How Britain Lost Its War On Drugs

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Britain | A pill wind

How Britain lost its war on drugs

Blame new synthetic opioids, inadequate funding and a punitive attitude

illustration: luke waller

Feb 7th 2024 Share

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A s a general practitioner (gp) in a deprived inner-city neighbourhood of

Birmingham, Judith Yates had a close-up view of the evolution of Britain’s
illegal drugs market. In the 1980s some of her poorest patients became addicted
to Afghan heroin as it flooded the market. In the 1990s they made crack pipes
from Coca-Cola cans and asthma inhalers. Some recovered. Others went in and
out of prison, where they often became addicted to other drugs. Several died.
In 2010, frustrated by how little ground the government was making in its war on
drugs, Dr Yates started visiting the local coroner’s office to collect information on
drug deaths. “I wanted to look for patterns, see if we could prevent people dying,”
she said. What she found alarmed her. Drug deaths were increasing every year.
And opioids were playing a big role.

In 2022 Dr Yates (by then retired but

continuing her investigations) spotted
the name of a drug on the coroner’s
reports that she had not seen before:
n-pyrrolidino etonitazene. This is one
of a class of new synthetic opioids
known as nitazenes which are at least
as powerful as fentanyl (another
synthetic opioid that is itself up to 50
times more powerful than heroin) and
often many times more so (see chart).
The drug had been found in three
young men who had died, two students
image: the economist
and a businessman quite different 2/8
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image: the economist and a businessman—quite different
sorts of drug users from those Dr Yates
was used to seeing in coroners’ reports. They had bought what appeared to be
pharmaceutical-grade oxycodone (painkiller) pills online. “They would have
thought they were self-medicating to reduce the stresses of life,” she says. “They
certainly did not expect to die.”


Dr Yates’s experience is a microcosm of a wider crisis. Drug deaths in England

and Wales have risen every year since 2012. In 2022, the most recent year for
which there are data, the figure was 4,907, according to the Office for National
Statistics (ons); 89% higher than in 2012. In that period some features of drug
deaths have remained steady. Most victims are male (see chart). The north-east
has the highest death rate. (Scotland, which is subject to the same laws but where
drug deaths are counted separately, has one of the highest rates in Europe.) And
the same generation—people born in the 1970s—are the likeliest to die.

The vulnerability of this cohort is

explained in part because in the last
two decades of the 20th century more
young people started using hard drugs,
chiefly heroin and cocaine. These do
more damage to the body as it ages.
Deaths caused by cocaine, which has
become increasingly popular as it has
become cheaper, rose to 857 in 2022
from 112 in 2011. Drug-induced deaths
may also be rising because it has
become more common to take more
than one substance at a time, which is 3/8
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t a o e substa ce at a t e,
How Britain lost its war on drugs
c s
chart: the economist
likelier to be fatal.
But the most worrying part of the picture involves the consumption of synthetic
opioids. Britain, like most of Europe, has so far sidestepped the opioid crisis that
killed 70,000 Americans last year alone. Because of its nationalised, non-profit-
driven health-care system (in which doctors are generally responsible about
prescribing opioids), it is unlikely to ever develop a problem as big as America’s.


Yet experts worry that an opioid crisis may nonetheless be looming because of
changes to the global drugs trade. Most heroin in Europe comes from
Afghanistan, where in 2021 the Taliban announced a ban on opium, a gum
produced from poppies from which heroin is manufactured. Two missed poppy
harvests later, the market for synthetic opioids such as nitazenes—which are
relatively easy and cheap to manufacture (in China, it is thought) and then post—
is said to be booming.
No one knows how many people in Britain have been killed by nitazenes. They
have been detected in several dozen cases but are not always tested for. Meg
Jones, director of Cranstoun, a charity, says nitazenes are being cut into many
different sorts of drugs, often accidentally (because they are cut and packed on
the same surface). In November the Home Office said it was decreeing 15 new
drugs to be “class A”, the most dangerous sort. Most of them are nitazene
Britain is singularly unprepared for an opioid crisis. Funding cuts in the 2010s
have devastated drug-treatment programmes. In the second part of an
independent, government-commissioned review into drugs published in 2021,
Professor Carol Black, a doctor and academic, said that “funding cuts have left
treatment and recovery services on their knees.” The workforce was “depleted,
i ll f f i ll lifi d l dd li d” “Th 4/8
5/8/24, 7:31 PM How Britain lost its war on drugs
especially of professionally qualified people, and demoralised”. “The current
situation is intolerable,” she said.
The government has acknowledged that more investment in such services is
needed. Yet it needs to do a lot more than restore what it has squandered. Since
Britain passed the Drugs Misuse Act 1971, which criminalises possession of illicit
drugs, it has taken a moralistic, punitive attitude to drug use that has achieved
Britain remains one of the few countries in Europe that does not have safe drug-
consumption rooms (though one is due to open in Scotland soon). That is
because to run one could mean being charged with a crime. Research suggests
such places do not increase drug use but help users enrol in other treatment.
They are, moreover, a low-cost intervention, requiring little more than a room, a
health-care worker and a supply of overdose medications. Yet Rishi Sunak, the
prime minister, has said they “condone use of drugs”.
There has been some progress. Police forces increasingly carry naloxone, an
opioid antidote. Once only available in injectable form, it is now available as a
nasal spray. Officers prefer using this to giving drug addicts cpr. (Multiple doses
may be needed to save someone who has taken nitazenes.) Last month The Loop,
a charity, opened the first Home Office-licensed drug-testing site, in Bristol. It
will allow users to submit samples of illegal drugs; if there are concerns about the
potency and purity of substances, local authorities can send public-health alerts
and the buyer can be offered advice and treatment. More such centres are crucial.
In a rapidly evolving drug market information is power, says Dr Yates. She would,
for instance, like the government to find a way to hasten the dissemination of
information about drug deaths, which are usually certified by coroners. The ons
says that record delays in inquests mean 64% of deaths that were registered in
2022 actually occurred in previous years. If Britain does have an opioid crisis, it
may not find out before it is too late. ■
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5/8/24, 7:31 PM How Britain lost its war on drugs

This article appeared in the Britain section of the print edition under the headline "A pill wind"

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