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Pure Oil Revision # 0

Industries Ltd
Title: Incident/Accident Implementation
72 Lytton Road,
Workington, Harare Reporting and
Investigation Procedure

Page # 1 of 1 Last Review Date

SOP Owner/Prepared Approval


Standard Operating Procedures

1. Purpose
This procedure is to ensure that all accidents and incidents are reported to the relevant
authorities. It allows for the correct capturing of accident details and instituting of
accident investigation protocols.

2. Scope

This procedure covers all types of accidents and incidents that can happen on the site.
It extends to cover all accidents and incidents to Pure Oil employees while carrying out
their duties off-site or using company assets.

3. Responsibilities
Responsible person/ Site Controller

Shall ensure that all accidents that happen on site are captured in the accident register.
Shall ensure that all statutory reporting of al accidents is done as stipulated by the
National Legislation
Shall ensure that the appropriate Accident Investigation Team is constituted to
investigate accidents and incidents depending on their severity
Shall ensure that all accidents are investigated and appropriate controls are put in place
according to the nature of the risk
Shall sign-off closure of incidents or accidents with the advice of the Accident
Investigation Team

Departmental Head/Supervisor:

Shall ensure that all employees are trained in accident and incident reporting
Shall ensure that all accidents and incidents that happen in their department are
reported to the Safety Officer and responsible
Shall conduct the initial accident investigation and reporting
Shall assist in further accident investigation if required by the Responsible Person/
Accident Investigation Team

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

Accident Investigation Team

Shall investigate each and every accident and incident that happens on site
Shall investigate off-site incidents to Pure Oil Employees during their course of their
work or while using Pure Oil Assets
Shall investigate all incidences with a view to understand the basic and underlying
The accident investigation team will be constituted depending on the nature of the
accident or incident

Safety Officer

Shall train all employees in accident and incident investigation procedure

Shall report all incidence to the relevant recipients depending on the nature of the
incident and timelines required
Shall be the secretary of the Accident Investigation Team
Shall assist the Responsible Person with all statutory reporting requirements
Shall ensure that all accidents are recorded in the Main Accident Register

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

Accident Investigation Team Composition

Nature of Incident Team Composition Lag time for

Incident category conducting
Fatality A CEO, Director, Responsible Person, Accident should be
Commercial Head, Engineering Head, investigated
Production Manager, Departmental immediately after
Head/Supervisor of fatality location, Loss incident and preliminary
Control Manager, Procurement Manager, report/facts established
Safety Officer, Human Resource

Serious injury B Commercial Head, Responsible Person, Accident should be

(Life threatening Engineering Head, Production Manager, investigated
or Disabling Departmental Head/Supervisor of fatality immediately and
injury) location, Procurement Manager, Loss preliminary report/facts
Control Manager Safety Officer, Human established within 8
Resource Representative hours

Minor injury C Departmental Head/Supervisor minor injury Accident should be

( First aid cases, location, Safety Officer, Human Resource investigated within 24
minor hospital Representative hours
Near Misses
Critical Safety A Commercial Head, Responsible Person, Accident should be
Device failure Engineering Head, Production Manager, investigated
Departmental Head/Supervisor of fatality immediately and
location, Loss Control Manager Safety preliminary report/facts
Officer, Human Resource Representative established within 8
Hexane B Commercial Head, Responsible Person, Accident should be
Leakage Engineering Head, Production Manager, investigated
Departmental Head/Supervisor of fatality immediately and
location, Loss Control Manager Safety preliminary report/facts
Officer, Human Resource Representative established within 8
Environmental B Commercial Head, Responsible Person, Accident should be
Accident Engineering Head, Production Manager, investigated
Departmental Head/Supervisor of fatality immediately and
location, Loss Control Manager Safety preliminary report/facts
Officer, Human Resource Representative established within 8
Property C Departmental Head/Supervisor minor injury Accident should be
damage location, Safety Officer, Human Resource investigated within 24
Representative hours

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

Reporting Matrix for the Accidents/Incidents

Accident Reporting Report to Who Who Reports

category timeline
A Immediately CEO, Director, Responsible Safety Officer
Preliminary Person, Commercial Head,
Report generated Engineering Head, Production
with-in 8 Hours Manager, Departmental
Head/Supervisor of fatality
location, Loss Control Manager,
Procurement Manager, Safety
Officer, Human Resource
Immediately Chief inspector of factories Responsible

B Immediately CEO, Director, Responsible Safety Officer

Report generated Person, Commercial Head,
with-in 24 hours Engineering Head, Production
Manager, Departmental
Head/Supervisor of fatality
location, Loss Control Manager,
Procurement Manager, Safety
Officer, Human Resource
Chief Inspector of factories Responsible

C Report With-in 48 CEO, Director, Responsible Safety Officer

Hours Person, Commercial Head,
Engineering Head, Production
Manager, Departmental
Head/Supervisor of fatality
location, Loss Control Manager,
Procurement Manager, Safety
Officer, Human Resource

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

4. Definitions

4. 1 1 Accident: Is an undesirable incidental and unplanned event that could

have been prevented had circumstances leading up to the accident been
recognized, and acted upon, prior to its occurrence

4. 2 1 Types of Accidents

4. 2 1 Fatality: An accident that results in the loss of life

4. 2 2 Serious injury/illness: Can either be Life threatening or Life altering

a) Life-threatening injury or illness that if not immediately addressed is likely to

lead to the death of the individual and will usually require intervention and/or
external emergency response personnel to provide life-sustaining support.
Examples include but are limited to:
 Laceration or crushing injury that results in significant blood loss
 An injury involving damage to the brain or spinal cord
 An event which requires the application of cardiopulmonary
resuscitation or an external defibrillator
 Chest or abdominal trauma affecting vital organs
 Severe burns

b) Life-altering injury or illness that results in permanent or long-term impairment

or loss of use of an internal organ, body function, or body part. Examples
include but are not limited to:
 Significant head injuries,
 Spinal cord injuries,
 Paralysis,
 Amputations
 Severe broken or fractured bones that result in permanent or long-term
loss of function

4. 2 3 Minor : An accident that results in a first aid case or a minor hospital


4. 2 4 Near miss: A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury,
illness, damage or spill, but had the potential to do so.

4. 2 5 Process Safety events: These are events that result in the disruption in the
normal work activities and standard operating sequences of plant and equipment.

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

4. 2 6 Environmental incident : It will include any one of the following

 Any type of spill or release into the air, water courses or onto land
 Any environmental complaint from customers, neighbors, residents or
local environmental officials
 Any environmental notice or citation from local authorities
 Environmental issues where the expected loss exceeds $500

4. 2 7 Vehicle incidents : Depending on the nature of the accident it can be

classified as either Category A, B, C. It will include any of the following:
 On-site incidents involving Pure-Oil owned mobile plant (loaders,
bobcats, forklifts etc.)
 On-site incidents involving third party vehicles (customer Lorries, cars
 Off-site incidents involving Pure oil owned cars, lorries or mobile plant
 Off-site incidents involving Pure oil employees on business in privately
owned cars, lorries or mobile plant

4. 2 8 Property damage : Property damage include any of the following:

 Any property damage where the loss exceeds $500

 Any equipment damage where the loss exceeds $500

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

5 Procedure flow Record

5.1.1 The employee (s) involved in an accident or incident report
immediately to the Departmental Supervisor. If not possible for
the employee (s) witnessing the incident should report to the
Departmental Supervisor.

5.1.2 The Departmental Supervisor will report immediately to the Safety

Officer and the Departmental Head. The Departmental Supervisor
will simultaneously summon emergency response personal

5.1.3 The Safety officer will report the accident as stipulated by the
Reporting matrix for Incidents and Accidents. All accidents and
incidents should be reported to the responsible person.

5.1.4 The Department Head and/or Incident Controller will visit the site
of the accident/incident to assess the severity of the occurrence.
The incident controller will liaise with the Site Controller informing
him/her of the status of the accident

5.1.5 The Site Controller, with the advice of the Departmental Head
and/or Incident Controller will determine the nature of action that
is required to bring the occurrence under control. He will also
consult with the Communications Committee

5.1.6 The Responsible Person/Site Controller will ensure that all

Statutory reporting is done as required follow the gazette

5.1.7 After the occurrence has been brought under control, the
Responsible Person will ensure that the occurrence is thoroughly
investigated by constituting the required Accident Investigation
Team within the time frame stipulated by the Reporting Matrix

5.1.8 The Accident Investigation Team will generate a report for Accident
management review and consumption Report

5.1.9 The Responsible Person will ensure that all the corrective actions Accident
identified by the Accident Investigation Team are fully Report
implemented before signing-off the accident. The Responsible
Person has the authority to review any corrective measure if they
are not satisfied that the risk has been totally eliminated

5.1.10 The Safety Officer will ensure that all Accidents or Incidents are Accident
recorded in the Main Accident register Register

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

6. Attending to Accidents
6. 1 1 Serious Injuries or Fatalities
i. The Reception/Main gate will call the ambulance services
ii. The standby driver will in the interim transport the injured personal
to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals
iii. The Safety Officer will accompany the injured personal and be the
representative of the company

6. 1 2 Attending to minor injuries

i. First aid will be provided to the injured employee by a trained First
Aider (s)
ii. Depending on the First Aider’s evaluation and the employee’s
feedback, the employee can be referred for further treatment at
Suburban Clinic
iii. The standby driver will transfer the employee from the Site to
Suburban Clinic in the company of the attending First Aider

6. 1 3 Attending to Environmental Accidents

i. The emergency response team will visit the site
ii. Depending on the nature of the occurrence they will initiate a clean-
up exercise
iii. After cleaning-up, the Site Controller will visit the site and sign-off
that the site is clean, necessary precautions have been taken and
operations can resume

6. 1 4 Attending to Property Damage Accidents

i. Evacuate from the property or area if it is unsafe
ii. The site controller will do an evaluation of the building, using
external consultancy for suitability of occupancy
iii. The site controller will sign-off, the building as safe for continued
occupancy and personal can re-enter the work area.

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx
Procedure No. Title: Incident and Accident Revision status
Investigation Procedure

7. Records
Accident Register

Accident and Incident Training register

8. Attachments
All related records copies are attached as examples

9. References
Factories and Works General Regulations: RGN 302 of 1976

Factories and Works General Regulations: RGN 262 of 1976

Pure Oil Industries Ltd Policy Manual Doc No

72 Lytton Road, Workington, Harare Quality Management System
Effective date Approval Revision Copy No
31 2015 Xx of xxx

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