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Syed Ahmad Barveli


Reporter 1:Assalam o alaikum everyone, today we have a special guest who is going to talk
about his life’s journey and beliefs.

Reporter 2:During his life he faced many challenges and many people opposed his ideas and
beliefs,so let's hear it from sir syed ahmed barelvi.

Sir syed:Assalam o alaikum everyone, it's an honor to be invited here today to talk about my life
and beliefs.

Reporter 1: So lets begin with your early life sir, tell us where you were born and what your
childhood was like.

Sir syed : Surely beta, I was born in 1786 in a small town of Rai bareli,i had very loving parents.

Reporter 1: tell me more about your parents

Sir syed: ab tume kia batao beta. My father died when i was only 10 years old. I was

Reporter 2: Thats sad to hear,what did you do after his death,how did you proceed with your

Sir syed: you see, then i moved towards lucknow when i was 18 in search of some work after
my father demise i was the earner of the house.

Reporter 1: As per your history you were a man of religion, please share what you further did

Sir syed: HaHa curious little lad aren’t you? I was inclined to stay in the guardianship of Shah
Waliullah, in Delhi. Over there i enrolled under the madarssa ramhiya for 2 years and studied under
The son of shah walliullah Shah Abdul Aziz who taught me The words of the Quran and hadith.

Reporters 2 : Impressive.

Sir syed: yes sure is. He was a great man who taught me most of what i know but as you see I
was more a man of action as i joined the forces in um…… 1810 it was i think. It was the forces
of amir khan. A great pathan military leader. He was very knowledgeable and skillful

*someone bursts out of the door*


Reporter 1: please take a seat

Amir khan: "Well, well, well... Look who's still standing the test of time! You're like the eternal
flame of ideals, Syed . Did you bring your revolutionary spirit with you, or did you leave it back in
the 19th century?"
Syed: you are also standing here aren't you

Reporter 2: eagerly scribbling notes "Gentlemen, if I may interject, your reunion is certainly a
historic moment! Syed Ahmed, could you share with us how you managed to balance your
duties as a military commander and a muslim leader?

Amir Khan: Well let me answer that. Indeed, Syed ahmed maintained his piety no matter what
chaos occurred he just remembered Allah. He led his troops into battle as well as into prayer.

Reporter 2: Fantastic!,Please tell us about your time together.

Amir Khan: sure this is the time where syed ahmed gained experience he learned to use
european weaponry with my guidance and his brilliant intellect he showed himself to be so able
that he was given command of the troops and did brilliant things from them.

Phone rings

Ayaan: AMIRR kidhar hou sabzi lene behja tha aur tum news pe nazar aa rahe hou jaldi ao (girl

Amir khan: sorry guys have to go.

Reporter 2: Sir syed why don't you carry on, our audience eagerly awaits!

Syed ahmed: ofcourse! 7 years later I returned to Delhi and I had a goal awaiting, which was to
restore islam to its original purity!

Reporter 1: WOW! I'm truly impressed You really were one of the greatest and benefited
everyone in terms of military and islam……

Scene 2:

Non-Muslim Scholar: Not EVERYONE! Hum non-muslims ka kya hua

Both reporters: What do you mean?

Non-Muslim Scholar: Your so beloved syed Ahmed Barelvi did so much harm to us
Syed ahmad: Zara batana kese?

Non-Muslim Scholar: It's clear, everything you did was just for your own benefit and freedom
you would result to violence against foreign and us non muslim forces
Syed ahmad: OH GOD! Never did I do anything for my own benefit. As a leader I used to work
against British power in India just to ensure the safety of my fellow muslims. Their freedom was
only possible through armed struggle

Non-Muslim Scholar: There was absolutely no need for this. We were all very happy before you

Syed ahmad: Yes you were but the muslims were not. I wanted to improve muslim lives. So
overthrowing your oppression was the only way to restore muslim power and for islam to be

Non-Muslim Scholar: And how exactly did u do this?(mocks him)

Syed ahmad: That is why i founded the jihad movement which called for the armed struggle.

Non-Muslim Scholar: Bhai, respectfully our lives were also not stable. You could have atleast
considered us. The British control caused the Mughal emperors to have very little power and the
sikhs became too dominant in punjab.

Syed ahmad: Don't worry beta! Next time inshallah

Reporter 2: guys calm down this is a news channel not a wrestling ring

Reporter 1: Um, I think it's best we end it here.Bye everyone and thank you for joining us today.

Narrator: After such an amazing past, the Muslims of India were on the verge of downfall when
Syed Ahmad was born, at the hands of the British, Sikhs, and Hindus. He began his fight
against Islam's enemies, who were posing a serious threat to the religion's continued existence.
His primary battle was against the Punjabi Sikhs, who were posing the greatest threat to Islam's
continued existence in Punjab and the northern frontier areas of India. His primary goal was to
create a Muslim kingdom in the Peshawar area, but after he was killed in combat with the Sikhs
in the Balakot region, his dream was shattered. He was the driving force behind the well-known
Mujahedeen or Jihad movement against Sikhs.


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