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Have you ever thought that the problem of childhood obesity is a problem
that should be considered today? The increasing rate of children suffering from
diseases caused by obesity requires us to pay more attention. It is noteworthy that
many children tend to become obese early because they do not understand
enough about the harmful effects of obesity. However, the following are two
solutions to help reduce the rate of childhood obesity such as increase exercise,
control diet.
With a sharp increase in the rate of childhood obesity, it will cause many
harmful effects to the body as well as the environment. Obesity causes diseases
such as heart disease or high blood pressure and makes children less active. This is
very dangerous to children's lives, so we need to take measures to help reduce
this situation. If not resolved, it will lead to serious consequences for children's
Encouraging children to exercise is the best way to prevent children from
becoming obese. Children should regularly exercise to avoid gaining too much
weight by playing sports. For example, playing basketball helps children have
better health, and their bodies develop fully. In addition, children should take part
in some activities to help them avoid boredom and stop using their phones so that
their energy is always expended. As a result, children will have a supple and
balanced body. Children can participate in school activities such as sports festivals
to play folk games and learn new knowledge.
Besides exercise, a reasonable diet is needed to effectively help children
avoid obesity. Nowadays, fast food is widely popular which cause children's eating
habits to be negatively affected. Most children prefer to eat junk food rather than
healthy food, which is not good. Children should not eat foods that contain a lot of
fat. Instead, they should eat in moderation and at the right time to maintain a
healthy and balanced body shape. For instance, children eat 3 meals a day and eat
lots of vegetables. Moreover, children should eat at regular times and not snack to
avoid feeling hungry all the time.
In conclusion, childhood obesity is a big problem that children should care
about. Obesity causes great harm to health, affecting the heart or similar
problems. They are all serious in the long term. Thus, children should do exercise
regularly and have a diet reasonably to reduce abilities of obesity. Parents should
also care and remind their children, so they better understand the harmful effects
of being overweight. Children should also be aware and adjust their habits from
now on.

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