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Introduction to Psychiatry Psychiatry Page 1 of 1

Page 1 of 3 Psychiatry Page 1 of 3

Page 2 of 3 Psychiatry Page 2 of 3
Page 3 of 3 Psychiatry Page 3 of 3
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 1 of 8
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 2 of 8
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 3 of 8
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 4 of 8
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 5 of 8
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 6 of 8
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 7 of 8
Examination thought disorders Psychiatry Page 8 of 8
Examination perception, mood & behavior Pyschiatry Page 1 of 4
Examination perception, mood & behavior Pyschiatry Page 2 of 4
Examination perception, mood & behavior Pyschiatry Page 3 of 4
Examination perception, mood & behavior Pyschiatry Page 4 of 4
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 1 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 2 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 3 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 4 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 5 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 6 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 7 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 8 of 9
Examination Cognitive functions Psychiatry Page 9 of 9
Dr. Sachin Arora
(General Psychiatry) Psychiatry faculty
Q1: An 18-year-old man is seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency
room. During the history, the patient is asked to describe his mood.
He answers the following, “My mood is flextitating, I am up and
down.” The patient is exhibiting which of the following thought

a. Clang association
b. Thought blocking
c. Tangentiality
d. Neologism


Q2: A 32-year-old woman is seen in an outpatient psychiatric clinic for
the chief complaint of a depressed mood for 4 months. During the
interview, she gives very long, complicated explanations and many
unnecessary details before finally answering the original questions.
Which of the following psychiatric findings best describes this style of
train of thought?
a. Loose association
b. Circumstantiality
c. Tangentiality
d. Perseveration
e. Flight of ideas


Q3: A 56-year-old man is brought to the physician’s office by his wife
because she has noted a personality change during the past 3 months.
While the patient is being interviewed, he answers every question
with the same three words. Which of the following symptoms best fits
this patient’s behavior?

a. Circumstantiality
b. Disorientation
c. Concrete thinking
d. Perseveration


Q4) A 23-years-old woman is seen by a psychiatrist in the emergency room.
During the history, the patient is asked to describe her mood. She answers the
following, “I am fine, like great wine, right off the vine. Do you like to climb? I
need a glass of gin with lime.” She notes that she believes that she is the
missing princess of Slovenia and needs someone to call that country to tell
them she has been found. Which of the following findings would be listed on a
report of this patient’s mental status examination?
A. Clang association, delusions of grandeur
B. Thought blocking, auditory hallucination
C. No apparent thought disorder
D. Tangentiality, labile affect
E. Neologism, paranoid delusion


Q5) A 42-years-old woman is seen in the emergency room after she was
brought in for starting a fight in a bar. During the interview, she answers
questions with a nearly continuous flow of accelerated speech that jumps from
topic to topic. For example, one run-on sentence began. “I am fine, are you
fine?.............does the sun shine? is nice outside today……..the today
show is a very interesting place to be, I will have to run it.” Which of the
following psychiatric findings best describes this style of train of thought?
A. Loose association
B. Circumstantiality
C. Neologism
D. Perseveration
E. Flight of ideas


Q6) An 18-year-old man is brought to the emergency room by the police after he
is found walking along the edge of a high building. In the emergency room, he
mumbles to himself and appears to be responding to internal stimuli. When
asked open-ended questions, he suddenly stops his answer in the middle of a
sentence, as if he has forgotten what to say. Which of the following symptoms
best describes this last behavior?
a. Incongruent affect
b. Blocking
c. Perseveration
d. Tangentiality
e. Thought insertion


Q7: A schizophrenia patient was having obsessions, thought insertion,
derailment and delusion of persecution. Which of these is included in formal
thought disorder? (NEET 2021)
A. Derailment
B. Obsession
C. Thought insertion
D. Delusion
Q8. As per “American Psychological association”, what
is the new term used in DSM-5 for “mental
retardation”? (NEET 2018)

A. Mental handicap
B. Intellectual disability
C. Subnormal intelligence
D. Lunatic person

Q9: Match the following : (INICET 2021)

1. TWILIGHT A. Oligophrenia


3. Mental Sub-normality C. Oneirophrenia

4. PERSECUTION D. Impairment in consciousness

Q10: A 40 year old male patient comes to psychiatry OPD with
complaints having repetitive thoughts that, he always feels his
hands are dirty, though they are not. He knows that these are his
own thoughts only. This gives him discomfort and hence he has to
wash them again and again. This is disorder of thought __________.?
(INICET 2020)
A. Flow
B. Form
C. Content
D. Possession

channel “Dr. Sachin Arora”

Page “Dr. Sachin Arora” dr.Sachin_damspsy
Schizophrenia Psychiatry Page 1 of 8
Schizophrenia Psychiatry Page 2 of 8
Schizophrenia Psychiatry Page 3 of 8
Schizophrenia Psychiatry Page 4 of 8
Schizophrenia Psychiatry Page 5 of 8
Schizophrenia Psychiatry Page 6 of 8
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Antipsychotics Psychiatry Page 1 of 5
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Antipsychotics Psychiatry Page 5 of 5
Delusional Disorders Psychiatry Page 1 of 3
Delusional Disorders Psychiatry Page 2 of 3
Delusional Disorders Psychiatry Page 3 of 3
Dr. Sachin Arora
(Psychotic Disorders) Psychiatry faculty
Q1: A 62-year-old male patient has been brought to OPD by
his family members with history of frequent masturbation
in public places. Upon interviewing him, it was found that
patient's thought processes is devoid of hallucinations or
delusions. There are several times when he laughs
inappropriately during the interview. His speech is
confusing and unpredictably shifts from one topic to
another. There is also history of mirror gazing and giggling
to self. What is the most likely diagnosis
A. Schizophrenia. catatonic type
B. Schizophrenia. undifferentiated type
C. Schizophrenia. disorganized type
D. Schizophrenia. paranoid type
E. Schizophrenia. residual type
Q2: A 30 year old man since 2 months suspects
that his wife is having an affair with his boss. He
thinks his friend is also involved from abroad and
is providing technological support. He thinks
people talk ill about him. His friends tried to
convince him but he is not convinced at all.
Otherwise he is normal, he doesn’t have any
thought disorder or any other inappropriate
behavior. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Paranoid Personality disorder
B. Schizophrenia
C. Acute and Transient psychosis
D. Persistent delusion disorder
Q3: A 42 y/o male with the diagnosis of
schizophrenia was started on Risperidone 8 mg/d.
Despite 6 weeks of continuous therapy patient did
not show any improvement and his medications
were changed to Haloperidol which was gradually
increased to 20 mg/d. The patient did not show any
response and continues to be symptomatic. What is
the next best course of action:
• A. A combination of two typical antipsychotics
• B.A combination of typical and atypical
• C. Electroconvulsive therapy
• D. Clozapine therapy
• E. Long acting depot antipsychotics
Q4:A 19 year old boy suffering from chronic
schizophrenia is put on haloperidol in the dose of
20mg/day. A week after the initiation of
medication the patient shows restlessness, fidgety,
irritability and cannot sit still at one place. The
most appropriate treatment strategy is:

A) increase in dose of haloperidol

B) addition of anti cholinergic drug
C) addition of beta blocker
D) adding another antipsychotic agent
Q5) A young boy earlier diagnosed as schizophrenia
was taking some antipsychotic medication. He
presented to casualty with sudden twisting of neck
muscles, tremulousness of hands, stiffening of
fingers, protrusion of tongue, he is frightened and
restless. You are in the casualty, how will you
manage the patient-
• a) give i.m. haloperidol
• b) give i.m. olanzapine
• c) give i.v. promethazine
• d) reassure the attendants that the patient has
nothing serious and is just a dissociative symptoms
Q6: A patient of schizophrenia was taking the
medicine triflupromazine and developed Parkinson
like symptoms. Treatment? (NEET 2020)
A. Trihexyphenidyl
B. Rasagiline
C. Amantadine
D. Pramipexole

Q7: Risk factor for delusional disorder
are all except: (NEET 2019)
A. Early age
B. Social Isolation
C. Recent immigration
D. Sensory deprivation

Q8: Patient us suffering from schizophrenia and is on
antipsychotics. Which of the following is not correctly
matched with respect to mechanism of action of
A. blockage of D2 receptors in mesolimbic pathway helps in control of positive
B. 5HT2a blockage helps in control of negative symptoms
C. 5HT1a blockage helps in reducing positive symptoms and causes weight loss
B. Anti cholinergic (M1 blockage) action helps to reduce extrapyramidal side
Q9) All of the following are good prognostic factors in
schizophrenia except? (INICET 2020)
• A)Late age of onset
• B)Associated with depression
• C)Insidious onset of symptoms
• D) Positive symptoms

Q10: A psychotic patient presented with voluntary purposeless
movements was once observed to stand still in the ward with
negativism and waxy flexibility. What is appropriate medical
management? (INICET 2020)
a. Haloperidol
b. Clonidine
c. Propranolol
d. Lorazepam
Mania & Anti Maniac Drugs Psychiatry Page 1 of 6
Mania & Anti Maniac Drugs Psychiatry Page 2 of 6
Mania & Anti Maniac Drugs Psychiatry Page 3 of 6
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Depression & Antidepressants Psychiatry Page 1 of 13
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Bipolar Disorder Psychaitry Page 1 of 4
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Bipolar Disorder Psychaitry Page 4 of 4
Dr. Sachin Arora
(Mood Disorders) Psychiatry faculty
Q1: A 67- year old lady is brought in by her 6 children
saying that she has gone senile. Six months after her
husband's death she has become more religious,
spiritual and gives lot of money in donation. She is
occupied in too many activities and sleeps less. She
now believes that she has a goal to change the society.
She does not like being brought to the hospital and is
argumentative on being questioned on her doings. The
diagnosis is:
A. Acute manic excitement
B. Delusion
C. Schizophrenia
D. Depression
Q2) A 32-year-old woman is brought to the emergency
room by the police after she was found standing in the
middle of a busy highway, naked, commanding the traffic
to stop. In the emergency room she is agitated and
restless, with pressured speech and an affect that
alternates between euphoric and irritable. Her father is
contacted and states that this kind of behavior runs in the
family. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Delirium
b. Bipolar disorder, manic
c. Bipolar disorder, mixed state
d. Cyclothymia
e. Schizophrenia
Q3: An 85-year-old man is brought to the psychiatrist by his
wife. She states that for the last 4 months, since the death
of his son, the patient has been unable to sleep, has lost
2.5 kgs, has crying spells, and in the last week has been
starting to talk about suicide. She notes that he has
numerous other medical problems, including prostatic
hypertrophy, hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes,
and a history of myocardial infarction. Which of the
following medications is most appropriate for the
treatment of this patient?
a. Doxepin
b. Clonazepam
c. Sertraline
d. Amitriptyline
Q4) A 29-year-old woman with a previous diagnosis of
bipolar disorder is hospitalized during an acute manic
episode. She is elated, sexually provocative, and speaks
very fast, jumping from one subject to another. She tells
the nurses that she has been chosen by God to be “the
second virgin Mary.” BUN, creatinine, electrolytes, TSH,
and an ECG are within normal limits. What other test is
necessary before starting the patient on
a. Pregnancy test
b. Total bilirubin
c. EEG
d. Chest x-ray
Q5: A 43-year-old school teacher relates that over
the past year he has often felt that life is not worth
living. He also notes that during this time he has
noticed a gradual slowing of cognition, and the
development of a gravelly voice, constipation, and
hair loss. Physical examination is normal, except
for noticeable dryness of the skin and a lag in the
relaxation phase of the ankle jerk reflex. At this
time, the most likely diagnosis for this patient is
a. major depressive disorder
b. dysthymic disorder
c. substance-induced mood disorder
d. mood disorder due to a general medical condition
Q6: A woman would get anxious, mood swings with occasional sleep
disturbance and weeping episodes after birth of child and got referred from
Obstetrics dept after 5 days post delivery. What is most probable diagnosis of
this condition ?
a. PP blues
b. PP depression
c. PP anxiety
d. PP psychosis

NEET PG 2021
Q7: A 16 year old female patient presented with overfamiliarity, flight of
ideas, elevated mood, increased sexual desire, pseudo-hallucinations.
A. Mania
B. Schizomania
C. Hypomania
D. Cyclothymia
Q8: A patient with a diagnosis of depression was started on Imipramine, the
treatment was given for 2 weeks. After that the relatives noticed that the
patient developed new symptoms like, being excessively cheerful, increased
excitement, wearing of colourful clothes and increased talking. What is the
most appropriate next step in treatment? (NEET 2020)
A. Continue imipramine and add antipsychotic
B. Continue imipramine and add benzodiazepines
C. Discontinue imipramine and start fluoxetine
D. Discontinue imipramine and add sodium valproate

Q9: A patient having decreased sleep and decreased appetite for last 6
months, also having death wish and has now developed a new symptom
for last 2 weeks in form of voices telling him to die, along with persistence
of previous symptoms. Probable diagnosis? (NEET 2020)
A. Severe depression with psychosis
B. Schizophrenia
C. Delusional disorder
D. Schizoaffective disorder

Q10. A patient was on lithium for bipolar disorder, now fasting for religious
reasons, developed symptoms of vomiting, coarse tremors and dizziness.
Next best line of investigation: (NEET 2020)
A. Serum Electrolytes
B. Serum Lithium levels
D. MRI brain

Anxiety Disorder Psychiatry Page 1 of 3
Anxiety Disorder Psychiatry Page 2 of 3
Anxiety Disorder Psychiatry Page 3 of 3
OCD & Related Disorders Psychiatry Page 1 of 3
OCD & Related Disorders Psychiatry Page 2 of 3
OCD & Related Disorders Psychiatry Page 3 of 3
Impulsive Control Disorder Psychiatry Page 1 of 2
Impulsive Control Disorder Psychiatry Page 2 of 2
Trauma & Stress Related Disorders Psychiatry Page 1 of 2
Trauma & Stress Related Disorders Psychiatry Page 2 of 2
Somatoform Disorders Psychiatry Page 1 of 2
Somatoform Disorders Psychiatry Page 2 of 2
Conversion Disorder Psychiatry Page 1 of 2
Conversion Disorder Psychiatry Page 2 of 2
Dissociative Disorders Psychiatry Page 1 of 2
Dissociative Disorders Psychiatry Page 2 of 2
Dr. Sachin Arora
(Neurotic Disorders) Psychiatry faculty
Q1: A 34-year-old secretary climbs 12 flights of
stairs every day to reach her office because she
is terrified by the thought of being trapped in
the elevator. She has never had any traumatic
event occur in an elevator; nonetheless, she has
been terrified of them since childhood. Which of
the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Social phobia
b. Performance anxiety
c. Generalized anxiety disorder
d. Specific phobia
e. Agoraphobia
Q2) A middle aged person reported to
Psychiatry OPD with the complaints of the
fear of leaving home, fear of travelling alone
and fear of being in a crowd. He develops
marked anxiety with palpitations and
swelling if he is in any of these situations
and avoids public transport to go to his place
of work. The most likely diagnosis is:
A. Generalized anxiety disorder
B. Schizophrenia
C. Personality disorder
D. Agoraphobia
Q3) A 24-year-old woman comes to the psychiatrist
with a 2-month history of short episodes of “feeling
like I am going to die.” During these episodes, she
also notes feelings of dizziness and nausea, along
with a feeling of choking. She describes these
episodes as very frightening and she is terrified of
having another. She denies substance use of any
medical problems. Which of the following treatment
regimens should be started?
a. Imipramine
b. Fluoxetine
c. Phenelzine
d. Paroxetine and alprazolam
Q4) A 12-year-old boy is very distraught because every
time he thinks or hears the word God or passes in front
of a church, swear words pop into his mind against his
will. He also feels compelled to repeat the end of every
sentence twice and to count to 20 before answering any
question. If he is interrupted, he has to start from the
beginning. Which of the following medications has been
proven to be effective with this disorder?
a. Alprazolam
b. Clomipramine
c. Propranolol
d. Lithium
Q5) A patient with complaints of having a
deformed nose. He has visited several plastic
surgeons but they have assured that there is
nothing wrong with his nose. In spite of these
reassurances, he continues to believe that his
nose is deformed, He also complains that
nobody takes him seriously because of the
deformity of his nose, and he is extremely
embarrassed because of this. he is most
probably suffering from:
A. Somatisation disorder
B. Hypochondriacal disorder
C. Delusional disorder
Q6) Two months after knowing that his son
is suffering from leukemia, a 45 year old
father presents with sleep deprivation,
lethargy, headache and low mood. He
interacts reasonably well with others, but
has absented himself from work. The most
probable diagnosis is:
Somatisation disorder
Adjustment disorder
Psychogenic headache
Q7) A 35 year old male, with pre-morbid anxious traits
and heavy smoker, believes that he has been suffering
from 'lung carcinoma' for a year. No significant clinical
finding is detected on examination and investigations.
He continues to stick to his belief despite evidence to
the contrary. In the process, he has spent a huge
amount of money, time and energy in getting himself
unduly investigated. He is most likely suffering from:
A. Hypochondriacal disorder
B. Malingering
C. Carcinoma lung
D. Delusional disorder
Q8) A 40 year old male is admitted with complaints of
abdominal pain and headache. General physical
examination revealed six scars on the abdomen from
previous surgeries. He seems to maintain a sick role
and seeks attention from the nurses. He demands
multiple diagnostic tests including a liver biopsy. The
treating team failed to diagnose any major physical
illness in the patient. His mental status examination did
not reveal any major psychopathology. One of the
treating staff recognized him to have appeared in
several other hospital with abdominal pain and some
other vague complaints. He is most likely suffering
A. Schizophrenia
B. Malingering
C. Somatisation disorder
D. Factitious disorder
Q9) A 47-year-old man with a master’s degree in
chemistry lives alone in a halfway house and subsists on
panhandling and collecting redeemable cans. Ten years
ago he lost his job in a large firm because he was found to
have repeatedly stolen company money and used it to bet
on horse racing. Afterward, he had several other jobs but
always lost them because he stole money. He also stole
and borrowed money from friends and relatives. When
asked about this behavior, the patient stated that he felt
very guilty about it but “couldn’t seem to stop” himself.
Which of the following diagnoses best fits this patient’s
a. Antisocial personality disorder
b. Conduct disorder
c. Pathological gambling
d. Fugue state
e. Kleptomania
Q10) A 29-year-old man is brought to the emergency room
by his wife after he woke up with paralysis of his right arm.
The patient reports that the day before, he had gotten into
a verbal altercation with his mother over her intrusiveness
in his life. The patient notes that he has always had mixed
feelings about his mother, but that people should always
respect their mothers above all else. Which of the
following diagnoses best fits this patient’s clinical picture?
a. Major depression
b. Conversion disorder
c. Histrionic personality disorder
d. Fugue state
e. Adjustment disorder
Delirium Psychiatry Page 1
Delirium Psychiatry Page 2
Dementia Psychiarty Page 1 of 4
Dementia Psychiarty Page 2 of 4
Dementia Psychiarty Page 3 of 4
Dementia Psychiarty Page 4 of 4
Dr. Sachin Arora
(Organic Mental Psychiatry faculty

Q1) A 65-year-old man, who had been hospitalized for an
acute pneumonia 3 days previously, begins screaming for
his nurse, stating that “there are people in the room out to
get me.” He then gets out of bed and begins pulling out his
IV line. On examination, he alternates between agitation
and somnolence. He is not oriented to time or place. His
vital signs are as follows: pulse, 126 beats per minute;
respiration, 32 breaths per minute; blood pressure (BP),
80/58; temperature, 39.2°C (102.5°F). Which of the
following diagnoses best fits this patient’s clinical picture?
a. Dementia
b. Schizophreniform disorder
c. Fugue state
d. Delirium
e. Brief psychotic episode
Q2) A 65-year-old male is brought to the
outpatient clinic with one year illness
characterized by marked forgetfulness,
visual hallucinations, suspiciousness,
personality decline, poor self care and
progressive deterioration in his condition.
His Mini Mental Status Examination (MMSE)
Score is 10. His most likely diagnosis is :
A. Dementia
B. Schizophrenia
C. Mania.
D. Depression
Q 3. Which of these are SUB CORTICAL dementia? (INICET
a. Parkinson's disease
b. Wilson's disease
c. Huntington's disease
d. Pick's disease

A. abc only
B. a and b only
C. abcd
D. acd only
Q 4. How will u differentiate delirium from
dementia in Alzheimer’s disease? (INICET)
A. Disorientation and agitation
B. Visual hallucinations and impairment of memory
C. Acute onset and level of consciousness
D. Agitation and irritation
Q 5. Presence of personality change, labile mood,
preserved insight and stepwise progression in a known
hypertensive patient presenting with dementia points
towards diagnosis of?
A. Frontotemporal dementia
B. Vascular dementia
C. Lewy body dementia
D. Alzheimer’s dementia
Amnestic Syndrome Psychiatry Page 1 of 1
(Most important slides
Dr. Sachin Arora
shared for students) Psychiatry faculty
Drugs used in alcohol deaddiction

Deterrent agents Anti craving agents

Disulfiram • Acamprosate
(Aversive therapy) • Naltrexone
Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor
Not approved, but used:-
At least 12 hours off alcohol and • Topiramate
related products before starting it • Baclofen GABA B receptor agonist
• Fluoxetine
• Ondansetron
1. Aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor (irreversible)
2. Second stage metabolism inhibitor
3. Leads to accumulation of acetaldehyde (CH3CHO)
4. Patient must be abstinent from last 12 hrs from
alcohol and related products
5. Hepatotoxic drug
6. Starting dose 250 mg/day (INICET)
7. Disulfiram ethanol reaction (can occur upto 2 weeks
2.Mainly glutaminergic action,
can be started in withdrawal also
3. Cant be given in renal impairment
4. Suicidal risk is increased
5. Single tablet is 333 mg
6. serves as “artificial alcohol”
1.Mu receptor antagonist
2.Reduces craving and reduces
reward in response to drinking
3. Alcohol and opiod both (best)
4. Known to be hepatotoxic
5. Test dose is advised
6. Eosinophilic pneumonia

1.alpha 4 beta 2 nicotine partial
2. Treatment is given initially for 12
weeks (NIMHANS)
3. Increases suicidal tendencies
1. NDRI (Nor adr dopamine reuptake
2. Anti depressant (very useful in bipolar)
3. Less maniac switch
4. Also used in hypoactive sexual desire
disorder, ADHD




1.Mu receptor partial agonist

2.Opiod substitution therapy (OST)
3.Given under supervision
4.Sublingual route
5.Itself has withdrawal symptoms
6.More useful in iv users (>3 m)

1. mu receptor agonist
2. Also has NMDA antagonist action
3. Opiod substitution therapy
4. Oral route
5. It also has withdrawal symptoms
6. Best in maintaining abstinence
If you like these slides, and would like to learn
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Deaddiction Psychiatry Psychiatry Page 1 of 5
Deaddiction Psychiatry Psychiatry Page 2 of 5
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Deaddiction Psychiatry Psychiatry Page 5 of 5
Dr. Sachin Arora
(Deaddiction) Psychiatry faculty
Q1: A 53 year old chronic alcoholic for last many years with daily
drinking habits, comes to emergency with history of seizures,
auditory hallucinations and secondary delusions. His last drink
was 2 days back. Chose the most appropriate management
(multiple correct)
A. Diazepam
B. naltrexone
C. Inj Thiamine
D. Inj Flupenthixol INICET NOV 22

Q2) A 50-year-old man is brought to the emergency
department by ambulance. His respirations are
shallow and infrequent, his pupils are constricted,
and he is stuporous. He was noted to have suffered
a grand mal seizure in the ambulance. Which of the
following drugs is this man most likely to have
overdosed on?
a. Cocaine
b. LSD
c. Meperidine
d. PCP
e. MDMA (Ecstasy)
Q3: A chronic alcoholic patient, who has not consumed
alcohol for last 2 days now presenting with seizures, but
on investigations his liver function test were deranged.
Which of the following drug would be best for him?
B. Midazolam
C. Oxazepam
D.Phenytoin INICET NOV 22

Q4) A 37-year-old woman is admitted to an
inpatient treatment program for withdrawal from
heroin. Eighteen hours after her last injection of
heroin, she becomes hypertensive, irritable, and
restless. She also has nausea, vomiting, and
diarrhea. Which medication would be best to treat
some of the symptoms of opioid withdrawal?
a. Chlordiazepoxide
b. Haloperidol
c. Paroxetine
d. Phenobarbital
e. ClonidineK
Q5) A 19-year-old man is brought to the emergency room
by his distraught parents, who are worried about his
vomiting and profuse diarrhea. On arrival, his pupils are
dilated, his blood pressure is 175/105 mm Hg, and his
muscles are twitching. His parents report that these
symptoms started 2 hours earlier. For the past few days he
has been homebound because of a sprained ankle, and
during this time he has been increasingly anxious and
restless. He has been yawning incessantly and has had a
runny nose. Which of the following drugs is this man most
likely to be withdrawing from?
a. Heroin
b. Alcohol
c. PCP
d. Benzodiazepine
e. Cocaine
Q6: A patient with suspected opiod overdose, comes to emergency room with
respiratory distress, bradycardia and hypotension. Which drug will best for
reversal of respiratory depression?
A) naltrexone
B) naloxone
C) flumazenil
D) pentazocine

NEET 2021
Q7: A patient stopped alcohol for 3 days (72 hrs) and presented with
irritability disorientation, paranoid delusion, visual hallucinations and altered
sensorium. Likely diagnosis?
A. Delirium tremens
B. Alcohol withdrawal seizure
C. Wernicke’s encephalopathy
D. Korsakoff’s psychosis
NEET 2021
Q8: Which of the following is not seen in a patient who used heavy dose of
cocaine IV (cocaine intoxication)?
a. Hyperthermia
b. Bradycardia
c. Agitation
d. Myocardial infarct
# INICET NOV., 2021

Q9: Most efficacious drug in smoking cessation?

A. Varenicline
B. Bupropion
C. Nicotine gum
D. Rimonabant
Q10: Which of the following is not true about
a.Inhibits alcohol dehydrogenase
b.Causes accumulation of acetaldehyde
c. Starting dose is 250 mg
d.Not an anti craving
(decreasing reward response
to alcohol) agent
Dr. Sachin Arora
(Child Psychiatry) Psychiatry faculty
1) A 5-year-old boy is brought to the psychiatrist because he has difficulty paying
attention in school. He fidgets and squirms and will not stay seated in class. It is
noted that at home he talks excessively and has difficulty waiting for his turn. His
language and motor skills are appropriate for his age. Which of the following is
the most likely diagnosis?
a. Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
b. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
c. Pervasive developmental disorder
d. Separation anxiety disorder
e. Mild mental retardation
Q2) A 4-year-old girl is brought to her pediatrician because her parents think
she does not seem to be “developing normally.” The girl’s mother states that
her daughter seemed normal for at least the first 2 to 3 years of her life. She
was walking and beginning to speak in sentences. She was able to play with
her mother and older sister. The mother has been noticing that over the past
2 months her daughter has lost these previously acquired abilities. She will
no longer play with anyone else and has stopped speaking entirely. She has
lost all bowel control, when previously she had not needed a diaper for at
least a year. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Rett disorder
b. Childhood disintegrative disorder
c. Autism
d. Asperger disorder
e. Pervasive developmental disorder
Q3) A 12-year-old boy is brought to the psychiatrist because his mother says
the boy is driving her “nuts.” She reports that he constantly argues with her
and his father, does not follow any of the house rules, and incessantly teases
his sister. She says that he is spiteful and vindictive and loses his temper easily.
Once he is mad, he stays that way for long periods of time. The mother notes
that the boy started this behavior only about 1 year previously. While she
states that this behavior started at home, it has now spread to school, where
his grades are dropping because he refuses to participate. The patient
maintains that none of this is his fault––his parents are simply being
unreasonable. He denies feeling depressed and notes that he sleeps well
through the night. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. ODD
b. Antisocial personality disorder
c. Conduct disorder
d. Childhood-onset schizophrenia
e. Mania
Q 4. A 7 year old child presented with history of
bed wetting for last 1 year, at a frequency being
twice a week. With thorough investigations,
organic cause ruled out. What should be initial
treatment plan? (INICET)
A. Pharmacotherapy with imipramine
B. Psychodynamic psychotherapy
C. Bladder training with reward for delaying
micturition during daytime
D. Bell and pad based classical conditioning
Q 5. A 10 year old child presented with
selective mutism. He is most probably suffering
from? (INICET)
A. Childhood depression
B. Hyperkinetic disorder
C. Childhood psychosis
D. Childhood anxiety disorder
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Dr. Sachin Arora
(Minor Topics) Psychiatry faculty
Q1) A demanding 25-year-old woman begins psychotherapy stating that she is
both desperate and bored. She reports that for the past 5 or 6 years she has
experienced periodic anxiety and depression and has made several suicidal
gestures. She also reports a variety of impulsive and self-defeating behaviors
and sexual promiscuity. She wonders if she might be a lesbian, though most of
her sexual experiences have been with men. She has abruptly terminated two
previous attempts at psychotherapy. In both cases she was enraged at the
therapist because he was unwilling to prescribe anxiolytic medications. Which
of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
• a. Dysthymia
• b. Histrionic personality disorder
• c. Antisocial personality disorder
• d. Borderline personality disorder
• e. Impulse control disorder not otherwise specified
Q2) A 52-year-old man is sent to see a psychiatrist after he is disciplined at his
job because he consistently turns in his assignments late. He insists that he is not
about to turn in anything until it is “perfect, unlike all of my colleagues.” He has
few friends because he annoys them with his demands for “precise timeliness”
and because of his lack of emotional warmth. This has been a lifelong pattern for
the patient, though he refuses to believe the problems have anything to do with
his personal behavior. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this
a. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
b. Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
c. Borderline personality disorder
d. Bipolar disorder, mixed state
e. Anxiety disorder not otherwise specified
Q3) A 65-year-old woman lives alone in a dilapidated house, although her family
members have tried in vain to move her to a better dwelling. She wears odd and
out-of-fashion clothes and rummages in the garbage cans of her neighbors to
look for redeemable cans and bottles. She is very suspicious of her neighbors.
She was convinced that her neighbors were plotting against her life for a brief
time after she was mugged and thrown onto the pavement by a teenager, but
now thinks that this is not the case. She believes in the “power of crystals to
protect me” and has them strewn haphazardly throughout her house. Which of
the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Autism
b. Schizophrenia, paranoid type
c. Schizotypal personality disorder
d. Avoidant personality disorder
e. Schizoid personality disorder
Q4: A 21-year-old ballet dancer, who is 5 feet 7 inches tall and has weighted 95
pounds (BMI = 14.5) for the past year, tells the doctor that she needs to lose
another 15 pounds to pursue a career in dance. Her mood appears good.
Findings on physical examination are normal except for excessive growth of
downy body hair. She reports that she has not menstruated in more than 3
years. Which of the following disorders is this patient at the highest risk for in
the future?
a. Dermatitis
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Osteoporosis
d. Biliary atresia
NEET PG 2022
Q5: A 16y old female patient was referred to psychiatrist by
physician for having irresistible urges to eat (craving for food),
excessive eating followed by episodes of self induced vomiting.
She was also using appetite suppressant drugs. Diagnosis?
a. Anorexia nervosa
b. Bulimia nervosa
c. Atypical depression
d. Anxiety disorder
Q6: A parent brings his 3-year-old child to the paediatrician’s
office because of concerns regarding sleep. The child often
wakes up at night screaming loudly, appearing very
frightened, striking out when touched, and inconsolable. The
child is not able to remember the incident the following
morning. Which of the following best describes this

A. Posttraumatic stress disorder

B. NREM sleep terror disorder
C. Rapid eye movement disorder
D. Nightmare disorder
Q7: An old man was sitting in balcony naked
showing his body parts, neighbors complained to
police and said that he does this particularly in
evening in front of people when they are walking
in the public park. (NEET 2021)
A. Fetishism
B. Voyeurism
C. Exhibitionism
D. Masochism
Q8: Which of the following has highest mortality rates, amongst all
psychiatric disorders?
A. depression
B. anorexia nervosa
C. dementia
D. substance use disorder

Q9. 26-year-old man is referred to a psychiatrist as part of the
workup for a sex change operation. He has a strong,
persistent desire to be female and has dressed as a woman
since age 16. His sexual experiences have been exclusively
with men. The results of his mental status examination are
normal. Diagnosis?
a. Transexualism
b. Dual role transvestism
c. Fetischistic transvestism
d. Transvestic fetischism
Q10. Which of the following is the most common symptom of narcolepsy?
A. day time sleep attacks
B. cataplexy
C. Hypnagogic and hypnapompic hallucinations
D. sleep paralysis

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Psychosexual Stages Psychiatry Page 1 of 1
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Psychotherapy Psychiatry Page 1 of 2
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Dr. Sachin Arora
(Psychology) Psychiatry faculty
Q1) A woman has a verbal altercation with her boss at
work. She meekly accepts his harsh words. That night,
she picks a fight with her husband. Which of the
following defense mechanisms is being used by this
a. Displacement
b. Acting out
c. Reaction formation
d. Projection
e. Sublimation
Q2) A 24-year-old woman lives with her mother, whom she
intensely dislikes. She feels embarrassed by this, and
compensates by hovering over her mother, attending to her
every need. Which of the following defense mechanisms is
being used by this woman?
a. Displacement
b. Acting out
c. Reaction formation
d. Rationalization
e. Sublimation
Q3) A 35-year-old man is being seen by his psychiatrist for
depressed mood. The patient is irritated at his therapist for
pushing him on several issues in the last session. The patient
does not show up or call for his next session. Which of the
following defense mechanisms is this patient displaying?
a. Introjection
b. Sublimation
c. Identification with the aggressor
d. Acting out
e. Intellectualization
Q4) A 38-year-old woman comes to a psychiatrist for help with the
management of her obsessive-compulsive disorder. She describes an
impulse that she has frequently and that frightens her. This impulse is
to murder her three children by blowing out the pilot light on her
home’s heater, thereby blowing up her house. As a result, she finds
herself checking on the pilot light in her home at least 30 times a day.
She carries a book of matches with her during these checks so that
she might immediately relight the pilot light if she finds that it is out.
Which of the following defense mechanisms does this act of checking
the pilot light represent?
a. Reaction formation
b. Isolation
c. Undoing
d. Denial
e. Altruism
Q5 : A 32-year-old woman is given the news by her physician that she has
breast cancer and will need surgery, followed by chemotherapy. She returns
home after the appointment, and her husband asks how the visit went. She
tells him that “everything was fine.” For the rest of the evening, she behaves as
if there had been no bad news given to her. In fact, she appears to be in good
spirits. Which of the following defense mechanisms is likely being employed by
this woman?
a. Denial
b. Projection
c. Sublimation
d. Reaction formation
e. Altruism
Q6) A 25-year-old woman sees a psychiatrist for a chief complaint of having a
depressed mood for her “entire life.” She begins psychotherapy and sees the
physician once per week. After 3 months of therapy, she tells the psychiatrist
that she is very afraid of him because he is “so angry all the time.” She
behaves as if this is true and that the psychiatrist will explode with rage at any
minute. The psychiatrist is not normally seen as an angry person and is
unaware of any anger toward the patient. Which of the following defense
mechanisms is this patient likely displaying?
a. Distortion
b. Blocking
c. Isolation
d. Projection
e. Dissociation
Q7) A 14-year-old female presents to her psychiatrist in hopes that
she can find help in dealing with the sexual abuse that occurred in
her childhood. While retelling her story of the numerous encounters
the patient had with her abuser, the psychiatrist begins to feel
protective and parental towards the client, wishing that he could
have somehow helped the young girl. Which of the following best
describes the feelings that the psychiatrist has for the patient?
A. transference
B. Counter transference
C. identification
D. Sublimation
E. Projection
Q8) Mohan, a 7-year old boy, does not like to eat green
vegetables. In order to encourage him to eat green
vegetables, his mother would offer him a piece of his
favourite chocolate, every time he would finish his green
vegetables. Such a type of behaviour change is based on
which of the following paradigms?
a. Classical conditioning
b. Operant conditioning
c. Social learning
d. Coping strategy
Q9) A 23-year old man impulsively steals a pack of gum at a
convenience store. He has never stolen anything previously, and
almost immediately upon exiting the store with the gum, he begins to
feel extremely guilty. Which of the following concepts introduced by
Freud is most likely responsible for this man’s emotional response to
his theft?
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. Preconscious function
e. Conscious function
Q10) When a 27-year-old patient who had a contentious relationship with his
father joins a new health insurance plan, he must change from his primary
care physician, a young man, to a new physician, a middle-aged man. On his
first visit to the new doctor, the patient seems annoyed with everything the
doctor says and states, “You are an old man with old-fashioned ideas; you
just want to control my life.” This patient’s behavior is most closely related to
which of the following?
(A) Positive transference
(B) Negative transference
(C) Countertransference
(D) Dislike of the doctor
(E) Fear of the doctor
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