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NAME……………………………………………………. DATE……………………..
Answer all questions from this part
1. The steps taken to improve one’s 7. Which of the following is one of the
lifestyle physically, mentally, and causes of accidents
social wellbeing is…………… A Wearing protective clothes
A. staying healthy B. wet and slippery floors
B. healthy living C. Use well sharpened knives
C. good sanitation 8. One of the ways of preventing
2. Which of the following is one of the accidents in the workshop is
causes of not taking good care of one’s A. Working in a dirty environment
body B. using sharp knives
A. keeping the environment clean C. Do not be in excessive haste when
B. Poor sanitation working
C. contract diseases and fall ill 9. Keeping foods for a longer period of
3. Which of the following materials can time by giving it a special treatment is
be used for improving personal hygiene A. Food preservation
A. soap, brush and sponge B. Food hygiene
B. water C. healthy food
C. bathing twice a day 10. The state in which food has gone
4. Conditions and measures needed to bad and is usually dangerous to eat is
ensure safety of food from production A. Food spoilage
to consumption is B. Food hygiene
A. food health C. Healthy food
B. food hygiene 11. Which of the following are types of
C. personal hygiene food spoilage
I. Mould, bad smell, foam, change in
5. Injuries that occur in the workshop colour
unexpectedly is…………. II. Bacteria, mould, change in colour,
A. falling foam
B. Fracture III. Foam, bacteria, change in colour
C. accident A. I,II,III
6. The following are types of accidents B. II, III
except C. I only
A. cuts 12. One of the causes of food spoilage
B. wearing safety clothes is…………
C. explosions A. insect, pests and rodent
B. change in colour 20. A material that has recognized
C. Bad smell predictable and consistent properties
13. The following are some of the are
reasons for preserving food A. Resistant materials
except……. B. Compliant materials
A. Drying C. Wood
B. To make it last longer 21. The following are examples of
C. To save money compliant materials except
14. Which of the following is one of A. Paper
the method of preserving food. B. Card
A. Drying C. Metal
B. Freezing 22. The following are examples of
C. bacteria fabrics except
15. The means of making sure that A. Wool
possible causes of accident are B. Rayon
removed is…….. C. Wood
A. Safety food 23. There are . . . . . . . . .types of fibres
B. safety in the workshop, A. 4
16. The following are some of the ways B. 2
of preventing accident in the workshop C. 3
except…….. 24. Materials that are not pliable or
A. using the correct cutlery set flexible and cannot be easily
B. use the correct tool compressed with bare hand are
C. use dry cloth to hold hot pan A. Compliant materials
17. The following are type of pollution B. Resistant materials
except C. Glass
A. Air pollution 25. Plastic is an example of compliant
B. Water pollution materials
C. gas pollution A. True
18. Poor environmental health is link to B. False
the transmission of diseases. 26. Plastic that do not go through any
A. False chemical change during moulding are
B. True A. Thermoplastics
19. The following measures must be B. Thermosetting
followed to prevent environmental C. Wood
health risk except 27. Products made from baked clay are
A. Eating more fruits A. Ceramics
B. Avoid polluting water bodies B. Glass
C. Avoid littering around C. Metals
28. One of the advantages of using B. Ferrous metals
thermoplastics is C. Alloy
A. It is hard when heated 30. A transparent materials is see-
B. Soften when heated through what is its opposite call
C. It can be used several times A. Block
29. Metals that have iron in them are B. Opaque
A. Non-ferrous metals C. Solid

1. a. briefly explain each of the following:
I. Food hygiene (3 marks)
II. Personal hygiene (3 marks)
III. Food storage (3 marks)
IV. Food preservation (3 marks)
1. b. Give four reasons for preserving food (2 marks)
1. c. State three effects of not taking care of the body (2 marks)
d. Mention three methods of preserving food (3 marks)

2. Mention three ways of preventing accidents in the workshop, site and the food
laboratory (2 marks each)
b. State four measures of preventing environmental health risk (3 marks each)
c. List three causes of poor environmental health (2 marks)
3. What are compliant materials (2 marks)
b. Give four examples of compliant materials (1 mark each)
C. Write the sources of the following compliant materials (2 marks each)
I. Cotton …………………………………………………………………..
II. Paper …………………………………………………………………..
III. Synthetic fibres …………………………………………………..
4. What are resistant materials? (2 marks)
b. Mention and explain the two types of plastics
c. Mention three advantages of using thermoplastics (3 marks each)
d. What are smart materials?
e. State 3 differences between smart and modern materials
f. Mention 3 products from modern materials
1. A 11. C 21. C
2. C 12. A 22. C
3. A 13. A 23. B
4. B 14. A 24. B
5. C 15. B 25. B
6. B 16. C 26. A
7. B 17. C 27. A
8. C 18. B 28. B
9. A 19. A 29. B
10. A 20. 30. B

I. Food hygiene: is the conditions and measures needed to ensure safety of food
from production to consumption. (3 marks)
II. Personal hygiene: is the rules observed by an individual to ensure that their body,
as well as clothing are thoroughly clean and neat (3 marks)
III. Food storage: The act of keeping food in good condition for some time without
changing its form (3 marks)
IV. Food preservation: is the act of keeping food for long period of time by giving it a
special treatment
1b.four reasons for preserving food. ( 3 marks )
1. To prevent food spoilage
2. To make it last longer
3. To save money.
4. To maintain the nutritive value
5. To avoid waste 2marks each
1c. State three effect of not taking care of the body.
1. One can contract diseases.
2. It can lead to body odour.
3. Disease can be transferred to other people
4. one l can lose respect 2marks each

2. Mention three methods of preserving food

1. Dry 2.smoking 3.salting 4.bottling 5.freezing 3marks each
b. State 4 measures of preventing poor environmental health.
1. Avoid polluting water bodies
2. Avoid littering rubbish about
3. Avoid defecating indiscriminately
4. The environmental protection agency must educate the public on how to protect the
5. Smoking in public places must be avoided
c. Give 3 causes of poor environmental health
1. Climate change
2. Exposure to hazardous substances in the air, water, soil and food.
3. Natural disasters
3. What are compliant material?
Is a material that has recognized predictable and consistent properties?
b. Examples compliant materials
1. Paper 2. Card 3. Fabric 4.wool 5. News paper
c. Write the sources of the following compliant materials
i. cotton…………………cotton plant
ii. Paper…………………….wood pulp
i synthetic fibers……vegetables, animals, and mineral sources by adding chemicals.
4. What are resistant materials?
Are materials that are not pliable or flexible and cannot be easily compressed with
bare hands?
b. Mention and explain the 2 types of plastic.
i. thermoplastic this are plastic that do not go through any chemical change during
ii. thermosetting these are plastic formed to shape by heat and pressure.
c. Mention 3 advantages of using thermoplastics
1. It softens when heated
2. It recyclable
3. It comes in a variety of colours.
4. Safe for children
d. What are smart materials
are materials that sense and react to environmental condition like
Chemical, electrical or magnetic signal.
e. Mention 3 products from modern materials
i. concrete
ii. Aluminum
iii. Steel
f. Mention product made from smart materials
I. Computers and other electric devices
ii. Medical equipment
iii. Consumer goods application.

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