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Exploring the Impact of Social Media Influencers

On Consumer Behaviour and Purchase

Decisions in High School Students

 Explores how online personalities on social media platforms

impact high school students' choices and opinions. It
highlights the influential role that these personalities play
in shaping the students' decision-making and perspectives

 Collaboration with influencers can provide marketers with

valuable insights, enabling them to tailor their outreach and
engagement strategies to a specific audience. By leveraging
these insights, marketers can develop more resonant and
successful marketing campaigns that resonate with the target

 Examines the buying patterns of younger consumers, offering

valuable insights to businesses targeting this market
segment. Using this information, companies can fine-tune
their marketing campaigns and product lines to better align
with the preferences of young people.

 Exploring influencers on social media in an educational

context can enhance student learning outcomes. Specifically,
it can foster their understanding of technology and sharpen
their critical thinking skills.

 To explore the psychological factors behind the

effectiveness of influencer marketing. Specifically, it will
investigate how influencers shape young consumers' decision-
making, their interactions on social media, and their
feelings about themselves

 The study "Impact of Social Media on Consumer Behaviour"

focused on how social media usage influences consumer
satisfaction in the stages of information search and
alternative evaluation. The variables included the type of
social media used and the type of information searched

 Libertad National High School –

 March 30 to May 31

 To understand the influence of social media influencers on

high school students’ consumer behaviour and purchasing
decisions to identify the factors that contribute to the
effectiveness in influencing high students’ consumer
behaviour –

 Student of Libertad National High School- 50 Humss students

 By using questionnaires Background of the study


The background of the study exploring the impact of social media

influencers on consumer behaviour and purchase decisions in high
school students is based on numerous studies that have already
demonstrated the significant role of influencers in influencing
consumer behaviour and purchasing choices. These studies have
shown that social media influencers have a considerable impact on
consumers' decision-making processes, including high school
students. The background of the study aims to build upon the
existing knowledge and delve deeper into understanding the
specific impact of social media influencers on consumer behaviour
and purchase decisions among high school students.

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