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Summary and Conclusion

Sushruta THE FATHER OF SURGERY had opened the field of

discovery of various surgical armamentarium and various surgical procedures
as per requirement of a surgeon.
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Though he has described 6 types of blunt instruments like swastika
yantra, sandamsha yantra, taala yantra, nadi yantra, shalaka yantra, upayantra.
The nadi yantra which are described 20 in number has following important
1. Rogadarshanartham
2. Achushanartham
3. Kriyasaukaryartham
4. Srotogatshalyodharanartham
Keeping this view in the mind efforts have been made to do the critical
studies to underatand these nadi yantras in detail and further critical study was
also done to understand the gulm and udar roga in detail and to find out where
we can diagnose these roga with modern development of these nadi yantra such
as laparoscope, cystoscope, gastroscope and colonoscope. Further, modern
endoscopes were also used clinically either to diagnose or to treat various
surgical pathologies.
Summary and Conclusion

1st chapter(Intoduction) of this work is dealt with the utility and

objective of the study of nadi yantra and modern endoscopes.
2nd chapter(Review of Literature) is dealt with the history of evolution of
ancient nadi yantra and their gradual development till present date.
3rd chapter (Ayurvedic Review)of this work is dealt with the review of
ayurveda literature where effort has been made to do critical study of various
nadi yantras and it has been observed that what ever the present endoscopes are
used, their stimulus lies in this review.
4th chapter(Modern Review) is dealt with the description of various
endoscopes especially laparoscopy, cystoscopy, gastroscopy and
5th chapter(Observation and Result) is dealt with the clinical study of
207 patients which were selected from the OPD and IPD of Shalya Tantra and
General Surgery department of IMS BHU and Marwari hospital. Complaints of
these patients were filled up in a standard proforma prepared in the department
and diagnoses of these patients were done in both the way i.e. from Ayurveda
and Modern side. It has been observed that udar roga and gulm roga have some
common features especially vataj, pittaj, kaphaja and sannipataj variety.
These patients are further divided into 4 groups as per requirement of
their diagnosis and treatment.
In group A that is laparoscopy group there were 140 patients. Maximum
symptoms of these 2 rogas were shool (pain) in 95.7 %, vatavarodh in 10.7%,
malavarodh in 17.1%, amlodgar in 67.95%, annavidah in 40.7%, chardi in
54.3%, pleehodar and baddhagudodar in 0.7%, parisraviudar in 1.4% and the
gradual symptomatology as we are observed is as follows…. Antra kunjana,
shoola chayapachay, ratri jwar, udavarta, arunwarnatwa, sweda, ,
mukhakatuta, shwayathu, haridravarnata, aruchi, alasya, gaurav, hrillas, ,
praseka, kas, pratishyay, mukhamadhurya, shwetavarnatwa, pleehodar,
baddhagudodar, parisraviudar, prakriti.

Summary and Conclusion

In group B that is cystoscopy group there were 46 patients. Maximum

symptoms were mutraghat in 35%, dah in 95.7%, urgency in 40%, bahumutrata
70%, hesitancy 35%, dysuria 80%.
In group C that is gastroscopy group there were 26 patients.Maximum
symptoms were antrakujan in 10 patients, malavarodh in 01, shool in 12,
amlodgar in 14, annavidah in 08.
In group D that is colonoscopy froup there were 21 patients. Maximum
symptoms were antrakujan in 04, malavarodh in 01, shool in 03, bhagandar in
09 , bleeding PR in 10 patients.
6th chapter(Discussion) i.e. discussion, dealt with the comparative study
of nadi yantra and modern endoscopes and their utility.

Summary and Conclusion

It can be concluded from our study:
1. There is very scientific description of nadi yantra in our ancient
2. Modern endoscopes are the modern advancement of Sushruta’s nadi
3. Diagnosis of various udargat roga intraabdominal and intraluminal or
extraperitoneal pathology can be diagnosed by these modern
4. These modern endoscopes i.e. nadi yantra can safely be used to treat
many intraabdominal, intraluminal and extra peritoneal pathologies.
5. This study has explored many areas of research of diagnosis and
treatment of various diseases described in ayurveda.
6. Due to use of these advancement of Nadi-yantra – scopes the diagnosis
as well as management of many surgical diseases becomes easier.
7. Due to Laproscopic major surgery e.g. cholicystectomy/ appendectomy
etc. are now safe and less expensive.
Due to use of these Nadi-yantra hospital stay is minimized thus cost of
surgery is also reduced.


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