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Mollona, John Paul A.



“Network is more about farming than is about hunting, it’s about cultivating relationships” –
Ivan Misner. This is the quotes that stuck in my mind, and I find them interesting while reading
the article of Chapter 6 regarding the Network and Founding Team of a business. Networking is
a process or procedures that an entrepreneur should use when seeking an advice, knowledge,
influence, support, and problem solving, related to his field of business. It is the way to connect
to the other business owners who is successful to their entrepreneurial journey. Networks
provide access to learning from the other entrepreneur in a mentorship program, this is the
way which an entrepreneur gain a valuable knowledge that he or she could use it to his/her
owned business. Networking also involves influenced expansion which might help to spread
your influence to your possible customers by making a connection or partnership to an
influential person which normally a business owner and a highly respectable name in the
business industry. By that being said, networking could provide you a support when needed
from them. It is very important to pick the right person to whom you want to connect with. A
person who is in the same mindset and perspective with you, by that it is easy to you to adapt
their knowledge and experiences, and it is easy for them to transfer it to you as well. While
founding team is very crucial to an entrepreneur for the starts up of his/her business. Basically,
founding team is a group of people who has a knowledge and expertise that able to help you in
the beginning process of your business. Founding team compose of a lot of different people
with different mindsets, that it is very important to a business.

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