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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Alubijid | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon


A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

School: Grade Level: 9 - Junior High School

Teacher/s: BERCIDE, Leonardo B. Learning Science

CAJILLA, Danilo Jr. L Area:
NAIN, Audrey A
TURIN, Katrina A

Teaching March 27, 2024 Quarter First


Duration: 20 Minutes


A. Content Standards The learners learn that:

Newton’s laws explain and predict how objects move due to the
forces that act on them.

B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to:

identify inertia as the tendency for an object to stay at rest or in
motion unless acted on by an unbalanced net force

C. Learning Objectives The learners shall be able to:

1. define and describe inertia and its types.

2. explain inertia’s role in daily situations.

II. CONTENT Inertia: Newton’s First Law

III. LEARNING 1. Teacher’s Guide (A. (2023, April 4). Inertia - Definition,
MATERIALS/ RESOURCES Laws of inertia, Types, Examples, Video and FAQs.
2. Learners Handouts
3. YouTube Video (L. (2023, January 4). Inertia: Newton’s
First Law. YouTube.
4. Projector
5. Demonstration Material (Small Ball and Cardboard)

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


“Good morning, everyone. Today, I'd like to
start our lesson with a prayer. Can I ask Ms. “Sure, I'd be happy to” (Leads the class in prayer)
Eniola to lead us in prayer, please?”

“Once again, good morning, brilliant minds! I

hope everyone is feeling charged up and ready “Good morning, Teacher! We're ready to learn and
for an exciting day of learning ahead. “ conquer the day!”

I'm pleased that everyone is prepared to learn.

Now, let's take attendance. Who is not present

“Great! Looks like everyone is here today.” "None, Teacher. We are all present and ready to
start the class."

"Before we begin our lesson, I'd like to remind

everyone of our classroom rules."
1. LISTEN to your teacher and classmates
when they are talking.
2. BE ATTENTIVE and follow the
instructions carefully. "Yes, sir! The rules for the classroom are well
3. NO CELLPHONE during class hours. understood."
4. RAISE YOUR HAND if you want to
answer or say something.
6. RESPECT everyone.

"Class, do you understand these rules clearly?"

"Now that we've gone over the classroom rules,
let's begin our lesson. Is everyone in the class "Absolutely, sir! We're thrilled and eager!"

"Have you ever wondered why a moving object "When you push a moving object, it stops because
stops when you push it but continues moving of friction, but it keeps moving without a force
when no force acts upon it?" because of inertia."

"What do you know about how objects move?" "Objects move due to forces like pushing, pulling,
or gravity. For example, when I throw a ball, I
or "Can you describe any experiences where
observe gravity pulling it down."
you observed forces in action?"

“Class! Today, we have a fun warm-up activity

to boost our engagement before diving into our “Whoa! We used to play it way back in grade
lesson. We're going to do a word search related school, I’m pretty sure we will get that right sir.
to our topic. You have one minute to answer.”

“Great, don't worry class, it's gonna be alright!

I'll flash the word search poster on the board
using the projector. Your task is to locate the
given words in the grid. You can find them “Yay, we love word searches but I hope it’s not that
running in one of eight possible directions: difficult.”
horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
“Whoa! That’s nice!”
Whenever you find a word, highlight it using
the colored chalk provided. You'll earn 2 points “oh Inertia, interesting but i bet it’s kinda hard since
for each word you find, which will be added to soon we will be calculating forces and energy”
your activity score later.”
“But isn't it fun? i really love word search so I’m a
bit confident about this lesson”

“Well, good for you but nevertheless I will try my

best to catch up

“Let's go!”

“Right, let’s get it started!

“Yey, we already found several words in the puzzle!”

“Me too, I knew it was gonna be easy.”

“Oh really?, it’s so hard on my end, I’m not really a

linguistic person”

“Go everyone, we can do it”

“Well done, Student! Remember, the more

words you find, the more points you earn. This
activity not only warms us up but also I'm almost done teacher!
reinforces our understanding of the lesson
topic. Keep searching, everyone!”
"Wow! I managed to find all the words in time!"
Alright, times up!

"After completing the word search, how do you "I think the excitement from the word search
think the energy and momentum we generated could carry over and make us more focused and
during the activity might influence our eager to participate in the lesson. It's like we've
engagement with the upcoming lesson? built up momentum that keeps us motivated and

B. Lesson Body - The lesson body will include:


“Today, we're going to explore the concept of

inertia through a video. Please pay close
attention as it will help us understand Newton's
First Law better.” “Interesting, I can’t wait to learn from the video.”

Video used: YouTube Video (L. (2023, January

4). Inertia: Newton’s First Law. YouTube “This is my first time watching it, I’m so excited”
“It’s quite fascinating, let’s watch it.”

“I saw that the ball kept rolling until it

“Alright, what did you observe in the video encountered some friction, which slowed it
regarding inertia? Let's start with Sean.” down and eventually stopped it.”

“The video showed that objects tend to maintain

“Spot on! That's a perfect example of inertia at their state of motion unless acted upon by an
work. Audrey, what did you take away from external force. This aligns with Newton's First
the video?” Law of Motion.”

“It's clear now how inertia influences the

“Precisely! The video indeed illustrated behavior of objects in different situations. Thank
Newton's First Law through various examples you for the explanation and the video
of inertia. Leo and Katrina, do you have demonstration.”
anything to add or any questions about what
we've discussed?” “I agree. Understanding inertia helps us make
sense of why things move or stop the way they
“I'm glad to hear that, Emily and Samantha. do. The video really helped clarify the concept.”
Keep in mind that inertia is a fundamental
concept that we'll continue to explore further in “Thank you sir!”
our upcoming lessons. Great participation,
everyone!” “It’s very interesting sir, thank you.”
“Inertia is when an object resists changes in its
motion. It can stay at rest or keep moving unless a
force acts on it.
“Who can tell me what inertia means?”
“I guess sir, friction also plays a significant role in
moving objects.”

“Excellent explanation!” “We agree sir!”

Inertia is the property of matter that describes
its resistance to changes in motion. It is the
tendency of an object to remain at rest or in
uniform motion unless acted upon by an
external force.

It is a fundamental concept in physics and has

been observed since the dawn of the universe.
It explains why objects continue moving or
stay still unless a force is applied to change
their motion.

"Can someone explain how inertia influences "Inertia influences objects by making them resist
the movement of objects in everyday changes in their state of motion. For example, a
situations?" heavy book requires more force to start moving
because of its inertia, and once it's moving, it's
Types of Inertia harder to stop due to the same principle."
Following are the three types of inertia:
"I agree with what my classmate said. Inertia
Inertia of Inertia of Inertia of essentially acts as a property of matter that opposes
Rest Direction Motion changes in velocity. This means that objects tend
to maintain their current state of motion unless
When the When the When the acted upon by an external force, which aligns with
resistance is resistance is resistance is what we observe in various everyday scenarios."
offered by offered by offered by
the body to the body to the body to
continue in continue the continue to
the state of motion in the be in the
rest unless an same uniform
external direction motion
force acts on unless an unless an
it. external external
force acts on force acts on
it. it.

“When I try to push my heavy backpack, it's

“Can anyone give me an example of inertia in harder to get it moving compared to my lighter
action?” backpack. That's because the heavy backpack has
more inertia.”

“When a car suddenly stops, we continue moving

“Exactly! The heavier the object, the more forward slightly because of inertia. It's like our
inertia it has, making it resist changes in its bodies want to keep going even though the car has
state of motion. Can anyone share another stopped.”
example where inertia is at play?”

“It's because once an object is in motion, it wants

“Great observation! This demonstrates the to stay in motion unless something stops it. That's
concept of inertia of motion. Now, let's discuss inertia at work!”
why it's easier to keep a moving object going
than to stop it. Who can explain?”

“Oh I see, that explains why if we push something

“Precisely! Inertia helps us understand why downhill it rolls faster unless there’s something
objects behave the way they do and plays a that would block it to stop falling.”
crucial role in Newton's First Law of Motion.
“Yes, but it also depends on the surface of the floor
or ground where the object is rolling.”

“Inertia makes it easier to keep a moving object “Teacher! How does inertia explain why it's easier to
going because objects tend to maintain their keep a moving object going than to stop it?
state of motion unless acted upon by an
external force. This resistance to changes in
motion is a result of inertia, which is why
stopping a moving object requires applying a
force to overcome its inertia.”
“Teacher! Why do objects on a table stay in place
“Objects on a table remain in place until we until we push or move them?”
apply a force to move them because of their
inertia of rest. Inertia of rest is the tendency for
objects to resist changes in their state of rest, “Wow’ there’s really a lot more about inertia that
making them stay put until acted upon by an we don’t know.”
external force.”

“Great questions, my dear students. Your

curiosity and attentiveness during the “Right? there’s some terms that feel foreign to
discussion are evident in these thoughtful me.”
inquiries. Well done!”

“Me too, I know in our previous grades it has been

discussed but I didn’t know it’s more broad.”

“Now, we're going to assess your prior

knowledge about Newton’s First Law of “Yes, we are!”
motion through an activity. I'll provide you
with words to complete sentences related to the “We’re confident to answer that sir, thanks for
law. You'll have 3 minutes to complete this the video and your further explanation sir.”
task. Are you ready?”

‘Alright, let's begin.” “I’m a bit confused earlier sir but surely I could
keep up, I’m more confident now.”
Use the words in the box to complete sentences
about Newton’s first law of motion. The class
will be given 3 minutes (Wait for the signal of
your teacher when to start.)
“Oh I told you it’s easy.”

“Yes, some of the terms were found on the video

that was presented earlier.”

“Right? I thought so.”

“I finally got it right.”

“Wait sir just a minute”

“Right, we’re all done sir.”
“Time's up! Now, let's move on to some
questions to check your understanding.”
“Let’s go.”
“How does the concept of inertia explain why a
heavy object requires more force to start “Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist
moving compared to a lighter object?” changes in its motion, so a heavier object has
more inertia and requires more force to
(The teacher will pick a student to answer.) overcome this resistance and start moving.”
“Well done, Student 1! Now, can someone
describe how inertia affects the behavior of “Inertia also affects how objects stop or change
objects in terms of stopping or changing direction. For example, a moving car continues
direction? Provide an example to support your moving forward when the driver suddenly stops
answer.” because of the passengers' inertia. They want to
keep moving even though the car stopped.”
“Excellent explanation, Students! You all have
a good grasp of Newton’s First Law of motion.
Keep up the great work!”
EVALUATE (The students will answer the quiz on a ¼ sheet
of paper.)

“Now! I'll be evaluating your understanding of "Understood, I'll get the quarter sheet of paper
inertia through a short quiz. Prepare a ¼ sheet ready for the quiz on inertia."
of paper”

Alright! Write your name, section, and today's

date on your paper. I will give you a quiz paper, “Noted, teacher!
and you will have 5 minutes to answer it.

“Let’s begin”

Short Quiz

True or False:
1. True or False: Inertia is the tendency of an
object to resist changes in its state of motion.

2. True or False: Objects with more mass have

less inertia. (False)

3. True or False: According to Newton's First

Law of Inertia, an object in motion will
eventually stop without any external force
acting on it. (False)

4. True or False: Inertia only affects objects

that are at rest. (False)

5. True or False: A moving car stopping

abruptly is an example of inertia. (True)

Multiple Choice:
6. When you push a heavy box and a light box
with the same force, which box will require
more force to start moving?
a) Heavy box
b) Light box
c) Both require the same force
Answer: a) Heavy box

7. What does inertia primarily depend on?

a) Velocity
b) Acceleration
c) Mass
d) Distance
Answer: c) Mass

8. If you throw a ball in space where there's no

air resistance or gravity, what will happen to
the ball's motion?
a) It will slow down and stop
b) It will continue moving at the same speed
c) It will move faster
Answer: b) It will continue moving at the
same speed

9. Which of the following is an example of

a) A person pushing a car uphill
b) A ball rolling down a hill
c) A book remaining on a table until someone
moves it
d) A bird flying in the sky
Answer: c) A book remaining on a table until
someone moves it

10. If a car suddenly stops due to an obstacle

on the road, what concept of physics explains
why passengers inside the car continue moving
a) Newton's Third Law
b) Gravity
c) Friction
d) Inertia
Answer: d) Inertia

“Time's up. Please submit your paper now "Yes, sir! We've gained a wealth of knowledge!"
.Have you enjoyed today’s lesson?”

“Today, we have an exciting assignment on “Sounds interesting. What do we need to do?”

exploring inertia in everyday life.”

“You'll need to watch a video on Inertia:

Newton’s First Law and take notes to grasp the
key concepts. After that, identify at least three
real-life examples where you observe inertia in “That sounds comprehensive. Where can we find
action and explain how it influences those the video?”
objects or actions. Finally, reflect on how
understanding inertia can be beneficial in daily
life or your chosen field of study.”

“The reference for the video is provided: it's a “Understood, sir! I'm looking forward to
YouTube video titled "Inertia: Newton’s First extending my knowledge on inertia through this
Law" by L. (2023, January 4). You'll find the assignment.”
link in the assignment details.”

Assignment: Exploring Inertia in Everyday


1. Watch the provided video on Inertia:
Newton’s First Law (Reference:
YouTube Video (L. (2023, January 4).
Inertia: Newton’s First Law. YouTube
2. Take notes while watching the video to
understand the key concepts related to
3. Identify at least three real-life examples
where you observe inertia in action.
These examples can be from your daily
experiences, sports, or any other
4. Write a short paragraph for each
example, explaining how inertia
influences the object or action
5. Reflect on how understanding inertia
can help you in daily life or in your
chosen field of study. Write a reflection
paragraph discussing its importance and

Grading Criteria:
● Understanding of key concepts from the
video (10 points)
● Quality and relevance of real-life
examples provided (15 points)
● Clarity and depth of explanations for
each example (15 points)
● Reflection on the importance of
understanding inertia (10 points)
● Overall presentation and adherence to
submission guidelines (5 points)

Total: 55 points

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