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Questions I to 7
You will hear people talking in seven diferent situations. For questions I ta 7, choose the correct answer (L, B, or C).
You willhear each recordingtwice. Answer all the questions.

1 Why is the Selangor State Library organising Reading Month?

A To encourage people to use the library.
B To instil positive attitudes towards reading.
C To encourage students to read when they have nothing to do.

2 Why was the building called the Elephant Buil&ng?

A It is a very unique and ugly building.
B The design honours Thailand's national animal.
C It is 335 feet tall, with 32 storeys and looks like an elephant.

3 What was the girl doing when the explosion occurred?

A She was sleeping in her room upstairs.
B She was preparing breakfast for the family.
C She was screaming for help because she thought an earthquake had occurred.

4 Why has the speaker not exercised at Tinggi Park for some time?
A The Tinggi Park is not a safe place to exercise.
B He has lost interest in exercising and is not well.
C He prefers to go to other parks nearby to exercise.

S What happens when parents are critical of their children?

A Their children will feel alienated.
B Their children will get closer to their peers.
C Their children will feel lost and unprotected.

6 How many albums did Carrie Underwood release?

A One
B Two
C Four

7 the speaker loves plalang badminton because

A it can be played both indoors and outdoors.
B it is a sport that involves speed and accuracy.
C her uncle taught her how to play this game when she was young.

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Questions 8 to 15
You will hear a tour agent talking about Easter Island. For questions B to 15, choose the correct answer (L, B or C). Hfl#
You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions.

8 Where is Easter Island located?

A In southeastern Europe.
B Near the territory of Chile.
C Southeastern Pacific Ocean.

9 Which of the following statements is true?

A Easter Island's native name is Rapa Nui.
B The island is named after a Dutch admiral.
C The island was discoveredinlTT2 on Easter Day.

l0 \,Vhy is Easter Island famous?

A It is a remote and secluded inhabited island.
B It was awarded the UNESCO World Heritage Status.
C It has monoiithic stone statues of human figures known as moai.

11 How many of these stone statues are there in Easter Island today?
A 9
B 90
C 900

12 The statues are considered to be one of the world's greatest mysteries today because
A no one knows who built them.
B no one knows how or why these statues were built on the island.
C no one knows why there are so many human statues on the island.

13 How do tourists get to Easter Island?

A Byferry.
B By plane.
C On motorbike.

14 When is the best time to visit Easter Island?

A April
B February
C Noyember

15 Which of the following statements is not true?

A Mountain climbers can climb up the highest pealG Tere Vaka.
B Scuba diving is not very popular because of the island's rocky coast.
C Tourists can visit the National Park, the Ranao Kau volcanic crater and the Anakena beach.

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Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which students give their views on shopping. For questions 16 to 20,
/ls, (A-G) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear the recordingfritice. Answer all the questions

choose from the
A It is a form ofexercise.

B People can contract diseases while shopping.

Speaker 1

C Staying home and using the computer is a convenient and better way to shop.
Speaker 2

D It is a very good way to uplift one's mood.

Speaker 3
E It can be very tiring and we very often make impulsive purchases.
Speaker 4
F We can spend quality time with friends and family.
Speaker 5
G I am olerwhelmed by pushy salespersons.

Questions 2l to 30
You will hear Encik lamal ldris talking about the labu sayong. For questions 2l to 30, fill in the missing information trHjE
ineach numbered space. Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD/or each space. you willhear the conversation frvice. ffiffiEH
Answer all the questions. EH#J

Labu Sayong
Encik |amal Idris learnt about the labu sayong at a very young age from his (21)
grandparents who were skilled craftsmen. Today, with the development of the craft industry Encik Jamal Idris has

turned it into a firll-time business with help from his (22)

The labu sayong are (23) gourd- shaped j ars that were originally (2 4)

in colour and were produced at a village called (25) in Kuala Kangsar, Perak. The history of
the pots can be traced back to the Malay sultanates of the 19th century. The original labu sayong were brought here

by an lndonesian craftsman from (26)

The labu sayong is used to keep water fresh and chilled and is claimed to have ilte (27)

Power to cure illnesses such as fever and coughs. The labu sayong are made from fine (28) -
found along the streams and river banla at Sayong River. To get the black gloss, they are (29)
using hot rice husk Today, the labu sayong comes in diferent sizes and colours and the motifs on each one are

very detailed. To (30) this traditional craft, a labu sayong handicraft centre has been set up.

11 19/4 @ Glob al Mediastreet Sdn. Bhd. (7 622U-U) s1-20

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