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Dear Sir/Mam,

I am delighted to write this recommendation for Sahasra Deva who is applying for a
Summer Inernship program for Bio Medical Course in specific to Cardiology at your
esteemed organisation. I am the Co- founder for Pinnacled Education Serives In
India, where I work with students a a Mentor and Facillitator for IB subjects and have
observed Sahasra both on professional and personal dimensions from the first class
with me since 2023 August.

At the Education Services here, we work with children who have shown passion and
dilligence in pursuig their dreams through academic and social challenges. We hone
and provide the best to students and realizing their career paths and ensure they are
provided with adequate guidance. In this journey, Sahasra has from day one exhibited
her keep and sharp eye towards Biology and is determined to pursue her courses
further. She stands in one of our top 10 in a class of 30. She is a dedicated student
with a sharp mind. Her approach to bettering her skills by doing vigorous self study
and practice distinguishes her from her peers.

Sahasra has exemplary communication skills and works well in teams. She currently
holds the Cultural Sectrary Position of the Student Council and exhibits qualities of a
budding leader. I am certain she is an asset to any campus. Through high calibre in
pursing her passion like those presented during her vigrous high school term Sahasra
would be able to put her skills to test and emerge as a well prepared child for the

Please contact me through call or email if you have any questions.


Madhavi Chebiyam


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