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AURAK Writing Center + Dream Job & Link to Major

Academic Progress Policy focus - if you need to change your major

Student Name Beka Beyene

Student I.D 2023006482
Major Business Administration 10%

Today we will
explore when to
use OPEN AI in
your writing and
when to use your
own words and
learn how to
upload a document
to the AWC.

STEP 1 - Find your Dream Job – on the Internet at or
any website of your choice. Include the screenshot below of the job (0.5) that shows
the job description (.5) __ 1
STEP 2 - IN YOUR OWN WORDS Write at least one paragraph (120-150 words)
about the link between your major and dream job using personal details. ____1

Answer the following questions. What courses are you taking/will you take / that help
prepare you for your dream job? Have you chosen the right major? What might you do if
you have to switch your majors (to Business or Mass Communication) because you are
not succeeding in your math and science courses (if you are an Engineer or in Biotech)?

As a child, I was deeply fascinated by computers and technology. However, as I grew

older and realized the challenges of pursuing a degree in computer science, I reconsidered
my aspirations. Discovering artificial intelligence (AI) marked a turning point for me. I
shifted my focus to learning about business, seeing AI as a powerful tool with limitless
potential. This decision was not a retreat but a strategic redirection. I believe that by
understanding business operations and management, I can effectively leverage AI to
drive innovation. I am excited to explore the intersection of AI and entrepreneurship,
shaping the future through strategic vision and innovative solutions.

STEP 3 - Upload your 1st Paragraph to the AWC and then take a screenshot of the
email Mr. Shadi ( and ccing Dr. Bryn
( ____ 1

Use this template:

Subject Heading: UNIV 100 AWC Assignment – Your Full Name – Your Student #

Dear Mr. Shadi Al Shidrawi,

Please find my UNIV 100 assignment attached. I have also uploaded the document to the
AURAK Writing Center and cced my professor for this assignment (Dr. Bryn).

I now know how to submit a written assignment to the AWC!

Best wishes,

Your Name
STEP 4: Take a screenshot of your AWC SafeAssign Report & replace mine __ 1

What % was plagiarized? == 0%

STEP 5 - USING OPEN AI Research and then write at least 3 paragraphs on: ‘How
your dream job will change due to OPEN AI’.

A. Learning and Research _________ 1 point

Write your 1st prompt here: How open AI might impact a number of different jobs of an
entry-level petroleum engineer.

Copy CHAT GPTs answer and replace mine.

OpenAI's impact on the job of an entry-level petroleum engineer could potentially be

significant, though it's important to note that as of my last knowledge update in January
2022, the specific developments, and implementations of AI in the field may have
evolved. Here are some potential ways OpenAI and AI in general could impact the job:

 Automating Repetitive Tasks: AI can be used to automate routine tasks such as

data analysis, report generation, and basic calculations. This can free up time for
engineers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work.

 Improved Data Analysis: AI-powered tools can process vast amounts of data
quickly and accurately. This can lead to more informed decision-making and the
ability to identify patterns or anomalies that might be missed by human analysts.

 Optimization of Operations: AI algorithms can be used to optimize drilling and

production operations, leading to improved efficiency, reduced costs, and
potentially increased yields.

 Predictive Maintenance: AI can analyze sensor data from equipment to predict

when maintenance is needed, reducing downtime and preventing costly

 Reservoir Modeling and Simulation: AI can enhance reservoir modeling and

simulation, providing more accurate predictions of oil and gas reservoir behavior,
which can lead to more effective production strategies.

 Safety and Environmental Impact: AI can be used to monitor safety conditions

and environmental impacts in real-time, helping to prevent accidents and ensure
compliance with regulations.

 Exploration and Production Optimization: AI can assist in identifying new

exploration targets and in optimizing production strategies based on geological
and geophysical data.

 Risk Assessment: AI can help in assessing risks associated with drilling

operations, allowing for better planning and mitigation strategies.

 Reducing Human Error: Automation and AI tools can help reduce human errors,
which can be critical in a field where safety and precision are paramount.
 Job Evolution and Training: Engineers may need to adapt and learn to work
alongside AI systems, understanding how to leverage the technology effectively.

However, it's important to note that while AI has the potential to significantly impact the
field, it's unlikely to fully replace the need for skilled engineers. Instead, it is more likely
to augment their capabilities and provide them with powerful tools to enhance their work.

Additionally, the adoption of AI technologies in the petroleum industry may vary

depending on the specific company, region, and regulatory environment. Engineers who
are proactive in learning about and adapting to these technologies may find themselves in
high demand.

B. Synthesize or Summarize Content _________ 1 point

OpenAI's influence on entry-level petroleum engineering jobs is poised to bring about

substantial transformations. Firstly, AI stands to automate repetitive tasks, such as data
analysis and report generation, affording engineers more time to focus on intricate,
creative aspects of their work. This shift can enhance overall productivity and streamline
operations. Moreover, AI's capacity for advanced data analysis promises to revolutionize
decision-making processes by swiftly and accurately processing large volumes of
information, revealing patterns and anomalies that might elude human analysts. This
translates into more informed and precise strategies for petroleum exploration and

Furthermore, AI's potential in reservoir modeling and simulation is a game-changer for

petroleum engineers. It can significantly enhance the accuracy of predictions regarding
the behavior of oil and gas reservoirs, ultimately leading to more effective production
techniques. Additionally, the integration of AI in predictive maintenance protocols is
poised to revolutionize equipment management. By scrutinizing sensor data, AI can
forecast when maintenance is required, ultimately reducing downtime, and averting
costly breakdowns. This translates into considerable cost savings and increases
operational efficiency for petroleum companies.

However, it is imperative to recognize that while AI will play a pivotal role in reshaping
the industry, it is unlikely to entirely supplant the need for skilled engineers. Rather, it
will serve as a powerful augmentation tool, enhancing their capabilities and providing
them with advanced resources. Engineers who are proactive in acquiring knowledge and
adapting to these technologies are poised to be in high demand, ensuring a dynamic and
evolving landscape for entry-level petroleum engineering roles.
C. Create AI content _______ 1 point

Experiment with the content you have generated

above. You can use some of the techniques from the
video below, find your own or as one of our students,
Mr. Mohammed, suggested – ask CHAT GPT to speak
like Yoda from Star Wars. Perhaps you could ask AI
to generate it in the style of Sherlock Holmes, Alice in
Wonderland, Tahereh Mafi or Snoop Dog?

I use style of Tupac Shakur

Paste your new (and interesting?) AI generated content here.

Yo, peep this, OpenAI's throwin' down a revolution in them entry-level petroleum gigs.
They're bringin' the heat, makin' moves that'll change the whole game. AI's takin' them
repetitive tasks, crunchin' numbers, and spittin' out reports, givin' engineers more room to
dive deep into the creative vibe. It's a shift that's gonna amp up productivity and smooth
out operations, no doubt.

But hold up, there's more to this tale. AI's got that killer instinct for data analysis, slicin'
through mountains of info with precision. It's uncoverin' them patterns and quirks that
might slip past a human eye. That means we're talkin' strategies for explorin' and tap-
dancin' on that petroleum goldmine, straight up.

Now, let's keep it real, AI ain't takin' the throne from the skilled engineers. Nah, they're
still the backbone. But with AI in the mix, it's like they got a whole new arsenal of tools.
The engineers who step up, learn the game, and ride the tech wave, they're gonna be the
ones in high demand. It's a whole new era for entry-level petroleum hustlers, mark my
words. Keep your eyes peeled, this game's about to blaze a trail!

D. Rewrite the researched content in your own words = 1 Paragraph ____ 1 point.
Finally use the research you have undertaken to inform your reflections on how
OPEN AI will transform your dream job. Write one or more paragraphs and in
your own words with at least one quote from CHAT GPT and another from the
AURAK Library Database.

Open AI’s influence on entry-level petroleum engineering jobs is important in a

multitude of aspects. Firstly, AI is expendable for performing repetitive tasks, such as

analysis and report generation. When given a follow-up prompt of “How drilling

engineering report generation can be assisted with AI?” the ChatGPT-generated text

indicated that “AI applications in drilling engineering encompass automating tasks such

as data analysis and report generation, leading to increased operational efficiency and

facilitating data-driven decision-making processes” (OpenAI, 2023). For instance,

drilling engineers make frequent analysis on active drilling sites, and their analysis may

not be accurate which makes decision-making harder. However, if AI makes the analysis,

then the report is reliable and accurate. Therefore, it is easier to make well-informed

decisions. Moreover, AI is useful for predictive maintenance of equipment management.

According to Pallanich (2023), “other applications of AI in the industry include

predictive maintenance, automated assessment of drill bits, seismic data interpretation,

and real-time drilling optimization.” For example, multiple equipment on a drilling site

are subject to deterioration, detecting and fixing such equipment may not be easy,

therefore, AI can help in identifying such equipment as well as inform operators for

maintenance. Additionally, AI-assisted drilling is cost and time efficient. As an

illustration, AI generation of reports is helpful to save time and allow drilling engineers

to focus more on complex and creative aspects of their work.

STEP 6 – Use Citations in your Research – Add your two reference below and use two
in-text citation above (one from CHAT GPT and another reference from the AURAK
Library Databases) __ 1

Paste your two references here.


OpenAI ChatGPT. (2023). ChatGPT response to Kirubel Mamo, 7 November.

Pallanich, J. (2023). Increasingly, you can't spell workflow without AI. Oil & Gas
Investor, 43(10), 46-50.
REFERENCING NOTE: You can see how to do the referencing in the AURAK
Writing Center (AWC) video

More information on How to cite AI following APA style (7th ed.): From AURAK English
Team & Mr. Shadi Al Shidrawi.

Currently, APA recommends that text generated from AI be formatted as

"Personal Communication." As such, it receives an in-text citation but not an
entry on the References list.
 Examples of in-text citations: (OpenAI, personal communication, January 16,
 The signal phrase students can use to indicate the citation: When asked to
explain psychology's main schools of thought, OpenAI's ChatGPT's response
included ... (personal communication, February 22, 2023)
 References Citation order:
Name of AI.
Year of communication (in round brackets)
Medium of communication.
Receiver of communication. (student’s name)
Day/month of communication.

 Example:

Bard. (2023). Bard response to Ahmed Shamil, 29 June.

OpenAI ChatGPT (2023) ChatGPT response to John Stephens, 2 April.

Still not sure how to reference? Please visit the AWC when our tutors are there to
STEP 7 - Visit the AURAK Writing Center (top floor of building D). Spend at least 15
minutes at the Center. If you come when a tutor is present, they can help you with this
assignment. Check the schedule attached to this assignment. _________ 1 point

Write on the long paper answering the following prompt: What I enjoy about writing
is….. Or you can write a short poem etc. Then sign your name and take a
screenshot to replace the one below. Please also sign the attendance log.
Marking Rubric – 1 point each task for a total of 10%
Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Needs Improvement
(Yes) (Yes, but) .5 of a (No, but) 0 points
1 point point
Meets all criteria
Each Task is Dream job is The dream job is No images,
worth 1 point included, paragraph not connected to a paragraphs,
detailed, CHAT short paragraph and references or Safe
GPT used in an hard to read, no Assign reports are
appropriate way, email was sent re available.
AWC assignment the uploading of
uploaded, the the AWC
Writing Center assignment etc.
Visited etc.

How you could improve for next time: ____________________

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