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Act of Kindness:

Reaching Out of The

Hunger’s Tummy

San Ildefonso College

Team Members

Group 01

Camille Marie Mariel Roselle Richard Allen

Ariscayo Magsaulog Tenorio Fullado
Group Leader Secretary Treasurer Narrative Report
Team Members

Group 01

Zarena Palet Arianna Marie Ma. Mayah Jezelle Mojar

Narrative Report Apostol Abuedo Place of Feeding
Documentation Documentation Coordinator
Team Members

Group 01

Zeonard Kymo Antonette Marianne

Bernabe Puzon Pagalunan
Food Preparation Food Preparation Distribution of Food
Coordinator Coordinator

Assistance Health Empowerment

To address and mitigate To improve the overall To advocate for policies

malnutrition among health and well-being of and resources that
children within children in community prioritize the nutritional
community by providing through the provision of needs of children,
access to nutritious balanced and advocating for
meals on a daily basis. wholesome meals. sustainable funding and
Background of the Project
With the community in Tanay Población the feeding program will be implemented. Highlight any
existing challenges related to malnutrition, food insecurity, and limited access to nutritious
meals for children.

Justification of the Project

The implementation of a feeding program within the barangay is a crucial response to the
prevailing issue of malnutrition among children, which poses a significant threat to the health
and well-being of the community's youngest members. Data analysis and community
assessments have revealed alarmingly high rates of malnutrition, with a substantial portion of
children suffering from stunted growth, underweight, and micronutrient deficiencies. These
statistics underscore the urgent need for intervention to address this pressing health concern.
Improved Nutritional Status
By providing access to nutritious meals, the feeding program aims to address malnutrition and
promote healthy growth and development among children in the community.

Enhanced Health Outcomes

Proper nutrition is essential for maintaining optimal health and preventing diet-related illnesses.
The feeding program will help reduce the incidence of malnutrition-related diseases and
improve overall health outcomes for participating children.

Needs Assessment:
Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to identify the specific
nutritional needs and challenges within the barangay. This may include
reviewing existing data on malnutrition rates, conducting surveys or
interviews with community members, and consulting with local healthcare
providers and government agencies.

Thank Y u for listening

San Ildefonso College

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