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have the power to better the lives of

Review Well!! poor people in developing countries
5. differentiators between countries that
In the past, science is learned as an are able to tackle poverty effectively by
independent study from other fields. It growing and developing their
focuses on the scientific methods, economies, and those that are not.
natural processes and understanding 6. engine of growth
nature. But in the current global 7. interventions for cognitive
scenario, science is studied holistically, enhancement, proton cancer therapy and
often in an interdisciplinary method, genetic engineering
emphasizing systems rather than
processes, synthesis more than analysis The Egyptian medicine was considered
and predicting nature’s behavior in order advanced as compared with other
to have useful application in solving ancient nations because of one of the
contemporary problems. early inventions of Egyptian civilization
– the papyrus. The papyrus is an ancient
To solve our contemporary problems, form of paper, made from the papyrus
science needs to become more plant, a reed which grows in the marshy
multidisciplinary and its practitioners areas around the Nile river. As early as
should continue to promote cooperation 3,000 years before Christ, Egyptians
and integration between the social and took thin slices of the stem of the
natural sciences. A holistic approach papyrus plant, laid them crosswise on
also demands that science draw on the top of each other, moistened them, and
contributions of the humanities (such as then pressed and dried them. The result
history and philosophy), local was a form of paper that was reasonably
knowledge systems, aboriginal wisdom, easy to write on and store.
and the wide variety of cultural values.
The ancient Greeks were the early
The Role of Science and Technology thinkers and as far as historians can tell,
1. alter the way people live, connect, they were the first true scientists. They
communicate and transact, with collected facts and observations and then
profound effects on economic used those observations to explain the
development; natural world. Although many cultures
2. key drivers to development, because like the ancient Egyptians,
technological and scientific revolutions Mesopotamians, and Chinese had
underpin economic advances, collected observations and facts, they
improvements in health systems, had not tried to use those facts to
education and infrastructure; develop explanations of the world
3. The technological revolutions of the around them.
21st century are emerging from entirely
new sectors, based on micro-processors, Ancient China gave the world the Four
tele-communications, bio-technology Great Inventions that include the
and nano-technology. Products are compass, gunpowder, papermaking and
transforming business practices across printing. These were considered as
the economy, as well as the lives of all among the most important technological
who have access to their effects. The advances and were only known to
most remarkable breakthroughs will Europe 1000 years later or during the
come from the interaction of insights end of the Middle ages. These four
and applications arising when these inventions had a profound impact on the
technologies converge. development of civilization throughout
the world. However, some modern
Chinese scholars have opined that other
Chinese inventions were perhaps more The Enlightenment Period or the Age of
sophisticated and had a greater impact Reason was characterized by radical
on Chinese civilization – the Four Great reorientation in science, which
Inventions serve merely to highlight the emphasized reason over superstition and
technological interaction between East science over blind faith. This period
and West. produced numerous books, essays,
inventions, scientific discoveries, laws,
The 14th century was the beginning of wars and revolutions. The American and
the cultural movement of the French Revolutions were directly
Renaissance, which was considered by inspired by Enlightenment ideals and
many as the Golden Age of Science. respectively marked the peak of its
During the Renaissance period, great influence and the beginning of its
advances occurred in geography, decline. The Enlightenment ultimately
astronomy, chemistry, physics, gave way to 19th-century Romanticism.
mathematics, anatomy, manufacturing, The Enlightenment’s important 17th-
and engineering. The rediscovery of century precursors included the key
ancient scientific texts was accelerated natural philosophers of the Scientific
after the Fall of Constantinople in 1453, Revolution, including Galileo Galilei,
and the invention of printing Johannes Kepler and Gottfried Wilhelm
democratized learning and allowed a Leibniz. Its roots are usually traced to
faster propagation of new ideas. 1680s England, where in the span of
three years Isaac Newton published his
But this initial period is usually seen as “Principia Mathematica” (1686) and
one of scientific backwardness. There John Locke his “Essay Concerning
were no new developments in physics or Human Understanding” (1689)—two
astronomy, and the reverence for works that provided the scientific,
classical sources further enshrined the mathematical and philosophical toolkit
Aristotelian and Ptolemaic views of the for the Enlightenment’s major advances.
universe. Renaissance philosophy lost
much of its rigour as the rules of logic What science offered in the 18th century
and deduction were seen as secondary to was the hope that careful observation
intuition and emotion. At the same time, and experimentation might improve
Renaissance humanism stressed that industrial production significantly. The
nature came to be viewed as an animate science of metallurgy permitted the
spiritual creation that was not governed tailoring of alloy steels to industrial
by laws or mathematics. Science would specifications, the science of chemistry
only be revived later, with such figures permitted the creation of new
as Copernicus, Gerolamo Cardano, substances, like the aniline dyes, of
Francis Bacon, and Descartes. fundamental industrial importance, and
The most important technological that electricity and magnetism were
advance of all in this period was the harnessed in the electric dynamo and
development of printing, with movable motor. Until that period science
metal type, about the mid-15th century probably profited more from industry
in Germany. Johannes Gutenberg is than the other way around. It was the
usually called its inventor, but in fact steam engine that posed the problems
many people and many steps were that led, by way of a search for a theory
involved. of steam power, to the creation of
thermodynamics. Most importantly, as
industry required ever more complicated time was the Royal and Pontifical
and intricate machinery, University of Santo Tomas.
the machine tool industry developed to But the very strict hold of the church
provide it and, in the process, made among citizens and its intervention and
possible the construction of ever more meddling to the government propelled
delicate and refined instruments for by fear of intellectual awakening among
science. As science turned from the Filipinos have greatly hindered the
everyday world to the worlds of atoms progress of these professionals to further
and molecules, electric currents and enhance their knowledge, conduct
magnetic fields, microbes and viruses, scientific investigations and contribute
and nebulae and galaxies, instruments to the advancement of society. But a few
increasingly provided the sole contact of persistent Filipino scientists
with phenomena. A large refracting succeeded by educating themselves
telescope driven by intricate clockwork abroad. One notable example of course
to observe nebulae was as much a is our national hero, the great Dr. Jose P.
product of 19th-century heavy industry Rizal. Dr. Jose Rizal is the epitome of
as were the steam locomotive and the the Renaissance man in the Philippine
steamship. context. He is a scientist, a doctor, an
engineer (he designed and built a water
There is not much written about the system in Dapitan), a journalist, a
Philippines during pre-colonial time but novelist, an urban planner and a hero.
analysis from archeological artifacts Being a doctor and scientist, he had
revealed that the first inhabitants in the extensive knowledge on medicine and
archipelago who settled in Palawan and was able to operate his mother’s
Batangas around 40 000 years ago have blinding eye. When he was deported in
made simple tools or weapons of stone Dapitan, his knowledge on science and
which eventually developed techniques engineering was translated into
for sawing, drilling and polishing hard technology by creating a water system
stones. This very primitive technology that improved the sanitation of
was brought by primal needs of survival households in the area.
by hunting wild animals and gathering
fruits and vegetables in the forest. They If the development in science and
learned that by polishing hard stones, technology was very slow during the
they can develop sharp objects that are Spanish regime, the Philippines saw a
useful in their day to day activities. rapid growth during the American
From this early, we can see that occupation and was made possible by
technology was developed because of a the government’s extensive public
great necessity. education system from elementary to
tertiary schools. The establishment of
As claimed by Caoili (1983), the various public tertiary schools like the
beginnings of modern science and Philippine Normal School and
technology in the country can be traced University of the Philippines provided
back to the Spanish regime because they the needs for professionally trained
established schools, hospitals and started Filipinos in building the government’s
scientific research that had important organization and programs. The growth
consequences in the development of the and application of science were still
country. These schools, which are concentrated on the health sector in the
mostly run by Spanish friars, formed the form of biochemical analyses in
first Filipino professionals. The The 3 hospitals. The government supported
highest institution of learning during this basic and applied research in the
medical, agricultural and related library. The bureau was initially
sciences. The University of the managed by American senior scientists
Philippines Los Baños opened the but as more Filipinos were trained and
College of Agriculture in 1909 while the acquire the necessary knowledge and
University of the Philippines –Diliman skills, they eventually took over their
opened the Colleges of Arts, positions. The Bureau of Science served
Engineering and Veterinary Medicine in as the primary training ground for
1910. The College of Medicine was Filipino scientists and paved the way for
opened four years later. During this pioneering scientific research, most
time, there were already quite a number especially on the study of various
of qualified Filipino physicians who tropical diseases that were prevalent
held teaching positions in the College of during those times like leprosy,
Medicine, whereas most of the early tuberculosis, cholera, dengue fever,
instructors and professors in other malaria and beri-beri. Another great
colleges such as in the sciences and contribution of the Bureau of Science to
engineering were Americans and the development of science and
foreigners. Capacity building programs technology in the country was the
that include sending qualified Filipinos publication of the Philippine Journal of
abroad for advanced training were Science. This scientific journal
conducted to eventually fill up the published researches done in local
teaching positions in Philippine laboratories and reported global
universities. Moreover, the American scientific developments that had
colonial government sent Filipino relevance to the Philippine society. The
youths to be educated as teachers, Bureau of Science became the primary
engineers, physicians and lawyers in research center of the Philippines until
American colleges to further capacitate World War II. Lastly, on December 8,
the Filipinos in various fields. However, 1933, the National Research Council of
there was difficulty in recruiting the Philippines was established.
students for science and technology
courses like veterinary medicine, On April 6, 1968, Pres. Ferdinand
engineering, agriculture, applied Marcos proclaimed the 35-hectare land
sciences and industrial-vocational in Bicutan, Taguig as the site of the
courses. The enrollment in these courses Philippine Science Community. Then in
were dismal that the government had to 1969, the government provided funds to
offer scholarships to attract students. private universities to encourage them to
The unpopularity of these courses conduct research and create courses in
stemmed from the Filipinos’ disdain science and technology. The government
toward manual work that developed also conducted seminars for public and
from the 400 years under Spanish private high school and college science
colonization. The Filipinos then prefer teachers, training programs and
prestigious professions at that time like scholarships for graduate and
priesthood, law and medicine. The undergraduate science scholars, and
government provided more support for workshops on fisheries and
the development of science and created Oceanography In the 1970s, focus on
the Bureau of Government Laboratories science and technology was given to
in and was later changed to Bureau of applied research and the main objective
Science. It was composed of a biological was to generate products and processes
laboratory, chemical laboratory, serum that were supposed to have a greater
laboratory for the production of virus beneficial impact to the society. Relative
vaccine, serums and prophylactics, and a to this, several research institutes were
established under the National Science sciences” who will serve as the reservoir
Development Board (NSDB) which of scientific and technological expertise
includes the Philippine Coconut for the country.
Research Institute and Philippine Textile
Research Institute. Moreover, the In the Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
Philippine Atomic Energy Commission, administration, numerous laws and
another agency under NSDB, explored projects were implemented which
the uses of atomic energy for economic concerns both the environment and
development. To prepare the pool of science to push technology as a tool to
scientists who will work on Philippine increase the country’s economic level.
Atomic Commission, Pres. Marcos This is to help increase the productivity
assisted 107 institutions in undertaking from Science, Technology and
nuclear energy work by sending Innovations (STI) and help benefit the
scientists abroad to study nuclear poor people. Moreover, the term
science and technology, and providing “Filipinnovation” was the coined term
basic training to 482 scientists, doctors, used in helping the Philippines to be an
engineers and technicians. Then in 1972, innovation hub in Asia.The STI was
by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 4, developed further by strengthening the
the National Grains Authority was schools and education system such as
created and it was tasked to improve the the Philippine Science High School
rice and corn industry and thereby help (PSHS), which focuses in science,
in the economic development of the technology and mathematics in their
country. This was followed by the curriculum. This helps schools produce
creation of Philippine Council for get more involve in this sector. Private
Agricultural Research to support the sectors were also encouraged to
progressive development of agriculture, participate in developing the schools
forestry, and fisheries in the country. through organizing events and
The Marcos administration also sponsorships. Future Filipino scientists
established the Philippine Atmospheric and innovators can be produced through
Geophysical and Astronomical Service this system.
Administration (PAGASA) under the
Department of National Defense to During President Fidel Ramos’s term,
provide environmental protection and to there was a significant increase in
utilize scientific knowledge to ensure the personnel specializing in the science and
safety of the people through Presidential technology field. In 1998, there was an
Decree No. 78, s. 1972. On the estimated 3,000 competent scientists and
following year, the Philippine National engineers in the Philippines. Adding to
Oil Company was created by virtue of the increase of scientists would be the
Presidential Decree No. 334, s. 1973, to result of the two newly built Philippine
promote industrial and economic Science High Schools in Visayas and
development through effective and Mindanao which promotes further
efficient use of energy sources. To development of young kids through
strengthen the scientific culture in the advance S&T curriculum. The
country, the National Academy of government provided 3,500 scholarships
Science and Technology was established for students who were taking up
under Presidential Decree No. 1003-A, professions related to S&T. Priority for
s. 1976. The National Academy of S&T personnel increased when Magna
Science and Technology was composed Carta for Science and Technology
of scientists with “innovative Personnel (Republic Act No. 8439) was
achievement in the basic and applied established. The award was published in
order to give incentives and rewards for features. It enables a more precise
people who have been influential in the estimate of the country’s agricultural
field of S&T. Still under the Ramos production, provides images of
administration, DOST established the watersheds and floodplains for a better
“Science and Technology Agenda for understanding of water available for
National Development (STAND)”, a irrigation, power and domestic
program that was significant to the field consumption. The satellite also provides
of S&T. It identified seven export accurate information on any disturbance
products, 11 domestic needs, three other and degradation of forest and upland
supporting industries, and the coconut areas. The country also has the
industry as priority investment areas. Nationwide Operational Assessment of
The seven identified export products Hazards (NOAH), which uses the Lidar
were computer software; fashion (light detection and ranging) technology.
accessories; gifts, toys, and houseware; Project NOAH was initiated in June
marine products; metal fabrications; 2012 to help manage risks associated
furniture; and dried fruits. The domestic with natural hazards and disasters. The
needs identified were food, housing, project developed hydromet sensors and
health, clothing, transportation, high-resolution geo-hazard maps, which
communication, disaster mitigation, were generated by light detection and
defense, environment, manpower ranging technology for flood modeling.
development, and energy. Three Noah helps the government in providing
additional support industries were timely warning with a lead time of at
included in the list of priority sectors, least six hours in the wake of impending
namely, packaging, chemicals, and floods. The country is now training the
metals because of their linkages with the Cambodians on this technology, as part
above sectors. of the partnerships among ASEAN
countries, just like in the case of Japan
Hopes in Philippine Science and which assisted the country’s scientists
Technology and engineers in building its first micro-
Despite the many inadequacies, from Another hope lies in the so-called
funding to human capital, there are some Intelligent Operation Center
science and technology-intensive Platform.Established through a
research and capacity-building projects collaboration between the local
which resulted in products which are government of Davao City and IBM
currently being used successfully and Philippines Inc., the center resulted in
benefits the society. One of these is the the creation of a dashboard that allows
micro-satellite. In April 2016, the authorized government agencies, such as
country launched into space its first police, fire and anti-terrorism task force,
micro-satellite called Diwata-1. It was to use analytics software for monitoring
designed, developed and assembled by events and operations in real time.
Filipino researchers and engineers under
the guidance of Japanese experts. The A scientific paradigm is a framework
Diwata (deity in English) satellite containing all the commonly accepted
provides real-time, high-resolution and views about a subject, conventions about
multi-color infrared images for various what direction research should take and
applications, including meteorological how it should be performed. The
imaging, crop and ocean productivity philosopher Thomas Kuhn suggested
measurement and high-resolution that a paradigm includes “the practices
imaging of natural and man-made that define a scientific discipline at a
certain point in time." Paradigms contain century Greek astronomer, Ptolemy was
all the distinct, established patterns, the main authority who put order to and
theories, common methods and passed this cumbersome system of
standards that allow us to recognize an epicycles to posterity.
experimental result as belonging to a
field or not. Science proceeds by At this time, Tycho Brahe, using only
accumulating support for hypotheses the naked eye, tracked the entire orbits
which in time become models and of various stars and planets. Previously,
theories. But those models and theories astronomers would only track part of an
themselves exist within a larger orbit at a time and assume that orbit was
theoretical framework. The vocabulary in a perfect circle. Brahe kept extensive
and concepts in Newton’s three laws or records of his observations, but did not
the central dogma in biology are really know what to do with them. That
examples of scientific “open resources" task was left to his successor, Johannes
that scientists have adopted and which Kepler.
now form part of the scientific
paradigm. Kepler was a brilliant mathematician
Paradigms are historically and culturally who had a mystical vision of the
bound. For example, a modern Chinese mathematical perfection of the universe
medical researcher with a background in that owed a great deal to the ancient
eastern medicine, will operate within a Greek mathematician Pythagoras.
different paradigm than a western doctor Despite these preoccupations, Kepler
from the 1800s was open minded enough to realize that
Brahe's data showed the planetary orbits
Nicolas Copernicus was a Polish scholar were not circular. Finally, his
working at the University of Padua in calculations showed that those orbits
northern Italy. The problem he wrestled were elliptical.
with was the paths of planetary orbits.
Through the centuries close observations Using his telescope, Galileo saw the
had shown that the heavens do not sun's perfection marred by sunspots and
always appear to move in perfect, the moon's perfection marred by craters.
uninterrupted circles. Rather, they He also saw four moons orbiting Jupiter.
sometimes seem to move backwards in In his book, The Starry Messenger
what are known as retrogradations. In (1611), he reported these disturbing
order to account for these irregularities, findings and spread the news across
astronomers did not do away with Europe. Most people could not
Aristotle's theory of perfectly circular understand Kepler's math, but anyone
orbits around the earth. Instead, they could look through a telescope and see
expanded upon it, adding smaller for himself the moon's craters and
circular orbits (epicycles) that spun off Jupiter's moons.
the main orbits. These more or less The Church tried to preserve the
accounted for the retrogradations seen in Aristotelian and Ptolemaic view of the
orbits. Each time a new irregularity was universe by clamping down on Galileo
observed, a new epicycle was added. By and his book and made him promise not
the 1500's, the model of the universe had to preach his views. However, in 1632,
some 80 epicycles attached to ten Galileo published his next book,
crystalline spheres (one for the moon, Dialogue on the Great World Systems,
sun, each of the five known planets, the which technically did not preach the
totality of the stars, a sphere to move the Copernican theory (which Galileo
other spheres, and heaven). The second
believed in), but was only a dialogue centuries, had gradually ushered in the
presenting both views "equally". Galileo notion that the workings of
got his point across by having the the universe could be explained by
advocate of the Church and Aristotelian human reason. It was shown that the
view named Simplicius (Simpleton). He earth is not the center of the universe,
was quickly faced with the Inquisition but a small planet rotating around an
and the threat of torture. Being an old average star; that the universe is
man of 70, he recanted his views. immense in space and in time; and that
However, it was too late. Word was out, the motions of the planets around the
and the heliocentric heresy was gaining sun can be explained by the same simple
new followers daily. laws that account for the motion of
physical objects on our planet. These
The printing of Newton's book, Principia and other discoveries greatly expanded
Mathematica, in 1687 is often seen as human knowledge, but the intellectual
the start of the Enlightenment (1687- revolution these scientists brought about
1789). It was a significant turning point was more fundamental: a commitment to
in history, for, armed with the tools of the postulate that the universe obeys
Newton's laws and calculus, scientists immanent laws that account for natural
had an unprecedented faith in their phenomena. The workings of the
ability to understand, predict, and universe were brought into the realm of
manipulate the laws of nature for their science: explanation through natural
own purposes. This sense of power laws. Physical phenomena could be
popularized science for other accounted for whenever the causes were
intellectuals and rulers in Europe, adequately known.
turning it into virtual religion for some
in the Enlightenment. Even the The conviction that physical diseases of
geometrically trimmed shrubbery of the brain caused mental illness meant
Versailles offers testimony to that faith that psychological causes–the kinds that
in our power over nature. Not until this Freud would insist on studying– were
century has that faith been seriously ignored. It also meant that people drew a
undermined or put into a more realistic sharp dividing line between the "insane"
perspective. and the "sane." Insane people were those
with physical diseases of the brain. Sane
The publication in 1859 of The Origin people were those without diseased
of Species by Charles Darwin ushered in brains. Freud changed all of this.
a new era in the intellectual history of Despite his background in physicalism
humanity. Darwin is deservedly given (learned during his stay in Ernst
credit for the theory of biological Brücke's laboratory), his theories
evolution: he accumulated evidence explicitly rejected the purely organic
demonstrating that organisms evolve explanations of his predecessors. One of
and discovered the process, natural Freud's biggest influences during his
selection, by which they evolve. But the early days as a neurologist was Jean-
importance of Darwin's achievement is Martin Charcot, the famous French
that it completed the Copernican psychiatrist. Charcot claimed that
revolution initiated three centuries hysteria had primarily organic causes,
earlier, and thereby radically changed and that it had a regular, comprehensible
our conception of the universe and the pattern of symptoms. Freud agreed with
place of humanity in it. The discoveries Charcot on the latter point, but he
of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and disagreed entirely on the former. In
Newton in the sixteenth and seventeenth essence, Freud claimed that neurotic
people had working hardware, but faulty in a uniquely simple phonetic structure
software. Earlier psychiatrists like has probably revolutionized civilization
Charcot, in contrast, had claimed that more than any other invention in history.
the problems were entirely in the
hardware. As psychoanalysis became Aside from China, there were other
increasingly popular, psychology and Asian countries that contributed to the
psychiatry turned away from the search development of science and technology
for organic causes and toward the search in the world, although it varied
for inner psychic conflicts and early depending on country and time,
childhood traumas. As a consequence, specially in the present times. Currently,
the line between sane and insane was Japan is probably the most notable
blurred: everyone, according to Freud, country in Asia in terms of scientific and
had an Oedipal crisis, and everyone technological achievement, particularly
could potentially become mentally ill. in terms of its electronics and
automobile products. Other countries are
Of all the accomplishments of the also notable in other scientific fields
ancient Middle East, the invention of the such as chemical and physical
alphabet is probably the greatest. While achievements. The general conception is
pre-alphabetic systems of writing in the that many of the cutting-edge
Old World became steadily more technological developments, and to a
phonetic, they were still exceedingly lesser extent scientific advancements,
cumbersome, and the syllabic systems emanate from Asia. For instance, Japan,
that gradually replaced them remained Taiwan, South Korea, and China
complex and difficult. In the early together produce a staggering 90% of
Hyksos period (17th century BC) the the world’s digital gadgets. Aside from
Northwestern Semites living in Egypt the region’s hardware dominance,
adapted hieroglyphic characters—in at nations across Asia are becoming
least two slightly differing forms of increasingly important to the global
letters—to their own purposes. Thus was supply of digital content and services,
developed the earliest known purely something which will only increase as
consonantal alphabet, imitated in the continent develops over the coming
northern Syria, with the addition of two decades.
letters to designate vowels used with the
glottal catch. The history of the sciences in Africa is
This alphabet spread rapidly and was in rich and diverse. The applied sciences of
quite common use among the agronomy, metallurgy, engineering and
Northwestern Semites (Canaanites, textile production, as well as medicine,
Hebrews, Aramaeans, and especially the dominated the field of activity across
Phoenicians) soon after its invention. By Africa. So advanced was the culture of
the 9th century BC the Phoenicians were farming within West Africa, that ‘New
using it in the western Mediterranean, World‘ agricultural growth was spawned
and the Greeks and Phrygians adopted it by the use of captives from these
in the 8th. The alphabet contributed African societies that had already made
vastly to the Greek cultural and literary enormous strides in the field of
revolution in the immediately following agronomy. In her work Black Rice,
period. From the Greeks it was Judith Carnoy demonstrates the legacy
transmitted to other Western peoples. of enslaved Africans to the Americas in
Since language must always remain the the sphere of rice cultivation. We know
chief mode of communication for also that a variety of African plants were
people, its union with hearing and vision adopted in Asia, including coffee, the oil
palm, fonio or acha (digitaria exilis), might turn one into button pusher and
African rice (oryza glabberima), and cause massive unemployment.
sorghum (sorghum bicolor). Plants, Userfriendly systems can be easily used
whether in terms of legumes, grain, by untrained people. The key
vegetables, tubers, or, wild or cultivated development that made personal
fruits, also had medicinal implications computers possible was the invention of
for Africans and were used as the microprocessor chip at Intel in 1971.
anesthetics or pain killers, analgesics for
the control of fever, antidotes to counter The truly revolutionary impact of the
poisons, and anthelmints aimed at Information Revolution is just beginning
deworming. They were used also in to be felt. But it is not "information" that
cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal, and fuels this impact. It is not "artificial
dermatological contexts. Some of these intelligence." It is not the effect of
such as hoodia gordonii and combrettum computers and data processing on
caffrum are being integrated within decisionmaking, policymaking, or
contemporary pharmaceutical systems strategy. It is something that practically
(Emeagwali, n.d.) no one foresaw or, indeed, even talked
about ten or fifteen years ago: e-
Information revolution is a period of commerce—that is, the explosive
change that describes current economic, emergence of the Internet as a major,
social and technological trends beyond perhaps eventually the major, worldwide
the Industrial Revolution. The distribution channel for goods, for
information revolution was fueled by services, and, surprisingly, for
advances in semiconductor technology, managerial and professional jobs. This is
particularly the metal-oxide- profoundly changing economies,
semiconductor field-effect transistor markets, and industry structures;
(MOSFET) and the integrated circuit products and services and their flow;
(IC) chip, leading to the Information consumer segmentation, consumer
Age in the early 21stcentury (Lukasiak, values, and consumer behavior; jobs and
2010; Orton, 2009). labor markets. But the impact may be
even greater on societies and politics
Information revolution might prove as and, above all, on the way we see the
significant to the lives of people. world and ourselves in it.
Computer technology is at the root of
this change, and continuing In the Philippines, the Department of
advancements in that technology seem Science and Technology (DOST) is
to ensure that this revolution would tasked to oversee and manage national
touch the lives of people. Computers are technology development and
unique machines; they help to extend the acquisition, undertake technological and
brain power. Computerized robots have scientific research and promote public
been replacing blue-collar workers; they consciousness of science and
might soon be replacing white collar technology. DOST is responsible for
workers as well. Computers are merely formulating and adopting a
devices that follow sets of instructions comprehensive National Science and
called computer programs, or software, Technology plan for the Philippines and
that have been written by people called subsequently, to monitor and coordinate
computer programmers. Computers its funding and implementation. It
offer many benefits, but there are also undertakes policy research, technology
many dangers. They could help others assessment, feasibility and technical
invade one's privacy or wage war. They studies, and maintains a national
information system and databank on caters to the specific needs of the
science and technology. Regions, which include upgrading,
In 2017, DOST launched the Science for development, and acquisition of R&D
the People thru Administrative Order equipment to undertake collaborative
No. 003 s. 2017. This is in response to R&D activities. Currently, there are 18
the government’s call to address existing NICERs across 14 regions for a
inequity in developments within and total funding of P641M.
among countries and is aligned with the
national goals and plans. It aims to make The R&D Leadership Program
science and technology more relevant to complements the establishment of R&D
the conditions, needs and opportunities Centers thru the NICER Program.
for contributing to regional development RDLead provides the mechanism to
while keeping abreast with the trends bring in experts and highly skilled
and development in the country and in professionals with strong leadership,
the world. Likewise, the program management and innovative policy-
intends to maximize the use of science, making proficiencies to be in charge of
enhance innovation and the creative strengthening the research capabilities of
capacity of the Filipinos towards the the HEIs, National Government
achievement of inclusive and sustainable Agencies (NGAs) and Research
growth. Development Institutions (RDIs) in the
regions. Together, the RDLead and
The Science for Change Program NICER Programs will capacitate HEIs
(S4CP) was created by the Department to help improve and hasten the use of
of Science and Technology (DOST) to research results that will contribute to
accelerate STI in the country in order to the socio-economic development of the
keep up with the developments in our country and help address pressing
time wherein technology and innovation challenges. The NRCP is the
are game changers. Through the Science implementing agency for this program.
for Change Program (S4CP), the DOST
can significantly accelerate STI in the To light up the rest of the Philippines
country. sustainably was the vision of Filipina
scientist Aisa Mijeno when she made the
The NICER Program capacitates Higher Sustainable Alternative Lighting (SALt)
Education Institutions (HEIs) in the lamp. The product concept was formed
regions to make significant after living with the Butbut tribe for
improvement in regional research by weeks relying only on kerosene lamps
integrating its development needs with and moonlight to do evening chores. Her
the existing R&D capabilities and mission and advocacy is to address the
resources. It provides institutional grants light inequality gap and end the use of
for HEIs in the regions for R&D combustion based light sources
capacity building to improve their S&T (kerosene lamps and candles) for the 16
infrastructure. The NICER Program was Million Filipinos and 1.4 Billion people
established in consultation with the across the world.
academe and industry; and endorsed by
the Regional Development Council He is a Filipino scientist, inventor and
(RDC). Hence, a NICER is a unique horticulturist who is known for his
center for collaborative R&D to address successful experiment on the
specific S&T needs of local inducement of flowering of mango trees
communities and industries, thereby by spraying them with ethrel and
accelerating regional development. It potassium nitrate. He developed a
process that caused the flowering and is “Soyalac,” a powdered preparation of
fruiting of mango trees three times a soya-beans, which helped save
year, instead on once a year, so the lives of thousands of Filipinos,
dramatically improving yields. Since his Americans, and other nationals who ever
discovery, the mango industry in the held prisoners in different Japanese
Philippines expanded. Apart from the concentration camps during World War
mango producers themselves, other II.
business sectors such as the producers of
the pest control chemicals, harvesters, The role and goal of science in
sellers, and all the other smaller groups education should always be the same.
of workers related to mango industry Since science is considered both
have benefitted from his invention. This knowledge and method, operating
technology has also been successfully independent of time and place, the
applied on other fruit trees including benefits of science anywhere can only
cashew. be the same. The value of science lies
not only in the knowledge that it imparts
She is known as the Mother of and bequeaths to the learner but also in
Philippine Pediatrics, a very great its methods and techniques that inculcate
scientist and a symbol of female in the learner’s scientific habits, skills,
empowerment in medicine, both in the and attitudes. Science, even as it is
Philippines and abroad. The first Asian considered a body of knowledge, it is
woman admitted into Harvard, she also taken as methodology. It has given
pursued graduate degrees in America a tangible method and system to what
after receiving her medical degree from would otherwise be by chance and
the University of the Philippines. Del accident. From the utilization of
Mundo pioneered numerous inventions scientific methods and techniques, one is
throughout her more than 70-year able to very possibly explain the past
medical career. She revolutionized and predict what the future holds.
Philippine medicine, making major
breakthroughs in immunization and in The general benefits of science have
the treatment of jaundice, and providing greatly challenged education of the
healthcare to thousands of poor families. Philippines. While the country might
She is credited with studies that led to have been a beneficiary of the methods
the invention of the incubator and a of science even before the program of
jaundice relieving device. formal education, it was during the
American period that brought about a
Advances in modern Filipino food most significant and essential change in
technology owe a great deal to the the nature of education. There has been
creative researches and salutary a corresponding increase in knowledge
inventiveness of a woman chemist and and understanding of natural and social
pharmacist from Batangas – Maria Y. phenomena covered by all the
Orosa. The nowcommercially available disciplines of science available now. It is
thirst quencher, the calamansi juice, is this education that has been largely
just one of the popular native food credited for the development of science
products in whose preparation and in the Philippines.
preservation she had a hand. She
produced the “calamansi nip,” the
desiccated and powdered form of the
fruit which could be made into juice.
The most notable of her food inventions,

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