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M: Good morning Family!!!

S: Good Morning Sa tanan! It’s great to have the family back together again day nuh. Gaka feel mo gid ang
essence of family ta
M: amo gani nang also sa mga family ta nga indi makakadto bawi na lang kita sa next family reunion
S: yes and to start the program let us all stand for the Philippine National anthem to be followed by a prayer
interpretation and a prayer by Rev. Fr. Giovanni Garde and to be followed by an opening song Welcome to the
M: okay thank you everyone but indi kita danai magpungko kay kabalo ko nga iban natuyo pa so mapa energize
kita danai nuh para mag stretch2 man ang aton nga mga kasukasuan Siempre dapat maintra gid ang tanan men,
women, and kiddos pati kiddos at heart.
S: amo gid inday para may energy kita asta sa hapon!

S: Wow! Grabe gid ang energy!!!

M: grabe Makita mo gid ang excitement sang tanan kag ang ila nga energy sa Zumba! Perte gid ang akon nga

S: gani man day nag enjoy gid ang tanan? ( Asks the audience) okay since may energy na ang tanan, kita naman
mamati sang iya nga words of welcome from another energetic Public servant Our Honorable SP Richard

-Words of Welcome-

M: Wow thank you so much for that SP Richard kanami gd sang iya message for the family nang damang dama
gid ang essence of family. Let us now proceed to the presentation of tribes and hear their Cheer

S: ari ya per tribe na ni inday so Makita tagid kung kay sin-o tribe ang pinaka energetic kag ang pinaka damo
tribu diri tagid ni mabal-an.

- Insert tribe introduction –

M: oh my goodness grabe ba grabe gid ya! Grabe gid ang energy per tribe nang ari e maintain ta na lang ni nga
energy nang asta sa parlor games ta

S: yes! Siempre sadya na nga nag tililipon kita mas sadyahon ta pagid with parlor games for all ages! And to start
our games with prices ini ha may papremyo kita sa mga madaog.

M: for our first parlor game (kung ano man ang mechanics ka games nang insert ta lang di)

S: siempre para may makabulig sa aton decide sang mga madalalaog kag sap ag obrserve sang aton mechanics
we have our committee for parlor games we have from tribu ni ___ Marian Velonta

M: from tribu ni Maxi Michele Pojas

S: From tribu ni ___ Myla Martin

M: perte ka sadya sang games ta nalingaw gid ang tanan but more on the later naman standby lang kamo da
family kay may ara pa sunod

S: yes reserve ang energy ah kay more games pata later subong naman we will now have a special number to be
given by Tribu ni Celo!

- After the performance-

M: abaw grabe nag prepare gid sila ari kabalo ko nag prepare man ni sila mong kag kabalo gid ko nga ready
naman kita for another number by Tribu ni Alip

- After the Performance-

S: Wow daw kanami gid ya kay prepared gid ang tanan day nuh

M: yes bala nang I love it.

S: Yes! Kag kabalo gid kami nga after all that games, and special numbers are great but of course hindi man
pwede nga madula ang kainan

M: yes may we invite Fr. Gio again to bless our food.

- Prayer-

M: enjoy your lunch family!!!

-After Lunch-

S: good afternoon Family! I’m sure busog nagid ang tanan partner ikaw nabusog Kaman?

M: ay of course na hulas lang ya ang make up pro at least bala ya busog kita partner.

S: amo gid now we will proceed sa 2nd part na sang aton program, and subong siempre may mga bagong tubo
nga kita nga mga henerasyon nga ari diri partner and I think it’s important that we get to know our family.

M: Yes correct ka jan partner especially since this family reunion brought us all together from different places pa
ha just to get together and with that I think it’s time for us to introduce our family tree per tribe.

- Insert family representative per tribe –

S: wow what a trip down memory lane nuh ara bala nga biskan ulihi na ta nabata nakilala ta man sila

M: yes partner and siempre it shows how we are connected by blood. Kanami lang bala partner to see us all
here and that we share this special moment as a family.
S: yes partner and now since we all enjoyed the parlor games earlier let us again enjoy another set of parlor
games of course with the help of our committee.

- Insert mechanics –

M: kitang kita gid ang big smiles and ang laughter sang tanan ah and since nag enjoy ang tanan sa parlor games
siempre ang 2 remaining tribes naman ang mapakita sang ila nga special number partner.

S: yes let us all welcome tribu ni juan!

- after the performance -

M: abaw ari indi man magpa ulihi Tribu ni Maxi!!

- After the performance-

S: Ka amazing Makita ang performance sang 4 tribes partner nuh tanan nag prepare and nag participate gid and we love

M: yes partner all of your participation since morning until now wow. This shows how happy and strong we can be if we
are with our family.

S: Yes and to give us her words of thanks let us all hear from Ma’am mo, Ma’am ko Ma’am nating lahat Analisa Perales!

- Awarding –

( kung sin-o mahatag award insert lng di)

M: and with that partner let us all sing together as a family with our closing song so everybody is invited to stand and
join in.

After the Closing song:

S: This has been a wonderful for us family. Thank you for coming.

M: Thank you also to all the sponsors and to everybody that made this reunion successful. This has been


Ryan kevin tamtam




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