Paper 1 Yr 4 2023

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[20 marks]

Questions 1 to 6

Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

1. The Parent-Teacher association _____________ an annual tele-match to raise

A forms
B arranges
C manages
D organises

2. Encik Imran sells fresh vegetables at the ____________.

A market
B bakery
C florist
D cafe

3. They ____________ when the bell rang.

A eat
B eating
C were eating
D was eating

4. The duckling is quacking noisily in ____________ nest.

A it
B its
C its’
D it’s

5. We can ________ emails, watch movies and video chat on a laptop.

A send
B sends
C sent
D sending

Choose the most suitable proverb.

6. Adelina was advised by her mother to buy a comfortable pair of shoes instead of a
branded one as they can’t afford it. Her mother believes that it is important to ___.

A let bygones be bygones

B blood is thicker than water
C make hay while the sun shines
D cut your coat according to your cloth

Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.

The pupils of SK Kampung Tun Razak organised a Food Fair to raise fund for
____(7)_____ needy. They set up stalls in the school hall. Many visitors browsed the
stalls and ______(8)_______ souvenirs, food and drinks. A few parents volunteered to
conduct ____(9)______ demonstrations too. Visitors gathered to watch them cook. After
that, they enjoyed the food samples.

7. A order 8 A so 9 A for
B orders B or B off
C ordered C but C by
D ordering D and D to

Choose the word that has the opposite meaning of the underlined word.

10. He spends most of his monthly salary.

A collects
B finishes
C saves
D stores

Choose the word with the correct spelling.

11. A Neighbourhood Watch programme helps prevent ___________ and snatch thefts
in the neighbourhood.
A burglares
B burglaries
C burgleries
D burgalries

Questions 12 to 15

Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that

Anjali was at the market yesterday. She ______12______ for her mother to finish

her grocery shopping. While waiting, she saw an old lady ______13_____ a basket full

of groceries. Suddenly, the basket slipped from the old lady’s hand. Anjali rushed over

to the old lady to _____14________ her. The lady _____15_____ Anjali for her help.

Her mother was very proud of her.

12. A is waiting 13. A carrying 14. A help 15.A thanking

B was waited B buying B helps B thanked
C was waiting C picking C helped C thanks
D were waiting D getting D helping D thank

Questions 16 to 20

Read the letter below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Dear Irfan,

Thank you for your previous letter which I received a few days ago. You asked
about the importance of spending wisely in your letter. Well, one of the importance is
we can use the money during emergencies. Besides that, we should learn the value
of money from young age so we will be responsible adults in the future. Finally, it is
better for us to only spend on things that we really need to avoid being in a situation
whereby we need to borrow from others. That would be really embarrassing!

I hope you spend your money wisely as the saying goes ‘a penny saved is a
penny earned’. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care.


16. What is the letter mainly about?

A Khadijah wants to spend money with Irfan.

B Irfan is planning to buy something with his pocket money
C Khadijah is advising Irfan about the importance of spending wisely.
D Khadijah want to spend her money wisely.

17. How many ideas were shared in the letter on the importance of spending wisely?

A Two
B Three
C Four
D None of the above

18. The phrase ‘a penny saved is a penny earned’ means ____________.

A money is meant to be spent

B discount
C the money we do not spend can be considered as savings
D money that is found can be used to buy expensive items

19. What was Khadijah referring to when she said ‘That would be really embarrassing’?

A Spending money wisely

B Using money during emergencies
C Buying only things that we need
D Borrowing money from others

20. From the letter, we can conclude that __________.

A Khadijah received the letter from Irfan

B Irfan and Khadijah are friends
C Both of them go to the same school
D Spending money wisely is not important to them


[15 marks]

Question 21

Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.




(2 marks)

(2 marks)




(2 marks)

Questions 23

Read the information in the table and answer the questions that follow.

Types of
souvenir Mug Jewellery box
Fridge magnet

Number Six Three One Two

Price RM10.90 RM29.20 RM35.50 RM49.90

Available at Wong’s Kumar’s Store Khadijah’s Batik House
Wonder Store Corner
Free - Paper bag Gift wrapping Rm5 gift
service voucher
Remark Metal and in Porcelain with Colourful and Cotton and
the shape of the name of the has crystals floral patterns
famous city visited

Tick (/) the correct answer.

(a) If Puan Rasita is at Khadijah’s Corner, she can buy ______ as a souvenir.
Jewellery boxes
fridge magnets [1 mark]

(b) Kisha wants to give a few of her friends a souvenir which shows the places she
visited. She should go to ________ to buy suitable souvenir.

Batik House
Kumar’s Store
Wong’s Wonder store
[1 mark]

(c) Match the phrase in List A to suitable phrase in List B. One has been done for

List A List B
The most expensive souvenir a paper bag.
The mugs come in on the jewellery boxes.
There are crystals made from metal.
The fridge magnets are Is a set of two scarves.

[3 marks]

(d) List two other things which make suitable souvenirs.

(i) _________________________________________________________

(ii) _________________________________________________________

[2 marks]

(e) From the given information, which souvenir would you buy for your friends? Give



[2 marks]


(15 marks)

Your friend from England would like to put up at Rasa Sayang Home Stay in December.
She wants to know more about the home stay.
Write an email to your friend telling her about at three activities she can do there.
Write your answer between 50 and 80 words. Write your answer in the space provided.

From : Date:

To: Time :
Subject : Rasa Sayang Home Stay



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