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MAY, 2014.

This is certify that this project was original to ADENEKAN TAJUDEEN ADELEKE under the
supervision of DR. AKIN OYELEYE, Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, for the award of Bachelor of
Technology Degree in Computer Science.

……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..
(Head of Department)

……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………..


Certification ii

Dedication iii

Acknowledgment iv

Table of content v

List of Tables ix

List of Figures x

Abstract xii


1.1 Preamble 1

1.2 Statement of problem 2

1.3 Aim and Objectives 2

1.4 Significance of Study 3

1.5 Scope of study 3

1.6 Definition of terms 3


2.1 Feeding Animal 5

2.1.1 FAO and WHO works on Animal feeding 5

2.1.2 Codex work on Animal feeding 6

2.1.3 OIE work on Animal feeding 6

2.2 Poultry Feeds and feeding 8

2.3 Nutritional requirement of Poultry birds 9

2.4 Method of Formulating Feeds 10

2.4.1 Trial and Error Method 10

2.4.2 Pearson’s square Method 10

2.4.3 Linear programming Method 10

2.4.4 A Two By Two Method 11

2.4.5 Simultaneous Equation Method 11

2.5 Optimization Techniques 11

2.5.1 Linear programming 12

2.5.2 Non Linear programming 13

2.5.3 Integer programming 14

2.6 Commercially available Feed formulation Programs 16

2.6.1 FeedMU 16

2.6.2 WinFeed Software 16

2.6.3 Feed Soft 17

2.6.4 Porcitee 18

2.6.5 BestMix 19

2.6.6 My Feed 19


3.1 Feed formulation 21

3.1.1 Data source 23

3.1.2 Data Analysis 23

3.1.3 Assumption of Linear Programming 24

3.2 Feedstuffs and Nutrient Requirement 25

3.3 The General Mathematical Representation of the Problem 28

3.3.1 The Generic Model Construction 28

3.3.2 Decision Variables 29

3.3.3 Problem Constraints 31

3.4 The Mathematical Representation of the Problem 31

3.5 The Models 32

3.5.1 Model construction for Chick 33

3.5.2 Model construction Broiler Starter 34

3.5.3 Model construction Broiler Finisher 35

3.5.4 Model construction Grower 36

3.5.5 Model construction Layer 37


4.0 Result and Discussion 39

4.1 Outputs 39

4.2 User Interface 44


5.1 Conclusion 61

3.1 Nutrients requirement of birds based on production aim 26

3.2 Cost implication and nutrient level of feed ingredients 27

3.3 Decision variable 30

4.1 Optimal output of linear programming model for Broiler Starter 39

4.2 Optimal output of linear programming model for Broiler 40


4.3 Optimal output of linear programming model for Chick 41

4.4 Optimal output of linear programming for Broiler Grower 42

4.5 Optimal output of linear programming for Broiler Finisher 43


3.1 Flow-chart showing the process of feed formulation 22

3.2 Overall Structure of the Solution Procedure 38

4.1 Ingredient, Nutrients composition and price 44

4.2 User interface Broiler Starter linear programming output 45

4.3 Bar chart showing Broiler Starter diet 46

4.4 Line graph showing Broiler Starters diet 47

4.5 Broiler Finisher linear programming output 48

4.6 Bar chart showing Broiler Finisher diet 49

4.7 Linear graph showing Broiler Finisher diet 50

4.8 User Interface showing chick linear programming output 51

4.9 Bar Chart showing chick Diet 52

4.10 Linear graph showing chick Diet 53

4.11 User Interface showing Grower linear programming output 54

4.12 Bar Chart showing Grower diet 55

4.13 Linear graph showing Grower Diet 56

4.14 User interface showing Layer linear programming output 57

4.15 Bar chart showing Layer diet 58

4.13 Linear graph showing Layer Diet 59


Studies have shown that about 70% of total cost of poultry production is incurred on

poultry feeds production. Therefore a very good measure must be taken in formulating ration for

poultry birds (broiler starter, broiler finisher, chicks, growers and layers) to ensure optimum use

of resources which can in turn ensure reduction in the total cost of production for a standard

ration. In order to meet these requirements, this work employs linear programming technique to

model and analyze the best combination of locally available feed ingredients that meets the

optimum feed requirements for proper growth of poultry birds. To be more specific, this study

employs the use of simplex method implemented using an object oriented programming

language (C#) to represent linear programming model of the problem. This result of this study

shows that for broiler starter, the ration contains 65% wheat offal, 27.83% yellow corn, 3.47%

fish meal, 2.43% salt, 1.15% bone meal, 0.08% lysine and 0.05% methionine making use of the

locally available feed ingredients. Also for chicks, the ration contains 66.69% wheat offal,

24.30% yellow corn, 5.29% fish meal, 2.54% salt, 1.16% bone meal and 0.03% methionine

making use of the locally available feed ingredients. For Growers, the ration contains 58.09%

wheat offal, 31.47% yellow corn, 6.63% fish meal, 2.68% salt, 1.09% bone meal and 0.04%

methionine making use of the locally available feed ingredients. And for layers, the ration

contains 52.73% wheat offal, 31.62% yellow corn, 7.07% fish meal, 6.17% bone meal 2.39% salt

making use of the locally available feed ingredients.



1.1 Preamble

It is not an overstatement to say the cost incurred by poultry feeds is over 70% of the

overall cost for poultry management /operations. Taking for instance, the feed cost incurred

about 60-65% of the total cost of broiler production (Bassam Al-Desceit, 2009). Availability of

quality ingredient at reasonable cost is the key to successful poultry operation (Hooge and

Rowland, 1978). Object oriented programming is a programming approach which tends to

represent each component of a system by an object. With this approach, linear programming

concept can be implemented into a computer understandable form. Linear programming is one of

the important technique to allocate the available feed ingredients in least cost broiler feed

formulation (Dantzing, 1951 a, b; Aletor 1986, Ali and Lesson 1995).

Linear programming (LP) is a technique for optimization of linear objective function,

subject to linear equality and linear inequality constraints (kuester and Mize, 1973). In layman

term, linear programming (or linear planning) determines the way to achieve the best outcome

(such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a given mathematical model and given some list of

requirements represented as linear equations. Patrick and Schaible (1980) stated that linear

programming is technically a mathematical procedure for obtaining a value-weighting solution to

a set of simultaneous equations. Linear programming was first put into significant use during

World War II when it was used to determine the most effective way of deploying troops,

ammunitions, machineries which were all scarce resources (Chv atal, 1983). There are hundreds

of applications of linear programming in agriculture (Taha 1987). Oluwafemi et al. (2001)

reviewed extensively the use of linear programming in least-cost formulation for aqua culture.

Oluwafemi et al. (2001) also applied linear programming into duckweed utilization in least-cost

formulation for broiler starter.

1.2 Statement of Problem

The cost of ration has been found to cover about 70% of the total cost of poultry

production. For this reason, it is therefore very important to producers to make available

sufficient ration at the least possible cost.

Linear programming (an optimization technique) will be employed in this work to

formulate poultry feeds at the least possible cost by applying an object oriented programming


1.3 Aim and Objectives

The aim of this project is to formulate poultry feeds that will meet a specific set of

nutrient requirements in an attempt to ensure maximum performance of a particular class of

poultry in order to maximize the nutrient and to minimize the cost. The objectives are as follow:

i. To carefully identify the dietary requirement for poultry

ii. To obtain and compare the prices of feed ingredients in order to reduce the overall

cost of feeds.

iii. To formulate the required balanced feed at the least possible cost using simplex

method implemented using object oriented programming language (C#)

1.4 Significance of Study

This work helps to eliminate wastage in poultry feeding system and also to be self-

employed and financially free. Cheap but good feedstuffs are proposed in this formulation. It

also helps in planning ahead in poultry production and reduction in the cost effectiveness. It

improves growth rate due to good balance diet leading to good health condition. It aids feed

conversion efficiency because the feed is well balanced with all nutrient necessary.

1.5 Scope of Study

This study tends to address the problem of poultry feed formulation cost in Nigeria

(targeting locally available feed stuffs) by improving nutrient availability in poultry feeds at the

lowest cost through a mathematical model. The final product of this work will be able to

formulate the optimal feeds for broiler starter and broiler finisher, chick, grower and layer.

1.6 Definition of terms

The various terms used in this context are defined as followed:

1. Object Oriented Programming: Object oriented programming is an approach that tends to

programmatically solve a problem by representing each components of the problem by an object.

2. Linear Programming: The term programming in linear programming does not mean writing

software codes, it means planning. Therefore Linear programming means the planning a way of

achieving the best outcome in a given mathematical model and given some list of requirements

represented as linear equations.

3. Metabolizable Energy (ME): The amount of energy available to be used for maintenance, for

production of body tissue (for growth and replacement), activity and egg production, when a
food material or feed is eaten. It includes the heat lost during metabolism. The ME of a feed

ingredient may be used to indicate the nutritional value of that ingredient. Feed ingredient or feed

are rated as high or low energy. ME depends on the quality of the feed and on the % dry matter.

4. Nutrition: the process of digesting, absorbing and converting food into tissue and energy.

5. Nutrients: A substance that can be used as food.



2.1 Feeding Animals

Over the ages, feeding animals with efficient and sufficient feedstuffs has been of

optimum goal worldwide. To this effect, many organization across the globe have come together

to address all issues related to feeding animals to ensure healthy growth of Animals. The Food

and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), World Health Organization (WHO),

Codex and World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) have been involved in many activities

related to animal feeding, including risk assessment, development of international standards,

capacity-building and technical assistance to their Members to promote feed safety. These

organizations collaborate closely to ensure a coordinated approach along the food chain

continuum. Some of their activities are mentioned as follow:

2.1.1 FAO and WHO work on animal feeding

It was stated in a report written by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United

Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) dated 8-12 October 2007 that FAO

has developed a series of activities to support them in ensuring feed safety. These activities can

be summarized as follows:

i. development, compilation and dissemination of information;

ii. promotion of wide alliances and partnership with the private sector;

iii. technical assistance and capacity- and institutional building; and

iv. awareness raising and policy advice.

FAO has organized several international and regional training courses on Good Practices

for the Animal Feed and Livestock Industries, and in partnership with IFIF, has organized two

global Feed and Food Congresses in 2005 and 2007 (a third is currently being planned).

2.1.2 Codex work on animal feeding

Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on Animal Feeding was established by the 23 rd

Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (July 1999) to address all issues relating to

animal feeding with the main objective of developing guideline and standards, as appropriate, on

Good Animal Feeding Practices with the aim of ensuring the safety and quality of foods of

animal origin.This body came up with code of practice on Good Animal feeding tagged

(CAC/RCP 54/2004), which was adopted in 2004. The objective of this code is to ensure the

safety of food for human consumption through adherence of good animal feeding practice at the

farm level and good manufacturing practices (GMPs) during the procurement, handling, storage,

processing and distribution of animal feed and feed ingredients for food-producing animals.

2.1.3 OIE work on animal feeding

It is a foregone conclusion that ensuring Animals’ good health ensures human feed safety

as well as minimizes diseases transmission. The establishment of the OIE has provided

standards, guidelines and recommendations on riskmanagement, including for micro-organisms

that are transmissible via feed (such as Newcastle disease virus and foot-and mouth disease

virus). The OIE provides recommendations on diseases of animals, including zoonotic diseases

(diseases that can infect humans) such as BSE and salmonellae. The food safety hazards

associated with animal-derived food products are well recognized. The formation in 2002 of a

permanent OIE Working Group on Animal Production Food Safety marked a renewed focus by
the OIE on food-borne zoonotic diseases and set the foundation for a much closer collaboration

between the OIE and the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Generally speaking, animal feed plays an important part in the food chain and has

implication for the composition and quality of the livestock products (milk, meat and egg) that

people consume. Animal feed is a food given to domestic animals in the course of animal

husbandry. There are two basic types; fodder and forage. The word fodder more often refers to

feed. Fodder particularly refers to food given to the animals including plants cut rather than that

which they forage for themselves. It includes hay, straw, silage, compressed and pelleted feeds,

oils and mixed rations and sprouted grains and legumes. Forage is a plant material (mainly plants

leaves and stems) eating by grazing livestock.

Historically, the term forage means only plants eating by the animals directly by pasture,

crop residue or immature cereal crops but it is also used more loosely to include similar plants

cut for fodder and carried to the animals especially as hay or silage. Forage crops generally have

high fiber content and are usually used on the farms where they are grown. Non-ruminants such

as pigs and poultry are unable to digest forages. Feed grains are the most important source of

animal feed. The amount of grain used to produce the same unit of meat varies substantially.

According to an estimate reported by the BBC 2008, cows and sheep need 8kg of grain for every

1kg of meat they produce, pigs about 4kg. The most efficient poultry units need a mere 1.6kg of

feed to produce 1kg of chicken. Farmed fish can also be fed on grain and even use less than

poultry. The two most important feed grains are maize and soybeans and the United States is the

by far the largest exporter of both. Other feed grains include wheat, oats, barleys and rice among

many others.
Traditional sources of animal feed include household food scraps and the byproducts of

food processing industries such as milling and brewing. Scraps fed to pigs are called slop and

those fed to chicken are called chicken scratch. Cereal and other home-grown crops are feeds

with a high energy and/or protein content. They may be fed to livestock on the farm where they

are grown or bought in from outside and may be fed either singly or as compound feeds. Poultry

chickens, turkey, quails, ducks and geese are typically fed on cereal grains especially those

reared in poultry houses.

2.2 Poultry Feeds and Feeding

Feed for poultry mostly consists of grain. A poultry feed must supply the necessary

protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals and vitamins in their proper proportion (the process of

doing this is called formulation). Poultry feeds are composed of variety of feedstuffs, this allows

a nutrient deficiency of one feedstuff to be offset by the nutrients of another feedstuffs. The

palatability of feedstuffs must be considered in formulating rations for poultry. A feed designed

for laying hens is not adequate for optimal growth in broilers nor is a broiler feed proper for

laying hens. The quantity of feed and the nutritional requirements of the feed depend on the

weight and the age of the poultry. For privately raised chickens or chicken as pets, feed can be

delivered through jar, trough or tube feeders. A feeder is the device that supplies the feed to the

poultry. The use of poultry feed can also be supplemented with food found through foraging. In

industrial agriculture, machine is used to automate the feeding process, reducing the cost and

increasing the scale of farming. For commercial poultry farming, feed serves as the largest cost

of the operation, about 70% of the total cost of production.

2.3 Nutritional Requirement of Poultry Birds

Nutrient requirement varies from one poultry bird to another. In this review, the nutritional

requirements of some of the poultry birds are discussed.

Poultry require carbohydrates, fats, protein, minerals, vitamins and water. Most nutrients

provide both energy and protein. Energy and protein are more efficient if they are available in

the proper ratio. Feedstuffs are usually classified as being primarily a source of energy or

protein. Growing chicken should have 16-24%protein; growing turkey 24-28%protein; for egg

production 15-17%protein; for maintenance (no growth or production), 10-12%protein. The

highest requirement is in the first 2-3weeks and is higher in young leghorns than broilers. The

vitamin and mineral levels are higher for growing birds and for egg production. More rapid

growth requires more added vitamins and minerals. If the feed energy required to supply the

basic energy needed is not available, the bird will lose weight, get thin and die. Some feed and

water is required just for survival. Some proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals are also required

for basic survival.

Nutrients available above the basic level can be used for growth in young birds and egg

production in adults. The rate of growth in young birds or egg production in adults is controlled

by the amount of energy and protein available. The amino acids that growing poultry require are:

arginine, cysteine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine,

threonine, tyrosine and valine. The following vitamins should be added to a prepared feed:

vitamin A, B3, B2, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, niacin, folicin (folic acid), thiamine and biotin.

One of the most important and most often overlooked nutrients is water. It is imperative that

clean water is available to the birds at all times. Healthy poultry require a sufficient amount of
protein and carbohydrates along with the necessary vitamins, dietary minerals and an adequate

supply of water.

2.4 Methods of Formulating Feeds

Some of the various methods used in formulating feeds are discussed as follow:

2.4.1 Trial and error method

It is generally used to formulate rations for swine and poultry. This method tries different

diet and manipulates it until the nutrient requirements of animal are met. It make possible the

formulation of ration that all the nutrient requirement of animal but in practice it is not possible

to use always, as it is time and money consuming method.

2.4.2 Pearson’s square method

Is designed for simple rations, the Pearson’s square or Box Method balancing ration is a

crude protein value of a feed or percentage of any other component. In order for the square to

work, follow specific direction for its use. Nutrient contents of ingredients and nutrient

requirements must be expressed on the same basis. It is a procedure that use for many, it is of

greatest value when only two ingredient to be in need.

2.4.3 Linear programming method

It is used widely for animal feed formulation; it is method to determine the least cost

combination of ingredients using a series of mathematical equations. This method provides a

number of possible solutions to each series of equations but when the factor of cost is applied,
there only be one least cost formulation. The linear programming method consider the cost factor

associate with it, before using this technique for ration formulation certain information should be

available about the important nutrient ingredient to be include in diet. After this requirement for

the particular species and ingredients limitation should be giving proper consideration, collecting

all the necessary information a mathematical model is derived with linear programming

specification, linear programming method is used to solve it and it provide solution for feed


2.4.4 A two By Two Method

It is set and a series of equations are establish to find the solution of the problem, square

method is relatively easy and simple to work on, it is used with only two ingredients. To use this

method level of nutrient been complete should be intermediate between the nutrient

concentrations of the two feed ingredient being used. This method has limited use as it is based

on certain limitations.

2.4.5 Simultaneous Equation Method

This method also has limited use because it is used for two nutrient ingredient

combination diet. It used for two nutrient ingredients combination diet; it is uses simple algebraic

method to solve these equations.

2.5 Optimization Techniques

Optimization is the selection of the best (with regard to some criteria) from some

set available alternatives. An optimization problem consists of maximizing or minimizing a

real function by systematically choosing input values from within an allowed set and

computing the value of the functions. The generalization of optimization theory and

techniques to other formulation comprises a large area of applied mathematics. More

generally, optimization includes finding “best available” values of some objective functions

and different types of domains. According to Tjalling C. Koopmans, noble memorial lecture:

[22], Optimization is a mathematical method of Organizing and planning of production.

Optimization as a mathematical approach for solving real life problems (such as job

scheduling, feed formulation, Production Planning and the likes) can be employed in

different ways depending on the nature/form of the objective functions. Some of the numeric

optimization techniques are also discussed.

Mathematical programming computation is an approach that employs

mathematical methods to address problems. Mathematical programming are of different

forms which include linear programming, integer programming, non-linear programming,

quadratic programming, dynamics programming, stochastic programming, combinatorial

optimization, global optimization. Some of these techniques are reviewed in this work.

2.5.1 Linear Programming

Linear programming is the process of solving an optimization problem defined by

a system of equalities and inequalities, collectively termed constraints, over a set of

unknown real variables, along with an objective function to be maximized or minimized,

in which the objective function and constraints are linear. Linear programming deals with

problems that are linear. Linear programming is widely used for feed formulation
problem and so will be employed in this project to formulate poultry feeds at the least

possible cost since its objective function and constraints are linear in nature.

The problem can be stated simply as:

max f ( x ) to maximize some variable such as nutrients

x∈ X
min f ( x ) to minimize a cost function
x∈ X
where ¿
f : R →R
x∈ R
subjected to
h i ( x ) = 0 , i ∈ I = 1 ,. . . , p
g j ( x ) ≥ ¿ 0 , j ∈ J =1 ,. . . , m

2.5.2 Non Linear Programming

In mathematics, nonlinear programming (NLP) is the process of solving an

optimization problem defined by a system of equalities and inequalities, collectively termed

constraints, over a set of unknown real variables, along with an objective function to be

maximized or minimized, where some of the constraints or the objective function are nonlinear.

It is the sub-field of Mathematical optimization that deals with problems that are not linear. A

typical nonconvex problem is that of optimizing transportation costs by selection from a set of

transportation methods, one or more of which exhibit economies of scale, with various

connectivities and capacity constraint

The problem can be stated simply as:

max f ( x) to maximize some variable such as nutrients
x∈ X
min f (x) to minimize a cost function
x∈ X
f : R n→ R
x ∈ Rn
subjected to
h i ( x ) = 0 , i ∈ I = 1 ,. . . , p
g j ( x ) ≤ 0 , j ∈ J =1 , .. . , m

2.5.3 Integer Programming

An integer programming problem is a mathematical optimization or feasibility

program in which some or all of the variables are restricted to be integers. In many settings the

term refers to integer linear programming (ILP).

An integer linear program in canonical form is expressed as:

Minimize CTX

Subject to Ax= b ,
x≥ 0 ,
And x is Integer ,

And an ILP in standard form is expressed as

Maximize CTX

Subject to Ax= b ,
x≥ 0 ,
And x is Integer
Integer programming can be used to address the following real life problem because

some of their constraints are constrained with integer values.

i. Production Planning: Production planning involves determining production

quantities for several products that can share resources (e.g. equipment, labour,

storage capacity, etc). A possible objective is to maximize the total production,

without exceeding the available resources. In some cases, this can be expressed in

terms of a linear program, but variables must be constrained to be integer.

ii. Scheduling: These problems involve service and vehicle scheduling in

transportation networks. For example, a problem may involve assigning buses or

subways to individual routes so that a timetable can be met, and also to equip

them with drivers. Here binary decision variables indicate whether a bus or

subway is assigned to a route and whether a driver is assigned to a particular train

or subway.

iii. Telecommunications networks: The goal of these problems is to design a

network of lines to install so that a predefined set of communication requirements

are met and the total cost of the network is minimal. This requires optimizing both

the topology of the network along with the setting the capacities of the various

lines. In many cases, the capacities are constrained to be integer quantities.

Usually there are, depending on the technology used, additional restrictions that

can be modelled as linear inequalities with integer or binary variables

2.6 Commercially Available Feed Formulation Programs

Several programs have been developed for formulation of feeds. Some of these

programs are discussed in this work.

2.6.1 FeedMU: (pronounce feed-mew) is a simple feed formulation program based upon Trials

and Errors method and Linear Programming (simplex method) for least cost feed

formula. FeedMU can be used for feed formulation as simple feed in animal farms and

complex feed in feed mill. FeedMU is created for nutritionists, veterinarians, feed

formulators, feed manufacturers and others involved in formulating diet for animals.

FeedMU is a Windows-based application developed using Visual Basic, a full-

featured .NET application for feed formulation. Users can manage animal requirements,

ingredients details, ingredients composition, etc., for formulating a well-balanced diet.


i. Feed formulation by Trials and Errors Method

ii. Formulate least cost feed formula by simplex method of linear programming

iii. Enhanced view point by equation

iv. Transfer requirements and ingredients data to others

v. Save formula and classified by farmer's name (or customers)

vi. Export formula report to PDF format

2.6.2 WinFeed software: WinFeed is feed formulation software; it is equally useful for

ruminants and non-ruminants such as poultry, cattle, sheep, horses, dogs, cats, fish and

other aqua culture etc.


i. It has power to handle unlimited number of Ingredients and Nutrients.

ii. It provides very easy system to manage ingredient composition database. You can create as

many different databases as you required. Each database is saved in a separate file so you can

use them whenever you want.

iii. It provides wonderful facility of database synchronization. For example if nutrient analysis

values of new ingredient stock is different from before, you don't have to update all of the

existing databases. A one click function of "Sync & Update" will help you to update all of

your existing databases within no time.

iv. It also has tightly bound integration with MS Excel. You can Import or Export your data

between Excel and WinFeed with few mouse clicks.

v. Advanced features of Shadow Price, Cost Analysis, Marginal Price and sensitivity analysis.

You can easily find out effects of ingredient price change or sensitivity of various ingredient

and nutrient limits.

vi. A built-in utility to calculate mean and standard deviation for Stochastic Formulation.

2.6.3 FeedSoft: is a powerful software tool that helps to develop and maintain ingredient

database composed of customizable ingredients nutrients and their compositions.

FeedSoft is available in various versions such as FeedSoft Standard, FeedSoft

Professional, and Feedsoft Enterprise with FeedSoft standard being least performing tool

and FeedSoft Enterprise being the most performing tool. Their performances are based on

the size of data they operate on and their efficiency as they all give reliable output based

on the input value.


i. Ingredient equation: set nutrient values based on your own equations and apply them

to specific ingredients.

ii. Formula composition report: Generates beautiful formula composition reports right

from the Formula Editor screen

iii. Least-cost formulation: FeedSoft uses a mathematical algorithm to find the least-cost

feeds that satisfy the nutritional requirements.

iv. Ingredient import wizard: Import ingredient specifications from external sources such

as Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.

v. Formulating using nutrient ratios: Specify nutrient ratios to ensure that several

nutrients must exist in the resulting formula in relation to one another.

For more information on FeedSoft, visit

2.6.4 Porcitec: It is innovative and user-friendly management software that will help you

optimize the performance of your swine farm and increase your productivity. Porcitec

gives you decision-making tools with fast, easy data entry, and flexible yet powerful



i. Feed Management: Ration formulation, feed budgets, and growth curves.

ii. Financial Management: Incomes, expenses, sales, account charts, summaries.

iii. Fast Data Entry: Choose from Porcitec's multiple data entry systems. Work the way you

want to work. An innovative data entry grid works like a spreadsheet, saving you

thousands of tedious keystrokes. New Fast Entry system eliminates clicking multiple

dialogs to enter data. All events can be entered into one screen.

iv. Handheld Computer: Porcitec is compatible with a wide variety of handheld devices and

electronic identification systems. Access the animal file and enter daily events at the barn


v. Designed using industry standard: Porcitec uses Client/Server technology for database,

Windows for OS, NAIS for traceability and NPB for terminology and formulas. The

database is multi-user network compatible, with large volume capacity, and rock-solid

stability and reliability. These standards provide Porcitec with exceptional power,

consistency, and future vision

2.6.5 BestMix: This is software that is used commercially for optimizing feed formulation. It is

a powerful tool that can be used for formulating feeds at the lowest possible cost.


i. Optimal feed formulation: Provides an efficient and reliable feed

ii. Least-cost optimization: Provides the least cost of feed

iii. Product specifications management:

iv. Product development tool: Makes available the tools for developing various nutrients.

2.6.6 MyFeed: This is simple and practical Feed Formulation software with a user friendly

user interface. A person with basic knowledge can easily use this software. Feed

Formulation uses Linear Programming for optimizing Feed Formulation at Least Cost.
This software is suitable for Egg Producers, Broilers, Nutritionist, Hatcheries, Feed

Manufacturers, etc.


i. Animal Type: Here one specifies the type of animal. Example: Layers, Broilers, sheep, pigs,

Fish, etc.

ii. Feed types: Here one is going to mention different feed types for each type of animal. Example :

Chick, Grower, Layer1, Layer2, Layer3 for Layers

iii. Ingredients: Here one is going to mention the Name of the Ingredients and their Rate. Example:

Maize, Soya, Jowar, Fish, Sunflower etc.

iv. Nutrients Here one is going to mention Nutrient Names and their Units. Example : Energy,

Protein, Fat, Fiber, Lysine, methionine, etc.,

v. Nutritional Composition Here one is going to mention Nutrient Values for each Ingredient.

vi. Ingredients Selector: Here one is going to select Ingredients which are used for a particular

animal type. Selection of Ingredients is done 'cause not all ingredients are used for all the


vii. Nutrients Selector: Here one is going to select Nutrients which are to be calculated for a

particular animal type. Selection of Nutrients is done because not all nutrients values are used

for all the animals



3.1 Feed Formulation

The feed formulation model seeks the optimum combination of available feed ingredients

that will satisfy the nutritional requirements of the animal at the least cost possible. The model

has to satisfy a set of constraints on nutritional levels, availability restrictions, special ingredients

to be included, budget or fund constraints. The generic mathematical model which is applicable

to each type of formulation using the available ingredients is constructed later in the chapter. The

flowchart below shows the process of feed formulation.

Figure 3.1 Flow-Chart showing the process of feed formulation
3.1.1 Data Source

As stated in chapter one, the main source for these data was the National Research

Council (NRC), Nutrient Requirement of Poultry- Ninth Revised Edition (1994). The Ninth

Edition of the NRC Nutrient Requirements of Poultry became available in March of 1994, the

first revision of the requirements since 1984. All studies concerned with feed formulation data

collected for this study were based on raw material (feedstuffs) specification, constrained

imposed on the selected raw material and the dietary nutrient requirements in each stage of life

of birds (based on age and production aim). The objective of this study is to formulate required

balanced diets for birds based on specified feed ingredients at the least possible cost.

Costs of feed ingredients used in the diet formulation were obtained from the prevailing

market prices of feed ingredients in Nigeria through survey. The analysis of feed ingredients and

minimum and maximum levels of various feed ingredients used in diet obtained from standard

tables and sources (Aduku, 1993; Tacón, 1993; NRC, 1994). NRC (1994) recommended

nutritional and restriction levels of the Metabolizable Energy (ME), protein, calcium,

phosphorus, lysine, methionine, fiber and fat will be adopted in this work.

3.1.2 Data Analysis

The method of data analysis employed in this study was linear programming (LP) model.

The model was designed to reflect various feed ingredients combination used in the diet

formulation, current market price, nutrient composition and range of inclusion to obtain a least-

cost formulation. The models were constructed for several poultry types (based on production

aim) using limited ingredients according to the stages of the hens' life period. The objective of

the models was to minimize cost of producing a particular diet after satisfying a set of
constraints. The variables in the models were the ingredients (decision variables) while the cost

of each ingredient and the nutrient value of each ingredient was the parameter.

3.1.3 Assumptions of Linear Programming

Before a valid result can be obtained from linear programming technique, the following

assumption must be holding:

Linearity: There must be a linear relationship between the output and the total quantity

of resources consumed. If the objective function is not linear, the technique will not be

applicable (Dantzig, 1955).

Simple Objective: the object must be either maximization or minimization of one


Certainty: All values and quantities must be known with certainty.

Additivity: This means that the sum of resources used by difference activities must be

equal to the total quantity of the resources used by each activity for all resources.

Divisibility: Perfect divisibility of outputs and resources must exist.

Non-negativity: Decision variables cannot be added to the final objective function in a

negative way. That is, each of the decision must be either be positive or zero.

Finiteness: The constraints and the variables must be finite so that it can be programmed.

Hence, the finite number of activities and constraints must be employed (Gale et al, 1951).
Proportionality: This implies that the contribution of each variable to the final objective

function is directly proportional to each variable. If we want to double the output then all

decision variable must be doubled.

3.2 Feedstuffs and Nutrient Requirements

Based on production aim, various type of bird requires different diets. For instance,

chicks are given relatively high levels of energy, protein and the vitamins and minerals for the

starter period. Once the chicks are fully feathered their energy requirements are reduced. Feeding

management for layer pullets aims to maintain a growth rate that will lead to the pullet reaching

sexual maturity at the desired age while avoiding obesity. The stage at which a pullet will start

laying eggs is affected by age, bodyweight and day length. Broiler starter are usually fed first 2

to 3wks to chicken and 2 to 4wks to turkeys. It includes high doses of antibiotics to reduce

mortality and initiate more rapid growth. Broiler finishers are fed as a complete feed to meat type

birds and may be fed in crumbles or pelleted form. It diet may contain 3 to 5% added fat to

increase the energy content and the protein content is adjusted to maintain an optimum protein.

The aim of layer diets is to optimize egg production, provide the nutrition required to

safeguard health and maintain the desired bodyweight while that of broiler is to optimize meat

production. The table below shows the nutrient requirement for various poultry considered in this

Table 3.1: Table showing nutrients requirement of birds based on production aim

production type minimum minimum minimum fat minimum minimum minimum minimum minimum
calories protein calcium fiber lysine methionine phosphorous

Chick mash 2640 20 3.5 1.00 5.0 1.00 0.40 0.45

Growers 2640 19 3.5 1 5.0 1.00 0.40 0.45

Broiler 2800 23 3.50 1.00 3.5 1.10 0.40 0.45
starter mash

Broiler 2800 19.5 3.50 0.90 3.5 1.10 0.40 0.40

Layers mash 2850 16.5 3.5 3.5 6.5 0.49 0.32 0.45
Table 3.2: Cost implications and nutrient levels of feed ingredients

Ingredients ME Protein Calcium Fat Fiber Methionine Lysine Phosphorous Price

(kcal/kg) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (N/


Yellow maize 3432 8.8 0.01 4.0 2.0 0.18 0.25 0.09 125

Soya bean 2230 44 0.2 3.5 6.5 0.59 2.8 0.2 450

Fish 2860 65 6.1 4.5 1.0 1.8 4.5 3 15

Bone meal - - 37 - - - - - 45

Wheat Offal 1870 17 0.14 3.5 8.5 0.25 0.9 0.3 32

Palm Kernel - 18 21.0 6 12 0.39 0.64 0.18 850

Methionine - - - - - 100 - - 500

Lime Stone - - 35 - - - - - 40

Lysine - 60 - - - - 94 - 40

3.3 The General Mathematical Representation of the Problem

3.3.1 The Generic Model Construction


Let i: Index identifying feed nutrient components with i = 1, 2,….m

j: index identifying feed components with j =1,2,………n

k: index identifying restricted ingredients with k = 1, 2,......p

U: index identifying set of restricted ingredients with u = 1, 2,..q

Xj = quantity of feed ingredient j in the feed mix (decision variable)

Xk: quantity of restricted feed ingredient k

N= total quantity (Kg) of feed to be produced

Z= Total cost of feed ingredients used in the feed formulation

Cj = unit cost of feed ingredient j

aij= amount (in fraction of Xj ) of nutrient i available in feed ingredient j

biL = minimum dietary requirement (fraction of N) of nutrient i for a bird category

biU = maximum dietary requirement (fraction of N) of nutrient i for a bird category.

Su= set of restricted ingredients

Lk= lower limit of restricted feed ingredient k in the feed mix

Uk= upper limit of restricted feed ingredient k in the feed mix

bk=proportion of restricted feed ingredient k in the total feed.

3.3.2 Decision Variables

The feed ingredients used in ration formulation for local poultry farms and feed factories

include: yellow corn, soya bean, fish meal, bone meal, wheat offal, palm kernel cake,

methionine, lime stone, lysine, premix and salt. These feed ingredients are shown in the table

below in relation to their variable representation that will be used in the model as follows:
Table 3.3: Table showing decision variables

Xi Decision variable

X1 Yellow maize quantity

X2 Soya bean quantity

X3 Fish meal quantity

X4 Bone meal quantity

X5 Wheat offal quantity

X6 Palm kernel cake quantity

X7 Methionine quantity

X8 Lime stone quantity

X9 Lysine quantity

X10 Premix quantity

X11 Enzyme quantity

X12 Salt quantity

3.3.3 Problem Constraints

The constraints of the model deal with limitation on the total feed quantity to be

produced, nutritional requirements, and nutrients availability in feed ingredients.

The following constraints apply to the feed formulation problem.

1. Feed must meet total demand quantity N for the planning period.

2. Feed must meet metabolizable energy (ME) and dietary requirement bi for each nutrient.

3. Restricted ingredients must be present in feed within acceptable range

The mathematical equivalent of the above constraint statements are as follows:

3.4 The Mathematical Representation of the problem

Objective Function

The objective of this LP model is to minimize total feed costs.

MinZ ∑ C j X j

Subject to the following constraints:

1. Demand requirement
∑ X j ¿ N
j= 1

2. Nutrients and energy requirements

n n
b jL ∑ X j ¿ ∑ a ij X j≤b iU ∑ Xj .. .. . . ∀ i=1 ,2 .. . m
j=1 j=1 j=1
3. Restricted ingredient levels
L k≤X k ≤U k ∀ k ∈ Su if given absolute terms
X k ≤ b k ∑ Xj ∀K ∈ Su if b k is a proportion of feed .
4. Non negativity constraints.
X j ≥ 0 j=1 , 2 ,. . .n
The model is summarized as follows

MinZ ∑ C j X j

Subject to

∑ X j ¿ N
j= 1
¿ ∑ a ij X j≤b iU
n n
b jL ∑ X j ∑ Xj .. .. . . ∀ i=1 ,2 .. . m
j=1 j=1 j=1

L k≤X k ≤U k ∀ k ∈ Su
X k ≤ b k ∑ Xj ∀ K ∈ Su
X j ≥0 j=1 , 2 ,. . .n

3.5 The Models

Table 3.1 provides data on typical nutrient levels for birds based on production aim.

These levels are the constraints to be used in the LP models. Table 3.2 shows the Cost

implications and nutrient levels of feed ingredients. Table 3.3 shows the list of decision variables

and their representation. Five mathematical models were constructed to compare rations costs

and to determine the least cost ration for the birds at different production aims. These tables will

be used to construct the models.

3.5.1 Model Construction for Chick

Min Z= 70 X 1 + 125 X 2 +450 X 3 + 15 X 4 +45 X 5 + 32 X 6 + 850 X 7 + 500 X 8 + 40 X 9 + 350 X 10 +¿ X 11 +50 X 12 ¿

Subject to
0 . 088X 1 +0 . 44X 2 +0 . 65X 3 +0 . 17X 5 +0 .18X 6≥0. 20 ∑Xi
j=1 Protein Constraint
0 . 04X 1 +0 . 035X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 035X 5 +0 .06X 6 ≥0 .035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fat Constraint
0 . 02X 1 +0 . 065X 2 +0 . 01X 3 +0 .085X 5 +0 .12X 6≥0. 05 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fiber Constraint
0 . 0001X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 061X 3 +0 .37X 4 +0 . 0014X 5 +0 . 21X 6 +0 .35X 8 ≥0 .01 ∑ Xi
j=1 Calcium
0 . 0009X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 03X 3 +0 . 003X 5 +0 .0018X 6 ≥0 .0045 ∑ Xi
j=1 Phosphorous
0 . 0025X 1 +0 . 028X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 009X 5 +0 .0064X 6 +0 . 94X 9 ≥0 . 01 ∑ Xi
j=1 Lysine
0 . 0018X 1 +0 . 0059X 2 +0 . 018X 3 +0 . 0025X 5 +0 . 0039X 6 +1 .00X 7 ≥0 .004 ∑ Xi
Methionine Constraints:

x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 ≥0


x1, x2, ,…………………………, x12 = Various ingredients

3.5.2 Model Construction Broiler Starter

Min Z= 70 X 1 + 125 X 2 +450 X 3 + 15 X 4 +45 X 5 + 32 X 6 + 850 X 7 + 500 X 8 + 40 X 9 + 350 X 10 +¿ X 11 +50 X 12 ¿

Subject to
0 . 088X 1 +0 . 44X 2 +0 . 65X 3 +0 . 17X 5 +0 .18X 6≥0. 20 ∑Xi
j=1 Protein Constraint
0 . 04X 1 +0 . 035X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 035X 5 +0 .06X 6 ≥0 .035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fat Constraint
0 . 02X 1 +0 . 065X 2 +0 . 01X 3 +0 .085X 5 +0 .12X 6≥0. 035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fiber Constraints
0 . 0001X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 061X 3 +0 .37X 4 +0 . 0014X 5 +0 . 21X 6 +0 .35X 8 ≥0 .01 ∑ Xi
j=1 Calcium
0 . 0009X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 03X 3 +0 . 003X 5 +0 .0018X 6 ≥0 .0045 ∑ Xi
j=1 Phosphorous
0 . 0025X 1 +0 . 028X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 009X 5 +0 .0064X 6 +0 . 94X 9 ≥0 . 01 1 ∑ X i
j=1 Lysine
0 . 0018X 1 +0 . 0059X 2 +0 . 018X 3 +0 . 0025X 5 +0 . 0039X 6 +1 .00X 7 ≥0 .004 ∑ Xi
Methionine Constraints

x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 ≤0


x1, x2, ,…………………………, x12 = Various ingredients

x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 ≥0


x1, x2, ,…………………………, x12 = Various ingredients

3.5.3 Model Construction Broiler Finisher

Min Z= 70 X 1 + 125 X 2 +450 X 3 + 15 X 4 +45 X 5 + 32 X 6 + 850 X 7 + 500 X 8 + 40 X 9 + 350 X 10 +¿ X 11 +50 X 12 ¿

Subject to
0 . 088X 1 +0 . 44X 2 +0 . 65X 3 +0 . 17X 5 +0 .18X 6≥0. 195 ∑Xi
j=1 Protein Constraint
0 . 04X 1 +0 . 035X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 035X 5 +0 .06X 6 ≥0 .035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fat Constraint
0 . 02X 1 +0 . 065X 2 +0 . 01X 3 +0 .085X 5 +0 .12X 6≥0. 035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fiber Constraints:
0 . 0001X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 061X 3 +0 .37X 4 +0 . 0014X 5 +0 . 21X 6 +0 .35X 8 ≥0 .009 ∑ Xi
j=1 Calcium
0 . 0009X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 03X 3 +0 . 003X 5 +0 .0018X 6 ≥0 .004 ∑ Xi
j=1 Phosphorous
0 . 0025X 1 +0 . 028X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 009X 5 +0 .0064X 6 +0 . 94X 9 ≥0 . 011 ∑Xi
Lysine Constraints
0 . 0018X 1 +0 . 0059X 2 +0 . 018X 3 +0 . 0025X 5 +0 . 0039X 6 +1 .00X 7 ≥0 .004 ∑ Xi
Methionine Constraints

x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 ≥0


x1, x2, ,…………………………, x12 = Various ingredients

3.5.4 Model Construction Grower

Min Z= 70 X 1 + 125 X 2 +450 X 3 + 15 X 4 +45 X 5 + 32 X 6 + 850 X 7 + 500 X 8 + 40 X 9 +400 X 10 +¿ X 11 +50 X 12 ¿

Subject to
0 . 088X 1 +0 . 44X 2 +0 . 65X 3 +0 . 17X 5 +0 .18X 6≥0. 19 ∑Xi
j=1 Protein Constraint
0 . 04X 1 +0 . 035X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 035X 5 +0 .06X 6 ≥0 .035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fat Constraint
0 . 02X 1 +0 . 065X 2 +0 . 01X 3 +0 .085X 5 +0 .12X 6≥0. 05 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fiber Constraints
0 . 0001X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 061X 3 +0 .37X 4 +0 . 0014X 5 +0 . 21X 6 +0 .35X 8 ≥0 .01 ∑ Xi
j=1 Calcium
0 . 0009X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 03X 3 +0 . 003X 5 +0 .0018X 6 ≥0 .0045 ∑ Xi
j=1 Phosphorous
0 . 0025X 1 +0 . 028X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 009X 5 +0 .0064X 6 +0 . 94X 9 ≥0 . 01 ∑ Xi
j=1 Lysine
0 . 0018X 1 +0 . 0059X 2 +0 . 018X 3 +0 . 0025X 5 +0 . 0039X 6 +1 .00X 7 ≥0 .004 ∑ Xi
Methionine Constraint

x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 ≥0


x1, x2, ,…………………………, x12 = Various ingredients

3.5.5 Model Construction Layer

Min Z= 70 X 1 + 125 X 2 +450 X 3 + 15 X 4 +45 X 5 + 32 X 6 + 850 X 7 + 500 X 8 + 40 X 9 +1450 X 10 +¿ X 11 +50 X 12 ¿

Subject to
0 . 088X 1 +0 . 44X 2 +0 . 65X 3 +0 . 17X 5 +0 .18X 6≥0. 165 ∑ X i
j=1 Protein Constraint
0 . 04X 1 +0 . 035X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 035X 5 +0 .06X 6 ≥0 .035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fat Constraint
0 . 02X 1 +0 . 065X 2 +0 . 01X 3 +0 .085X 5 +0 .12X 6≥0. 065 ∑ Xi
j=1 Fiber Constraint
0 . 0001X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 061X 3 +0 .37X 4 +0 . 0014X 5 +0 . 21X 6 +0 .35X 8 ≥0 .035 ∑ Xi
j=1 Calcium
0 . 0009X 1 +0 . 002X 2 +0 . 03X 3 +0 . 003X 5 +0 .0018X 6 ≥0 .0045 ∑ Xi
j=1 Phosphorous
0 . 0025X 1 +0 . 028X 2 +0 . 045X 3 +0 . 009X 5 +0 .0064X 6 +0 . 94X 9 ≥0 . 00 49 ∑ X i
Lysine Constraint
0 . 0018X 1 +0 . 0059X 2 +0 . 018X 3 +0 . 0025X 5 +0 . 0039X 6 +1 .00X 7 ≥0 .0032 ∑ Xi
Methionine Constraint

x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12 ≥0


x1, x2, ,…………………………, x12 = Various ingredients

The process of formulating feed can be shown as follow in the figure below:
Figure 3.2: Overall Structure of the Solution Procedure


4.1 Outputs: The results obtained from the software are represented with the table below:

Table 4.1: table showing the optimal output of Linear Programming Model for Broiler Starter

Decision Variable Market Percentage Quantity(1000kg)

Price(Naira) Composition (%)

Yellow corn 70 11.53 115.31

Soya Bean 125 0 0

Fish 450 2.11 21.13

Bone Meal 15 1.27 12.72

Wheat Meal 45 82.91 829.14

Palm Kernel Cake 32 0 0

Methionine 850 0.021 0.21

Lime Stone 500 0 0

Salt 40 2.15 21.50

Lysine 40 0 0

Total - 100 1000

Total Amount: N56116

Table 4.2: table showing the optimal output of Linear Programming Model for Broiler Finisher

Decision Variable Market Percentage Quantity(1000kg)

Price(Naira) Composition (%)

Yellow corn 70 27.83 278.27

Soya Bean 125 0 0

Fish 450 3.47 34.74

Bone Meal 15 1.15 11.45

Wheat Meal 45 65 649.86

Palm Kernel Cake 32 0 0

Methionine 850 0.05 0.49

Lime Stone 500 0 0

Salt 40 2.43 24.32

Lysine 40 0.09 0.86

Total - 100 1000


Amount: N65919
Table 4.3: table showing the optimal output of Linear Programming Model for Chick

Decision Variable Market Percentage Quantity(1000kg)

Price(Naira) Composition (%)

Yellow corn 70 24.31 243.07

Soya Bean 125 0 0

Fish 450 5.29 52.85

Bone Meal 15 1.16 11.55

Wheat Meal 45 66.69 666.89

Palm Kernel Cake 32 0 0

Methionine 850 0.03 0.33

Lime Stone 500 0 0

Salt 40 2.54 25.37

Lysine 40 0.0 0

Total - 100 1000

Total Amount: N72271

Table 4.4: table showing the optimal output of Linear Programming Model for Broiler Grower

Decision Variable Market Quantity(kg) Quantity(1000kg)


Yellow corn 70 31.47 314.71

Soya Bean 125 0 0

Fish 450 6.63 66.34

Bone Meal 15 1.09 10.90

Wheat Meal 45 58.09 580.90

Palm Kernel Cake 32 0 0

Methionine 850 0.04 0.36

Lime Stone 500 0 0

Salt 40 2.68 26.77

Lysine 40 0.00 0

Total - 100 1000

Total Amount: N79561

Table 4.5: table showing the optimal output of Linear Programming Model for Broiler Finisher

Decision Variable Market Percentage Quantity(1000kg)


Yellow corn 70 31.62 316.22

Soya Bean 125 0 0

Fish 450 7.08 70.75

Bone Meal 15 6.17 61.73

Wheat Meal 45 52.73 527.37

Palm Kernel Cake 32 0 0

Methionine 850 0 0

Lime Stone 500 0 0

Salt 40 2.39 23.93

Lysine 40 0 0

Total - 100 1000

Total Amount: N79587

4.2 User Interface

Figure 4.1: Ingredients, nutrient composition and price

Figure 4.2: User Interface Broiler starter linear programming output
Figure 4.3: Bar chart showing Broiler Starter Diet
Figure 4.4: Linear graph showing Broiler starters Diet
Figure 4.5: User Interface showing Broiler Finisher linear programming output
Figure 4.6: Bar chart showing Broiler Finisher Diet
Figure 4.7: Linear graph showing Broiler Finisher Diet
Figure 4.8: User Interface showing chick linear programming output
Figure 4.9: Bar chart showing chick Diet
Figure 4.10: Linear graph showing chick Diet
Figure 4.11: User Interface showing Grower linear programming output
Figure 4.12: Bar chart showing Grower Diet
Figure 4.13: Linear graph showing Grower Diet
Figure 4.14: User Interface showing Layer linear programming output
Figure 4.15: Bar chart showing Layer Diet
Figure 4.13: Linear graph showing Layer Diet
Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 shows the results obtained from by employing a

computer based program in formulating feeds for poultry birds by applying linear programming

technique. The market price, quantity formulated per 1kg as well as quantity per 1000kg are

shown on the tables for each type of poultry bird with the total cost indicated at the bottom right

of each table, representing the output for each bird. Supporting these tables are the figures which

are snapshots of the original user interface showing the computational output of the software as

well as graphs for illustration of the results. Each poultry bird has its associated output result, bar

chat (for showing the percentage composition of each ingredient in a complete ration or diet in

bar chat) and line graph (for showing the percentage composition of each ingredient in a

complete ration or diet in line graph) as labeled in the figures.



The results obtained from the application of linear programming to formulation of poultry
feeds indicate that complete least cost diet for broiler starter contains 82.91% wheat offal,
11.53% yellow corn, 2.11% fish meal, 2.14% salt, 1.2 7% bone meal and 0.02% methionine
making use of the locally available feed ingredients. This combination meets the nutrient
requirements for healthy growth of broiler starter. The cost for this ration is N56116 per 1000kg.

Similarly, for broiler starter, the ration contains 65% wheat offal, 27.83% yellow corn,
3.47% fish meal, 2.43% salt, 1.15% bone meal, 0.08% lysine and 0.05% methionine making use
of the locally available feed ingredients. . This combination meets the nutrient requirements for
healthy growth of broiler finisher. The cost for this ration is N65919 per 1000kg.

Also for chicks, the ration contains 66.69% wheat offal, 24.30% yellow corn, 5.29% fish
meal, 2.54% salt, 1.16% bone meal and 0.03% methionine making use of the locally available
feed ingredients. . This combination meets the nutrient requirements for healthy growth of
chicks. The cost for this ration is N72271 per 1000kg.

For Growers, the ration contains 58.09% wheat offal, 31.47% yellow corn, 6.63% fish
meal, 2.68% salt, 1.09% bone meal and 0.04% methionine making use of the locally available
feed ingredients. . This combination meets the nutrient requirements for healthy growth of
growers. The cost for this ration is N79561 per 1000kg.

And lastly, for layers the ration contains 52.73% wheat offal, 31.62% yellow corn, 7.07%
fish meal, 6.17% bone meal 2.39% salt making use of the locally available feed ingredients. .
This combination meets the nutrient requirements for healthy growth of layers. The cost for this
ration is N79561 per 1000kg.

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Poultry feeds and feeding (available at


Formulation Logic code (note that all methods are name after the operation the perform)
User Interface Code
Xml Code
Broiler starter Nutrient Requirement
Broiler Finisher Nutrient Requirement

Chick Nutrient Requirement

Grower Nutrient Requirement

Broiler starter Nutrient Requirement

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