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Term 1

Biosphere and biomes - (not a lot, just definitions mostly)

What is a biome definition

What is a biosphere definition

What is Ecosystem definition

What is Ecology definition

Identify biome

Environment and ecosystems -

Know definitions

Abiotic and biotic -

Know definitions

Energy flow -

Difference between food chain and web

Web is a lot of chains

Know trophic levels

Know energy decreases with each trophic level

Water and oxygen cycles -

Study flow charts to understand the cycles

Classification schemes and main groupings-

Know the two naming systems (binominal, genus and species, genus always capital)
Underline everything ^

Main grouping (protista, animalia, plantae, etc.)

Term 2

History of life -

Geological time scale etc.

About 43 marks

Cambrium explosion, what it is and what it meant

Hard study this topic

Know what is a mass extinction, when is it classified as mass extinction

Know relative dating and radiometric

Chemistry of life -

33 Marks

Know vitamins and minerals etc. Deficiency and function for multiple choice

Don’t rly have to know mono, di saccharide etc (fructose, galactose, etc.) (know terminology)

Organic compound

Function and structure of cells (importantish)

Know magnification for this topic (def there, 3-5 marks)

Know the organelles definitions

Drawing mitochondria or chloroplast know diagrams

Term 3
Cell division -

90 marks

Give diagrams, arrange diagrams, labels, draw the next phase, centromere and centriole are
Cancer, what is cancer, what causes cancer

Animal and plant tissues -

Diagrams, identify what tissue (cardiac muscle, etc.)

Structure of the leaf, know cuticle

Transport system in plants -

Transpiration, transpiration pull, capillarity, etc. Know all phases

Path way of water

Know diff between dicot stem cross section and root cross section

Labels and functions

Support system in animals -

Human skeleton, know skeleton, bones, labels and functions

Support, protection of organs (heart by rib cage)

Term 4
Transport system in animals

Path way of blood, talk about oxygenated or deoxygenated blood

Label interior of the heart

Know cardiac cycle, timings of systole diastole etc.

Know muscle that seperated the two sides of the heart, all labels (septum)

Know pedicardium sac

Know the double circulatorial system (heart to lungs, heart to body)

Structure, labels and functions

Remember the conducting tissue (SA node, AV node, fibers of purkinje)

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