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Topic 1: Environment

I. Revision
1. organic: 6. renewable energy:
2. purpose: 7. substances:
3. demand: 8. lead to:
4. diverse: 9. consume:
5. source: 10. extract:
11. effective = ef_________: 16. emit = re__________:
12. main = m_______ = l_________ : 17. infrastructure:
13. _________: lượng 18. facility = equ___________:
14. available: 19. habitat:
15. productivity: 20. indispensable:

21. greenhouse effect:

22. generate = produce:
23. rise = inc_______ = grow:
24. reduce = dec_________ = decline:
25. use ______ = run ____________ = dep________ : hết, cạn kiệt
II. New words
1. purpose (n):
2. thus = hence = as a result = therefore (adv):
3. absorb (v): => absorption (n)
4. thermal (adj):
5. surface (n):
6. average (adj):
7. stable (adj):
8. photosynthesis (n):
9. interfere (v):
10. extreme weather: ~ natural disasters:
11. drought (n)
12. adapt (v)
13. food chain (n):
14. encourage
15. vulnerable = susceptible = prone + to N: dễ bị tổn thương/ảnh hưởng bởi ….

A. A greenhouse is a structure with its walls and roofs made of glass (or other transparent materials), which
allows sunlight to get through and keep the warmth inside the building. This structure is often used for
agricultural purposes, allowing plants to survive in cold weather. A quite similar effect happens within the
Earth’s atmosphere, keeping our planet’s temperature warm enough for all life forms to thrive. This effect was
thus named “greenhouse effect” by the English physicist John Henry Poynting in 1909, although the theory of
its existence was proposed as early as 1824 by Joseph Fourier, a French mathematician.

B. The Earth’s surface gets the absolute majority of its heat from the Sun, and the greenhouse effect plays a
role in it. In total, about 173.000 terawatts of solar power hit the Earth every second. That is the equivalent of
41 megatons of TNT, or over 2000 nuclear bombs, exploding per second. As sunlight heats the Earth, our
planet’s surface only absorbs some of it, and reflects some back into space. This is when the greenhouse effect
happens, with certain gases like CO2, N2O and CH4 acting as a blanket to trap some of that reflected energy in
the atmosphere. As a result, more energy from the sun is kept by Earth, making our planet warmer and creating
the perfect temperature for life to exist. Without the greenhouse effect, it is estimated that the Earth’s average
temperature would only be -20°C.

C. For our planet to achieve its thermal balance, the amount of CO2 (the most abundant greenhouse gas) in
the atmosphere must remain stable. For millions of years, various natural activities, such as the breathing of
organisms, wildfire and volcanic eruptions have released CO2 into the atmosphere. At the same time, the soil,
ocean water, and the photosynthesis by plants, algae and sea planktons absorb CO2 from the air. As a result, the
amount of greenhouse gases has always been kept balanced, preventing our planet from becoming overheated.

D. However, human activities have interfered with this fragile thermal balance of the Earth. The large-scale
burning of fossil fuels has released a massive amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
This overwhelming amount of greenhouse gases is too much for natural processes to balance out, trapping more
heat inside the atmosphere. It is estimated that the Earth has become 1.1°C hotter than it was back in 1880, and
this increase would become 1.6°C by 2050. Such a rise in the Earth’s average temperature has caused Global
warming and unpredictable changes in the climate patterns around the world.

E. Perhaps the most recognizable change is that we now hear scientists call the current year “the hottest year
in recorded history”, and that “record” seems to be broken after every year. Looking at the problem more
specifically, you have probably heard of unusually hot summers in Europe, record-breaking rainfall in India and
extreme droughts in the Middle East. Moreover, tropical cyclones are formed in the ocean during hot months
and are fueled by evaporated water, which means that hotter climate creates stronger storms. And last but not
least, it is now common knowledge that the Arctic ice is melting at faster than before, with prediction that it
could completely melt by 2050.
F. The consequences of the Global Warming to the natural world are disastrous. As the weather becomes
hotter, many species of plants and animals who cannot adapt to it will die out quickly. As a result, the food
chain and the balance of the ecosystem will be disrupted, causing more species to become extinct. The melting
of artic ice, as well as increased wildfire also destroy the natural habitat of many other species. Last but not
least, the ocean absorbs a large amount of CO2, making its water slightly acidic. More CO2 released by human
means the ocean has to absorb more and become more acidic, which kills coral reefs and other species that
depend on corals.

G. Even for those who care little about wildlife, the greenhouse effect cannot be ignored due to its direct
impact on human. Changing climate patterns, such as floods, droughts and heavy snow reduce crop
productivity, which threatens the global food security. In addition, extreme weather events have killed around 2
million people and caused $4.3 trillion damage over the last 50 years. Moreover, hotter weather makes people
more vulnerable to respiratory problems, especially among the elderly, children and those with poorer health.
Warmer climate is also the perfect environment for disease-carrying insects (such as mosquitoes and ticks),
harmful bacteria and viruses to multiply. The bottom line is: Saving the environment is saving our own species.

I. Where can the following information be found?

1. Unusual climates in different parts of the world.

2. How sunlight helps remove CO2
3. Specific examples of some greenhouse gases
4. A higher average temperature
5. the primary greenhouse gas
6. Species that grow better as a result of climate change.
7. No home to live
8. Detrimental impacts on agriculture
9. The important property of some materials
10. A hotter future.

II. Heading matching

i. The dying wildlife

ii. Extreme weather all over the world.
iii. Humans are not safe, either.
iv. The cause of the imbalance
v. How the balance is maintained
vi. The origin of the name
vii. How life could thrive on Earth
viii. The 2 opposite processes
III. True, False, Not given
1. Without the greenhouse effect, our planet would be too hot for life.
2. Global warming makes people more vulnerable to sickness.
3. Joseph Fourier was the first person to come up with the name “greenhouse effect”
4. Recently, the summer in some European countries has been unusually hot.
5. Plants absorb less CO2 than they produce.
6. Most of the energy produced by the Sun is absorbed by Earth.
7. Most people are still unaware of the melting ice in the Arctic.
8. Greenhouses were originally built in cold countries to keep people warm.
IV. Summary
As the Earth becomes increasingly hotter, unpredictable climate changes are happening all over the
planet. This is a serious threat to the ecosystem, especially to the species that fail to 1. ______ to such rapid
changes. In addition, the loss of 2. ________ due to forest fires and arctic ice melting is another factor
contributing to mass extinction. Human beings are also victims of global warming. While some countries
suffer from excessive raining, others don’t have enough water for agriculture due to 3. _________. The
financial damage and life loss caused by extreme weather has been unprecedentedly high, and the health of
the general population is also threatened. Specifically, people are more 4.__________ to respiratory
diseases, and hotter weather is the perfect environment for organisms that cause or carry sickness.

III. Writing
1. The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What
are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?
2. In many countries, the number of animals and plants are declining. Why do you think is it happening?
How to solve this issue?
3. Environmental damage is a problem in most countries. What factors damage the environment and who
should take responsibility

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