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Question 1:- Brands perform two major roles for consumers which are the functional and

roles of brands
a) ) Marketing
b) O standardisation
©)O Informational
d) Emotional

Question 2:- Which of the following is not a Consumer good purchase classification
a) unsought goods
b) ) shopping goods
c) treats
d) convenience goods

Question 3:- Within the five adoption groups

are deliberate pragmatists who adopt the new technology when its benefts are proven.
a) early majority
b)O innovators
c)O early adopters
d) late majority

Question 4:- Sales volume CANNOT be continuously increased during the maturity stage of the product life cycle by
a) persuading users to buy in greater quantities

b)O persuading users to buy more frequently

c)O heavy discounting until costs are not covered
d) O entering new market segments

Question 5:- Which of the following factors does NOT lead to less price sensitivity?
a) Alack of customer knowledge of cheaper alternatives
b) O When buyers can compare prices of substitutes

c)) Amore distinctive market offering

d) When the product/market offering cannot be stored

Question 6:- Which of the following is NOT normally recognised as a leading form of price discounting?
a) Quantity discount
b) Functional discount
c)O Personal discount
d) Cash discount

Question 7:- A value network

a) Is when consumer demandthe product or service from the supplier

b)O Transport companies only
c)is asystem of partnerships and alliances that a firm creates to source, augment and deliver its offerlings
d) Made up of threeor more intermediaries all focused on the same market
Question 8:- Which of the following channels is NOT Commonly recognised as a main distribution channel?
a) Manufacturer to jobber to consumer
b)O Manufacturer to retailer to consumer
c) Manufacturer to consumer
d)) Manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer

Question 9:- Each channel has unique strengths and weaknesses. Channel alternatives differ in three ways: types of intermediaries, the numbers and the and of

a) Patterns and plans

b) Structure and plans
c) existing and emerging demand
d) Terms and responsibilities

Question 10:- Consumer surveys suggests that the most significant inhibitors or online shopping are the absence of pleasurable experiences, social interaction and
a) websites graphics
b) market makers
C)O customer communities
d) Personal consultations

Question 11:- Marketers use two types of strategies to reduce varlability

a) Accommodatlon and reduction

b) Caring and minding
c)O Sequencing and monitoring
d) Managing and monitoring

Question 12:- The physical evidence also called the servicescape or the experience environment is
a) Is the building, the wallpaperthe uniforms and the carpets
b)^ The room where the service takes place
c) Is the tables and chairs
d)O All of the above

Question 13: is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an ldentified sponsor.
a) Direct marketing
b) Sales promotion
c)O Advertising
d) O Public relations and publicity

Question 14:- Which of the following is NOT in the formula for measuring sales impact of advertising?
a) Share of mind and heart
b) share of eynenditures
b)) Functional discount
c) Personal discount
d) O Cash discount

Question 7:- Avalue network

a)) Is when consumer demand the product or service from the supplier
b)) Transport companies only
c)O Is a system of partnerships and alliances that a firm creates to source, augment and
d) OMade up of three or more deliver its offerings
intermediaries all focused on the same market
Question 8:- Which of the following channels is NOT COmmonly recognised as a main distribution channel?
a)Manufacturer to jobber to consumer
b) Manufacturer to retailer to consumer
c)O Manufacturer to consumer
d) Manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer

Question 9:- Each channel has unique strengths and

each weaknesses. Channel alternatives differ in three ways: types of
intermediaries, the numbers and the and of
a) Patterns and plans
b) Stucture and plans
c)O existing and emerqing demand
d) Terms and responsibilities

Question 10:- Consumer surveys suggests that the

most significant inhibitors or online shopping are the absence of pleasurable experiences, social interaction and
a) Websites graphics
b) market makers
c) customer communities
d) Personal consultatlons

Question 11:- Marketers use two types of strategies to

reduce variability
a) ACcommodation and reduction
b) Caring and minding
c) Sequencing and monitoring
d)O Managing and monitoring

Question 12:- The physical evidence also called the

a) Is the
servicescape or the experience environment is 0
building, the wallpaper the uniforms and the carpets
b) The room where the service
takes place
c) Iis the tables and chairs
d) All of the above

Question 13:
is any paid form of
non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or
a) Direct marketing services by an identified sponsor.
b) Sales promotion
c)O Advertising
d) ) Public relations and publicity

Question 14:- Which of the following is NOT in the formula for

a) Share of mind and heart
measuring sales impact of advertising?
b) Share of expenditures
c) Share of feeling
d)O share of market

Question 15:- Peter Drucker noted the

relationship between selling and marketing in the following terms:
a) Marketing is a subsidiary component of selling.
b)O The aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous.
c)O The aim of selling is to make marketing superfluous
d) Selling and marketing are essentially the same
Question 16:- Which of the following is the best
definition of value?
a)) Atechnical measure of a
company's selling price relative to its production costs.
b)O Ameasure of the mark-up
charged by companies
c)O The lowest prices available to
d) The best ratio of benefits to costs available to buyers

Question 17:- The creation of a marketing

a) is essentlal for all businesses.
b) O results inunlversal benefits for firms operating in
c)O reduces a firm's costs. competitive markets
d) can result in a firm as a whole
having a reduced level of
marketing orientation.
Question 18:- Which of the following is NOT part of an
a) ) Customers
organization's micro-environment?
b)) Suppliers
c)O Competitors
d) Government legislation

Question 19:- Needs differ from wants

a) Wants are a socialized
b)) Needs are a socialized
manifestation of underlying needs
manifestation of underlying wants
c) Needs are historical; wants are about the future
d) ONeeds and wants are exactly the same

Question 20;- Which of the following is NOT a criterion

used for segmenting consumer markets?
a) Size of the segment
b)O Size of the company
c)O Accessibility by the
company to the segment
d) The extent to which members of the segment can be identified

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