1st-Half Term - Sigficance

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Term 1.

Ancient Civilizations
What are Ancient Civilizations?
Ancient Civilizations refers to the first people to have been settled and make stable
communities. To also make a long-lasting empire, states and nations. The study of
ancient civilizations is mostly concentrated on history, but in deeper and broader
study the subject of Ancient History comes up. Some examples of ancient
civilizations are.
1. Ancient Mesopotamia
2. Ancient Greece
The very first civilization known to historians is Ancient Mesopotamia.

Significance of Ancient Civilizations

After going through each of the Ancient Civilizations. We will note down a graph
which will tell us 5 key Question which tell us if the civilization is significant or
not. The 5 questions are:
1. Did it change any events at the time they lived.
An example of that would be, the cavemen inventing fire. After the
invention of fire, everyone would use it because it helps light up your place
and keeps you warm.
2. Did it change the way people thought.
An example of that would be. Albert Einstein changed the way people would
look at the cosmos, he made traveling to space a whole lot easier.
3. Did it improve Lots of peoples lives or make them worse.
An example of that would be. Medicine, after the invention, everybody that
had a disease would be cured in days to weeks.
4. Did it have a long-lasting Impact of the country or the world?
An example of that is fire, it was invented thousands of years ago and is still
used today for cooking and keeping our home warm or cold days.
5. Did it have a good or bad example of how people behave.

Ancient Civilizations – Term 1.1

An example of this is, Video Games. If people are influenced by games, then
they are part of the bad example of behavior, but if are not influenced by
video games and instead a has an incompetence towards Video games, then
are more influenced towards the good example of behavior.

In the next paragraph, we will further investigate the topic of Mesopotamia.

Ancient Mesopotamia now known as Iraq was a civilization in the time of 4000-
3500 B.C. The word Mesopotamia means “Between two rivers” in Greek. The
culture grew up between the two rivers the Tigris and Euphrates. These two rivers
are noted for important advancements in literacy, Astronomy, agriculture, law
mathematics, architecture and more. Mesopotamia was also home to the worlds
first urban cities.

The Sumerians were incredibly known for their invention of the wheel. The is the
most important thing in our lives right now, it’s used in every single form of
transport except for boats. The civilization is not actually called the Mesopotamia
civilization. It’s called the Sumerian civilization, and Mesopotamia is just the place
where the Sumerians lived. The Sumerians were founded in the south of
Mesopotamia. In the kingdom of Sumerians, there were city – states. Each city
state was represented and ruled by an individual, who was responsible for
religious, political, military, and economic control. Basically, a person who is
religious and political but doesn’t have control in military and economics, can still
be a ruler of that city – state. The counsellor of that city – state can be a lieutenant
and none of the others. The only thing that all the counsellors have in common is
that they can keep peace and be responsible.

The most significant achievement of the Sumerians was the wheel (my opinion)
because most forms of transport include wheels, these can be bikes, motorcycles,
or cars. Without the wheel, we wouldn’t be able to reach school or work. The
wheel had a long-lasting effect on the world and to the country, it gave a mixed

Ancient Civilizations – Term 1.1

effect of example to a positive and negative way. Also, now a days writing is not
really used in many places, normally just used in schools because the advancement
of technology has evolved to a different generation. Farming is still a very
significant part of our day-to-day life, because without farming we would starve to
death. But the farmers need the wheel to get to the farm because it is transport, and
if the farmer is carrying a mass number of crops, then they would need a
wheelbarrow to carry it.

Graph on the next page…

Ancient Civilizations – Term 1.1

This is my opinion of the graph.
This chapter is now finished, we will go through the ancient civilization of Greece.

Ancient Greece
Ancient Greece was in southeastern Europe along the Mediterranean Sea. It started
about 1200 BCE, to the death of alexander the great, in 323 BEC. The capital of
ancient Greece was Athens. It was named after
the goddess Athena, which originates for the
early Greek language. The Greeks were very
good at making legends, stories, and myths. One
of the most told myths was Atlantis. It was said
by Plato, one of the students of Socrates, he said
that Atlantis was an island near Africa and

The Greeks are incredibly known for the

invention of toys, it is the one thing that every
parent buys for their children, and the cheap plastic wears away. But still the child
will beg and beg until they get what they want, and then when it breaks and the
cycle repeats. But in ancient Greece, toys were made from metal, which is very
strong until it rusts, or dry clay, which is as hard as a brick but will break very
easily if you throw on the ground.

Ancient Civilizations – Term 1.1

The Greeks also had city states with rulers, one of the most recognised city states
are Athens and Sparta. In 431 BC, there was a very heated war between the two
states and Athens and Sparta. Which is called the Peloponnesian war. It happened
because Athens had control over most city-states and Sparta wanted independence,
hence a war, its just like India fighting for independence from the English people.

The most significant invention is medicine, it is the most important invention ever,
because it is found everywhere and is used to cure a disease, it can cure things that
could never be cured. Medicine how ever evolved and many things and now be
cured for example pneumonia and many others. Many people in ancient Greece
died from wounds and now that’s not a problem.

Graph on the next page…

Ancient Civilizations – Term 1.1

My opinion of the graph.

Primary Sources

Ancient Civilizations – Term 1.1

Primary Sources are typically products at the time of the event being studied or are
artifacts from that time.

Secondary Sources
Secondary sources are usually produced later than the event, and usually involve
information after the event.

Ancient Civilizations – Term 1.1

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