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Chapter I


In this time, tradition begins to fade and forgotten most especially to the Filipino culture.

Our Filipino cultures are the reason why other countries continue to be amazed of our distinct

cultures. There are many delicacies in the Philippines that made many tourists to visit. Through

time, traditional techniques in cooking are still being preserved and innovated through different

kinds of machines, procedures, tools and equipment. Many chefs in different parts of the world

try different kinds of techniques in cooking, but this is also causes them to make traditional

techniques to be forgotten unlike in the Philippines.

What made traditional techniques in cooking benefit the Philippines? There are many

benefits in using the traditional techniques and one example is that it helps the Filipinos distinct

above the other countries. It helps the Filipinos to appreciate and remember such talents that

were much preserved throughout the Filipino history. Why should these techniques remain in

this time and era? One reason for remembering these techniques is that they help the Filipinos

nurture and pass these techniques the next generations of youth and so on for the world to know

that the Filipinos have something, not something, but many talents to show that made them very

distinct above the others that we also have cultural techniques in cooking.

Examples of traditional techniques are nilaga, inihaw, lechon, steaming, adobo, kinilaw,

ginataan, ibinabad, binanlian, binagoongan, binuro, pabusal, daing, guinataan, guisado,

hinalabos, nilasing, minatanis, pinakbet, paksiw, pangat, pinikpikan, prito, pasingaw, tapa,

tinapa, sarciado, sinangag, tinosta, torta, and totso. These techniques are somehow like the other

countries, but the only difference is the way they are done in cooking. Some techniques are used

by charcoals, woods, freezing materials, and more; these are natural resources materials. The

Filipinos then used natural resources to cook consumable foods. In the beginning, Filipinos

proved their wittiness in cooking just to survive and as time passed by Filipinos continue to

improve the techniques using other materials and combining the natural resources.

Time can never be stopped so that means, the world won’t stop evolving, but it doesn’t

mean the culture must be replaced. People should know how to value something made and build

in the history for it is the reason for the invention of many things in the present surrounding.

Based on the researcher’s sources, Filipinos have proven their skills in valuing and nurturing the

Filipino culture most especially in cooking. They continue to impress many in showcasing the

wonderful styles in cooking to each other or even to tourists.

Loss of cultural techniques in cooking might be a problem because it may cause that our

own culture will not be recognize to the next batch of generations. The next generations should

know of where does our Filipino cuisines came from, what are the procedures that must be done

and what are the stories behind it. Filipino cuisines are part of our culture and it is most well-

known on how we prepare it in various traditional way. So, we should keep preparing our

delicacies in traditional way because the food is more tasteful and you know what is the history

on why, when, where and what does it made of.

Statement of the problem

This research aims to determine the advantages of using traditional techniques of cooking

Filipino cuisine specifically the study will seek to answer the following questions:

1.What benefits can traditional techniques in cooking Filipino dishes in the food industry that can

promote the Filipino culture?

❖ Do traditional techniques promote cultural development in the food industry?

❖ Can traditional techniques in cooking Filipino dishes prolong for centuries?

Significance of the study

The significance of using traditional techniques in cooking is simple. The ingredients that

you need are mostly naturally grown and raised and the process is done in a thoughtful preparation.

By means of traditional cooking, we will be able to practice the old and ancient ways of preparing

food. Taking into consideration the importance of making the taste very authentic as possible to

give that distinct taste in every dish as compared to modern foods which have almost the same

taste. Nowadays, in this time full of modernized, packaged, and processed foods, through

traditional cooking, we can show respect in the importance of nutrients in our food and preparing

and eating foods in the same manner that nourished our ancestors kept them well. Traditional

cooking not only revolves to the food traditionally-prepared itself but on raising the culture as the

background of whatever place or people or product you represent.

Students: this will provide the students an enlightenment on how to value the cultural

cuisines of the Philippines.

Teacher: they will provide the students further knowledge on how to cook Filipino cuisines

and appreciate the process of doing it. The teachers will be able to

Society: To help promote cultural techniques cooking in the food industry, cultural ways

in cooking Filipino dishes must be known for it to be remembered throughout history. It helps the

people taste of the Filipino dishes with a variety of techniques in cooking. The researchers further

analyze the opinions of the people through their comments in blogsites, websites and other social

media applications.

Definition of Terms

For further comprehension regarding this study, the significant terms stated below are used

to define and retaliate the topic. The following terms are as follows:

Tradition – a belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a society or group have continued

to follow for a long time, or all of this belief.

Spectacular – sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect

Legacy – something that is part of your history that remains from an earlier time

Aesthetic – relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty

Delicacies – something especially rare or expensive that is good to eat

Integrate – to mix with and join society or group of people, often changing to suit their way of


Proficient – skilled and experienced

Flourish – to grow or develop successfully

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study is limited to the factors that influence traditional techniques in cooking Filipino

cuisine. Some dishes might also be time consuming resulting to further delay on the research.

That’s why nowadays people need to be alert especially on the other countries, because they also have a

tradition so people need to perform well, master the techniques of cooking and manage their time. That’s

why, they cook as a tradition food and being prepared depending on the occasion. Most of the traditional

foods are not much appealing to the people especially for tourist who came from another country if they

consume the same cuisine several times. The chef’s cuisine must be performed well. Most of the time,

some traditional foods are not cooked depending on the occasion.

The experiment is composed of the grade 11 Travel Services, grade 12 Cookery, Bread and

Pastry, and Travel Services strands. Each respondent will be given a set of questionnaires to know

their opinion and reaction to the study. There is an option whether the respondent will give her

name for security and confidentiality purposes. The researchers will conduct a survey based on the

respondents and their availability of time to arrange a schedule of distributing the questionnaires.

The other factors that were not mention is beyond the scope of the study. Only the strands

of the respondents will be needed in the association in their respective answers.





Based on the statement of Eleanor Amarga Leyco-Chua (2017, June 1), “If you
are to describe Filipino cuisine, you might find yourself looking for adjectives or
words to encapsulate the best definition of Filipino cookery. And most of us would
claim that we know Pinoy dishes, as most of us love to eat and dine. From humble
carinderias to posh fine-dining restaurants, most of us have already tried at least one
dish from these places, and we can certainly tell that the taste and texture are most
of the time different.”

Filipinos have shown their ways in such remarkable ways of having food
business in the Philippines. Anyone can showcase their talent in the food industry
even at a small amount of area. Filipinos can advocate the food industry in humble
carinderias or in high-classed restaurants. Filipino cuisine shows much of an
extraordinary way of cooking, some may be alike other countries, but there are still
originally made and processed in the Philippines.

In this statement of Chua, she promotes the variety of the Filipino chefs
in using different traditional cooking methods in the Philippines. They showcase the
taste of different Filipino cuisine in different cooking techniques too. Further
recognition would guarantee the place of the Filipino techniques in cooking in the
food industry if it will continue to flourish in the Filipino culture.

“If you are to describe Filipino cuisine, you might find yourself looking for
adjectives or words to encapsulate the best definition of Filipino cookery. And most
of us would claim that we know Pinoy dishes, as most of us love to eat and dine. From
humble carinderias to posh fine-dining restaurants, most of us have already tried at
least one dish from these places, and we can certainly tell that the taste and texture
are most of the time different.”


According to the statement of JT Nisay (2017, June 28), “The Laudicos have always been
ardent advocates of Filipino cuisine since entering the cooking and catering business 17 years ago.
Owners of the popular Filipino buffet restaurant Guevarras in San Juan, the two have always been
about promoting the traditional way of cooking Pinoy dishes and inspiring more people to do so.”

This statement of JT Nisay proves the skills of the Filipinos with regards in the food
industry. It further fascinates the other countries on the traditional ways in cooking here in the
Philippines. The Filipino culture shows the natural ways in cooking Filipino cuisines. Many
foreign countries would agree on the spectacular places here in the Philippines that showcase
different traditional culinary techniques that are used in the country.

The Philippines have much of things to be proud of most especially in the food industry.
Some Filipinos just forgets the things real Filipinos should encourage to everyone. The Filipino
chefs in the Philippines are the ones who deserves to be recognize for they continue to put the
Traditional Filipino techniques in cooking alive.

“The Laudicos have always been ardent advocates of Filipino cuisine since entering the
cooking and catering business 17 years ago. Owners of the popular Filipino buffet restaurant
Guevarras in San Juan, the two have always been about promoting the traditional way of cooking
Pinoy dishes and inspiring more people to do so.

Even when they travel abroad as guest chefs for food festivals in hotels and restaurants,
they make it a point it’s Filipino flavors that they champion—without shortcuts, without
substitutes. Before flying to such events, Chef Jackie even pulps the country’s favorite citrus,
calamansi and bottles the extracts, just so she can serve the most authentic Filipino flavors


Base from the statement of Annie D. Buenavente, “The Philippine cuisines feature a spicy
blend of various cultures - a legacy left by past colonizers. The mixture of Malay, Chinese and
Spanish influences have complemented the Filipino's way of traditional cooking style, which
resulted in a uniquely Filipino gastronomic treasure. Popular dishes adopted from Chinese are
"lumpiang shanghai" and "pancit". While several traditional dishes still retain their Spanish names
such as "mechado," "menudo," and "pochero."

The Philippines had gathered much culture from past colonization from different countries
most especially the Spaniards and Americans. From these experiences, Filipinos have learned to
innovate the Filipino cuisines to a new variety of taste that proves the creativity of Filipinos
involving in the food industry.

To sum Buenavente’s statement, Filipinos can adopt the culture of other countries, but will
never forget the true Filipino culture that uses the traditional ways in cooking original Filipino



What is the example of traditional techniques in cooking? What is dry heat method? Tony
Subia (2017), explained that “Dry heat cooking is what the name implies. No moisture, steam,
broth, water, wine or any other liquid is needed. Dry heat cooking methods include grilling, pan-
fying and broiling and baking in an oven. It even includes deep-fat frying. It requires very high
heat to brown, crust or char meat particularly cuts of steak and roast. Dry heat refers to a quick
process of cooking steaks. It also applies to the slow roasting of roasts. Steaks are merely slices of
roast. Dry heat cooking usually involves very high heat at temperatures at above 300 degrees
Fahrenheit to achieve short cooking time.”

The primary advantage of dry heat cooking methods over wet heat methods is the browning

that results. Browning is important for more than aesthetic reasons. When foods are cooked by a

dry heat method at high temperatures the amino acids in meat, and the sugars in fruit and

vegetables, undergo a transformation. Amino acids are broken down by a process called Maillard

reactions, and they recombine into more complex, savory flavored molecules. Sugars undergo a

similar process of caramelization, which turns simple sweetness into hundreds of complex flavors.

Starches gel and turn golden, creating a similar improvement in flavor. (Fred Decker, 2017)

In adding everything up there are a lot of advantages using traditional dry heat method like

when it comes to tenderness dry heat method can give you food crunch and texture, juiciness and

its quickness. It also preserved the vitamin content of food better than wet heat method, the

nutrients leach out of it. You can retain as many vitamins as possible.


According to Bino A. Realuyo, “For me, Balut is the deal breaker. Back in the day, people

used to ask me how my name was pronounced, but now they ask me if I eat Balut. The answer

appears on my face in the way my eyes, nose, and lips morph in disgust, mimicking the hapless

duck embryo inside the warm egg, veins and all. But people ask with curiosity—and for that I’m

grateful—because apparently, Filipino food is the next big thing, following the mainstreamed

Chinese, Japanese, and Thai food, and finding its way to American mouths without the racial barf

bags for strange and too-exotic tastes.”

The exotic taste of the delicacies in the Philippines had gone through the food industry

internationally. Though many see the Filipino delicacies very odd, this will change their opinion

once they taste it. Further Filipinos spreads famous cuisines in the Philippines to different parts of

the world, this will prove the determination of the Filipinos in causing a breaking point to the food

industry that can change the way foreign countries think on the delicacies in the Philippines.

Realuyo told that many disgust Filipino food, but he also said that it has a distinct taste
because of its exotic after taste like Balut. Traditional cooking in the Philippines have spread
throughout the different continents of the world. Mostly, Americans have recognized the Filipino
delicacies as a start in spreading the Filipino culture that Filipinos have great skills involving in
the food industry.


Philippines cuisines consists of the food, preparation methods and eating customs found in

the Philippines. The style of cooking and the food associated with it have evolved over many

centuries from its Austronesian origins to a mixed cuisine of Malay, Spanish, Chinese, and

American, as well as other Asian and Latin influences adapted to indigenous ingredients and the

local palate said by Chamia.

Filipino dishes have combine different styles of different countries in applying in each

traditional technique in cooking Filipino cuisines. The traditional techniques in cooking has been

mixed with different styles of colonizers in the past. Though the Filipino cuisines are combined

with variety of styles in different countries, Filipinos continues to agree on choosing to cook the

traditional way. Traditional techniques in cooking remains, but it has also been enhanced adding

extra gadgets in cooking Filipino cuisines

Chamia explained that Filipino cuisine evolved as time passed by. Although it continues

to evolve through time, tradition and culture in the Philippines never changes most especially

involving in the food delicacies.


Research Methodology

This chapter will present the method of the research in conducting this study, the research

methods, data gathering instruments, locale and population of the study and statistical treatment

of the study.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method type in this kind of topic. This will be a

guideline for finding out the better reading materials from high school students from the responses

and stands a convenience for the researchers. With a limited time handed, the method’s advantages

make understanding capable for viewing a respondent’s given data. Also, in human research,

descriptive study provides necessary information for the present characteristics and changes in a


Locale and Population

Universal College of Parañaque City was formerly named Universal College of Nursing

was founded by the principal, Mr. Domingo T. Tay in February 2005. It is located at 8273 Dr. A.

Santos Avenue, Parañaque City.

The population of the school in Senior High School (SHS) students is currently 385. The

population of the Grade 12 students is 114 while in the grade 11 students is at 171. The researchers

will only need 20 respondents as part of the research. The Grade 12 Cookery strand is the chosen

respondents by the researchers with a population of 32 in total. Out of the 114 students of the

Grade 12 students, the researchers will be needing 20 respondents from the Cookery strand.

Research Instruments

The research instrument is formulated from the articles and blogs from the internet as basis

for the research topic of the researchers. The articles and blogs were validated that tackles in the

advantages of using traditional techniques in cooking Filipino cuisines in the food industries that

will proved the validity of the study that will be conducted in the school premises.

The researchers will use a set of questionnaires for the survey that they will conduct for

this research. The researchers chose to use survey questionnaires as their research instrument for

it is more flexible and easier to gather the data needed for the research. This will allow the

researchers to know the percentage of respondents that agrees or disagrees in each question given

to them.

Data Gathering Procedures

In gathering information, a request letter to the principal of the Universal College of

Parañaque City will be given to approve the distribution of questionnaires of the researchers. The

coordinator of the school shall also be given a request letter to validate the approval for the

distribution of surveys.

A set of questionnaires shall be given to the researcher instructor for further evaluation.

During the survey, inclusive to the letter of consent for the distribution of questionnaires are the

set of questionnaires asking about the advantages of using traditional techniques in cooking

Filipino cuisines. This would further prove the reasons of letting the Filipino culture flourish

through every generations.

The researchers also used the ideas from social blogs and websites to know the opinions

of different people in a wider range of ideas. The researchers also used magazine articles and

statements from published food books regarding the advantages in retaining the use of traditional

techniques in cooking.

Statistical Treatment

For the depth treatment of the data the following statistical techniques and methods were


Percentage – used as a descriptive Statistics to describe the relationship of a part in its


Where: P – percentage

F – Frequency

N – total number of respondents


P = F x 100

Chapter IV
Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter mainly focuses on the results and statistical information of the research to

greatly manifest and contradict! Results that might create a discrepancy on the research outcome.

Table 1

Traditional cooking methods are convenient.

No. of respondent YES PRERCENTAGE NO PERCENTAGE Total in


20 20 100% 0 0% 100%

In the table, majority of the respondents answered Yes which shows that everyone agrees

on the convenience of traditional cooking methods. The respondents see the convenience of using

traditional cooking methods in the present generation. Maybe, they see the benefit of using the

tradition as an asset for the country.

Table 1


In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the first question

that says traditional cooking methods are convenient and it’s a 100%.

Table 2

Traditional cooking gives a variety in Filipino cuisine.


20 20 100% 0 0% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the first

question. This shows that traditional cooking gives a variety in Filipino cuisine. Maybe, the

respondents see the variety in the Filipino cuisines of the country for it attracts tourist.

Table 2 2 0%



In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the first question

that says traditional cooking gives a variety in Filipino Cuisine 100%.

Table 3

Traditional cooking techniques in Filipino cuisines are important.


20 19 95% 1 5% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the first

question except for one which answered No. This shows that traditional cooking techniques in

Filipino cuisines are important. The respondents see in the importance of retaining and flourishing

the traditional way of cooking Filipino cuisines. Though one respondent doesn’t see the

importance of traditional cooking methods.

3Table 3

95% 95%
Yes No

In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, 95% of the respondents answered Yes while

5% answered No.

Table 4

Traditional cooking method is competitively applicable internationally.


20 16 80% 4 20% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, 80% answered Yes while 20%

answered No in the first question. This shows that traditional cooking method is competitively

applicable internationally. This show that Filipino cuisines can showcase their abilities in foreign

countries using traditional ways in cooking though some doesn’t see the potential of Filipino

cuisines as a competitive weapon to other countries.

Table 4


80% No

In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, 80% of the respondents answered Yes while

20% answered No. Some disagrees on the making Filipino foods as an advantage against other


Table 5

Filipino cuisine that are cooked traditionally are more tasteful.


20 20 100% 0 0% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the first

question. This shows that Filipino cuisine that are cooked traditionally are more tasteful. The taste

of Filipino cuisines truly brings out the true culture of the Filipinos that showcase the abilities of

the Filipinos in food industry

Table 5


In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the first question

that says Filipino cuisine that are cooked traditionally are more tasteful as a result to 100%.

Table 6

Traditional cooking method lessen the expenses in Filipino cuisine.


20 10 50% 10 50% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, half of the respondents answered Yes

and half answered No. This shows that traditional cooking method lessen the expenses in Filipino

cuisine for half of the respondents. Maybe, some see the hidden expenses of cooking Filipino

Table 6

50% 50%

In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, half of the respondents answered Yes and No.

Some may think that traditional cooking methods can lessen the expenses I Filipino cuisines, but

some thinks the opposite.

Table 7

Traditional cooking method needs improvement.


20 18 90% 2 10% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, 90% of the respondents answered Yes

while 10% answered No. Majority of the respondents see that traditional cooking method needs

improvement, but some are contented of the usual tradition of the Filipinos in cooking their

Table 7




In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

This shows that many suggest that tradition cooking methods needs improvement with the use of

new technology. Maybe the respondents see that there are techniques that needs adjustments or

additional taste to be added in the way Filipino cuisines are done.

Table 8

Traditional techniques in cooking have value for the present generation of chefs.


20 19 95% 1 5% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes except for one

respondent. This shows traditional techniques in cooking have value for the present generation of

chefs though there is one respondent that doesn’t see the value of the traditional way of cooking

in the present generation. Maybe, he/she see it as a hindrance that may affect the growth of

development of the society in the food industry.

Table 8


95% No

In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, 95%of the respondents answered Yes while

5% answered No. Some see tradition as a obstacle that enables the food industry to spread its

advancement in the world.

Table 9

Experience cooking Filipino cuisines using traditional method.


20 17 85% 3 15% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, 85% of the respondents answered Yes,

while 15% answered No. Some didn.t experienced cooking Filipino cuisines using traditional

methods. Seeing tradition to retain in the food industry. Maybe, they need to be more exposed in

traditional ways in cooking to appreciate the variety of the Filipino cuisines, some respondents

disagree in
Table 9


85% No

In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, majority answered Yes which results in 85%

of the respondents and 15% answered No. Majority of the respondents had experienced cooking

traditional Filipino cuisines.

Table 10

Considering in innovating traditional techniques integrated with modern



20 20 100% 0 0% 100%

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the first

question. This shows many agrees in considering in innovating traditional techniques integrated with

modern equipment. Majority of the respondents may have seen that with the combination of tradition and

modern equipment, there would be a new variety of taste to the Filipino cuisines

Table 10


In this graph, it represents all the respondents (Grade 12 Cookery of Universal College).

Out of the 20 respondents of the Grade 12 Cookery, everyone answered Yes in the tenth question

that says considering in innovating traditional techniques integrated with modern equipment. The

respondents may have thought that traditional Filipino cuisines can further exceed the distinctness

of the Filipino culture.

Chapter V
Summary, Recommendation, and Conclusion


Culture has a great role in every country. Each country has their own culture. As time

passed by, many changes due to the advance evolution of technology that deeply affects the culture

of the countries. The etymology of each countries changes as time goes on. Tradition slowly fades

as technology reign the minds and lifestyle of the people. Even in the food industry are affected

by this evolution of technology. Chefs today tend to use advance technology to make cooking

more proficient, but that’s the opposite mind set. People should not alter the traditional ways in

cooking for it might gravely affect the true essence and taste of the food.


The traditional ways in cooking Filipino dishes can further enhance the cultural way

of the Filipinos. The distinctive delicacies of the Filipinos helps the retain the memory of the

country to many that shows the true Filipino tradition. People should know to appreciate and value

tradition because without it, the country will not be able to flourish its culture and ways of living.

Having a tradition provides uniqueness of a country most especially in delicacies. The traditional

ways of cooking Filipino cuisines made a breakthrough to other countries that helps them to be

amused and became curious on how the Filipino cuisines are made. The Filipino culture helps

attract tourist that also helps the country’s standard most especially in the food industry. The

Filipino ways in cooking are very unique that gives flavor and essence to the food.


The grade 11 students should further improve skills in gathering their data for them to

accurately have a concise result for their result and provide better organization of outputs.

1. The research study needs to be tested by doing the traditional cooking methods to fully

understand the concept of the study.

2. The concept of the study needs further explanation and ideas that can support the whole

research study.

3. The strategies that were used in the research study needs further improvement that can

support the data in gathering the necessary information for the study.

4. The interpretations must be more accurate in the way it is presented.

5. The researchers must further find additional ideas to support the main idea.


(Chamia, 2015, Feb 28, “History and Methods of Filipino Food”, Fil-Am, Retrieved from

(Chua, E.A.L., 2017, June 1, “Rediscover Filipino Cuisine”, Business Mirror, Retrieved from

(Decker, F., “Advantages &Disadvantages of Dry Cooking Method”, Leaf, Retrieved from https://

(Buenavente, A.D., “Filipino Food is RP's next tourist attraction”, Kulinarya Food Trips, Retrieved


(Nisay, JT, 2017, June 28, “The Next Time You Hear “Asian Food”, Think Filipino”, Business

Mirror, Retrieved from


(Realuyo, B.A., 2014, Dec 6, “Dear Filipino Food in America”, Huffpost, Retrieved from



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