2017 LAW AND THE WORLD 41

instead of substantive governing law as elabo- 2. The Law allows ad hoc

rated by the English court in Sulamerica case.40 arbitration
Although there might be the different perspec- The article argues that even if the Supreme
tive on how to determine the applicable law to Court did not identify the applicable law to the
the arbitration agreement and what is the implied arbitration agreement, it still failed to apply cor-
choice of law, one thing is clear – the parties are rect test for validity of arbitration agreement
reasonable enough to somehow subject their ar- under the Law. The Supreme Court in its 2011
bitration agreement to the applicable law – either Judgment impliedly excluded ad hoc arbitration
by express choice or by implied which most likely clause from the scope of the Law when they
would be the place of the arbitration. stated that “all controversies shall be resolved by
arbitration consisting of one arbitrator” was not
c) The Supreme Court’s failure to identify the valid arbitration clause. Similar approach was
applicable law employed in the 2016 Judgment. In response
Irrespective of one’s preference to employ a to that, the article submits that firstly, the Law
way to determine the applicable law to the arbi- does not prescribe the requirement of the explicit
tration agreement, one thing is clear that the Su- choice of the arbitral institution in the arbitration
preme Court should have analyzed what was the clause and secondly, general agreement to sub-
applicable law. Issue in the case was whether the mit the disputes to the arbitration means that the
parties validly agreed on the arbitration agree- parties agreed on ad hoc arbitration mechanism
ment – i.e. whether the arbitration agreement and such clause is neither pathological nor in-
was substantively valid. The Supreme Court valid contrary to the Supreme Court’s consistent
should have started analysis from the scope of although is erroneous position.
Article V.1.a of the New York Convention and
determine the applicable law for the substantive a) Validity requirements under the Law
validity. The respondent was referring that this The definition of the arbitration agreement
arbitration agreement was valid under English can be found in Article 8.1 of the Law, which is
law, which was the governing law. However, one the incorporation of Article 7.1 of the Model Law.
cannot find one sentence on this argument in the Article refers that “arbitration agreement” is an
judgment. As it was provided in the article, the agreement by the parties to submit to arbitration
clause was referring to English legislation as ap- all or certain disputes which have arisen or which
plicable law. This reference would be most likely may arise between them in respect of a defined
qualified as substantive governing law to the legal relationship, whether contractual or not.”41
main agreement rather applicable law to the ar- Thus, the substantive validity criteria of the ar-
bitration. As much as the parties did not have any bitration agreement consist of the binding com-
express choice of law to the arbitration agree- mitment of the parties to refer the dispute to the
ment, the Supreme Court should have analyzed arbitration, consent of the parties and the defined
what would be the implied choice of law to the legal relationship as subject matter of the arbitra-
arbitration agreement. Even though whether this tion clause.42In addition the subject matter of the
type of arbitration clause is valid under English dispute should be arbitrable.43 As for the formal
legislation is beyond the scope of this article, the validity, the Law prescribes writing requirement
Supreme Court at least should have provided for the arbitration agreement.44The Law does not
why it did not employ the choice of law rule pre- set forth any obligation to expressly identify the
scribed in Article V.1.a.
41 The Law of Georgia on Arbitration, Article 8, subpara-
graph 1.
40 Lee S., 2014. Case Update: Seat of Arbitration and Implied 42 UNCITRAL 2012 Digest of Case Law on the Model Law on
Choice of Governing Law of Arbitration Agreement. Sin- International Commercial Arbitration, pp. 26-27.
gapore International Arbitration Blog. Accessed 15 Octo- 43 Ibid. p. 40.
ber 2017. 44 Ibid. p. 25.

42 samarTali da msoflio #8, დეკემბერი, 2017

arbitral institution or employ the word “ad hoc”. made up this requirement out of nothing and the
In addition, there is no requirement to specify in- approach should be changed because it implied-
formation such as the place of arbitration, num- ly excludes the possibility of ad hoc arbitration.
ber of arbitrators, language or applicable law.45
Such information is not mandatory and it can be b) General agreement on arbitration means
determined by the tribunal or the institution itself ad hoc arbitration
when the tribunal will be constituted.46 In case As it was mentioned the Supreme Court in
of ad hoc arbitration, when the parties refuse to the 2011 Judgment deemed invalid arbitration
appoint the arbitrators to jeopardize the process, clause, which stated that the dispute should be
the court is the competent to appoint and con- resolved by the commercial arbitration with one
stitute the tribunal.47 Unfortunately, the Supreme arbitrator. In the 2016 Judgment the Supreme
Court constantly repeats that the parties are re- Court somehow stated that if the parties’ want-
quired to put the specific arbitration institution in ed ad hoc arbitration, they should have explic-
the clause and by saying that, they excluding the itly mentioned words “ad hoc” in their arbitra-
possibility of ad hoc arbitration, which is perfectly tion clause. However, this is not correct. The
allowed under the Law and the Model Law. There Supreme Court treats the clauses referring to
is a whole provision in the Law, which gives the arbitration without any specific arbitral institu-
power to the court to appoint the tribunal or de- tion or mentioning word “ad hoc” as the patho-
cides the challenges on the conflict of interests logical arbitration clauses. In fact, such clause is
with the arbitrators.48 merely the agreement on ad hoc arbitration and
The problems, which may arise from the va- there is nothing pathological about it. Common
lidity of arbitration agreement are usually con- features of the pathological clauses include non-
nected to the interpretation of the binding com- existent arbitration institution or when the name
mitment of the parties, when they choose both of the institution is not correct, for instance ref-
arbitration and the court or when there is the erences to “the official Chamber of Commerce
asymmetrical arbitration clause, giving option to in Paris, France” and “a Commission of arbitra-
either parties for arbitration or the court or issue tion of French Chamber of Commerce, Paris” or
might be the multi-step arbitration clause, which similar clauses were upheld as valid arbitration
requires parties to undertake consultations or clauses by the International Chamber of Com-
the mediation before the arbitration.49 However, merce (ICC) even though the reference was not
there is no Model Law country, which requires correct.50 Pathological clause includes when the
express choice of arbitral institution in their arbi- appointing authority refuses to act and appoints
tration clause or agreement for the substantive the members of the tribunal.51General trend is
validity. It should be stressed that the Supreme that pathological clause is invalid if the pathology
Court did not really base its reasoning on any cannot be cured.
legal ground. Rather it was referring to the past However, there is a completely different situ-
practice as the justification of its argument, which ation when the arbitration clause simply says that
is simply wrong. The Supreme Court clearly the dispute will be resolved by the private arbitra-
tion. This type of clause is valid under the Law – it
45 Ibid. p. 28. conforms to substantive validity requirements. It
46 Hou e H., 1989. Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings, in: Sarce- clearly expresses the binding commitment of the
vic P., (ed). Essays on Interna onal Commercial Arbitra on.
Graham Trotman & Mar nus Nijhoff, London p. 116. parties to refer any controversies between the
47 Redfern A., Hunter M., Blackaby N., Partasides C., 2004. Law parties to the arbitration, which itself will be ad
and Prac ce of Interna onal Commercial Arbitra on. Sweet
& Maxwell, London paragraph. 4-24.
hoc arbitration. The UNCITRAL Model Arbitra-
48 The Law of Georgia on Arbitra on, Ar cle 11 on the appoint-
ment of the arbitrators and the Law of Georgia on Arbitra- 50 Lee S., 2013. Pathological Arbitra on Clauses. Singapore In-
on, Ar cle 13 on the challenges of the arbitrators. terna onal Arbitra on Group. Accessed 15 October 2017.
49 UNCITRAL 2012 Digest, p. 27. 51 Ibid.

#8, December, 2017 LAW AND THE WORLD 43

tion Rules have model arbitration clause, which Conclusion

specifies that “Any dispute, controversy or claim The New York Convention was adopted to
arising out of or relating to this contract, or the have the same approach on the enforcement
breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be procedure in different jurisdictions. It needs to
settled by arbitration in accordance with the UN- be stressed that the New York Convention’s idea
CITRAL Arbitration Rules.”52 Difference between is the enforcement of the foreign arbitral awards
this clause and the clause, which was deemed and not the refusal to the recognition and en-
invalid in the 2011 Judgment, is reference to UN- forcement. The grounds, which are listed in Ar-
CITRAL Arbitration Rules and this reference is ticle V, are exceptions and it shall be applied with
not mandatory for the validity of the arbitration cautious and pro-enforcement basis. Invalidity
agreement. In practice no one really says words of the arbitration agreement should be accepted
“ad hoc” in their arbitration agreement. When the only in the manifest cases.
parties do not specify the arbitral institution and The Supreme Court came up with the require-
the agreement simply says that dispute shall be ment for the validity of the arbitration agreement,
resolved by arbitration, such clause indeed is ad which does not really come from any legal pro-
hoc arbitration clause. vision in the Law or the New York Convention.
The Supreme Court seems to employ the legal
c) The Supreme Court’s failure to apply rel- test, which narrows the scope of the Model Law
evant validity requirements by implicitly excluding ad hoc arbitration clauses.
In the 2016 Judgment the Supreme Court When the Supreme Court is faced to decide on
deemed invalid the arbitration clause, which the enforcement of the foreign arbitral award,
stated that the dispute should be resolved in ac- they need to identify what is the applicable law
cordance with the English legislation, place of to the arbitration agreement. By doing that the
jurisdiction – London. The title of the provision Supreme Court will respect the provisions of the
referred to “Arbitration.” This clause may or may New York Convention and autonomy of the arbi-
not be invalid but not because what the Supreme tration agreement. Secondly, the Supreme Court
Court stated. The Supreme Court said that this needs to abandon the approach by which it is
clause is invalid because it did not refer to any required to have a specific reference to the arbi-
specific institution or it failed to explicitly stated tration institution. Substantive and formal validity
words “ad hoc.” This is not correct. As it was of the arbitration agreement, which is prescribed
mentioned there are no such requirements in in the Law, does not contain such requirement.
the Law. There is more obvious case in the 2011
Judgment, where the Supreme Court did not rec-
ognize the clause, which stated the controversies Resume
should be resolved by arbitration. The Supreme The cornerstone of the international commer-
Court’s argument that this type of clause gives cial arbitration is an agreement, by which the par-
jurisdiction more than one arbitral institutions is ties undertake to submit the disputes to an insti-
wrong. In reality it does not really give jurisdiction tutional or ad hoc arbitral tribunal. The arbitration
to any arbitral institutions. Rather it is ad hoc ar- agreement is the first step for formation of the ar-
bitration clause, which excludes the jurisdiction bitral tribunal and rendering the arbitral award. The
of the national courts. The Supreme Court failed validity of the arbitration agreement also plays a
to identify it. pivotal role during the enforcement stage in differ-
ent jurisdictions. Article V.1.a of the New York Con-
vention 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement
of Foreign Arbitral Awards (the New York Conven-
tion) provides the possibility to refuse recognition
52 UNCITRAL Arbitra on Rules, Annex. and enforcement of the foreign arbitral award if “the

44 samarTali da msoflio #8, დეკემბერი, 2017

parties to the agreement referred to in article II were, under the law appli-
cable to them, under some incapacity, or the said agreement is not valid
under the law to which the parties have subjected it or, failing any indica-
tion thereon, under the law of the country where the award was made.”
The Supreme Court of Georgia (the Supreme Court) has established the
practice by which the substantive validity of the arbitration agreement
depends on the specific reference to the arbitration institution. That ap-
proach does not correspond to any legal provision in the Law of Georgia
on Arbitration (the Law) and the New York Convention. The present article
provides critical analysis of recent judgment of the Supreme Court and
explains the right approach for determining the substantive validity of the
arbitration agreement under the New York Convention.

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8. Houtte H., 1989. Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings, in: Sarcevic P., (ed). Es-
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10. The New York Convention 1958 on the Recognition and Enforcement of
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12. UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. (In English)
13. UNCITRAL 2012 Digest of Case Law on the Model Law on International
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14. Law of Georgia on Arbitration. Matsne.gov.ge (In Georgian)

#8, December, 2017 LAW AND THE WORLD 45

საარბიტრაჟო შეთანხმების
ნამდვილობის წინაპირობები
საქართველოს უზენაესი
სასამართლოს პრაქტიკის
ვახტანგ გიორგაძე
იუს იიის სამინის ჽოს ევჽოკავშიჽის სამაჽთლის
დეპაჽ ამენ ის მჽჩეველი,
საეჽთაშოჽისო დავების გადაყვე ის (MIDS) მაგის ჽი-
ჟენევის უნივეჽსი ე ი/საეჽთაშოჽისო და განვითაჽების
კვლევების ინს ი უ ი

საკვანძო სიტყვები: , ,


ad hoc .


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46 samarTali da msoflio #8, დეკემბერი, 2017

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