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School Governing Body Statement 10 May 2024

In response to this article published in the Daily Maverick on 15 March 2024, it is imperative to clarify that the allegations
presented in the article are either inaccurate or entirely false.

At the time that the parent made the allegations, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) conducted a thorough
investigation into the matter.

Following extensive engagements with the concerned parent and the WCED, it was determined that the allegations
lacked substantiation.

The WCED diligently engaged with the parent, organising meetings, and addressing concerns raised. However, despite
these efforts, the outcome of the investigation failed to satisfy the parent in question.

Regarding the incident mentioned concerning search and seizures, the reported account does not align with the actual
events in 2023. In response to graffiti incidents containing inappropriate language, students were asked to co-operate by
emptying their pockets and in some cases having their pockets felt for a pen.

Contrary to claims, teachers did not physically spread the arms and legs of students, and students were informed of the
process. However, this incident has prompted a review of the school's search and seizure policy to ensure clearer
guidelines for future incidents.

Furthermore, the allegation of sexual bullying involving learners in a bathroom in 2021, was dismissed as unfounded
following a thorough investigation by the WCED.

Kronendal Primary School maintains stringent processes to address issues promptly and transparently; ensuring the well-
being of our learners and staff remains paramount.

Following WCED guidelines, we work with the department to address and resolve any issues raised.

As a proudly inclusive school, Kronendal Primary School remains committed to being a beacon of diversity for schooling
in South Africa.

We also uphold an open-door policy and encourage individuals with concerns or allegations to come forward and report
them in writing.

Our dedication to addressing these matters transparently underscores our commitment to fostering a safe and nurturing
environment for all members of our community.

We thank all members of our school community who have shown concern and offered their support at this time.

Kronendal Primary School, School Governing Body.

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