Materi Ujian Akhir Bahasa Inggris Tahun 2024

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1. Congratulations hope and wishes

Pelajari teks berikut :

Fikri : Good afternoon, Mom.

Mrs. Seni : Good afternoon. How is the result of the Basket competition, dear?
Fikri : It’s satisfying mom, as you wish, I won.
Mrs. Seni : That’s great ! you deserve it as you practiced hard. Congratulation !
Fikri : Thank you mom. Anyway where are you going ?
Mrs. Seni : I’m going to visit aunty. She is sick.
Fikri : I hope aunty is recover from her illness soon. Pass my best regard to her.
Mrs. Seni : O.K. Bye.
Fikri : Bye, Mom.

2. Stating purpose ( Conjunction so that dan In order to )

Pelajari teks berikut:

Teacher : Well students, today we are discussing about the healthy life from the
teenage perspective. Please present your opinion about it.
Keyla : We must not eat too much instant food . .we will not be infected with serious
diseases, we should eat healthier home made food.
Aditya : . . stay healthy, we should keep our homes and school clean. We should
sweep and mop the floor to get rid of dirt.
Teacher : Well, what great ideas are! Good job students

3. Agree and Disagree

Pelajari teks berikut ;

Maya : I don’t think Ema shoud be in the debating club.

She is too shy to speak.
Reva : ......, We need people who are more adventurous, those who aren’t afraid
to be the centre of attention
Anto : I think both of you need to learn to be more tolerated. Ema will
become more confident. Just give her time.
Tangguh : ….I think that is a good idea

4. Label
Pelajari teks berikut :
5. Procedure text
Pelajari teks berikut :


 500 gr beef
 1 onion
 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
 ½ red chili pepper
 1 teaspoon coriander ( ground )
 ½ teaspoon turmeric
 30 ml tamarind water
 250 ml beef stock
 500 ml coconut milk
 2 teaspoon sugar
 Salt to taste
 Oil for frying

Preparation :
Place the beef in enough water to cover and boil until tender ( about 1 hour ). Remove from
stock and slice after cooling. Chop the onion and fry with the shrimp paste. Add chili, pepper,
coriander, turmeric, tamarind, sugar and salt. Saute for a further ½ minute. Then add the beef
and stock. Cover pan and simmer for further 5 minutes. Uncover pan. Can be serve on its own
or with rice
Ingredient :
 150 grams of glutinous rise flour
 2 teaspoons sago flour
 Salt
 25 cc betel lime liquid
 50 cc warm water

 50 grams peanuts with granulated sugar
( brown sugar )

Ginger Sauce
 1 liter water
 Tablespoons ginger, minced
 3 stalks lemon grass, cut into 3 pieces each and bruised
 2 pandan leaves, shredded an tied into knots
 200 grams granulated sugar

Preparation :
 Skin : mix glutinous rice flour, sago flour and salt. Add betel lime liquid and warm water a
little at a time, kneading until the dough can be shaped. Divide into 2-3 parts, each dyed a
different color
 Make a ball as big as quail’s eggs, flatten and place filling in the centre. Close up the dough
and reshape into the balls
 Cook ball in the boiling water until they float and are done. Drain
 Put ronde balls in a ginger sauce and serve
 Ginger sauce : boil water and ingredients in covered saucepan on low heat for 30 minutes
until the aroma is quite strong. Sieve

Using a Dictionary

Here are the steps to consult your dictionary:

1. Look at the first letter of the word. Dictionaries follow alphabetical order.
2. Open the dictionary.
3. Find the section of the first letter of the word.
4. Look at the second letter of the word.
5. Find the word starting with those two letters.
6. Look at the words at the top of pages in the dictionary. They tell you what types of words
are on the pages.
7. Notice the word falls between them.
8. Find the word and read the definition.
6. Tenses ( Present dan Past Continous tense, Present perfect tense )
Pelajari teks berikut :

Tracy: : Hello, can I speak to Alex.

Alex: : This is Alex, who is speaking?
Tracy: : Hi, this is Tracy.
Alex: : Hi Tracy. What are you doing?
Tracy: : Oh, I’m just watching TV. What are you doing?
Alex: : Well, I'm cooking dinner.
Tracy: : ... ?
Alex: : I'm baking some potatoes, boiling some carrots and grilling a steak.
Tracy: : It sounds delicious.
Alex: : What are you doing for dinner tonight?
Tracy: : Well, I don't have any plans...
Alex: : Would you like to come over for dinner?
Tracy: : Oh, I'd love to. Thanks.
Alex: : Great. Mary and Jack are also coming. They are arriving at seven.
Tracy : Oh really ? When did you Invite them ?
Alex : I called them when they were at the school library.
Tracy :...
Alex : Yes, they were and they said that they would come
Tracy : OK, I'll be there at seven, too.
Alex: : OK, see you then. Bye.
Tracy: : Bye.

Sarah : I went to the Lombok last year. I visited Mataram and Gili Trawangan. Have you ever
been there?
Alissa : Yes, . . . I visited many places there
Sarah : Did you like it?
Alissa : Yes but I didn't go to the same places you visited, I went to Selong Belanak Beach,
Mawun Beach and Kuta Beach.
Sarah : Oh I haven't been there. I'd like to see it. Have you been there with some friends?
Alissa : Yes, they are my foreigner friends from Australia. They took me everywhere.
Sarah : How did you meet them?
Alissa : I met them here at my English course. They spent a year in my town to teach English at
some English courses. I haven't seen them since they went to their country. We've
chatted a few times but we haven't organized anything

Pelajari teks berikut :

The Goddess of Mount Fuji

There was a boy named Yosoji whose mother was ill.

Yosoji went to a wiseman’s house and he told Yosoji to go
to a magical stream at the foot of Mt Fuji because the
water is the only cure to his mother sickness.

Yosoji thanked the wiseman and headed off to Mt. Fuji. After walking for a short while,
Yosoji found three paths and he wondered which one to take. While he was thinking hard, a
beautiful maiden appeared in front of him and led him to the stream. Yosoji drank some of the
gleaming water himself, then scooped some more and brought it to his mother.

Before he left, the maiden said to him, “come back in three days time. You will need
more of this water.” After five more visits to the stream, Yosoji found that not only his mother,
but also the other villagers that has been lucky enough to taste some of the water had been
cured. They thanked Yosoji but he knew that it was really due to the beautiful maiden’s help. He
wanted to thank her so he followed the path that led to the stream. When he got there, he
discovered that the stream had dried up and was no longer there.

Yosoji knelt down and wept bitterly, for he had loved this maiden dearly. Then he turned
around and there she stood, smiling sweetly. Yosoji asked her name, but she didn’t reply. He
asked her repeatedly, but the maiden kept on smiling. Then a cloud came down, enclosed her,
and took her to the very top of Mt. Fuji. Yosoji realized that the goddess of Mt. Fuji had helped
him and he had been in love with her. Then, as the cloud rose higher into the sky, the goddess
dropped down a branch of small pink blossom, perhaps a token of her love for Yosoji.

The Goddess of Mount Fuji

There was a boy named Yosoji whose mother was ill.

Yosoji went to a wiseman’s house and he told Yosoji to go
to a magical stream at the foot of Mt Fuji because the
water is the only cure to his mother sickness.

Yosoji thanked the wiseman and headed off to Mt. Fuji. After walking for a short while,
Yosoji found three paths and he wondered which one to take. While he was thinking hard, a
beautiful maiden appeared in front of him and led him to the stream. Yosoji drank some of the
gleaming water himself, then scooped some more and brought it to his mother.

Before he left, the maiden said to him, “come back in three days time. You will need
more of this water.” After five more visits to the stream, Yosoji found that not only his mother,
but also the other villagers that has been lucky enough to taste some of the water had been
cured. They thanked Yosoji but he knew that it was really due to the beautiful maiden’s help. He
wanted to thank her so he followed the path that led to the stream. When he got there, he
discovered that the stream had dried up and was no longer there.

Yosoji knelt down and wept bitterly, for he had loved this maiden dearly. Then he turned
around and there she stood, smiling sweetly. Yosoji asked her name, but she didn’t reply. He
asked her repeatedly, but the maiden kept on smiling. Then a cloud came down, enclosed her,
and took her to the very top of Mt. Fuji. Yosoji realized that the goddess of Mt. Fuji had helped
him and he had been in love with her. Then, as the cloud rose higher into the sky, the goddess
dropped down a branch of small pink blossom, perhaps a token of her love for Yosoji.

Pelajari teks berikut :

Calayan Rail, a new species of flightless bird, discovered on Calayan Island, northern
Philippines. The crow-sized bird, which has an orange-red bill and makes a sound like a
trumpet, was found by Filipino wildlife biologist Carmela Espanola during a rain-forest
expedition. Conservationists believe the birds number only about 400 and are vulnerable to
extinction because they cannot fly. Island locals, who call the birds piding, sometimes kill them
for food.
(Quoted from Time, August 2004)
Jasmine is a evergreen semi-vining shrub. This plants are usually up to 3 meters high
and 2 meters wide.
Jasmine is a climbing vine with oval, shiny leaves and tubular, waxy-white flowers. It
has small white star - shaped flowers. This flower releases its fragrance at night after the sun
has set and especially when the moon is waxing towards fullness. Therefore, it is also
associated with soothing night-time moods.
The leaves are oval rich green and have five to nine leaflets, each up to two and half inches
This plant flowers from April to September. Jasmine is propagated by cutting of nearly
ripe wood in summer. Cutting are planted in 3-inch pots within 4 weeks, then to 6-inches when
pot is becoming filled with roots. The soil should be kept moist but well drained for optimum
Jasmine is now grown worldwide. In India some varieties are used as religious offerings
symbolizing divine hope. Many Indian women wear garlands of jasmine flowers in their hair.
Jasmine incense is used to balance male and female harmonies.

Pelajari teks berikut :

Grandy Pet Shop

Jl. Diponegoro, Samarinda
Get your pet number 1 food here.
We also provide :
 Cat food
 Bird food
 Fish food
Need Anggora, Dalmatians, Labradors, Lau Hans and Pigeons?
Come to our shop to take them home!
Reasonable price, open daily 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.


Pelajari lirik lagu : Mother how are you today?


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